GA GA - Shirley, 87, & Russell Dermond, 88, Putnam County, 2 May 2014 - # 7

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Yes and that lake is bigger than Sinclair, it's not that far across river on our side, to the other homes, I'm on the main channel, saw a boat last night, 11 pm 'ish", appeared to be fishing, shining a light all up and down the shoreline, if you read my other post you'll understand this one better, but I could NOT see WHO was in the boat, what they were wearing, what was in the bottom, what color of boat, what exactly they were doing, if they were reaching out for any lines, couldn't see any fishing rods or poles, only the front and rear light and the shiner


Imagine on the bigger lake, where SD was found, farther from ANYthing

This is just my opinion based on doing a little research on Jon Boats and having fished out of one. I don't believe Ms D. was killed in the boat. Those boats would not handle a struggle especially when you are fighting for your life. Plus she would not voluntarily get in the boat. in my opinion. I wonder what lake conditions were like those nights or days.

The perp could have moved her dead body to the boat and positioned her where it would be easy to put her over the side. It would still be very crowded in my mind. It would have to be dark. The perp would definitely have to know that little inlet and the way out of it. I think they were both killed at the same place. Mr. D probably first, and then they had to kill her. I don't understand why they took her with them. If it was to make it appear she was involved, then I don't believe the perp/perps knew them at all. They would know people would never think that. This is such a sad case and totally baffling to me. Makes no sense. jmo
WOW, OKAY that is WEIRD, no lights is just plain dangerous and that would be a red flag to this case. Shining is suspicious near property or in the middle of the lake esp since this case

LAST NIGHT, I saw the same thing, I think people shine lights when fishing but my friend with me agreed, it looked like they were shining properties but water too, I couldnt' be sure

ANyway, they made their way down by the island along the shore where houses are, across river from me, I turned OFF my dock lights as they looked like they might come our way and so they wouldn't come fishing at my dock while we sat there at 11 pm (see below) and they continued on, other side of river from me, all the while shining lights, they turned around as if they were leaving and went back the way they came, SUDDENLY, I thought they'd missed the river turn, and the boat litterally flipped around and it came back to a point not far from there, where they had previously been, continued shining along the shore, I dont' night fish but that was VERY unusual behavior, debating whether to call it in but I have no description of boat or people !! It was dark and I couldnt' see and not sure WHAT this would have to do with the D's case, but save a future family maybe, it was almost as if they were looking for something.

anyway, had 2 people come up in a fishing boat the night before not 2 feet from my face and dock, and we were sitting on the dock at 1 am, some people dont' think I guess, they were in my space, haha, daylight I wouldn't have been bothered, middle of the night, too weird

I keep outside lights on but not dock lights at night too

i sure hope you're sitting out there with a concealed weapon!
I am not sure what you mean on 'how' she was put into the water. It was proven by Laci's hair being wrapped around his pliers that were found laying in the bottom of the boat that she had been in the boat and that he threw her overboard from his Jon boat. That is why he drove 85 miles from where they lived with the boat in tow. He was seen out on the bay pretending to be fishing that day but instead he was throwing his wife's body overboard That is why it took her four months to make it back to shore after a storm had churned up the bottom of the bay.

They showed the Jon boat which was actually a key piece of evidence to the jury who gave him the death penalty.

The thing that was never learned was.... if she was dead or alive at the time when he threw her overboard in the waters of the SF bay.


Lol. I really didn't mean anything, just didn't want to say thrown over board. Or dumped in the water. Just seemed a little insensitive. jm
I just wanted to show you an reenactment of a boat like Scott Petersons. In the video which is down the page just a bit you will see a man attempting to throw a body out of a tippy boat.

"Also, Detective Hendee testified in court that he wanted to attempt a reenactment of a weighted body being dumped out of the boat, but neither the police nor prosecution ever tried. The video below is the unsuccessful reenactment attempted by Scott's defense. The judge did not allow the jury to see it".

The reason I brought this over is due to the discussion we continue to have about weather a body can be thrown from a small boat.

It's also an interesting video.

