GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #13

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That's probably because you are a normal, nurturing thoughtful person rather than a "sex addict". :)

RH was a living a secretive life in which all his hookup logistics and photos needed to be hidden from wife and friends. Car time is when a lot of this happens (or that's what I've heard from men in treatment for *advertiser censored* and sex addiction). I imagine he was planning a hookup from the second he woke up in the morning. It's compulsive and it drives out thoughts of all other priorities for these men- like heroin, or a quick fix.

If you are married to a "sex addict", all I can say from what I've seen is run for your life. The longterm outlook isn't pretty.

I agree that yours is the first plausible scenario that could explain RH truly being absent minded and making a horrible mistake. I could see him being so into weiner shots and sexting, checking his hook up profiles and possibly looking forward to that afternoon's meet up that Cooper was just an afterthought.

When do you think he realized that he had killed Cooper? At lunch with the lightbulbs? And why staged drama? This story is just so confusing.

The carseat does concern me, and it hard to separate from the "accidental" scenario.

I really think both parents are guilty of murder, but I can see how it is possible that RH was so absorbed in his nasty life that he neglected his son.
Yeah, because how else could he explain Cooper being BLUE?
J didn't plan on his child's skin color changing and his being in rigor either.

Yeah I've never heard of dead people chocking before, yet another one of his over thought out statements? I mean gheee he could have just said I seen him in my rear view mirror.
In thinking more about LRH's personality type, I'm wondering how he can be a sociopath or psychopath. He has (or had) two or three long-term relationships with his college buddies which followed through to working at HD together and starting a business together. I'd heard it was difficult for people with psychotic tendencies to form long-term relationships. They tend to form short-term relationships to use people, then discard them when they are no longer useful.
I would say they are still useful.
They are the reason he can go out to movies on his own in the middle of the week.
I'm sure they spot him at lunch when he forgets his wallet or split the bill on condos when vacationing.
He may have used them and their wives as free sitters if he and LH went out. Maybe even a sleep over for a night.
Obviously neither of them have ever told him no.
I believe the other friend did tell him no or confront him about his wild behavior in college at 28. He probably wouldn't tell the woman her husband was cheating on her because he hadn't told LH that RH was cheating on her while her mooched off her parents and she worked to support him. Ross was done with this dude. Hasn't spoken to him since right?
However, RH made it look like it was LH that caused the riff.

IF he is a psychopath that is.

All posts are MOO. Sent via Insignia Flex Tablet.
I'm sticking to my theory that RH was planning a little park hook-up between 4:16 and the time of arriving at the movie, which he told his friends would be "late". That's my suspicion and JMO. But he was acting like a man with a plan of some sort, and it was a plan that required him to do things like get light bulbs during lunch so that maybe he could tell his wife that he stopped to get light bulbs after movie or between work and movie.

I think RH was distracted by hookup plans.

If I was doing a hook up, and I don't and never will, I would want more than about 1/2 hour.

With him, I suppose a couple of minutes hook up,is enough though
In thinking more about LRH's personality type, I'm wondering how he can be a sociopath or psychopath. He has (or had) two or three long-term relationships with his college buddies which followed through to working at HD together and starting a business together. I'd heard it was difficult for people with psychotic tendencies to form long-term relationships. They tend to form short-term relationships to use people, then discard them when they are no longer useful.

The length of a relationship is no measure as to the closeness of the relationship. There is no doubt in my mind that Ross has a serious personality disorder. This is one case where I totally agree with Nancy Grace: the mother is not doing herself any favors by supporting this guy in words and actions. Sticking by him has made her look like a co-conspirator.

If I were LH's mother, I'd march her right down to a civil lawyer's office and file for divorce, which is exactly what my husband and I did after our son-in-law "forgot" to close an infant safety gate. This was not the first time he "forgot" to do something that resulted in child endangerment. Fortunately, our infant grandson wasn't seriously injured.

This is my short list of all the reasons I believe this was in no way an accident. Just my point of view.

Reaches over to front of passenger seat in car to retrieve computer case. (child unnoticed and leaves infant in hot car).

