GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #7

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I bet he walked to the daycare to pick Cooper up and then put Cooper in the car. I think this is why they were able to charge and arrest him so quickly. This would be damning and there would be no question of an accident at that point.

This would also explain why the daycare didn't call a parent. He had already been to daycare and then been picked up for the day. It would also explain why RH never went to the daycare after work.

Sorry I am rambling, but this little thought just made a whole bunch of things fall into place for me.



The photobucket link you provided doesn't work. Maybe it's been cut off?
Pure selfishness. Wanted his freedom from parental responsibilities. That's all I can think of without more information.

Yeah, like two uncomfortable nights in a row sharing his marital bed.


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Yeah, like two uncomfortable nights in a row sharing his marital bed.


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I wonder whose idea it was to let Cooper sleep in their bed. I'm guessing it wasn't daddy's.
Motive...for you non fence sitters, what was his motive? Is there a life insurance policy we will be hearing about?

Maybe little man had just hit that defiant stage?

IDK, but I need something. This case has me reeling. :(

I "officially bowed out" of motive discussion last thread :floorlaugh: but I'm sure others can tell you this case REEKS of negligence (at minimum) and therefore... not exact motive needed...

What was Casey Anthony's "motive"? Bad example, I suppose, as she was acquitted.... lack of evidence of $$, I simply suggest that poor little Cooper cramped someone's desired lifestyle....

Of course it doesn't make sense to you and me... MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Two different law enforcement sources tell FOX 5 during that lunch hour Mr. Harris left his work property to go out to lunch, but didn’t take his car.

There are no words for this quote…That breaks my heart. An almost 2 yr old stranded and restrained in a car on a 90 deg day and he goes to lunch.
I "officially bowed out" of motive discussion last thread :floorlaugh: but I'm sure others can tell you this case REEKS of negligence (at minimum) and therefore... not exact motive needed...

What was Casey Anthony's "motive"? Bad example, I suppose, as she was acquitted.... lack of evidence of $$, I simply suggest that poor little Cooper cramped someone's desired lifestyle....

Of course it doesn't make sense to you and me... MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

"La Bella Vita"

We may hear next he stopped by the tattoo parlor on his lunch break.
AND making $61K :wink:

He's a salaried employee, correct?

Years and years a salaried employee of Sony Music, somedays my schedule would make him look like a work horse! Especially, if the day before I had worked 14 hours. I don't know what his job entails though.

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I bet he walked to the daycare to pick Cooper up and then put Cooper in the car. I think this is why they were able to charge and arrest him so quickly. This would be damning and there would be no question of an accident at that point.

This would also explain why the daycare didn't call a parent. He had already been to daycare and then been picked up for the day. It would also explain why RH never went to the daycare after work.

Sorry I am rambling, but this little thought just made a whole bunch of things fall into place for me.


You might want to read back through the timeline for the day.
I'm like 99.99999999% sure there is no bail for felony murder...

Georgia Code - Criminal Procedure - Title 17, Section 17-6-1

Legal Research Home > Georgia Laws > Criminal Procedure > Georgia Code - Criminal Procedure - Title 17, Section 17-6-1

(a) The following offenses are bailable only before a judge of the superior court:

(1) Treason;

(2) Murder;
Motive...for you non fence sitters, what was his motive? Is there a life insurance policy we will be hearing about?

Maybe little man had just hit that defiant stage?

IDK, but I need something. This case has me reeling. :(

Just because it has been said by "friends of the family" that Mr and Mrs Harris were having trouble having children and that both wanted to start a family does not mean that Mr Harris truly wanted children. Harris may have even told his wife that yes he did want children, to get her to marry him. Fast forward to 22 months after little Cooper was born, maybe problems in the marriage and Harris wanted out. Harris may not have wanted to have to pay child support, especially since Mrs Harris only worked part time (if at all). Not sure how child support is decided in GA but here in South Carolina both parents must fill out forms concerning their incomes, finances, monthly bills etc and the child support is determined in that way.

