GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #11

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LH and RH claim their "worst fear" was leaving Cooper in a hot car, which was their justification for the questionable internet searches on hot car deaths. IF this was true, why in heck weren't they doing everything possible to prevent their "worse fear" i.e. placing Cooper's diaper bag in the front seat as visual reminder, placing RH cell phone in backseat (we all know he would NEVER forget that), sticky note on computer to remind him, customized alarm on phone to remind him, have his wife call to remind him or daycare call immediately if he doesn't show up, etc.. I mean seriously, the list is endless of measures one could take to avoid this 100% PREVENTABLE "worse fear" from coming true. They didn't do anything! Are we honestly to believe they were taking the time to research this online but not doing anything to prevent it? The explanation of why they were making these searches simply does not pass the sniff test.
Or obtain an erection and photograph it while your flesh and blood fries to death and claws the skin off of his sweet baby face. How do you do that???

I don't even want to go there, but I highly doubt he was using real pictures of any kind for his fantasy life. I don't think the real thing would get him too far, and he would not want to be recognized.
I think they both just assumed they would be believed and supported because they had no experience to tell them otherwise. They are outwardly upstanding, middle-class, churchgoing people. The "excited utterance" about "no malicious intent" is absolutely telling.

I think the "Did you say too much?" was her trying to understand how their fabulous plan went so wrong.
I don't even want to go there, but I highly doubt he was using real pictures of any kind for his fantasy life. I don't think the real thing would get him too far, and he would not want to be recognized.

Yes, I have thought the same thing!
I have worked for domineering egomaniacs that could be abusive...and the one thing I would never do is question their prior actions. Want a smack down? Well just ask them "Are you sure you (used good judgement)" regarding something they did.

But I get your point, and I expect the defense gets it too. That will BE the defense strategy if LH goes to trial.

I think she'll be indicted and will not be prosecuted in exchange for her testimony against her husband just as Hedda Nussbaum was treated in the 80's.
When I mentioned an abusive boss of course he never physically abused me! It was all verbal/psychological.

Nevertheless if folks want to claim she was abused in order to counter-act some of the rather damning evidence about her so far....then imo opinion those folks should provide links and other reasons to believe she was abused.

We know what she said, we know how she behaved, evidence of her being abused would balance out the scales.

I think people are just speculating which is allowed here. No links needed for that because no one is stating as fact that she has suffered abuse in her marriage.

I personally think she is involved, although I am trying to look at what has been released about her, which is very little, to see her motivation if she had prior knowledge. Ross' motive is certainly clear. Barring money, I'm not sure that hers is.....yet.

Speculating that she may or may not have been in an abusive marriage or a victim of chronic abuse is not far fetched or out of the realm of possibility. Neither is speculating about whether or not she and Ross lived by Religious driven rigid gender roles, with her expected to be submissive to her "leader." (Her words).

No one is stating unequivocally that she had nothing to do with it. It's about tossing around the "why" and speculating on the story or motivations behind the actions or maybe inactions in LH's case. Her behavior is very strange and can definitely point to guilt or even learned helplessness or abuse.

We don't know which yet.

After all, we are also speculating on her guilt and she has not been arrested or charged with anything yet. So it is all speculation at this point when it comes to LH.

As for Providing reasons why someone would think she could have been abused is to just simply read up on statistics on violence, and physical and mental abuse heaped upon women daily. Violence is the number one problem that women, all women, face as a group.

That being said, I do believe she is involved and am not defending her. Just discussing what may or may not be as others are.
I don't believe L was abused. While living in GA and NC, I knew quite a few people who attended churches of the same denomination as the H's. The church is fundamentalist, but although congregations may vary, I never knew the women to be subservient or meek. It's possible that L felt that women should always yield to their husbands, but in my experience, there's nothing really "cultish" about the church itself. To me, her question as to whether R had said too much demonstrates complicity at some level. I believe her funeral speech served a couple of purposes, drumming up support for R and sending him a message to stick with the story.

L had already graduated when she and R married. R worked a series of part time or lower paying jobs while he attended school. I'm guessing L was the principle bread winner for the majority of their marriage. I think R enjoyed being a student, hanging out with his bros, focusing on UA athletics. I think the desire to live a life free of responsibility and obligation is the primary motive, with some financial gain as a "bonus". All conjecture on my part, and MOO.
So if that husband kills your baby intentionally in a hot car...and you know it was intentional which is why you said "He must have left him in the car!!!" your response to your screaming mother is "Well I guess I must be in shock".

