GA GA - Shirley, 87, & Russell Dermond, 88, Putnam County, 2 May 2014 - # 7

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The follow the money scenario makes sense right up until you consider SD. If the killer(s) didn't want her found, do they realize it takes years to declare a missing individual deceased and settle their estate? The money flow would be much quicker to have left her in the garage with her husband.
Ok, I have to leave shortly but

Want to say I DO NOT KNOW WHO did this, what kind of person, other than a crazed animal, no I love animals, so just a crazed psycho, clearly

I do think it's possible the NC was involved, I do not know how, we have not all the evidence, sills has not all the evidence

(maybe more than us but not all or he'd be on something serious and he'd say he was onto something, he did already, he told even of the "plausible big if" mentioned to the media )

SO, wanted to say that I noticed the NC was also in NJ and other states nearby

Who is to say that somehow the D"s, in all there many business dealings, did NOT come across someone in the cult, a business deal went bad, maybe NC weren't taken seriously, WHATEVER, I mean owning that many fanchises, in who knows where they were all located, how is it NOT possible

AND the fact that the NC came to Eatonton (WHY EATONTON btw) and also to get back at Sills AND the D's for possible past prejudices (I dont' mean race here people)

WOW, I know like geneaolgy we can make anything fit if we want to and I know some think I am reaching

BUT this is just as plausible to me as someone without a reason to decap an 88 yr old man and bludgeon his wife

The beheading, that's just not everyday, there was no "DISMEMBERMENT" in the usual sense , just the head
Still reading everyone's posts. All plausible theories. I still go with the semi professional hit. Too clean, too efficient, no evidence left behind. I think there were 2 people and a car. They did make some mistakes, however: dumping Shirley's body in the lake (from the side of the road off the main road where they would be undetected) along with Mr. D's head. That was not a good or well informed place to put them. It smacks of perps not terribly familiar with the surroundings. But via car and map, perhaps it made sense. This was just another job for these perps and they're pretty good at what they do. And well compensated. JMO
Still reading everyone's posts. All plausible theories. I still go with the semi professional hit. Too clean, too efficient, no evidence left behind. I think there were 2 people and a car.

rsbm --

Sheriff Sills has said that he's certain that the perps came by boat:

"Finding Shirley Dermond's body in the lake has convinced him that the couple's killers arrived at their home over the water: "Somebody came by boat for a fact.""


(Another reason why I don't think it was Nuwaubians impersonating LE.)
Been lurking and staying current with reading posts,

but without any new information I am still pretty much sticking to ransom/extortion gone wrong theory. Original plan well thought out, executed as planed until killer made a mistake by underestimating the D’s or had incorrect information and had to adlib. Hence the “some things about the crime looks organized, but some things don’t”.

My other possible theory --- follow the money---- who would gain something by the death of Mr. D and Mrs. D missing (if she had not been found) I have to wonder if maybe it was more like who would gain something by what would not happen if Mr. D was found dead and Mrs. D was missing.

Did either one of them sit on or have powers on some board?
Would they have been in a position to make a determination on how a large sum of money was spent?
Whether property could be bought, sold or developed?
Make a move from a private entity to a public stock company?
Change to a different vender or relocate an operation of some type.
Stop paperwork to turn a current revocable trust into an irrevocable trust? Not be able to renegotiate a loan?

I’m sure there are more things of this nature that could be added to this list.

Even though it has been said that they were retired and no longer in business, we don’t know if Mr. or Mrs. D still had any controlling interest in a business; say as a silent partner, who would be able to influence a major decision that would effect a third party.


I would absolutely think that they did. Maybe not controlling interest, but this man built an empire and he would never let it totally go. Everything to my understanding was in a LLC. I am sure he was still a partner in that. I am a partner in an LLC and I would never consider selling my shares or just tossing them away to someone else. Family or not. jmo
Brainstorming about what could leave such a unique mark that the killer would remove the head to hide evidence, and also that he might be a hunter: What about a crossbow? (I don't buy that myself, but it would fit.)

Also what the intruder thought the Dermonds might have that they either didn't, or couldn't get: Jewelry? (Because either there was none, or it was in a safety deposit box at the bank, which was closed?)

