GA GA - Shirley, 87, & Russell Dermond, 88, Putnam County, 2 May 2014 - # 7

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Can we include fanatical religions and political organizations in the definition of cults?

If so, there are not enough digits on my TI-30 calculator to compute a result for you. Even with scientific notation!

I would include Jim Jones in your description of fanatics. I can think of others, but I can't think of any where they went into a home and murdered the occupants as a 'cult' member.

Just give me a couple. I don't want you to break your calculator. lol ty
Good list for
-----who would gain something by what would not happen if Mr. D was found dead and Mrs. D was missing ---- in the follow the money theory.

Is there anyone (this does not have to mean a family member) who would benefit from the D's not being able to make and/or change something in their financial portfolio?

also add
15) selling of property that would allow changes in deed restrictions or land use

And #13 would fill the bill, so to speak, with the "self-preservation" aspect of a perp that many have posted on WS could potentially be a reason for this horrific crime.

in regard to the question Who would profit and how by the public knowing Mr. D was dead but Mrs. D being missing. Had her body not been found who could profit from such a circumstance.

A list was begun by several posters.

#15, the BBM above, was one of those ideas listed.
I'm not referring to the home in GW, but if he/she have other land. A good example: The business were my spouse worked, was a corporation, with 3 primary stock holders holding the standard CEO/President, V-President/COO and Treasurer/CFO positions. All stock privately held. Across the road was about 20 acres of prime commercial land that fronted onto a very busy state highway that was purchased with a deed restriction tied to the current owner. It was owned personally by the CEO, but was purchased with funds via a executive loan made to the CEO by the corporation.
When the CEO unexpectedly passed away, based on verbiage in the loan agreement, the debt was forgiven and went into the estate of the deceased, which passed through to a designated heir (which happen to be a son [and CFO of same corporation] free and clear of debt and void of the attached deed restriction of not building on said land.
If you insert the same scenario to the case of the D's, if the estate could not be settled until Mrs. D was declared legally dead (presuming that the body was not to suppose to have been found and would be considered missing) the property could not pass to the heir, the debt would stay attached, and without the property changing hands the restriction on land use would stay intact.

Another way to look at this scenario is not as land but as a business, perhaps a corporation.
Depending on the governing agreement (between partners), it is possible that if RD died, his partners could buy his share of the business, or completely dissolve the LLC.

Maybe it didn't matter if Shirley was found or not, because she wasn't involved in any of the business dealings. It only mattered that Russell was dead and the partnership agreement would set off a chain of beneficial financial events for the killer...
Which property are you talking about?

I don't recall seeing that, although I personally read the deed papers on their AZ home....

It was about 4000 posts back. Someone provided a link to a deed between Dermonds and another couple that revealed a joint tenancy interest on the property.
I would include Jim Jones in your description of fanatics. I can think of others, but I can't think of any where they went into a home and murdered the occupants as a 'cult' member.

Just give me a couple. I don't want you to break your calculator. lol ty

We could start with the Spanish Inquisition..
Or the Crusades. But in those cases, did those doing the killing feel the need to hide bodies? How would the hiding a body help the cult's assumed purpose of 'sending a message' to the sheriff? It would seem quite risky with no reward.
No open houses in any of the gated communities.

Your points are valid, but I think you might be unintentionally pointing out a target,

I'm not saying that the owner of the listed house, your friend, was the target. I think if the perp got the wrong house (my second theory) it could have been any house on Carolyn Drive or Carolyn Ct. Or close by streets with secluded front entrances or mature landscaping.Perp could be directionally challenged. Turned left and should have turned right. Could be the perp is dyslexic with number issues, or the perp is colorblind and picked the wrong house as he could not see the real color...just my thoughts.

And there is an aggregate website with public real estate data that has owners, addresses, number of rooms, dates of transactions, assessed values, sales prices, taxes, and it'll even point you to neighboring streets. I won't name it but it's out there and easy to access. I'm sure many on this site use it. I'm sure evil people with bad intentions access it, as well as telemarketers, sales people and many others.

