GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #4

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I'd better shut up, don't want to give the defense anything to use because I think he's most assuredly guilty! I was thinking maybe it might establish some motive - troubled parenting times leading to an act of desperation, sort of thing.

truthfully, I can't imagine a jury of peers would be impressed with that kind of defense ((even though as parents we all remember when....but we didn't do bad stuff))
I promise I'm not being nit-picky. The United Church of Christ is quite different from the Church of Christ.

ETA: Shoot...just saw the mod post. Sorry.
I didn't see it before I responded, but I hope my response pertains to the thread. Someone upthread had asked about patriarchal views, etc.
truthfully, I can't imagine a jury of peers would be impressed with that kind of defense ((even though as parents we all remember when....but we didn't do bad stuff))

I think that's exactly why a jury wouldn't buy it. We've all been there, yet somehow, we managed to not lock our children in cars to die.
Not buying a bit of it. Not one bit. Can I say that?
Who, on earth searches days before his child's death by heat in a car, actually, innocently, has their child die by heat in a car?
I say "no one".
I can see Scott Peterson trying to do this, if he hadn't already murdered Laci and Conner first.
I think this is even worse.

Even after knowing his child, he still murdered him, so he could continue to live his fantasy life.

Of course, if you believe the DA's assertion.

But, I know this for sure. Nobody googles death in a hot car, leaves their toddler in a hot car, goes out to their hot car, hours later, does not think about their toddler left in the hot car, does not smell anything, and goes back to work without a care in the world until quitting time.


Hopefully, at some point, friends and relatives will start remembering the clues, that could help to explain, the unexplainable. I'm pretty sure, they are in shock.
At least, Scott Peterson had not met, or interacted with his soon to be born son, Conner.
But Justin did.
I will never, ever understand.
Especially, the planning, of doing such a horrible, awful deed.
I think this case has " get back at wife" coupled with, after this, she's going to need me-written all over it.
Different from Scott Peterson, but not really.
The bottom line, is that Both men felt that they'd been unsurped by another in regards to their wives attention.

I wonder, if, Scott Peterson, had not killed Conner, before he was born. Could he have been capable of killing Conner as a toddler?
I would say yes.
Would Scott have gone through with that? We'll never know. Too late, he offed Conner shortly before birth.
If, the accusation's against Justin Ross Harris are proven true.
We've a lot to learn as a society.
NO you do not! I live in Ga.. and went to school in Alabama (also lived there several years) - this is NOT normal and is frankly distasteful and .....well.....tacky! What was the applause supposed to be for? Applauding a 22 month old who never had a chance to live his life? Sounds like a de-facto way to get the audience to applaud in support of the dad imho. Especially given that comment, "Hey Ross, that sounded pretty good!"

I still have that visual stuck in my brain of the mom walking out behind the casket while talking to him on her cell phone....

I could say a LOT more but I'm biting my tongue and sitting on my hands:twocents:

thank nicely said what I dare not
truthfully, I can't imagine a jury of peers would be impressed with that kind of defense ((even though as parents we all remember when....but we didn't do bad stuff))

I was thinking more of the prosecution - "He killed Cooper because..." But agreed, most of us don't take that leap just because parenting gets extra challenging. Maybe a sociopath would though. That's kind of the reason why Casey killed Caylee (IMO) - she was cramping her style, becoming harder to handle, and Casey wasn't able to do exactly what she wanted!
Who, on earth searches days before his child's death by heat in a car, actually, innocently, has their child die by heat in a car?
I say "no one".
I can see Scott Peterson trying to do this, if he hadn't already murdered Laci and Conner first.
I think this is even worse.

Even after knowing his child, he still murdered him, so he could continue to live his fantasy life.

Of course, if you believe the DA's assertion.

But, I know this for sure. Nobody googles death in a hot car, leaves their toddler in a hot car, goes out to their hot car, hours later, does not think about their toddler left in the hot car, does not smell anything, and goes back to work without a care in the world until quitting time.


Hopefully, at some point, friends and relatives will start remembering the clues, that could help to explain, the unexplainable. I'm pretty sure, they are in shock.
At least, Scott Peterson had not met, or interacted with his soon to be born son, Conner.
But Justin did.
I will never, ever understand.
Especially, the planning, of doing such a horrible, awful deed.
I think this case has " get back at wife" coupled with, after this, she's going to need me-written all over it.
Different from Scott Peterson, but not really.
The bottom line, is that Both men felt that they'd been unsurped by another in regards to their wives attention.