Goes into office and proceeds to begin illicit texting (sexting).

Does suspicious searches on hot car deaths both for people and animals.

Searches on "child free" life.

Searches on "death".

Searches on "how to survive in prison".

Visits car at lunch time to put item purchased at Home Depot in it. Still doesn't see the child. (Remembers to buy lightbulbs, but forgets his child). Also forgets to report his trip to the car at lunch to police.

Works a 6 to 7 hour day, calls friends to say he will be late for the movies yet leaves early to go to the car.

Drives out of work parking lot with windows fully closed and leaves with deceased child in it.

Gets 3 phone calls dialed yet claims he never made a call.

Changed car seat from forward facing to rear facing in the last few weeks.

Forgot Cooper was in vehicle in less than 1 minute (amount of time it would take to get to the intersection to determine if he should go to work or go to the daycare).

Instructs family members on how to collect on insurance policies taken out on Cooper from jail.
I agree that yours is the first plausible scenario that could explain RH truly being absent minded and making a horrible mistake. I could see him being so into weiner shots and sexting, checking his hook up profiles and possibly looking forward to that afternoon's meet up that Cooper was just an afterthought.

When do you think he realized that he had killed Cooper? At lunch with the lightbulbs? And why staged drama? This story is just so confusing.

The carseat does concern me, and it hard to separate from the "accidental" scenario.

I really think both parents are guilty of murder, but I can see how it is possible that RH was so absorbed in his nasty life that he neglected his son.

It is all very confusing, but none of this explains why his wife was so nonchalant about EVERYTHING! Her child dying, him cheating, talking to teenagers, you name it this guy has done it to his wife. I mean my husband can just tell me a lie and I can't forgive him for a month or two.
Cooper wasn't left somewhere and then forgotten. He was right there in the car where the father placed him prior to the two minute drive to the office. Six inches from his father. A 22-month-old capable of making sounds and continuing to make sounds because of the tightness of the shoulder straps. No way to miss him when Daddy turned his head even slightly, placed light bulbs in the car, returned to the car after work.

If "forgetting" is the defense his father wants to use, that's up to him. It simply isn't believable for multiple reasons: short distance in travel, too tight shoulder straps, nearness to the father while in the car, previous research into child car deaths,
focus on collecting life insurance proceeds.

I can't remember on which thread it was said that JRH called his landlord. That makes you go hmmm, could there of been a call saying you'll have your rent by the first?

What was the reason he took over the finances?
I'm re-watching the hearing now...about half-way through, defense up next. Just paused it so I can walk and feed my dog. And, hey, while I'm at it, I should probably eat too, lol. Anyway...

I'm watching at:

Detective Stoddard's testimony about lunchtime/lightbulbs starts at approx. 25:00-26:00. In this video version of the hearing, the camera is NOT on the Detective when he testifies that JRH "turns his head", so you don't see him (det. stoddard) looking or turning towards the judge. I see this was being discussed, and since I just watched, thought I would l share that.
If I was doing a hook up, and I don't and never will, I would want more than about 1/2 hour.

With him, I suppose a couple of minutes hook up,is enough though

The thought of a park quicky with his soft, squishy, hairless body is vomit-inducing.
I believe he wanted someone else to find him, that's why the remark was made "I dreaded how he would look" and the pretend phone call while someone was walking towards his car was probably in hopes someone would mention his kid was still in there. But since noone mentioned it he had no idea how he was going to discover Cooper. I also believe he meant for his friends to notice during lunch, but it never happened so he was unsure of how that part of his plan was going to go down because he didn't want to have to "find" him that way. I wonder if his wife asked why it took so long? I can't imagine saying that about my kids but we can all see she has some sort of mental thing going on, well imo...
The "kiss" (according to RH) happened after they walked out of CFA and he was buckling him in his car seat to leave.

