GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #13

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Why would the pastor say the part about Genesis 22? Sacrifice as a burnt offering? Sickening!:

At StoneBridge Church in Marietta, Georgia, the Harris family's church, Pastor David Eldridge has been talking about the story of Abraham for the past couple of months.

On June 22, four days after Cooper's death, Eldridge spoke of the loss of the little boy and the trials facing his parents, and of how congregants might support the couple with prayers and money.

Then he directed his flock to Genesis 22, in which God tells Abraham, ''Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moria and sacrifice him there as a burnt offering.''

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OMG, that is in such poor taste :mad:
Justin McRea met Justin Harris as a teenager at an Alabama church, and later served as one of his groomsmen in Harris' wedding.

McRea described Harris as a loving person, and the life of the party.

"He didn't seem like the settlin' down type. I mean, he seemed very wild, almost to the point that you would say probably irresponsible," he recalled.

Hm. Didn't I read somewhere he was socially awkward?
The more I hear about RH the more convinced I am the he truly is a psychopath.

In thinking more about LRH's personality type, I'm wondering how he can be a sociopath or psychopath. He has (or had) two or three long-term relationships with his college buddies which followed through to working at HD together and starting a business together. I'd heard it was difficult for people with psychotic tendencies to form long-term relationships. They tend to form short-term relationships to use people, then discard them when they are no longer useful.
For the pastor at Cooper's funeral to talk about Abraham sacrificing Isaac, especially in light of what Harris has been charged with, is in extremely poor taste. Yes, God stopped Abraham's hand before he killed his son, but still. Cooper is dead, by his "father's" hand.


Right. Not to mention the "burnt offering" reference when Cooper cooked to death in a hot car.

And encouraging the congregation to give money to the family? When the dad is in jail, accused of murdering his son?

And letting a criminal defendant call in to speak at the victim's funeral? Allowing standing ovations for the dad? Allowing mom to talk on the phone to dad as she's following behind the casket after the victim's Eulogy included bolstering the reputation of the defendant?

I've never been to a church service like this. Have you?

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When I had my first child, I was still working full time and he was in daycare. My husband's job was closest to the daycare, so I only drove him a few times a month, unless my husband was traveling for work and wasn't in town. On at least two separate occasions that I remember, I forgot that my son was in the carseat, which was in the center of the back seat. My commute was about 40 minutes, and the turn for his daycare was about 10 minutes before I would arrive at work. He usually fell asleep during the ride, and so he wasn't making any noise, and as I got closer to work, I was already going over the meetings I had scheduled, my deadlines, etc. However, both times I forgot he was in the car, I realized he was there BEFORE I got out of the car. Either I spotted him in the rearview mirror when I went to exit the highway, or I spotted him when parking the car, or I remembered him when I stopped thinking about work and started focusing on the present again. My point is, one can forget the child is in the car if distracted, but there comes appoint when you stop being distracted, maybe just to park in the correct spot, change lanes, or simply as you unbuckle your own seatbelt or close the car door. Given that RH had gone to breakfast and interacted with the child right before getting to Home Depot, I don't see any way that he would have been so caught up in his own distractions, plus I don't think little Cooper would have fallen asleep in that short period of time, and wide awake toddlers are not quiet; they are hard to ignore.
IMO Him taking Cooper to Chick-Fil-A that day is damning in itself. If this was intentional, which I think it was, then why on earth did he take him to Chick-Fil-A that day? I find that alone very strange. How did he think he would get away with "forgetting" him in less than 2 minutes? edited to add this...let's say I did forget my child (which would never happen unless I got Amnesia) I would have remembered when I went to my car at lunch. That should have been enough to trigger a memory from that morning and remember that your child was still in the car, especially if it was a routine to take him everyday.
Bingo! If he kissed him goodbye in the parking lot of Home Depot, he knew he locked Cooper in a hot car with the windows rolled up and no means of escape. He knew at that moment that he hadn't dropped Cooper off at daycare, or he would've gotten back in the car and immediately taken him there if he'd wanted him to live and had really forgotten about him.

