GA GA - Shirley, 87, & Russell Dermond, 88, Putnam County, 2 May 2014 - # 7

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Infrequent poster here.. I hope this hasn't been discussed. I did jump past a page here and there... In regards to the Derby party they were to attend... Am I correct that that's a horse race? People bet on horse races right? Could some thing like that be related? I'm on my tablet posting, but going to look up the Derby online now. Moo

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Infrequent poster here.. I hope this hasn't been discussed. I did jump past a page here and there... In regards to the Derby party they were to attend... Am I correct that that's a horse race? People bet on horse races right? Could some thing like that be related? I'm on my tablet posting, but going to look up the Derby online now. Moo

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It's the Kentucky Derby. A party was held and the Dermonds were invited but did not show up after RSVPing they would attend. We don't know if it was held at the clubhouse or at a friends home. We don't know if there was betting but do know there are programs that can be set up for betting on the race.

I believe the party was held on Saturday the day of the race. The race is usually late afternoon, early evening.

That's about all I got! Correct me if I am wrong!
To be fair, he didn't suggest Nuwaubians, and I think it's a safe guess that he meant a cult like the Manson Family as a way to make sense of the brutal violence, not a cult like Scientologists or Hare Krishna. At any rate, he's not LE, so who he considers a POI, even in general terms, isn't really of any consequence for our discussion here.

Just for clarification - I am not a chemist....oh yeah, that was another case... :blowkiss: Dr. Vass.....

....I am not LE.

And I consider my comments to be considered/of consequence for our discussion here. During a *lull* in investigations, we all have discussions/considerations that are far fetched perhaps to some, and within the realm of plausibility and/or possibility for others. Only one scenario has been nixed by the mods iirc., and TOS will always prevent other discussions of other scenarios.

I like hearing others opinions.

And also sensitive there are perhaps folks that would disagree with the statement above that Scientology and Hare Krishna are cults, especially if they considered themselves a member of their religion.
I would like to know when the Dermond's sold the restaurants and to whom. I'm sure an LLC or Corporation. Who are the principles of said using initials only. Is there an outstanding balance if it was financed partially by the Dermonds.

If it is an account recievable what happens to that debt with their deaths?


Need to add that one to the list perhaps at #16. When I first glance read this, I poo poohed it and started to move on. :blush: Then I scrolled back. Hmmm. My thought process was at first, "naw, of course it would go to the estate and the $$ would go to the estate". Then upon thinking...well, it could go to the estate, and whoever was executor or ? would carry the voting rights of person who passed perhaps.

Then considered, well, there MIGHT be a clause where if one partner passes, there is business INSURANCE that buys out the percentage ownership of the other person AUTOMATICALLY.... So that the other owner gets it all... voting rights and the entire holdings of the deceased person.

Yeah, that's out there - but is plausible imho.

Thanks for putting forth something I had never even considered.
Posted: Thursday, June 19, 2014 12:45 am

The reward of nearly $45,000 continues to generate almost no interest, the sheriff said.

Well at 45 thousand, that is Pretty Low.
Why address only Reynolds Plantation Community and all of Putnam County?
Perhaps there are others that can contribute that don't live in the surrounding area?
I can't read the article at your link, so I don't know if my statement is addressed.
Well at 45 thousand, that is Pretty Low.
Why address only Reynolds Plantation Community and all of Putnam County?
Perhaps there are others that can contribute that don't live in the surrounding area?
I can't read the article at your link, so I don't know if my statement is addressed.

That was all that was mentioned about the reward other than a note in parentheses after that sentence referring the reader to the letter to the editor (which we've discussed here previously) urging donations.
That was all that was mentioned about the reward other than a note in parentheses after that sentence referring the reader to the letter to the editor (which we've discussed here previously) urging donations.

Wow....with this link below being updated 3 weeks ago,........

"A $30,000 reward, donated by Reynolds Plantation,"


"commitments of $1,000 from three local residents"


"$10,000 from Solicitor General Russell Thomas’ access to state funds. "

And your post mentions the reward is 45 thousand as of June 19th.
Well, the reward fund is as slow as molasses!!
Just checking in to see if there are new developments. :sigh: I sure do wish we had a POI at this point. Some days I feel an arrest is imminent, and other days I feel like Sills has no clue.
Wow....with this link below being updated 3 weeks ago,........

"A $30,000 reward, donated by Reynolds Plantation,"


"commitments of $1,000 from three local residents"


"$10,000 from Solicitor General Russell Thomas’ access to state funds. "

And your post mentions the reward is 45 thousand as of June 19th.
Well, the reward fund is as slow as molasses!!

If the reward money (or lack of it) being put up is an indicator ----
makes me wonder

How much of concern about safety in community there really is?
Is it the mind set of the people who live in the community that they should not have to pay into a reward fund to catch criminals?
That those living there really do not know the D's enough to feel that they need to contribute?
If the reward money (or lack of it) being put up is an indicator ----
makes me wonder

How much of concern about safety in community there really is?
Is it the mind set of the people who live in the community that they should not have to pay into a reward fund to catch criminals?
That those living there really do not know the D's enough to feel that they need to contribute?