I wonder, if, Scott Peterson, had not killed Conner, before he was born. Could he have been capable of killing Conner as a toddler?
I would say yes.
Would Scott have gone through with that? We'll never know. Too late, he offed Conner shortly before birth.
If, the accusation's against Justin Ross Harris are proven true.
We've a lot to learn as a society.

I'm still reeling from his googling "time and temperature" like he was baking a cake.

That cinched it for me when paired with the fact it was the hottest day so far this summer.

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under the twitter a/c a kind poster provided

he made mention of entering a contest for a Kron ((guitar)) and another post indicated he was fixing/rebuilding another guitar....

his hobby may have been his dream???? I can't find anything but I am looking

I have observed a lot of Peter Pans...((won't grow up for nothing,nobody,nohow) and I am wondering if he is another one note charleys who think there is only one note on the musical scale -- ME

NO you do not! I live in Ga.. and went to school in Alabama (also lived there several years) - this is NOT normal and is frankly distasteful and .....well.....tacky! What was the applause supposed to be for? Applauding a 22 month old who never had a chance to live his life? Sounds like a de-facto way to get the audience to applaud in support of the dad imho. Especially given that comment, "Hey Ross, that sounded pretty good!"

I still have that visual stuck in my brain of the mom walking out behind the casket while talking to him on her cell phone....

I could say a LOT more but I'm biting my tongue and sitting on my hands:twocents:

Thank You. I was trying to understand if the applause for a dead 2 yr old was a Southern cultural thing. I have been to several funerals for very young children over the years, sadly enough. And applause was never involved.

My family is Irish, and I have been to many raucous, wonderous wakes. But when very young children die in sudden tragic ways, the funerals are much more somber. Not enough time to save up funny stories about a deceased 2 yr old.

I am not trying to be disrespectful towards mom. I have the utmost compassion for her horrid situation. I hope I never have to join that devastating club of mothers who have lost children.

My distaste for the situation is with the father and his narcissistic tendencies. He found a way to make the funeral all about him. Even though he should be riddled with shame, accident or not. He managed to strap his baby into a car seat, and forget he existed within 3 minutes. I find that unforgivable. If he had been undergoing chemo therapy, or working two full time jobs as a single father, I would be feeling more compassion towards his 'mistake.'

But it was 9 am. He drove minutes away from his home , ate breakfast with his boy, and couldn't remember he was there, just 3 minutes later? That is so hard to believe or to forgive. So I do not understand why he felt the need to call the church and get his standing ovation?
From your link, under membership

"Agree to submit to the Senior Pastor and leadership of StoneBridge in matters of conduct and doctrine [For a description of the discipline process please refer to the StoneBridge Church By-Laws Article Fourteen]."

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I have no idea. It's on the square in Marietta. I have never seen or heard of it.
Which means it can't be bad because around here people would talk.
I saw the website.
Don't understand half
of the by laws and stuff
on there.
It says they are private and can ask anyone to leave for any reason.
Technically all Churches can ask people to leave I guess.
Nondenominational, they have elders who can be removed.
Sounds like a mishmash.

I would be willing to bet that any views JRH had on most things were instillled in him as a youngster.

I've kept up with this case since the beginning and just wrote a really long scenario which I lost- probably cause it took me too long to write it! I will try to make it shorter.

At the outset I believed this Had to be an accident. Then started believing accidental, but he made up a story to save his own @$$. Now, the past few days I have to consider this was intentional. This is so heinous I find it almost impossible to imagine. Basically, I'm trying to get in RH's head to figure out his thought process. If this was Not an accident, how did he think he'd get away with this? Why would this be scenario be an option?

If RH had a plan, his initial actions would be carefully thought out. So, "the reveal" in the parking lot is important. He has an audience there, and makes a screeching entrance into the lot to ensure that all eyes would be on him. He jumps out of the car yelling and gets Cooper out of the back. He yells for someone to call 911 and begins CPR.

