GA GA - Shirley, 87, & Russell Dermond, 88, Putnam County, 2 May 2014 - # 8

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Haven't been to that particular place myself, but typically the lake tapers from the shore, shallow at the shoreline

Can't figure where the head would be, probably hard to or may never be found if in all that bramble under the water ...I imagine tangled mess amongst the trees and roots under there and no telling what else

If you all will just humor me for a minute...forget what SS said. If, if, Mrs. D. was unloaded at the spot TomKat zeroed in on from the shore (the white van),
how deep is the water there. Could she have been put in there along with Mr. D's head? The perps may have thought it was far away from the Dermond home when actually, by water, it wasn't far. I think these killers were very good at their job but not the sharpest tools in the shed.
Wellll, sorry ya'll, but so far there are no leads, no forensics and no video and no clue who did this or where the hell they went, IF THEY WENT anywhere, smart or lucky IMO

I agree with you Razz, that the perp(s) were not the sharpest tools in the shed. If this was a contract killing, the beheading and the placing of Mrs. D. in the water, could have been improvised. Someone who is capable of murdering two elderly people for a profit, probably has a few loose screws, and decided to make this crime their own. :twocents:

WOW, that's interesting about the Levy case! i NEVER knew that

I'd be willing to bet SS won't answer anything and if he does, he'll talk us in circles and leave us more confused :floorlaugh:

And then again, some of it, he own't or can't get into

BUt worth a try!

I have an idea. I didn't care for the Eatonton reporter's responses to Foxfire's excellent questions..."Well, you'd have to ask him that question"..., So., why not? Imagine if you were to get a 2 hour meeting w/ SS. What questions would you ask him? For those interested, we could each take an aspect of the case and prepare questions re; condition of the house, the state of Mrs D's body, the state of Mr D's body; the guardgate etc We could come up with a very comptehensive list of questions.

Remember the Chandra Levy case? A group of kids working on a school project reopened the case, studied it and within a short time, they had it solved.
Hmm, that layout reminded me of the D's house on the lakeside view

From someone who has seen both houses, they aren't even close. The D's house is lake front, the K's home was on a very desirable bluff above a golf course overlooking the lake with lake access. The house that burned is worth twice the amount of the Dermonds even tho it isn't directly on the lake.

Instead of addressing specific questions I will suggest this. There needs to be a flow chart about the murder. Was this an intentional murder or not? If not, was it a burglary gone wrong? if not, was this a confrontation that escalated to violence? If not, was this a long-standing feud? If not, was this a random attack? Etc, Etc, and the same sorts of questions if one assumes it was an intentional murder.

I don't think we on this discussion can definitively answer any of these questions. I am hopeful that LE can.
Look, if they have no viable lead, no suspect, etc., then release some more information to let the public help!!! This has gone on long enough!! Silence isn't the answer. Yes I know nothing more can be done to help the deceased Dermonds, so maybe that's why the investigation is just taking it's time, and looking at all aspect. But to the rest of the their family, and the rest of society, this case needs to be solved!!
"I know that there is Evil this world, but I have never seen it on the scale that I have in this matter".. Quote by Putnam County Sheriff Howard Sills

Interesting read;

The Werewolf Tradition
Over several centuries, wolves have been the scapegoats for crimes committed in communities that defy casting blame a resident — including wolves that were actually humans who had changed their shape into animals. These offenses seemed altogether inhuman, committed by someone possessed by a force that could only originate from some supernaturally evil place.

Former FBI profiler Gregg McCrary theorizes that the state in which some mutilated victims were found before people understood criminology may have spawned the werewolf myths. "There's a reluctance to admit that someone in our community would be capable of the kind of evil we see in brutal murders," he says. "Evil is so overpowering that we want to attribute it to some 'monster,' but the reality is that many good people can have some terrible flaws."
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"I know that there is Evil this world, but I have never seen it on the scale that I have in this matter".. Quote by Putnam County Sheriff Howard Sills

Interesting read;

The Werewolf Tradition
Over several centuries, wolves have been the scapegoats for crimes committed in communities that defy casting blame a resident &#8212; including wolves that were actually humans who had changed their shape into animals. These offenses seemed altogether inhuman, committed by someone possessed by a force that could only originate from some supernaturally evil place.

Former FBI profiler Gregg McCrary theorizes that the state in which some mutilated victims were found before people understood criminology may have spawned the werewolf myths. "There's a reluctance to admit that someone in our community would be capable of the kind of evil we see in brutal murders," he says. "Evil is so overpowering that we want to attribute it to some 'monster,' but the reality is that many good people can have some terrible flaws."

In some folklore, wolves were associated with the devil, so it was a natural step to view people who committed heinous and savage acts as having somehow come into contact with Satan and been trapped by him in the form of a wolf. There were also tales that he offered something tempting in exchange, or simply stated that the experience of transformation itself as a mystical medium. Many different cultures have propagated such ideas, and werewolves have long held our fascination.