I'll use my own story as a case in point. When I met my ex-husband he was twice divorced (at 24) with two biological children and one that was not his but he had "raised" since her birth. He put on quite a show, "loved" his children dearly, wanted more kids, was a "great dad", etc. Before (immediately before btw) we got married HIS father asked me if I was sure I knew what I was doing. I thought that I did. The other children were 2 1/2, 1 1/2 and 6 months old. After we were married I began to notice things but I stayed because of his children. They needed a parent that truly cared about them and put them first instead of work, boyfriends, drinking, etc. I wanted a child of my own, and thought I was going to be married to him forever. It took over 2 1/2 years for me to get pregnant. Of course it took longer because when it was "time to try" he would start a fight or come home drunk late from going out with his "friends" from work. When my daughter was born I was 25. It was not my first time around children (not just his children either) and I knew that something was wrong with her when she was a week and a half old. She had been born a month premature because of issues with the pregnancy. He came home late and drunk the night that she was really sick. She was crying in her bouncer in the kitchen on the floor while I was finishing up dinner. He came in, took her out of the bouncer, held her up to his face and yelled "Shut the hell up!" She was put in the hospital that night (later on) because she had a fever that would not go down and they were worried about issues with her being premature. She was in the hospital for 5 days. I was there the entire time, day and night. Ex would come in every other evening after work for an hour max and it was always the same.....he was upset that my family, his family, our friends were there when he wanted it to be "just us". She was released, I had ZERO trust in him so I left him taking the step children with me. He fought me every step of the way because he was NOT going to pay child support. He threatened me telling me he was going to take her away from me and I would never see her again, to which I responded that I would find him and then I would kill him and that yes while I would go to prison he would be dead and my daughter would be safe. Fought with him for 2 years for the divorce, he was ordered to pay child support but he thought as long as he didn't see her for visitation then he owed me nothing. That child is now 17 years old. She was 2 the last time she saw him. He had friends, family that thought he was a great dad and a loving husband. He is now on his fifth wife at the age of 43.

There was something mentioned a couple of threads ago about a picture of Harris with Cooper asleep on his chest. I have seen that picture. I have also seen that look on Harris's face on my ex. That look is the look of a man that does NOT want the child they just had with their spouse/significant other, IMO. That look is on several of the pictures of my ex while in the hospital after I gave birth when he thought no one was paying attention to him.

link to photo:



  • Justin-Ross-Harris-4.jpg
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Motive...for you non fence sitters, what was his motive? Is there a life insurance policy we will be hearing about?

Maybe little man had just hit that defiant stage?

IDK, but I need something. This case has me reeling. :(

I know people will tell you that you don't need a motive but I need one before I can believe someone would kill a child that by all accounts they were crazy about.

I need a motive. I can't go from seeing this beloved family, and then he states he forgot the child, to "he killed that kid on purpose" without SOME little wisp of a motive.

I haven't seen any.
NG just said from Chik-fil-a to Coopers day care it takes 1minute and 20 seconds

Wow, less time than I thought.
For me that further confirms that there is NO way J forgot his son.

Can't wait for others to opine this.
ok, anyone have news where the mom was that day?
I heard she was out-of-town (no, I don't have a link)

Is that RH's normal work hours?
He did he meet at his early lunch at 11:30?
What item did he drop off in his car?

Where does his cell ping at before work? at lunch?
Who did he call during the day?
Who was he meeting after work for drinks and a movie?
Did daycare call him or his wife?

10:1 it was his cellphone. IMO, he either put it in the car at lunchtime, or he left it there when he left the child there in the morning, so nobody could get ahold of him or so he could say, "look! I even forgot my cellphone!"

And if he left it there in the morning, IMO he went at lunch to see if anyone called/texted him. Cooper? A second thought.
Bumped... Feel free to add

Let's make a list.

Overwhelming smell

Drove 8 minutes 18 seconds claiming not to be aware of his son. While his car reeked.

Recent Internet searches for time and temperatures required to kill a child left in the car. Both parents claim to have searched. He at work, her at home.

Claimed to hear Choking

Visited car at lunch time ; opened drivers side place an "object"
2 and a half hours after he arrived. Left the work property for lunch on foot.

Hottest day on record this summer

Didn't call 911 *
Instructed others to.

Left child unattended when witness came to help make calls.

Excited utterance " what have I done?" "I've killed my child"

After buckling the child back in the car at CF, he claims to have forgotten all about him in less than 3 minutes 14 seconds.

"Dream" his father shared @ funeral. Foreshadowing ...he saw Cooper sitting on Jesus's lap and his wife working in a nursery ....

Arrived at work after 9am.

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Lunch on foot is my bad, Linda.

They just stated that he left for lunch but didn't take his car. I then posted that he left on foot
So he:
arrives at work 9:30
lunch 12:00-1:00
leaves 4:20

Do you suppose he's exempt staff (salaried)? Perhaps he worked for varying lengths depending upon the workload for the day (I know another poster mentioned this and I'm sorry I can't remember who)... it would be interesting to know his co-workers'/manager's perspective on this entire day of his, his behavior, etc....