I think RH wanted a passive way to get rid of Cooper, where he became the victim and had his old life back. He chose an accident he'd heard of and didn't think he'd get his hands dirty. He had a solid alibi and could make excuses to forgetfulness.

I think the first surprise for RH was that Cooper was in full rigor, and the smell didn't help his plan either. Maybe that 's why he drove a ways- to try to air car out. It would be interesting to know if windows were down.

I'm gonna put next part in a separate post lest I lose this one too!
I have no idea. It's on the square in Marietta. I have never seen or heard of it.
Which means it can't be bad because around here people would talk.
I saw the website.
Don't understand half
of the by laws and stuff
on there.
It says they are private and can ask anyone to leave for any reason.
Technically all Churches can ask people to leave I guess.
Nondenominational, they have elders who can be removed.
Sounds like a mishmash.

I would be willing to bet that any views JRH had on most things were instillled in him as a youngster.



''asked to leave a Church'' yikes
Along with the usual inconceivable thoughts of how,why etc. could ANY parent do such a thing. These are a couple of other issues that I cannot wrap my head around:

1.IF this was premeditated/intentional - why choose a method that would result in so much agony for the child and an obvious lengthy investigation of himself. There are unfortunately other options that would be quicker, less painful, and that he could perhaps have avoided all the spotlights.

2. It has been stated that the couple suffered though infertility - usually the child is cherished even *more* as the parent would realize they are special gifts and not to be taken for granted.

3. This is maybe way out there - but he was obviously a big sports fan - plus involved as referee for high school football. Most normal dads would be thrilled to have son - to go to games with - to teach about sports - to watch him play one day.

This is not adding anything really - just some things I've been thinking of today on the day of little Cooper's funeral.
I've kept up with this case since the beginning and just wrote a really long scenario which I lost- probably cause it took me too long to write it! I will try to make it shorter.

At the outset I believed this Had to be an accident. Then started believing accidental, but he made up a story to save his own @$$. Now, the past few days I have to consider this was intentional. This is so heinous I find it almost impossible to imagine. Basically, I'm trying to get in RH's head to figure out his thought process. If this was Not an accident, how did he think he'd get away with this? Why would this be scenario be an option?

If RH had a plan, his initial actions would be carefully thought out. So, "the reveal" in the parking lot is important. He has an audience there, and makes a screeching entrance into the lot to ensure that all eyes would be on him. He jumps out of the car yelling and gets Cooper out of the back. He yells for someone to call 911 and begins CPR.

I think RH wanted a passive way to get rid of Cooper, where he became the victim and had his old life back. He chose an accident he'd heard of and didn't think he'd get his hands dirty. He had a solid alibi and could make excuses to forgetfulness.

I think the first surprise for RH was that Cooper was in full rigor, and the smell didn't help his plan either. Maybe that 's why he drove a ways- to try to air car out. It would be interesting to know if windows were down.

I'm gonna put next part in a separate post lest I lose this one too!

welcome to WS your assessment echoes that of many
I've kept up with this case since the beginning and just wrote a really long scenario which I lost- probably cause it took me too long to write it! I will try to make it shorter.

At the outset I believed this Had to be an accident. Then started believing accidental, but he made up a story to save his own @$$. Now, the past few days I have to consider this was intentional. This is so heinous I find it almost impossible to imagine. Basically, I'm trying to get in RH's head to figure out his thought process. If this was Not an accident, how did he think he'd get away with this? Why would this be scenario be an option?

If RH had a plan, his initial actions would be carefully thought out. So, "the reveal" in the parking lot is important. He has an audience there, and makes a screeching entrance into the lot to ensure that all eyes would be on him. He jumps out of the car yelling and gets Cooper out of the back. He yells for someone to call 911 and begins CPR.

I think RH wanted a passive way to get rid of Cooper, where he became the victim and had his old life back. He chose an accident he'd heard of and didn't think he'd get his hands dirty. He had a solid alibi and could make excuses to forgetfulness.

I think the first surprise for RH was that Cooper was in full rigor, and the smell didn't help his plan either. Maybe that 's why he drove a ways- to try to air car out. It would be interesting to know if windows were down.

I'm gonna put next part in a separate post lest I lose this one too!

:welcome: to WS. Great first post. :fireworks:

Here is a tip. Write your post in text edit or Word, then paste it into the ws box. saves lost posts .
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