GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #7

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Yes, sadly it does happen. When it does, I say the parent should be charged with manslaughter. But in THIS case, it was planned by both parents and poorly executed, i'm going with murder 1. (or murder 2 if i must)

Justin Ross Harris is lying. All his actions reveal deception, every step of the way.
Think it through, it's an on-site day care, that he uses every day. Even IF he forgot to drop him off, did he also forget to pick him up? He pulls the child from the car onto the hot asphalt, the child is clearly in rigor with his legs sticking up as if seated, and tells people he needs help, that the child is choking. He performs cpr on the stiff, dead, child. Why did he drive away before the 'big find'? Because he didn't want to do it in front of his job. JMO

"Family and friends mourned Cooper Harris, the Georgia toddler who died after being left in a hot vehicle, this weekend. His father, who is in jail and charged in his son's death, wasn't allowed to attend, but did call in to address the mourners."

VIDEO at the link...
Any fresh news today or are y'all just rehashing and re-examining what we already have? TIA for any brief update on any breaking news I missed today.

Just rehashing. Probably won't be any fresh news until Thursdays hearing.
OK, I will try to find a link. Thanks.

in the original post to me I clicked on the video and it was an picture just sound...and I listened very carefully and when the wife cannot answer directly all bells and whistles go off for her case the it was the husband who forgot....

Airbags can be turned off now, though so hopefully they will change the laws and allow them back in the front.

A small child in the front seat is dangerous, airbag turned off or not. Without the airbag what is there? The windshield and dashboard. Seat belts don't fit small kids correctly, there are no LATCH connectors for front seats, and I don't think a child seat flying towards the windshield w/a baby/small child in it is a good plan... Statistically a child is safest in the back seat.
First of all, who has a standing ovation at a child's funeral. Unheard of. My heart breaks for that poor child who may have suffered a unbearable death.

Has it been verified Cooper was seen at breakfast? If not…parents expressed they slept with him the last 2 nights. Could they have staged this if something terribly went wrong at home while sleeping with him?

I'm of the opinion dad knew what he was doing, so was Cooper here on earth or not at this time he was put in the car. Regardless, the negligence IMO deserves punishment. There are no accidents when infant, toddler, young one dies while in the care of any adult. You are held to a higher standard to care and protect those who have no voice and no ability to protect themselves from harm. Child care 101: You just don't leave a child out of sight..even for a minute without risking grave consequences. Im not talking terminal illnesses, SIDS, asthma attacks and whatever else would be unimaginable. MOO and I'm sure many do not agree.

Others in the previous thread have wondered if he may have been that no one would hear him crying at Home Depot ? :banghead:
I haven't been able to find a post or link in msm stating where he parked at work -- if it was far away from the building or not ?
:sigh: you guys have gone and done it again, filled a thread and started a fresh one all while my boss was burying me with work to prepare for his vacation in a few weeks.

I am getting tired of trying to keep up with this case and the flying threads at the end of the day. It's become a second dang job. So you know what I did? I took tomorrow, my birthday and the fourth off so I could have FIVE days to follow this case and not be worried about pesky ole work.

Any fresh news today or are y'all just rehashing and re-examining what we already have? TIA for any brief update on any breaking news I missed today.

Oh wait... the hearing is going to be covered LIVE on HLN at 1:30 which means we will probably be able to find a LIVE stream link.
A small child in the front seat is dangerous, airbag turned off or not. Without the airbag what is there? The windshield and dashboard. Seat belts don't fit small kids correctly, there are no LATCH connectors for front seats, and I don't think a child seat flying towards the windshield w/a baby/small child in it is a good plan... Statistically a child is safest in the back seat.

I'm not sure what a latch connector is. Is that something that would keep a car seat from going through the windshield?

Airbags can be turned off now, though so hopefully they will change the laws and allow them back in the front.

Off of Cooper's topic, but the laws are not strict enough!!!!

I am a certified Child Passenger Safety Technician. Keep toddlers rear facing as long as their body is small enough. Keep them in a forward facing seat as long as they are small enough. Keep them in the back seat until their body fits the adult restraint system in the vehicle -- as long as they are small enough. Use all restraints correctly, check the vehicle and seat owner's manuals or schedule a car seat check this week. Please!

Cooper's death is due to neglect. If there is blame, blame the human who neglected him, not the appropriate safety equipment.