If you are not monitoring what's out there about you and your family and your property, you should.

My first theory has always been the Ds were the targets. Beheading= very personal. JMO.
From what little I have read about this group, some red flags jump out to me about how a local zoning infraction escalates to a charges of child abuse/pedophilia and then to a federal land seizure. It appears Sills jumped to the "nuclear option". Especially telling that the GBI backed off supporting him at the time. Getting FBI and DHS involved in this zoning dispute post 9/11 also raises some questions of abuse of authority.

No doubt, York himself was a criminal. I can suggest Catholic priests, Baptist Ministers, Imans and Rabbi's with similar criminal traits.

That being said, this group, as with any "religion" is comprised of "Leaders appointed by God" at the top, and the "Flock" or Sheep, who follow, tithe and contribute to the organization. You can substitute this structure among any of the organized religions good and bad. Some of the "Flock" may have contributed entire life savings to the organization, only to see their leader imprisoned and their "temple" destroyed, the land sold from under them.

Depending on personalities involved, there will be "True Believers" who will continue to defend the religion and their "Man of God" who has been "crucified". (Familiar theme?)

I don't think it is a far reach that a follower or followers of this group may have targeted someone in the local community to "sacrifice". In fact, their may be some nexus between the sons murderer and imprisoned followers of this religion. IMO Sills is the target, and the Dermonds used as an example of more to come.

Now I have another theory, but best left unsaid.

And least we forget it was the Dermonds son that said it first. A cult killing.

And least we forget it was the Dermonds son that said it first. A cult killing.


To be fair, he didn't suggest Nuwaubians, and I think it's a safe guess that he meant a cult like the Manson Family as a way to make sense of the brutal violence, not a cult like Scientologists or Hare Krishna. At any rate, he's not LE, so who he considers a POI, even in general terms, isn't really of any consequence for our discussion here.
I would like to know when the Dermond's sold the restaurants and to whom. I'm sure an LLC or Corporation. Who are the principles of said using initials only. Is there an outstanding balance if it was financed partially by the Dermonds.

If it is an account recievable what happens to that debt with their deaths?

And least we forget it was the Dermonds son that said it first. A cult killing.


Yes, honeybun1807, imo, most reasonable thinking people would conclude that KD was referring too, and only too, the Nawaubian Cult. The Dermonds purchased the prime secluded GW lot, years before planning and building their beautiful retirement dream home on the shore of Lake Oconee in 1999. It would also be reasonable to conclude that RD/SD and KD had many discussions of the horrors that had been taking place at the NC compound over the years as the case progressed through the State and Federal courts...

A very dark cloud now lingers over their serene lakeside retirement home, transforming it into a nightmare.. An evil nightmare that will 'Linger Longer' than anyone could have ever imagined.. jmo

To be fair, he didn't suggest Nuwaubians, and I think it's a safe guess that he meant a cult like the Manson Family as a way to make sense of the brutal violence, not a cult like Scientologists or Hare Krishna. At any rate, he's not LE, so who he considers a POI, even in general terms, isn't really of any consequence for our discussion here.

Montjoy, are you suggesting that conman psychopathic confessed child predator Dwight 'Malachi' York's Nuwaubian cult is a nonviolent cult, synonymous to Scientologists or Hare Krishna?
You obviously have not viewed the video linked of the power point presentation by Sheriff Sills, the FBI & PC Investigators, and the AJC journalist Bill Osinski, author of the book Ungodly, imo. The following presentation exposes chameleon stealth child predator Dwight 'Malachi' York, and the Nuwaubian Cult for who they actually were/are...jmho

Nuwaubian Nightmare..
... he was in fact Dwight York, who served time in a New York prison after ... activist Horace Greene, who had opposed Mr. York's group, was gunned down outside ...<sniped read more>

Get this monster(s) off our streets!!!!

