GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #13

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No, he was passed over for a promotion and did not get a raise.

Is that what you are wondering?

Perhaps the "excitement" was anticipation and talking about it about to happen. He was counting his chickens before they hatched, so to speak. Then he didn't get either.
Perhaps the "excitement" was anticipation and talking about it about to happen. He was counting his chickens before they hatched, so to speak. Then he didn't get either.

And now he isn't gonna. Home Depot fired his sorry behind.
Like everybody else pointed out, what raise? What promotion?
We heard he was not promoted at Home Depot, and he didn't get another job he applied for.

Just speculating.......I wonder if the reason he suddenly took charge of the finances was because he didn't tell his wife that he failed to get the promotion and raise.
Just speculating.......I wonder if the reason he suddenly took charge of the finances was because he didn't tell his wife that he failed to get the promotion and raise.

I'm sure she figured it out eventually. He doesn't seem like the brightest Home Depot bulb in the box.
We have a temp today now of 88f heat index of 93f, I have had a meat thermometer on the front seat of the explorer and just checked it at 4:16 and it reads, 137 degrees f.

May I ask how long it took to get to the 137 degree? TIA
I started a thread to contain direct quotes from witnesses and links to those direct quotes. We have reached the point in this case where 2nd and 3rd news orgs are now paraphrasing what witnesses have stated or testified to so that can be a place to access their direct quotes for clarity. I am a horse's mouth gal. I like to know exactly what was said and in what context whenever possible. Even if it is useful to no one but me, I will try to keep it updated.
Perhaps the "excitement" was anticipation and talking about it about to happen. He was counting his chickens before they hatched, so to speak. Then he didn't get either.

I suspect they mentioned to landlord he was up for the promotion but the landlord was not informed when that did not come to fruition.
Like everybody else pointed out, what raise? What promotion?
We heard he was not promoted at Home Depot, and he didn't get another job he applied for.

Just another example of how he lured people into thinking they knew him.
May I ask how long it took to get to the 137 degree? TIA

It was cloudy in the morning hours that day, by about early afternoon it cleared and was sunny for the rest of the time. I would say roughly 4-5 hours. I just went out and looked again, it's about 111-112 now inside.
I don't know anyone who has inadvertently driven through a red light. I know a couple people that have blown through the yellow/red lights on purpose or ran a red light even.

I did that once... :blushing:
That was a case of being "lost in my head" (short version: was not a good time) -- I was travelling south down a mostly residential street that crosses a major highway -- I realized halfway through the intersection that I hadn't paused or anything, just kept driving through and realized I had to just keep going and get out of the way. But the rest of the way home I was shaking because I thought, "What if the kids had been in the car? What if I hadn't been so lucky?"

I was telling someone about it and she made the remark, "Oh, you were just on autopilot." Her husband, a therapist, said he did that once on the way home from the airport -- just ran a red light and didn't realize it as his mind was otherwise occupied and he probably wouldn't have known if he hadn't been pulled over & ticketed. He disagreed with the "autopilot" and called it being distracted/inattentive.

I think I've realized there is a HUGE difference between being on autopilot and being just flat-out inattentive. If the kids had been in the car, I know that wouldn't have happened -- I simply do. My mind doesn't take a vacation when the kids are in the car -- if anything, I'm more nervous and uptight and cautious. Not to mention the change in music choice and the noise, lol.
snipped by me

Especially when intent does not need to be proved? Just criminal child neglect causing death?

Can you explain the difference between child neglect and CRIMINAL child neglect, if there is one?

hoping one of our verifieds will also meander over to the thread devoted for charges and give us some help in distinguishing the differences between malice, intent, wanton, willful and malicious and how those terms do or do not factor into the charges at hand and the burdens of proof involved in these charges.
My 20 y/o daughter wants me to go to the apple store with her. It's very hot in the 90's, hope she doesn't forget I'm in the car and leave me. :(
Grrrr.........we are charges and fact-starved! When will a grand jury hear this evidence? are we looking at weeks or months? We really can't get a grip on this until that happens and there is SO much more out there to assess-- like the real scoop on Leanna! JMO
He's hairless?
From manscaping? Nair? Shave? What?????

Would be like a bald opossum a justin Bieber doo...shiver....

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Common in men with low testosterone caused by hypogonadism. Just going back to the androgel discussions and the question of how "medical" (v. recreational) his testosterone problem might have been.

Also, still wondering if defense will bring this up as mitigating circumstance- say, for example, they claim medication levels off at the time of CH's death causing confusion and excess sexual arousal, etc. in RH.
It is hard to believe that anyone can be so absent-minded they could forget their own child but the intent in this case is pretty clear. This is someone who frequented a website called 'childfree' that used a term "lil' sizzlers" for children who are left to bake in the car. This site was pulled down when it became known in this case. That is just one of the many facts that are pointing at intent. I guess they have a thread for that, though.

BBM. Important to be accurate- RH was not described as having "frequented" the childfree subreddit group but only of having clicked on a few links that led to it and having read these links. We don't have any other information about how often or frequent such visits were because LE has not released this info yet.

I know some people who are proudly "childfree" and they jokingly call me a "breeder". The funny part is that they treat their pets like little children and buy them doggie popsicles and stuff. Whatever floats your boat. :)

It will be interesting to see what the LE releases on RH's internet habits, once the data has been sifted. But we shouldn't jump the gun because it just makes discussion confusing.
The thing of it is that in this case there's only a 30 – 40 second window involved – the time it took RH to strap Cooper in his car seat and give him a kiss at the restaurant and then drive to the intersection where he went straight instead of turning. Also, when he parked at HD he sat in the car for another 30 seconds so he'll have to claim that Cooper fell asleep in the meantime.

Furthermore, while other parents who forgot their kid were distracted by something, RH stated he wasn't on his phone at the time nor has anything been released (yet) about a work or family emergency occuring during that time or a change in his normal routine.

That's very different from the other cases. The only thing that RH's defense might claim is sleep deprivation, as per LH's speech at Coooper's funeral and IMO that would be quite a stretch as most parents are sleep-deprived for the first couple of years.

Even then, I can't imagine the legal can of worms such a defense, if successful, would open for future cases.

BBM. I disagree.

I think medication will be involved in the defense. Specifically, testosterone supplementation, whether through gel or injection. JMO.
if this alleged medication causes stupidity or forgetfulness to the point of completely forgetting his child who he himself strapped in and kissed (in case he died) within 30 seconds of doing so then it was negligent IMO for him ever to have been in charge of his child unsupervised.

JMO. I do think if RH was on this drug, the defense may try to suggest it is relevant. My response if I was the prosecutor would be to then remind the court and thereby the jury that both RH and LH had researched hot car deaths and claimed this was their big fear. So if it is your fear AND you have reason to believe it could happen (drug side effect) then you DO SOMETHING to prevent it.
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