Can't link on the iPad, but Google Safe Kids Worldwide or Kidz In Motion or LifeSavers for more information about car seats and safety.


I'm so sorry you went through that, you should give yourself enormous credit for having the courage and resilience to get away from him - sadly, so many don't.

I still suffer serious bouts of shame. His friends still contact me and threaten me over 18 years later. I don't think I would have gotten out alive. There was several attempts on my life that failed. He threatened to cut me up into and grind me into dog food and scatter me alongside the highway, he was convinced he wouldn't be caught. I still think he would have done it and most likely got away with it. LE did nothing to help me each and every time I called for help. I had two friends and family that supported me when they realized how serious it was.

LH hopefully is an abuse victim can get HELP immediately!!!
I've lurked these boards for a long time but never registered until now. I don't know how many of you are from Georgia, but we are "fire at will." As long as race, age, religion, or gender aren't the issue (and it's not a whistle blower situation) Home Depot can fire him with no reason given.

Unless he is a contract employee, which I doubt.

:welcome: PigPong!
When the attempt to defend this man becomes exaggerated to the absurd, it makes me sad for this child. It's unfair, so unfair to that Baby, to the horrific, unimaginable pain he suffered.

Post by St.marysmead on previous page
If there are logical, honest points that defend the Dad, okay. But we all know the difference when sweeping exaggerations are posted as fact. It just morphs into a game. This is no game.

I can hardly think of the minutes ticking away in that car, and the fear and pain of that tiny little guy with no one to help him, just strapped there, helpless.

cbm Kudos StMM.
tlyca , thank you for the dedication. This is a riveting case that tugs at the heart strings for this precious blonde haired little boy named Cooper whose Daddy, it appears, wanted to kill him.

Tomorrow we shall be waiting for what should be an interesting hearing on HLN. Tox reports should be back by now. The prosecutor will tell the judge why Cooper's Daddy should be denied bail and held over without bond pending the trial date.

Hot car deaths are preventable. Just don't leave a child alone in an enclosed vehicle.

Bringing this post over from the last thread. It's post #935 thread #6 by stmarysmead

Last night, I had a dream. I dreamed that I was sitting next to Casey Anthony while she read comments and articles about this case. Suddenly, she slapped herself hard upside the head....

"I was so dumb! I didn't have to drive around with Caylee in the trunk, or go messing around in that swampy lot trying to bury her. I didn't have to tell all those lies about my job, and Zanny the Nanny...or throw my Father under the bus.

What was I thinking! I lived in, hot Florida! All I had to do is strap Caylee in her car seat, walk around the Mall for a few hours, and do a little "tragic Mom" routine on my return to the car. Oops, I would tell them...I was stressed. I was tired. I just...forgot her....and people would bend over backwards not to condemn me...but excuse me!

Look how simple it is! Look at the difference!

This guy has already been sent over $20,000! People are tying themselves in knots finding every kind of excuse for him! His computer searches for "how-to-do" HIS DEED...are being dismissed as...irrelevant. No one is calling him "Tot Dad." They hated me but they can find no fault with HIM!

If I'd only used the car seat, it could all have been so different! I could have been a celebrity victim too...pitied, excused, embraced as the epitome of the parenting! He'll be interviewed, write a book, be a rock star guitarist! Why didn't I think of this!"

Yes, in my dream, Casey. Anthony shook her head in amazement.

"The Car Seat...not the Trunk! The Five Minute Onset of Amnesia...not a fictional Nanny! Well, you learn something new everyday."

Absolutely! I can so see CA having that exact attitude in a discussion within herself about this very case. Without researching specifically ATT, no doubt that the number of hot car deaths is rising every year. We see surges of hot car incidences in the summer months. We must remain vigilant to hold parents responsible and accountable to honor the child who may be left suffering in a furnace to slowly bake for hours inside a hot car for 7 hours or whatever. Hot car deaths must not become a trend. Parents must be held accountable.

Who remembers the man who used his key fob to physically turn off the motion detector alarm three different times or until he felt assured his child was expired inside his hot car? He used his key fob three different times to turn off the motion sensor detection when it warned him there was movement inside his vehicle. B word.
When the attempt to defend this man becomes exaggerated to the absurd, it makes me sad for this child. It's unfair, so unfair to that Baby, to the horrific, unimaginable pain he suffered.