I have been wanting to ask, what makes you believe they were a very close loving family, other than it was stated that SD talked about her daughter often at bridge and that the daughter and grandchildren were there for Easter?

Just curious.

I think if they were a distant family who didn't get along well or weren't close someone by now wanting their 15 minutes of fame would have already come forward saying they weren't close at all. In 8 weeks not one negative thing has been said about the Dermond parents nor the Dermond children.

I do take into consideration what you have listed. I don't think she just talked about her daughter though. I think she talked about all of her children/grands with much pride just like any other glowing mom/grandmother would do.

They also built their home so they would be in equal distance from their daughter who lives in NC and their sons who lives in Florida. That shows me at least that they were very close knit. Their lives seem to be centered around their children.

I even think they built their home much larger than they needed since there were only two of them. I think they wanted a lot of room so the kids and grands could enjoy their stays with them.

And both of them seem to trust their own two sons explicitly since they appointed both of them to be co-executors over their estate.

I see nothing at all that shows me this family wasn't close. I see the exact opposite.

Jmo though
Still gotta pay the bills!


Other reasons;

Family gone for the weekend.
Opportunity knowing friends would be at the Derby party.
Lax security during a big weekend. More people less scrutiny by guards.
Money withdrawn on Friday might not be noticed til Monday.

Any others??? Just add them on!
To be fair, he didn't suggest Nuwaubians, and I think it's a safe guess that he meant a cult like the Manson Family as a way to make sense of the brutal violence, not a cult like Scientologists or Hare Krishna. At any rate, he's not LE, so who he considers a POI, even in general terms, isn't really of any consequence for our discussion here.

Well I disagree. He said it but he didn't elaborate and has not mentioned it again.

So it stands as a statement from a son of a cult killing. We are NOT guessing. A fact..he said cult!

Everybody and anybody can take it and run with it but that's all we got!
What is the current monetary amount for the reward?
Sheriff Sills believes a significant amount of reward money might break this case.
On June 2nd, 2014 Sheriff Sills wrote a letter to the Reynolds Plantation Community
and all of Putnam County in regards to a monetary reward.

It is interesting to note that the letter was directly written to Reynolds Plantation Community and Putnam County.

That was about 3 weeks ago. Surely, it must have accrued a lot more money since then??
What is the current monetary amount for the reward?
Sheriff Sills believes a significant amount of reward money might break this case.
On June 2nd, 2014 Sheriff Sills wrote a letter to the Reynolds Plantation Community
and all of Putnam County in regards to a monetary reward.

It is interesting to note that the letter was directly written to Reynolds Plantation Community and Putnam County.

That was about 3 weeks ago. Surely, it must have accrued a lot more money since then??

I don't think anything has been said about the reward money. It's been a while since Sheriff Sills spoke to the media and I think he is pretty much running the show.

Usually in a big case like this somebody will set up a FB page for updates but maybe due to the age of the Dermonds or something else...we hear nothing but what Sheriff Sills decides to say.

So we wait...
I don't think anything has been said about the reward money. It's been a while since Sheriff Sills spoke to the media and I think he is pretty much running the show.

Usually in a big case like this somebody will set up a FB page for updates but maybe due to the age of the Dermonds or something else...we hear nothing but what Sheriff Sills decides to say.

So we wait...

Well, in my opinion, if they think a significant reward amount might help break the case, then why not reveal what amount they have currently? Is it "not enough" to even mention?
If they were wanting to flush out the Hoodlum by having this reward, wouldn't Knowing the Increasing Amounts of the reward, be an impetus?
Well, in my opinion, if they think a significant reward amount might help break the case, then why not reveal what amount they have currently? Is it "not enough" to even mention?
If they were wanting to flush out the Hoodlum by having this reward, wouldn't Knowing the Increasing Amounts of the reward, be an impetus?

Yes it is strange nothing has been said. Has it been three weeks since SS last announcement of any kind?

I wonder if that's good...or bad?
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