Sorry. I just don't buy it.

Her reactions in no way seem like a truly grieving mother, and I don't think even an abusive husband can beat that out of a woman.

(ETA there is absolutely NO evidence that she was abused, but there is plenty of evidence to suggest she was aware of the plan).

Agreed, just pointing out an alternate view of her behavior. Definitely not defending or excusing her as I think she should go down with him. Just wondering aloud whether "learned helplessness" and "cold-hearted b****" can co-exist in the same person, especially if they have somehow lost touch with reality. Obviously that would be one f'd-up personality!

Eta, I'm not even necessarily talking about "abuse," it could be something very subtle like "gas lighting," where he has slowly eroded her perception of reality and made her question her own sanity. Perhaps he even convinced her that Cooper didn't love her. Still no excuse for not grieving her baby, just a possible explanation for her bizarre behavior.
Wonder why is she in the back seat of the car?

Wonder if her mother will remember she's back there?
Oh snap you guys that's worth repeating! Gotta find humor where we can!

But yeah, would love to know more about this "visit" that may or may not have occurred...maybe she was just scoping out her possible future digs?
Bottom line is most men have tunnel vision when it comes to sex. They will risk it all for a piece of azz.

Always My Opinion Only!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

*Most* ?????

That's a pretty f'd generalization.
One, do we know she has retained a lawyer?

In response to your question regarding if LH had retained a lawyer,

Questions being raised about mother in toddler's hot-car death 7, 2014
Leanna Harris told CNN at the beginning of the investigation that her lawyer had advised her not to speak to the media, so not much is known ...

She would be one crazy girl not to have a lawyer! JMO
I don't believe L was abused. While living in GA and NC, I knew quite a few people who attended churches of the same denomination as the H's. The church is fundamentalist, but although congregations may vary, I never knew the women to be subservient or meek. It's possible that L felt that women should always yield to their husbands, but in my experience, there's nothing really "cultish" about the church itself. To me, her question as to whether R had said too much demonstrates complicity at some level. I believe her funeral speech served a couple of purposes, drumming up support for R and sending him a message to stick with the story.

L had already graduated when she and R married. R worked a series of part time or lower paying jobs while he attended school. I'm guessing L was the principle bread winner for the majority of their marriage. I think R enjoyed being a student, hanging out with his bros, focusing on UA athletics. I think the desire to live a life free of responsibility and obligation is the primary motive, with some financial gain as a "bonus". All conjecture on my part, and MOO.

I totally agree with this. I have been wondering if any of his (their) close friends have children. My guess is no. Cooper was an inconvenience to them.
LH graduated Dec 15 2008.
She was married in May 2006.
I keep waffling all over the place on this one. I still don't have a solid conviction yet. There may have been abuse, there may have been collusion, there may have been a setup, there may have been much to process!!

But no matter what- I keep coming back to this:

"I dreaded how he would look"


You can't dread something that you don't anticipate or haven't envisioned. It is rarely used for circumstances you don't perceive as the outcome. "I dreaded going to the boss's office" "I dreaded getting the grade back on that test"...

And how many people voluntarily TRY to envision what their dead child would look like????

No...THAT was unintentional foreshadowing. And we can expect that one phrase to be picked apart in court. It also tells me that the two of them had discussed it before. Because when I use the word dread, it is almost always reserved for something I expected that someone else knew I expected.
Putting it out there:
Maybe L was, "hypothetically", the "mastermind".......

I *think the majority of child deaths in cars happen when fathers, boyfriends, etc, are the responsible party. Mothers are traditionally "more" responsible/aware of their children.

Way too quick with the "he must have left him in the car". Right, that's the first thing I would have said, NOT. SERIOUSLY. Wouldn't the first thought be "OMG, maybe they were in a traffic accident"?

Who thinks this way?!?!?!?!
I have a question does anyone here have children in day care and if you do does the day care call you if your child is not going to be there?

My day care requires my wife or I to let them know if our guy won't be there ahead of time.
Jmo but to me she does not display any indications of abuse. Nothing she has said or done points to that, Imo. Submissive due to her religious beliefs, maybe...but I am not even sure I see submissive. Anyway, jmo.
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