Author Anne Rice, famous for her writing on vampires and erotica, believes that the mythical notion of the werewolf embodied the blending of both sadistic and masochistic tendencies in people. "On the one hand, man is degraded as he is forced to submit to the bestial metamorphosis; on the other hand he emerges as a powerful sadistic predator who can, without regret, destroy other men." In that case, the myth "may arouse emotions in us that are hard to define." It's a sense of both attraction and dread.
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Great post, Fox!!! :stay:
According to the FBI, there are less than 30% of LEAs in the US that do not utilize social media as of 09/2013. Putnam County Sheriff's Department is included in this 30%.. Why would you not utilize this valuable awareness tool and investigative resource? Would the citizens of the county have to wait a week before reading in the Eatonton Messenger News to be informed of critical public safety issues?

Example of the value of Social Media to Law Enforcement Agencies;

The Georgetown County, SC, Sheriff's Office is asking for the public's help in finding Charlotte Ann Wills, 14, of Conway who went missing in the Murrells Inlet area Saturday night. - For Immediate Release - July 20, 2014
Missing Juvenile

Georgetown County Sheriff's Office fb-

It is the mission of Georgetown County to provide quality services to the public in a courteous and efficient manner contributing to the health, safety, and welfare of all.

For Immediate Release July 20, 2014 (8 hours Later)
Missing Juvenile Has Been Located (Due to social media)
(Georgetown, SC)---Missing 14-year-old Charlotte Ann Wills has been located safe and unharmed on Garden City Beach thanks to a concerned citizen who learned about her through social media.
Interactive Social Media: The Value for Law Enforcement

The increase in use of interactive social media in the last 5 years has changed how people live their lives. Individuals use smart phones to post photos, identify their location, and advise what they are doing. If law enforcement agencies fully engage the public by using social media, the department and the community benefit by increasing collaboration and enhancing investigative capabilities. With well-planned implementation, the use of social media can impact community issues, and police departments and citizens can work together to solve crimes.
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OH MY WORD! They are trying to keep it from the outsiders!!! You think?!? THey don't want outsiders to know, maybe sales are down. I still say they were getting alot of hits because of theD's murder so decided to go pay site, if you dont' have the money to do this site for free, why the hell SET it UP FOR FREE??? If they'd started out as paid site, I would never have thought anything of it, MOTIVE and money drives everyone, SO DOES EM

your right, I'm wonderiung what kind of damn consipiracy is this? No outsiders will subscribe, well, maybe one :wink: and I refuse to pay to read about such a serious crime that is so heinous! They are keeping people in the dark, I dont' care what the cost is, it's the principal or principle, haha, of the thing

THAT if nothing else should be free reads............and if not, then it's to keep the outsiders uninformed for SOME reason!

According to the FBI, there are less than 30% of LEAs in the US that do not utilize social media as of 09/2013. Putnam County Sheriff's Department is included in this 30%.. Why would you not utilize this valuable awareness tool and investigative resource? Would the citizens of the county have to wait a week before reading in the Eatonton Messenger News to be informed of critical public safety issues?Example of the value of Social Media to Law Enforcement Agencies;

The Georgetown County, SC, Sheriff's Office is asking for the public's help in finding Charlotte Ann Wills, 14, of Conway who went missing in the Murrells Inlet area Saturday night. - For Immediate Release - July 20, 2014
Missing Juvenile

Georgetown County Sheriff's Office fb-

It is the mission of Georgetown County to provide quality services to the public in a courteous and efficient manner contributing to the health, safety, and welfare of all.

For Immediate Release July 20, 2014 (8 hours Later)
Missing Juvenile Has Been Located (Due to social media)
(Georgetown, SC)---Missing 14-year-old Charlotte Ann Wills has been located safe and unharmed on Garden City Beach thanks to a concerned citizen who learned about her through social media.
Interactive Social Media: The Value for Law Enforcement

The increase in use of interactive social media in the last 5 years has changed how people live their lives. Individuals use smart phones to post photos, identify their location, and advise what they are doing. If law enforcement agencies fully engage the public by using social media, the department and the community benefit by increasing collaboration and enhancing investigative capabilities. With well-planned implementation, the use of social media can impact community issues, and police departments and citizens can work together to solve crimes.
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Protest that paper and tell 'em we will not pay!! Just because I'm in VA, doesn't mean I want to know all that is going on there, but I do want to know about the Dermonds!!!

Why the silence??? Oh to be a mouse in that police dept. Not a fly, because I couldn't hold the information in my head. Maybe they don't OWE us an explanation or update, but by gosh, they are working for the public, and should be protecting, and letting folks know if it's a danger to others, or something. I don't know. But, look how quickly this has gotten cold. It's almost frozen solid at this point!!! Turn up the heat!!!


Protest that paper and tell 'em we will not pay!! Just because I'm in VA, doesn't mean I want to know all that is going on there, but I do want to know about the Dermonds!!!

