GA GA - Shirley, 87, & Russell Dermond, 88, Putnam County, 2 May 2014 - # 9

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The comment was meant for Me, as atthelake commented on my post if I had contacted anyone in regards to those stories., as I mentioned I was confused about how many doors were unlocked.
I said I hadn't contacted anyone,
but atthelake, you can, if you would like to contact the reporters...

Oh Good. But now that I have wasted a good apology, just save it for my next faux pas.
Anyone else here feel like SS speaks in riddles?

I think he has a reason for stating that the person of interest is a "blue collar worker". Like he's adding insult to injury.
Relentless: Putnam County Sheriff Howard Sills chases a killer In Putnam County, everybody knows Howard Sills, and Howard Sills knows everybody—except who brutally murdered an elderly couple on Lake Oconee last May. After four decades of always getting his man, has the sheriff met his match? - May 6, 2015 by Joe Kovac Jr.
See more at:

<snipped & BBM for Focus>

In the minutes after Russ Dermond&#8217;s body was found, Sills sent a deputy to fetch security-camera surveillance footage from a guard shack at the entrance to the neighborhood. The deputy came back with bad news. About a month earlier, a storm had knocked out power, and the security camera, unknown to anyone, had stopped recording. Sills cursed his luck.

"Am I the only one that doesn't buy the story that a storm had knocked out power about a month prior to the Dermond murders, and the security camera, unknown to anyone, had stopped recording"? "How would they know, that is when the security system stopped recording"?
Anyone else here feel like SS speaks in riddles?

I think he has a reason for stating that the person of interest is a "blue collar worker". Like he's adding insult to injury.

Personally, I don't feel Sheriff Sills is adding "insult to injury" when he mentioned a "blue collar worker".
I think a blue collar worker is a clue to the public as to what kind of position/job this man may have.
For instance, perhaps a plumber, electrician, a construction worker, etc.
I don't get that kind of a vibe about Sheriff Sills at all.
It's not my perception of Sheriff Sills, that he would look down upon others, or add "insult to injury"
by calling someone a blue collar worker.
That's my opinion, though.
"Some have speculated that the Dermonds&#8217; children may be involved, perhaps driven by a financial need. But each had verifiable alibis at the time when their parents were killed, and Sills said they&#8217;ve been cooperative throughout his investigation.

The circumstances of their mother&#8217;s death also point away from any financial motive, at least on their children&#8217;s behalf. The couple were each other&#8217;s executors, Sills said, and it seems the killers did not intend for Shirley Dermond&#8217;s body to be found. As long as she was missing, her assets would remain frozen. "
<BBM for Focus>

When the FBI BSU was established, John Douglas; one of the pioneers of the BSU/BAU suffered health issues due to the overwhelming evil he endured; < >

[recalling how his obsession with finding the Green River Killer almost killed him] I didn't have a support system. I came back, I took out Inca Protection insurance, and life insurance, I went out to Seattle before I left, I told my family about my life insurance. 'You shouldn't go, what's wrong with you? You don't look right'. I'm getting headaches, I just don't feel right, but they're depending on me to go out there.
I go before the task force, and that night I tell them 'Don't bother me, I'm not going out tomorrow, I'm getting the flu'. I collapse in my hotel room, they find me two days later with a lesion on my brain, I had viral encephalitis, related to the stress just burnt me out. Brain swelled, split the brain, left side paralysis, 220 heartbeat, 105-107 body temperature, my eyes were dilated, my whole system shut down.
I'm in this coma now, and they take me to the hospital, but I'm aware, I'm aware something's going on around me. And they're starting to, I feel pain, and they're putting tubes in every body orifice in me, and I feel pain, and the last thing was the life support system, and they're forcing it down my throat. And I think I'm in hell; I think all these guys I've been after, they got me now, I'm being tortured, and now I'm being choked to death, I can't breathe...

WOW, just WOW
Personally, I don't feel Sheriff Sills is adding "insult to injury" when he mentioned a "blue collar worker".
I think a blue collar worker is a clue to the public as to what kind of position/job this man may have.
For instance, perhaps a plumber, electrician, a construction worker, etc.
I don't get that kind of a vibe about Sheriff Sills at all.
It's not my perception of Sheriff Sills, that he would look down upon others, or add "insult to injury"
by calling someone a blue collar worker.
That's my opinion, though.