The "kiss" (according to RH) happened after they walked out of CFA and he was buckling him in his car seat to leave.
When I had my first child, I was still working full time and he was in daycare. My husband's job was closest to the daycare, so I only drove him a few times a month, unless my husband was traveling for work and wasn't in town. On at least two separate occasions that I remember, I forgot that my son was in the carseat, which was in the center of the back seat. My commute was about 40 minutes, and the turn for his daycare was about 10 minutes before I would arrive at work. He usually fell asleep during the ride, and so he wasn't making any noise, and as I got closer to work, I was already going over the meetings I had scheduled, my deadlines, etc. However, both times I forgot he was in the car, I realized he was there BEFORE I got out of the car. Either I spotted him in the rearview mirror when I went to exit the highway, or I spotted him when parking the car, or I remembered him when I stopped thinking about work and started focusing on the present again. My point is, one can forget the child is in the car if distracted, but there comes appoint when you stop being distracted, maybe just to park in the correct spot, change lanes, or simply as you unbuckle your own seatbelt or close the car door. Given that RH had gone to breakfast and interacted with the child right before getting to Home Depot, I don't see any way that he would have been so caught up in his own distractions, plus I don't think little Cooper would have fallen asleep in that short period of time, and wide awake toddlers are not quiet; they are hard to ignore.

I think you are forgetting that he forgot Cooper in 40 SECONDS. The light he came to where he turned to work instead of daycare in nearly right in front of chikfila. Not to mention, this wasn't a few times a month thing, this was a normal thing for him to take Cooper.There are people all over that have these stories and none of them have the same situation. 40 seconds after breakfast. None of them.
In thinking more about LRH's personality type, I'm wondering how he can be a sociopath or psychopath. He has (or had) two or three long-term relationships with his college buddies which followed through to working at HD together and starting a business together. I'd heard it was difficult for people with psychotic tendencies to form long-term relationships. They tend to form short-term relationships to use people, then discard them when they are no longer useful.

It's very common for them to form long term relationships, but they are very, very surface. Look at how little people actually know him.
I literally just got to the beach and am eating lunch on the balcony and trying to catch up. I wanted to throw my opinion in on your remarks on the red light thing (though I have no idea what the rest of this is about). People run red lights unintentionally all the time. I guess technically you could argue it's a choice but there used to be a poorly designed intersection that a red light got ran all the time, unintentionally. Was that a choice?

But, whatever the reason, if a person runs a light unintentionally (eexcept the design issue), and kill someone, they should be charged with at least some type of manslaughter...
If it were the result of a poorly timed intersection, then I certainly think it alleviates the responsibility of the driver.

And, when I say choice, I mean that it is the driver who is responsible for controlling the vehicle. If you allow yourself to become so distracted that you don't notice the red light or speed limit, any accident that happens as a result is your responsibility. I have found myself unintentionally driving over the speed limit by 5 or 10 miles but, ultimately, it was my choice to allow myself to become so distracted or careless or whatever that I didn't notice what I was doing. And if an accident happened as a result of my bad choices, I would be to blame.

Driving is an everyday activity which, if we allow ourselves to become complacent, has potentially lethal consequences for ourselves and others. I once saw a teenager driving well over the speed limit in the middle lane of the freeway, and she was texting with a chihuahua in her lap. I was scared of her!:gasp:
IMO Him taking Cooper to Chick-Fil-A that day is damning in itself. If this was intentional, which I think it was, then why on earth did he take him to Chick-Fil-A that day? I find that alone very strange. How did he think he would get away with "forgetting" him in less than 2 minutes? edited to add this...let's say I did forget my child (which would never happen unless I got Amnesia) I would have remembered when I went to my car at lunch. That should have been enough to trigger a memory from that morning and remember that your child was still in the car, especially if it was a routine to take him everyday.
Well......... some of us have been saying that from the get go. :)
Well......... some of us have been saying that from the get go. :)

Yeah, sorry I haven't had time to read over everything. If I say something you guys have already said please ignore me. haha
Ok, so, JRH, NOT ONCE, remembered he didn't take CH to day care and somehow didn't see him in the car until after work.. So what made him realize he was in the car? He didn't notice him during lunch after he buys light bulbs, goes to his car, looks in (See below) and still doesn't see Cooper? Didn't know he was there when he pulled into work, took 30 minutes to get out of car. And yet somehow while driving to go to movies he finally see's Cooper?