Why the silence??? Oh to be a mouse in that police dept. Not a fly, because I couldn't hold the information in my head. Maybe they don't OWE us an explanation or update, but by gosh, they are working for the public, and should be protecting, and letting folks know if it's a danger to others, or something. I don't know. But, look how quickly this has gotten cold. It's almost frozen solid at this point!!! Turn up the heat!!!
According to my timeline from MSM, Wednesday, May 7: The Dermond children arrive in Putnam County: daughter Leslie Patton from North Carolina and sons Keith, from Jacksonville, and Brad from Santa Rosa Beach, Fla. Sills describes them as &#8220;completely cooperative.&#8221; A third son, Mark, was killed in 2000 while trying to buy drugs in Atlanta; his killer is serving life plus 25 years.

All I can find on the guy that killed the son Mark is dated July 13, 2006. Then I hit a dead end. Has anybody else had any luck tracking where Troy Major is now?

Just some thoughts:
Could RD have had something done to someone associated with Major, as retribution for him murdering his son. Did it then turn into an all out war which led to their murders ?
Or, was it an act of vengeance because of Major's conviction.
Or, could the Drummond's have been targeted by someone, possibly associated with Major, because the perps knew they had money, but RD refused to give in to their demands. Sorry if these theories have already been explored, I haven't had time to read through all the threads.
Just some thoughts:
Could RD have had something done to someone associated with Major, as retribution for him murdering his son. Did it then turn into an all out war which led to their murders ?
Or, was it an act of vengeance because of Major's conviction.
Or, could the Drummond's have been targeted by someone, possibly associated with Major, because the perps knew they had money, but RD refused to give in to their demands. Sorry if these theories have already been explored, I haven't had time to read through all the threads.

Major,Troy > Ga Diag Class Prison/Jackson GA
LIFE (sentence) 12/06/2001 (date admitted) 02/01/2015 (earliest possible release date) Life (Latest release date) - Bahamas(Country of birth)
Welcome to the thread Neesaki..
We have discussed TM, prolly in thread #1. Sheriff Sills downplayed the TM retribution connection early on in the investigation.. But, at this point, who knows, huh?

Decapitation mystery: Security camera wasn't on, son tells AJC
<snipped & BBM - read more>

The Dermonds&#8217; children aren&#8217;t immune to those fears.
&#8220;We&#8217;ve got a little bit of concern,&#8221; Keith Dermond said. &#8220;We&#8217;ve gotten a few weird phone calls.&#8221;
None of them have provided any information about who killed their father and took his mother.
The family&#8217;s only previous brush with violence came in 2000, when the couple&#8217;s oldest son, Mark Dermond, was killed while trying to buy crack cocaine in Atlanta. Neither Keith Dermond or investigators believe there&#8217;s any connection.
&#8220;It was so long ago. My parents didn&#8217;t even attend the trial&#8221; of Mark Dermond&#8217;s killer, his brother said. &#8220;It doesn&#8217;t make any sense.&#8221;
Nothing does.

Dermond also revealed that cameras manning the gates at Reynolds Plantation were not functioning at the time.
Sills debunked several rumors that have surfaced in social media &#8211; including a note that there is no evidence of mob ties or ties to a witness protection program. He said that there was no connection with the drug-related murder of the Dermond's son in Atlanta 14 years ago.

The GA DCOR link; , is a very interesting read. Over 2100 GA prison inmates are claiming foreign birth or citizenship. Most are for large quantity drug dealing, gang affiliation, rape, kidnapping, child molestation, murder, etc.. "Yikes"!
Fresh eyes and fresh ideas are always a good thing. Actually, the TM angle was my husband's first and only response. And maybe it's best SS keeps quiet. Why should he say anything if the residents of RP and/or Putnam County have moved on?
Fresh eyes and fresh ideas are always a good thing. Actually, the TM angle was my husband's first and only response. And maybe it's best SS keeps quiet. Why should he say anything if the residents of RP and/or Putnam County have moved on?

Razz, imo the residents of RP/GW and Putnam County, have yet to move on.. The MS Media may have moved on but this thread alone has almost half a million views and is getting between 1,000 & 1500 views a day after almost eleven weeks into this unsolved investigation. Most of these views are guests.. Not the norm for a case that hints at growing cold, imo. If you do a google search of Reynolds Plantation, the 3rd & 4th Links are the Dermond Murders; Justice Quest and Websleuths Crime Forum;

Found Deceased GA - Shirley Dermond, 87, Russell ... &#8250; ... &#8250; Missing!! &#8250; Located Forum Discussion
Jun 27, 2014 - 12 posts - &#8206;6 authors
Found Deceased GA - Shirley Dermond, 87, Russell Dermond, 88, Putnam ... the Reynolds Plantation/Gate Water/Putnam county community.

"Silence by Law Enforcement via MS Media is the predators most lethal weapon, imo"...
Imo, the refusal by Sheriff Howard Sills to request assistance of GBI elite special agents in the unsolved Dermond homicide investigation is one of at least two reasons that this case has grown silent...

May 15/2014
PUTNAM COUNTY, Ga. &#8212; Residents in the gated community where an elderly man was beheaded say they&#8217;re surprised their sheriff hasn&#8217;t called the state for help.
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