Wow. Very interesting. And the body is not very well concealed is it? Thanks. jmo
And it was determined he did dump her body, if this boat was used, it was used IN THE OCEAN, MUCH different than sinclair, at any rate, I rarely see very small boats on sinclair, I think in Oconee, you wouldn't want to draw attention to yourself coming up to someones million dollar home with a rinky dink piece looking like trouble, IDK, but nothing normal about this whole case so who knows!

Not to Hunny but in general, I dont' understand the debate about the boat size, clearly if they couldnt' use a very very very tiny boat that wouldn't haul a body plus their own, (1 or 2 perps), they wouldn't have

but I think either option is plausible, by land or water

I road jetskis for years, just one person lean one way, one person lean the other way, switch seats? hang ON! lean lean lean to balance the jetski OR BOAT

jetsis are v hull in front, flat on back bottom but they will tip, more like a weables wobbles thing but right themselves unlike a boat but the same concept of balance and many are full flat bottomed 5 ft wide, one person on one side one on the other, plop anything going overboard, over the side and push

most people use decent sized boats in these lakes, we know the perps could have gone by land too, we saw the truck in the picture a poster posted for us, enlarged

and if scott used this boat in the ocean, it can be done in sinclair or oconee IMO

I just wanted to show you an reenactment of a boat like Scott Petersons. In the video which is down the page just a bit you will see a man attempting to throw a body out of a tippy boat.

"Also, Detective Hendee testified in court that he wanted to attempt a reenactment of a weighted body being dumped out of the boat, but neither the police nor prosecution ever tried. The video below is the unsuccessful reenactment attempted by Scott's defense. The judge did not allow the jury to see it".

The reason I brought this over is due to the discussion we continue to have about weather a body can be thrown from a small boat.

It's also an interesting video.
Yes and that lake is bigger than Sinclair, it's not that far across river on our side, to the other homes, I'm on the main channel, saw a boat last night, 11 pm 'ish", appeared to be fishing, shining a light all up and down the shoreline, if you read my other post you'll understand this one better, but I could NOT see WHO was in the boat, what they were wearing, what was in the bottom, what color of boat, what exactly they were doing, if they were reaching out for any lines, couldn't see any fishing rods or poles, only the front and rear light and the shiner


Imagine on the bigger lake, where SD was found, farther from ANYthing

Has this kind of activity happened before or is it something new? ty
Has this kind of activity happened before or is it something new? ty

You know, people do fish the docks, that's nothing new, in my paranoia, maybe I've noticed more

but I'm NOT comfortable with someone coming up to my dock in their boat fishing and staring at me as I try to have a conversation with my friend at 1 am! LOL, I mean close enough to shake hands, never had that happen


Now the shining is something I haven't noticed before, yes people have flashlights on ocassion, but Like I said, I dont' night fish, however, this spot light never went off until they were full speed in motion, and they wre up and down the shore line TWICE, they hurried back to where they were as if they'd forgotten something but never left the boat that I could see, as it did keep moving
Wondering if gun sales have dramatically increased in Putnam County and adjacent areas due to the Dermond murders?
You know, people do fish the docks, that's nothing knew, in my paranoia, maybe I've noticed more

but I'm NOT comfortable with someone coming up to my dock in their boat staring at me as I try to have a conversation with my friend at 1 am! LOL, I mean close enough to shake hands


Now the shining is something I haven't noticed before, yes people have flashlights on ocassion, but Like I said, I dont' night fish, however, this light never went off until they were full speed in motion, and they wre up and down the shore line TWICE, they hurried back to where they were as if they'd forgotten something but never left the boat that I could see, as it did keep moving

could someone like LE from a distance been patrolling for some reason? Maybe having gotten calls about someone fishing real close to peoples dock or just "poking around" too close?

Would there be some sort of lake or DNR patrol that would be interested in trying to see sketchy activity?

Sorry for the seeming OT

I am not familiar with full time lake life. My great grandmother lived on a private lake. It was mostly weekend seasonal folks. She lived there full time. It was a small cabin. She was not someone with money or who would have anything anyone would want.

But I also know how things can be on a private lake on a secluded inlet.
Mafia/cartel/serial killer/thrill killer/

any more?