Why kiss him at Chik Fil? JRH would be bringing him to daycare where they could say goodbye. Or did the loving JRH kiss CH every time he strapped CH into the car?
Yeah, because how else could he explain Cooper being BLUE?
J didn't plan on his child's skin color changing and his being in rigor either.

exactly. I've been saying the same thing in the 'questions' thread.
It is all very confusing, but none of this explains why his wife was so nonchalant about EVERYTHING! Her child dying, him cheating, talking to teenagers, you name it this guy has done it to his wife. I mean my husband can just tell me a lie and I can't forgive him for a month or two.

I agree about LH. Something very stinky there.
Least likely of all possibilities, IMHO. He would not need to hide away. And he would not have dialed numbers in this case.

As evidenced by him playing on his phone when he was watching someone walk past the car at lunchtime - but the phone recorded no activity. He knew how to make it look like he was on the phone without actually using it.
I can't remember on which thread it was said that JRH called his landlord. That makes you go hmmm, could there of been a call saying you'll have your rent by the first?

What was the reason he took over the finances?

I don't know the reason he took over the finances but the reason he called the landlord may have been about the light bulbs. He may have tried to get the landlord to pay for them or wanted to deduct it from the rent. Tenants in financial trouble try to get very creative when avoiding paying full rent.
I'm sticking to my theory that RH was planning a little park hook-up between 4:16 and the time of arriving at the movie, which he told his friends would be "late". That's my suspicion and JMO. But he was acting like a man with a plan of some sort, and it was a plan that required him to do things like get light bulbs during lunch so that maybe he could tell his wife that he stopped to get light bulbs after movie or between work and movie.

I think RH was distracted by hookup plans.

But if he was planning a hookup why didn't his defense bring it up at the probable cause hearing? That would point to him accidentally forgetting Cooper. It would be bad for RH, sure, especially if it involved a minor but he wouldn't face the DP because of it. It would be his first offense (AFAIK) and he might even have gotten off with probation.

Of course, given his lies and stupid actions who knows what RH disclosed or witheld from his lawyer. I do wonder though why he left early after telling his friends he'd be late.
But if he was planning a hookup why didn't his defense bring it up at the probable cause hearing? That would point to him accidentally forgetting Cooper. It would be bad for RH, sure, especially if it involved a minor but he wouldn't face the DP because of it. It would be his first offense (AFAIK) and he might even have gotten off with probation.

Of course, given his lies and stupid actions who knows what RH disclosed or witheld from his lawyer. I do wonder though why he left early after telling his friends he'd be late.

I don't recall the detective ever stating at the hearing that Ross actually hooked up with these women. The impression I got was that he was addicted to *advertiser censored*.

Yeah I've never heard of dead people chocking before, yet another one of his over thought out statements? I mean gheee he could have just said I seen him in my rear view mirror.

I agree with you guys on this choking BS

He told witnesses at the scene his child was choking to get the sympathetic reaction/response his ego needed, and to try to establish himself as a victim, grieving parent with those all important first witnesses. IMO it worked to some degree. Look at the witness with the name Madden and his testimony at the hearing. The man testified exactly as RH was hoping everyone would see him. As if he had witnessed RH discover his child was dead and his behaviors were completely normal. His testimony does not match up with any of the other witnesses at the scene. he said the child was not in rigor, but was limp. he said Cooper was not an off color but appeared normal, he described LE being "agressive" with poor RH. He states police did not arrive for 20 minutes. None of the other facts presented support his testimony.

His testimony is in direct disagreement with LE testimony and with other witnesses, who have been quoted as saying that RH seemed to be acting, that the baby was blue grey in appearance, stiff with rigor, that the vehicle smelled of decomp, etc.

I have no doubt he said his child was choking when passersby rushed up to see what all his ruckus was about. It worked IMO to sway at least one of the witnesses on teh scene to see him as the victim of a horrible event and not a perpetrator of horrific neglect of his child.

Once in the interview room RH was not about impressing any witnesses. He knew the jig was up with the whole innocent victim bit. So he was not performing for witness benefit, now he was trying to outwit LE. He told LE not about choking, but that he noticed Cooper when he turned his head to made a lane change.

Two audiences, two differing goals.

My child is choking

"but there was no malice"
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