I don't think it would be SS looking down at others. What I mean is, suppose the POI was once a "white collar worker" who lost a prestigious job and had to take a job that the POI felt was beneath him. So, in my opinion, labeling the POI as such would possibly agitate this person to the point of causing him to slip and show his hand.

I know, just a stretch of my imagination.
Maybe they (perps) feigned an emergency, or perhaps it was someone the Dermonds were comfortable with?

Thought: He heard a noise in the garage, hit in head when he stepped out to see
Thought: Shirley knew them, let them in the front door, she was dressed
"Some have speculated that the Dermonds&#8217; children may be involved, perhaps driven by a financial need. But each had verifiable alibis at the time when their parents were killed, and Sills said they&#8217;ve been cooperative throughout his investigation.

The circumstances of their mother&#8217;s death also point away from any financial motive, at least on their children&#8217;s behalf. The couple were each other&#8217;s executors, Sills said, and it seems the killers did not intend for Shirley Dermond&#8217;s body to be found. As long as she was missing, her assets would remain frozen. "

NOW THAT, tells a story. No one could do that and know she WOULD BE found after submerged.......... if it was hired to appear as a hit (and wanted her to surface). Unless of course someone knew she would rise from gases but that's taking a chance if you wish to gain. SOON. I suppose eventually the court would have to release the assets if she'd never been found and then no one would be the wiser as to who or why after time. I remember at some point there was discussion of whether or not she was meant to be found but that was before the cinder block came to our knowledge. Perps didnt' expect the body to break away and surface, likely thought body would deteriorate and stay under but it would have been a perfect plan if it had unraveled just as it did, assets released because both died and were discovered
"Some have speculated that the Dermonds’ children may be involved, perhaps driven by a financial need. But each had verifiable alibis at the time when their parents were killed, and Sills said they’ve been cooperative throughout his investigation.

The circumstances of their mother’s death also point away from any financial motive, at least on their children’s behalf. The couple were each other’s executors, Sills said, and it seems the killers did not intend for Shirley Dermond’s body to be found. As long as she was missing, her assets would remain frozen. "

NOW THAT, tells a story. No one could do that and know she WOULD BE found after submerged.......... if it was hired to appear as a hit (and wanted her to surface). Unless of course someone knew she would rise from gases but that's taking a chance if you wish to gain. SOON. I suppose eventually the court would have to release the assets if she'd never been found and then no one would be the wiser as to who or why after time. I remember at some point there was discussion of whether or not she was meant to be found but that was before the cinder block came to our knowledge. Perps didnt' expect the body to break away and surface, likely thought body would deteriorate and stay under but it would have been a perfect plan if it had unraveled just as it did, assets released because both died and were discovered
I keep going back to what did they do with his head?
They said he was decapitated after death. How could they determine that?
Was he killed in the garage or in the yard and his body dragged back into the garage?
I thought there wasn't much blood in the garage and then read that there was a lot of blood.
Were there two different areas where the blood was found?
Was there blood dripping from the head as they carried it around?
Did they test the blood to make sure it was all his?

Was he killed first or was she?
Whose bed was unmade? Did they sleep in the same bed?
It would be helpful to know their morning routine.
Was she normally up first? Fix breakfast and then wake him up? Did she go out and get the morning paper for him? Did she go to the dock and drink a cup of coffee? Maybe talk to someone who came up in a boat? Maybe she was already dead and gone before he woke up?
Coffee was made so he sat down and waited on her to come back?

How about lawn service? Did they cut their own grass?
Who cleaned the pool? Was it on a maintenance schedule through a pool service?
Who did the daily chore of getting leaves out of the pool?

So many questions and no answers...
I keep going back to what did they do with his head?
They said he was decapitated after death. How could they determine that?
Was he killed in the garage or in the yard and his body dragged back into the garage?
I thought there wasn't much blood in the garage and then read that there was a lot of blood.
Were there two different areas where the blood was found?
Was there blood dripping from the head as they carried it around?
Did they test the blood to make sure it was all his?

Was he killed first or was she?
Whose bed was unmade? Did they sleep in the same bed?
It would be helpful to know their morning routine.
Was she normally up first? Fix breakfast and then wake him up? Did she go out and get the morning paper for him? Did she go to the dock and drink a cup of coffee? Maybe talk to someone who came up in a boat? Maybe she was already dead and gone before he woke up?
Coffee was made so he sat down and waited on her to come back?

How about lawn service? Did they cut their own grass?
Who cleaned the pool? Was it on a maintenance schedule through a pool service?
Who did the daily chore of getting leaves out of the pool?