Finally, the perpetrator may have thought the Dermonds kept a lot of cash at home, because they did some kind of work for the Dermonds, and were always paid in cash. And that might delay the Sheriff from discovering them ('They put almost everything on 2 credit cards'), just like he didn't know, at first, that they had cleaning help.
Thank you all for the welcomes! Okay, here's my theory. I believe it was a teenager(s) or young adult(s), but probably a single individual. If there were no defensive wounds, strength would not be a huge obstacle, even moving SD's body. Someone who is still living at home or visiting their parents home (in GW) on the weekend. Someone who feels persecuted or bullied for not fitting in, like the Columbine killers or any of the other young people who've gone off the deep end. In this case the killer is convinced that he is smarter than anyone else and is not appreciated for the depth of his intelligence. Being so close to Macon, I think they were very familiar with the Lauren Giddings case and became fascinated by the prospect of committing a "perfect murder" to prove in his own mind that he is smarter than anyone else. It would be someone casually acquainted with the Dermonds, and would not have really aroused their suspicions regardless of whatever pretense he used to gain entry, and also maybe felt dissed by Mr. Dermond over some inconsequential thing. Someone who would have been out on the lake numerous times in their family's boat. I also agree with ticya that the Dermonds may well have left their door unlocked and the alarm off when they were home. I live in Macon-Bibb (hardly the safest of Ga locales) and not in a gated community. We've been burglarized three times, but still when I'm home (unless I'm more than several hundred yards from the house) I still leave my door unlocked and we don't even turn the alarm on at night, only when we're away from home.

Of course I agree with everyone's sentiments that whoever did this is captured soon and the Dermond family can get some closure. Such a horrific crime and to still be wondering who and why.
Did we finally decide if the house next door was vacant? Maybe the killer had illegal things shipped there (either drugs, or things bought with a stolen credit card), and thought a package went to the Dermonds by mistake.
Here's a similar case:
Scott Dyleski - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Questions: Did the neighbors/friends that found Mr. D. go in (front door) and find him and then call the police. Or did they call the police for a well check on the Dermonds and the police went in and found him? I think I have heard both versions.

If the neighbors found him then they didn't hesitate to go into the house finding the door unlocked. Maybe this was their habit of not locking the door and people would come in, yell at them to let the D's know they were there. Someone was comfortable just walking into the house. jmo
I have said it before and I will say it again. I wish we could see the front of the house. Where is the front door in relation to the garage? If the door in down on the garage then entry would have to be from inside the house unless there is a door on the side of the house that leads to the garage. Why are there no pictures of the front if this is where the crime scene was? There is so much we do not know because it has not been released. Also do the NC dress like normal people or do they go about in some kind of garb? jmo
Did we finally decide if the house next door was vacant? Maybe the killer had illegal things shipped there (either drugs, or things bought with a stolen credit card), and thought a package went to the Dermonds by mistake.
Here's a similar case:
Scott Dyleski - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to reports the house next door was not vacant. It might be now. If I lived there it surely would be. jmo
Did we finally decide if the house next door was vacant? Maybe the killer had illegal things shipped there (either drugs, or things bought with a stolen credit card), and thought a package went to the Dermonds by mistake.
Here's a similar case:
Scott Dyleski - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

143 Carolyn Drive for sale at 2.3M listing with photos on Coldwell Banker Lake Oconee... My second theory was the perp got the WRONG house. Docks look similar...
Questions: Did the neighbors/friends that found Mr. D. go in (front door) and find him and then call the police. Or did they call the police for a well check on the Dermonds and the police went in and found him? I think I have heard both versions.

If the neighbors found him then they didn't hesitate to go into the house finding the door unlocked. Maybe this was their habit of not locking the door and people would come in, yell at them to let the D's know they were there. Someone was comfortable just walking into the house. jmo

Maybe was very concerned, if I knew them well enough or knew he was missing appts for 3 days I would have checked the door and stuck my head in and if I didnt' hear anything or get a response,hmmmm, would I have gone in? IDK

Maybe there was a stench and that alerted him to enter? Ithink if that had been the case and it was me, probably would have called the police to check first

I thought he did go in for some reason, but could be wrong
Did we finally decide if the house next door was vacant? Maybe the killer had illegal things shipped there (either drugs, or things bought with a stolen credit card), and thought a package went to the Dermonds by mistake.
Here's a similar case:
Scott Dyleski - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

sold in jan 2014 to an LLC, 149 carolyn

I think a sleuther said all were occupied, but I know one was on the market a while back, off and back on, not sure
143 Carolyn Drive for sale at 2.3M listing with photos on Coldwell Banker Lake Oconee... My second theory was the perp got the WRONG house. Docks look similar...

Where are you seeing pics of the dock? tia
OK...I blew margins and am reposting the kind resizing that TLCYA did of my post as a thumbnail, showing the property numbers and the overhead view of vacant properties near them that is taken from the tax assessors site.

Questions: Did the neighbors/friends that found Mr. D. go in (front door) and find him and then call the police. Or did they call the police for a well check on the Dermonds and the police went in and found him? I think I have heard both versions.

If the neighbors found him then they didn't hesitate to go into the house finding the door unlocked. Maybe this was their habit of not locking the door and people would come in, yell at them to let the D's know they were there. Someone was comfortable just walking into the house. jmo

The friend entered the home through the front door which was not locked. He/she then entered the garage from the interior entry and found the body. This is documented in the first several posts in the media links thread.
The friend entered the home through the front door which was not locked. He/she then entered the garage from the interior entry and found the body. This is documented in the first several posts in the media links thread.

That is what I thought too, but then I have seen it discussed differently. I will go back and read media reports. ty
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