If he was exempt, he probably just had to show up for any portion of any day to be counted "at work" and not have taken a sick or vacation day. Overall it probably doesn't matter.... unless he was using the car as a babysitter and something went horribly wrong.
Hey Everybody - that testostrone therapy is OFF LIMITS. That came from sleuthing mom, who is still not sleuthable. She is not a POI/suspect at this time and until that changes, she is considered a victim. What has come out from MSM and LE is discussable - but accusations and sleuthing are still OFF the table.

I realize there is a lot of the therapy talk in the last thread. That's because there has not been time to clean it up yet.

Just because it has been said by "friends of the family" that Mr and Mrs Harris were having trouble having children and that both wanted to start a family does not mean that Mr Harris truly wanted children. Harris may have even told his wife that yes he did want children, to get her to marry him. Fast forward to 22 months after little Cooper was born, maybe problems in the marriage and Harris wanted out. Harris may not have wanted to have to pay child support, especially since Mrs Harris only worked part time (if at all). Not sure how child support is decided in GA but here in South Carolina both parents must fill out forms concerning their incomes, finances, monthly bills etc and the child support is determined in that way.

I'll use my own story as a case in point. When I met my ex-husband he was twice divorced (at 24) with two biological children and one that was not his but he had "raised" since her birth. He put on quite a show, "loved" his children dearly, wanted more kids, was a "great dad", etc. Before (immediately before btw) we got married HIS father asked me if I was sure I knew what I was doing. I thought that I did. The other children were 2 1/2, 1 1/2 and 6 months old. After we were married I began to notice things but I stayed because of his children. They needed a parent that truly cared about them and put them first instead of work, boyfriends, drinking, etc. I wanted a child of my own, and thought I was going to be married to him forever. It took over 2 1/2 years for me to get pregnant. Of course it took longer because when it was "time to try" he would start a fight or come home drunk late from going out with his "friends" from work. When my daughter was born I was 25. It was not my first time around children (not just his children either) and I knew that something was wrong with her when she was a week and a half old. She had been born a month premature because of issues with the pregnancy. He came home late and drunk the night that she was really sick. She was crying in her bouncer in the kitchen on the floor while I was finishing up dinner. He came in, took her out of the bouncer, held her up to his face and yelled "Shut the hell up!" She was put in the hospital that night (later on) because she had a fever that would not go down and they were worried about issues with her being premature. She was in the hospital for 5 days. I was there the entire time, day and night. Ex would come in every other evening after work for an hour max and it was always the same.....he was upset that my family, his family, our friends were there when he wanted it to be "just us". She was released, I had ZERO trust in him so I left him taking the step children with me. He fought me every step of the way because he was NOT going to pay child support. He threatened me telling me he was going to take her away from me and I would never see her again, to which I responded that I would find him and then I would kill him and that yes while I would go to prison he would be dead and my daughter would be safe. Fought with him for 2 years for the divorce, he was ordered to pay child support but he thought as long as he didn't see her for visitation then he owed me nothing. That child is now 17 years old. She was 2 the last time she saw him. He had friends, family that thought he was a great dad and a loving husband. He is now on his fifth wife at the age of 43.

There was something mentioned a couple of threads ago about a picture of Harris with Cooper asleep on his chest. I have seen that picture. I have also seen that look on Harris's face on my ex. That look is the look of a man that does NOT want the child they just had with their spouse/significant other, IMO. That look is on several of the pictures of my ex while in the hospital after I gave birth when he thought no one was paying attention to him.

link to photo:


I am glad you got the hell outta there!
My crazy ex is on his new victim and possibly wife #6!
He's left a trail of victims.
I'm not sure what a latch connector is. Is that something that would keep a car seat from going through the windshield?

Sorry... I've been away for a bit, so someone may have already answered this but just in case I'll answer! LATCH is the system of anchors and tethers for child restraint seats to be hooked to. It is (IMO) a more secure way to install the carseat to the car because it attaches the seat TO the *car* and not just to the seat of the car with a seat belt. But these are only in the back seat... where kids are safest. Even if they put LATCH in the front seat kids will be safer (in most accidents, statistically) in the back seat. By far safer than having them in the front seat so they aren't forgotten by their parents. Parents shouldn't be forgetting their kids period.
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