STODDARD: When he reaches in, he comes up, he opens up the door. And as he's reaching in, turns his head a little bit. He's in there, he has a clear view, and he kind of turns his head and then just tosses the light bulbs into the car
He said at the scene (according to witnesses) that Cooper was choking and the sound made him remember, so he pulled over.
I think you are forgetting that he forgot Cooper in 40 SECONDS. The light he came to where he turned to work instead of daycare in nearly right in front of chikfila. Not to mention, this wasn't a few times a month thing, this was a normal thing for him to take Cooper.There are people all over that have these stories and none of them have the same situation. 40 seconds after breakfast. None of them.

FORTY seconds...... 40 . smh
For the pastor at Cooper's funeral to talk about Abraham sacrificing Isaac, especially in light of what Harris has been charged with, is in extremely poor taste. Yes, God stopped Abraham's hand before he killed his son, but still. Cooper is dead, by his "father's" hand.


I thought LH talked about the book of Job. Did the pastor also talk about Abraham? I don't know much about the bible books - is Job the guy whose faith got tested from some sort of suffering?
IMO Him taking Cooper to Chick-Fil-A that day is damning in itself. If this was intentional, which I think it was, then why on earth did he take him to Chick-Fil-A that day? I find that alone very strange. How did he think he would get away with "forgetting" him in less than 2 minutes? edited to add this...let's say I did forget my child (which would never happen unless I got Amnesia) I would have remembered when I went to my car at lunch. That should have been enough to trigger a memory from that morning and remember that your child was still in the car, especially if it was a routine to take him everyday.
I think he took him to establish an alibi. Get video proof of where he was that morning and that Cooper was fine at breakfast. To prove nothing sinister happened at home.
That is where he screwed up. He was too close to the day care for any one to believe that he" forgot" him.
Had he not stopped at Chic Fil a his story might have been believable had he discovered Cooper at lunch and called 911. He over planned it.

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He said at the scene (according to witnesses) that Cooper was choking and the sound made him remember, so he pulled over.

Yeah, because how else could he explain Cooper being BLUE?
J didn't plan on his child's skin color changing and his being in rigor either.
To make a right hand turn, one would look to the left for oncoming traffic.

RH had to make a u-turn toward the left when he exited the CFA. I think you'd be looking forward at the traffic to make a u-turn, not turning your head.

RH stated he first saw Cooper in the afternoon when he looked back to make a lane change to the right. Makes sense but, the detective did say that would not have been the only time RH would've had to make a lane change to the right that day. So he should have seen Cooper before that.

He would of looked to the right to backing out of the parking space at Chik Fila. One thing we were taught to do when we learned how to drive, was look to the left right left and then right again before turning, if you're taught that in drivers ed I'd think it would be a habit. That would more than double the times you 'd look towards your right and it gets harder to maintain you never saw your little buddy who was right there.

The stench of death would of hit JRH full in the face when he opened the car door, Wouldn't you want to check and see what the smell was and where it was coming from, before driving away?
So, are you saying that you think he was 'faking' phone calls telling dead air that his child had died?

And that he was faking with such great acting skills that he had to be asked to get off the phone a couple of times by LE, so he responded with "f- off", which is why he was handcuffed in the first place.

An officer told Harris to get off his cell phone, Stoddard said. Harris twice refused, using profanity, and was then arrested.
How much time elapsed from when they left the Chick-Fil-A and when he entered work (including the 30 seconds he was in the car after he parked)? Did it take him longer than expected to get to work? I thought it was only a few minute drive from the restaurant to his work.

ETA: It took 6 minutes to drive from restaurant to work. 9:19 to 9:25 am as per the timeline in the sticky of this forum.

6 minute drive after he just kissed Cooper and likely had to stretch out his back to clip him into the center of the back seat. Maybe Ross even hit his head or banged his arm back there doing it. Clipping in my kid into her seat was always a pain in the azz. He leaned in to kiss him too. Hmmm I doubt it. He mentioned that to sound like he was father of the year or something. JMO

Gonna check the map thread for driving time necessary to get to HD from there.
He said at the scene (according to witnesses) that Cooper was choking and the sound made him remember, so he pulled over.

...And we know that's not true because there is NO WAY Cooper was choking by then.
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