Respectfully, I'm not sure how likely some of your suggestions are. Forensic accountants should be able to rule in or out some of them. But as for 'any more' -- as rare as it is, there are sometimes murders based in incorrect information or incorrect execution from the perps -- that is, they may hear that an address has a stash of cash, drugs, or guns, but they may hit the wrong house, or have bad information to begin with. These crimes happen, and they're not mafia, cartel, sk, thrill-killers, or, for that matter, cults.
You know, people do fish the docks, that's nothing new, in my paranoia, maybe I've noticed more

but I'm NOT comfortable with someone coming up to my dock in their boat fishing and staring at me as I try to have a conversation with my friend at 1 am! LOL, I mean close enough to shake hands, never had that happen


Now the shining is something I haven't noticed before, yes people have flashlights on ocassion, but Like I said, I dont' night fish, however, this spot light never went off until they were full speed in motion, and they wre up and down the shore line TWICE, they hurried back to where they were as if they'd forgotten something but never left the boat that I could see, as it did keep moving

I think something like this is exactly what happened with the Dermond's. Someone was invading their privacy and up in the inlet too far. Maybe partying and making loud noises. RD said something to them and the fight ensued. jmo
You know, people do fish the docks, that's nothing new, in my paranoia, maybe I've noticed more

but I'm NOT comfortable with someone coming up to my dock in their boat fishing and staring at me as I try to have a conversation with my friend at 1 am! LOL, I mean close enough to shake hands, never had that happen


Now the shining is something I haven't noticed before, yes people have flashlights on ocassion, but Like I said, I dont' night fish, however, this spot light never went off until they were full speed in motion, and they wre up and down the shore line TWICE, they hurried back to where they were as if they'd forgotten something but never left the boat that I could see, as it did keep moving

When I was in high school and college in the late 80s and early 90s we used to fish Sinclair at night all the time....used a spot light to navigate and fished docks many many nights. Kind of a tradition. Nothing odd about it.

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WOW, OKAY that is WEIRD, no lights is just plain dangerous and that would be a red flag to this case. Shining is suspicious near property or in the middle of the lake esp since this case

LAST NIGHT, I saw the same thing, I think people shine lights when fishing but my friend with me agreed, it looked like they were shining properties but water too, I couldnt' be sure

ANyway, they made their way down by the island along the shore where houses are, across river from me, I turned OFF my dock lights as they looked like they might come our way and so they wouldn't come fishing at my dock while we sat there at 11 pm (see below) and they continued on, other side of river from me, all the while shining lights, they turned around as if they were leaving and went back the way they came, SUDDENLY, I thought they'd missed the river turn, and the boat litterally flipped around and it came back to a point not far from there, where they had previously been, continued shining along the shore, I dont' night fish but that was VERY unusual behavior, debating whether to call it in but I have no description of boat or people !! It was dark and I couldnt' see and not sure WHAT this would have to do with the D's case, but save a future family maybe, it was almost as if they were looking for something.

anyway, had 2 people come up in a fishing boat the night before not 2 feet from my face and dock, and we were sitting on the dock at 1 am, some people dont' think I guess, they were in my space, haha, daylight I wouldn't have been bothered, middle of the night, too weird

I keep outside lights on but not dock lights at night too

We're on the main channel so we have boats that troll right by the dock too. You could literally shake hands with the person in the boat. At night, a boat that close to my dock would make me very uncomfortable; especially now.
I know people who get really angry about that. One person we know, on Sinclair, says if the line hits his dock, he cuts it.

If you are on FB, read the descriptions about this loud boat on the LS page. One person said the boat kept making turns and then took off toward Milledgeville; no lights at all. The comments about the boat were in response to a lady who said they had been out on the lake and came home to find people docked and hanging out on their lawn. Sheesh! The original comment was on June 9 at 6:44pm. Responses at 9:46pm & June 10 at 8:01am.
When I was in high school and college in the late 80s and early 90s we used to fish Sinclair at night all the time....used a spot light to navigate and fished docks many many nights. Kind of a tradition. Nothing odd about it.

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Shining lights on the properties?
Just saw yours from earlier mck16. I am thinking along the same track as you.

What would cause alarm on the lake by the Dermonds? Would spotlights near or flashlights in an unexpected area cause concern? how much concern? A little, go check it out a little closer see if you can hear? Or go find a phone right now call someone?
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