So many questions and no answers...

Yep, so many questions and so very few answers, watcher9 .. Guess, the most important question after over a year is; 'Why'?

Why? - Rascal Flatts
I keep going back to what did they do with his head?
They said he was decapitated after death. How could they determine that?
Was he killed in the garage or in the yard and his body dragged back into the garage?
I thought there wasn't much blood in the garage and then read that there was a lot of blood.
Were there two different areas where the blood was found?
Was there blood dripping from the head as they carried it around?
Did they test the blood to make sure it was all his?

Was he killed first or was she?
Whose bed was unmade? Did they sleep in the same bed?
It would be helpful to know their morning routine.
Was she normally up first? Fix breakfast and then wake him up? Did she go out and get the morning paper for him? Did she go to the dock and drink a cup of coffee? Maybe talk to someone who came up in a boat? Maybe she was already dead and gone before he woke up?
Coffee was made so he sat down and waited on her to come back?

How about lawn service? Did they cut their own grass?
Who cleaned the pool? Was it on a maintenance schedule through a pool service?
Who did the daily chore of getting leaves out of the pool?

So many questions and no answers...

Did they even have a pool on their lot? I'm going back over the listing and I only see a feature that states "area pool". Going look again... maybe i missed it.
Did they even have a pool on their lot? I'm going back over the listing and I only see a feature that states "area pool". Going look again... maybe i missed it.

Canaille, we discussed the pool many moons ago on one of the initial threads.. If my memory is correct, we concluded that the Dermonds only had access to the GW amenities which provides a pool for members..

The Great Waters swimming complex features a 60-foot lap pool, a children's wading pool, Jacuzzi-type spa, and a terrace where visitors can relax and enjoy ..
I keep going back to what did they do with his head?
They said he was decapitated after death. How could they determine that?

So many questions and no answers...

Yes, so many questions and few answers. I don't have a link, but I believe the lack of blood splatter was the reason they said Mr. Dermond was decapitated after death. The heart had stopped pumping. I think Mr. Dermond's head is in Lake Oconee.
Mystery man emerges in year-old Ga. beheading case

Doug Richards, WXIA-TV, Atlanta 9:36 a.m. EDT May 6, 2015

EATONTON, Ga. &#8212; Investigators in the year-old murder of an elderly Georgia couple would like to learn more about a man spotted on the lawn of the murder victims, the sheriff investigating the case said Tuesday.

"I consider (him) a suspect myself," said Putnam County Sheriff Howard Sills. "But that's all I'll say about it. We had a witness that saw him out there."

Sills would not elaborate, nor would he provide a description of the man.

More at the link, including video. Just came across this on MSN Bing search. Sheriff Sills also thinks Mr. Dermond's head was discarded in Lake Oconee.
Another link to "person of interest":

"EATONTON, Ga. -- The sheriff probing the unsolved beheading and slaying of an elderly middle Georgia couple says he has developed a person of interest in the case.

Putnam County Sheriff Howard Sills on Tuesday told WSB-TV that someone authorities interviewed in the deaths of Russell and Shirley Dermond wasn't completely truthful in the statements they made. Sills says there isn't enough evidence for investigators to begin considering that person a suspect."
A snippet of another link article:

Sills noted he plans to talk with a man who worked for the Dermonds this week – a man whose “name had never come up – never come up” in the investigation.

He said the man, who lives in Georgia, was mentioned by another former employee of the Dermonds in an interview. He said he has talked to him by phone and the man expressed curiosity about “why he hadn’t been talked to” during the investigation.
Relentless: Putnam County Sheriff Howard Sills chases a killer In Putnam County, everybody knows Howard Sills, and Howard Sills knows everybody&#8212;except who brutally murdered an elderly couple on Lake Oconee last May. After four decades of always getting his man, has the sheriff met his match? - See more at:

On Carolyn Drive, a mile and a half into the subdivision, Sills stopped at a cream stucco four-bedroom house. Two American flags were tacked to the mailbox. The front yard was trimmed in crape myrtles, boxwoods, and pine straw. In the driveway was that day&#8217;s edition of USA Today. The previous day&#8217;s as well. There, in a shaded cul-de-sac that backs up to the water, was the neighbor who had discovered the death. It had been days since he&#8217;d seen or heard from the elderly couple who lived in the house. The neighbor had phoned them several times. Nothing. So he&#8217;d gone over to check. The door was unlocked.

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