Post by St.marysmead on previous page

cbm Kudos StMM.

Yes, that post by St. Marysmead should be read in court in my opinion. Break this down where there is no doubt.
I've lurked these boards for a long time but never registered until now. I don't know how many of you are from Georgia, but we are "fire at will." As long as race, age, religion, or gender aren't the issue (and it's not a whistle blower situation) Home Depot can fire him with no reason given.

Unless he is a contract employee, which I doubt.

Welcome! I'm glad you finally joined!
"Justin Ross Harris is currently behind bars, facing charges of second-degree cruelty to a child and felony murder. He has pleaded not guilty."

Here's what to expect from Thursday's hearing, as explained by criminal defense attorney Philip Holloway (who works in the same county where Harris faces charges):

This is a preliminary hearing, which is usually called a "probable cause" hearing.
The burden of proof will be on the prosecutors. It's their responsibility to prove to a judge that a crime was probably committed in this case and that the person who likely committed that crime was Harris.
Hearsay (or information that someone gets from someone else and can't substantiate themselves) will be allowed.
There will not be a jury present but, instead, a magistrate judge. This judge will not end up being the trial judge (a Superior Court judge will be assigned later if the case goes to trial).
The judge will hear testimony from a police officer (usually the lead investigator in the case), who is expected to be the prosecution's only witness.
That witness will be subject to cross-examination by the defense team.
If the judge decides that the prosecution has met its burden, then he or she will permit the case to proceed to a grand jury.
The grand jury may be asked by the district attorney to return an indictment -- or the ultimate charging document -- with the same charges Harris currently faces or with different charges (the warrants in the case right now are preliminary charging documents only -- the indictment will replace them).
The issue of bail is also expected to be addressed at this hearing (Harris is currently behind bars without bail).
While the defense isn't expected to call any witnesses on the issue of probable cause, they may choose to call some character witnesses to make an argument as to why Harris should be released on bond.
Cameras will be allowed inside the courtroom for Thursday's hearing. HLN will bring you live coverage starting at 1:30 p.m. ET.
Maybe we should be teaching this to children in school to pass onto their parents!


This is an idea! It's well-known that fewer people die in home fires now that children are routinely taught fire safety in school. The firefighters come to the schools to make a presentation, the teacher follows up with it, and the little darlings go home and nag/encourage their parents to make the changes needed for better fire safety.

Why not start a program in the schools that teaches this to kids, who then make "Don't Forget the Baby!" signs to attach in the front seats of cars whose owners have little kids. Maybe this would be an Eagle Scout project for getting the program into elementary schools. The children who have younger siblings would no doubt be right on board with the idea.

Of course, there are parents who would take offense- how dare the schools tell us what to do in our own cars-but screw 'em. Save the babies!
tlyca , thank you for the dedication. This is a riveting case that tugs at the heart strings for this precious blonde haired little boy named Cooper whose Daddy, it appears, wanted to kill him.

Tomorrow we shall be waiting for what should be an interesting hearing on HLN. Tox reports should be back by now. The prosecutor will tell the judge why Cooper's Daddy should be denied bail and held over without bond pending the trial date.

Hot car deaths are preventable. Just don't leave a child alone in an enclosed vehicle.

Bringing this post over from the last thread. It's post #935 thread #6 by stmarysmead

Absolutely! I can so see CA having that exact attitude in a discussion within herself about this very case. Without researching specifically ATT, no doubt that the number of hot car deaths is rising every year. We see surges of hot car incidences in the summer months. We must remain vigilant to hold parents responsible and accountable to honor the child who may be left suffering in a furnace to slowly bake for hours inside a hot car for 7 hours or whatever. Hot car deaths must not become a trend. Parents must be held accountable.

Who remembers the man who used his key fob to physically turn off the motion detector alarm three different times or until he felt assured his child was expired inside his hot car? He used his key fob three different times to turn off the motion sensor detection when it warned him there was movement inside his vehicle. B word.

That was his car alarm wasn't it?
I've lurked these boards for a long time but never registered until now. I don't know how many of you are from Georgia, but we are "fire at will." As long as race, age, religion, or gender aren't the issue (and it's not a whistle blower situation) Home Depot can fire him with no reason given.

Unless he is a contract employee, which I doubt.

:wagon: :wagon: :wagon:
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