Maybe they feel it is an isolated incident, that this criminal(s) won't be back to harm the community. Or maybe they question Why IS the reward so low? Why aren't the people closest, nearest and dearest to the Dermonds contributing as well?
Maybe people will contribute more if they knew that the people closest to the Dermonds had contributed.
Maybe they feel it is an isolated incident, that this criminal(s) won't be back to harm the community. Or maybe they question Why IS the reward so low? Why aren't the people closest, nearest and dearest to the Dermonds contributing as well?
Maybe people will contribute more if they knew that the people closest to the Dermonds had contributed.

My thoughts exactly. :moo:
I think it was an isolated incident, for self-preservation. I do not believe a crazed killer is on the loose. :cow:
Idk if the closet, nearest and dearest have donated......maybe they have. :dunno:
Maybe they feel it is an isolated incident, that this criminal(s) won't be back to harm the community. Or maybe they question Why IS the reward so low? Why aren't the people closest, nearest and dearest to the Dermonds contributing as well?
Maybe people will contribute more if they knew that the people closest to the Dermonds had contributed.

How do we know the closest and dearest didn't run a huge donation through RP? Maybe they have been advised by LE to give anonymously.

My young friends who live at LO are not worried. My retirement age friends who live down there are a little more cautious, but not scared of being the next victim. I have not asked any of them if they have donated.

PS. My deceased father ALWAYS gave donations anonymously. He never gave money to be acknowledged. I catch myself following in his footsteps.
I don't understand. What is the dollar amount that will make somebody talk? It is $50,000, is it $75,000, or will they not talk until it reaches $300,000?

Is somebody just waiting to see how high the reward goes?

I am beginning to think someone got by with a double murder.
How do we know the closest and dearest didn't run a huge donation through RP? Maybe they have been advised by LE to give anonymously.

My young friends who live at LO are not worried. My retirement age friends who live down there are a little more cautious, but not scared of being the next victim. I have not asked any of them if they have donated.

PS. My deceased father ALWAYS gave donations anonymously. He never gave money to be acknowledged. I catch myself following in his footsteps.

Perhaps they did donate through Reynold's Plantation and that was a total of 30 thousand.
If there is more of a reward fund than just an accumulation of 45 thousand dollars, then why aren't they saying it? How much more is it than 45 thousand which is LOW in my opinion.
I understand donating anonymously, but the total amount that has been in MSM is 45 thousand, not including the other reward money from the FBI, which is 20 thousand I believe.
I don't understand. What is the dollar amount that will make somebody talk? It is $50,000, is it $75,000, or will they not talk until it reaches $300,000?

Is somebody just waiting to see how high the reward goes?

I am beginning to think someone got by with a double murder.

So far, they have gotten away with a double murder.
Personally, I don't think the reward money will help catch the perp(s).
Sills says that it will take a significant amount of money to possibly break the case.
And you are right, what amount will that be??
This is the link for the Eatonton Messenger E Edition -06/12/2014 Page 6 - Letter to the Editor by the Atlanta Attorney who has a 2nd Home in RP/GW. I registered a few weeks back. Not sure if you can read the E Edition w/o registering, but I've had no issues.

I agree with the Atlanta attorney that the Dermond murders will have a long term affect on the real estate prices and sales until this crime is solved. More importantly the citizens of Putnam County will not feel safe. Without Public Safety for our Families, Friends, and Loved Ones, 'We have Nothing'...
There are two gated communities in the GA county where I live. These two communities' property taxes are responsible for virtually 2/3 of the county's tax base..

Plausible Lead in Dermond Investigation
As I've said before, never seen where a reward solved a case. Not sure why that is, but I can't recall one case that was solved even with million dollar rewards. My best guess would be because only those that know about the case could collect, and therefore can't without incriminating themselves.
Posted: Thursday, June 19, 2014 12:45 am

The reward of nearly $45,000 continues to generate almost no interest, the sheriff said.

The reward issue is kind of puzzling to me.

I think the lack of interest is for several reasons. Not to be insensitive, but they were elderly... I think that had this been a young person, IMO, there may be more interest. The "oh poor thing, she was so young" people.

Then there are those who believe this was an isolated event. The "it's not going to happen to me" people.
Or the Crusades. But in those cases, did those doing the killing feel the need to hide bodies? How would the hiding a body help the cult's assumed purpose of 'sending a message' to the sheriff? It would seem quite risky with no reward.

Montjoy, imo, SD being missing combined with RD's decapitated torso being found would insure maximum ms media coverage to accomplish the results that we are witnessing today.

Imo, SD was kept alive to be used as a hostage/shield, in case the perp/s were stopped during a routine safety and permit check by DNR while enroute to the predetermined boat landing. SD was likely placed in the water to destroy forensic evidence, imo. Not sure if the perp/s intended for her to be discovered later or not.. Either way, it was a very evil and heinous crime intended to cause terror and fear within the RP/GW and Putnam County community, imo..

Imo, there is also possibly a financial motive of the NC in the Dermond abduction/murders/decapitation. Not due to a financial gain, but due to the huge financial loss; a financial loss that amounted to million$ of dollars confiscated by authorities in the DMY/NC Raid and Prosecution. Many million$ of future earnings by the NC were severely affected by the perceived railroading of their pedophile predator Prophet, jmo..
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