GA - Theresa Parker, 41, Lafayette, 21 March 2007 - #1

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Volunteers familiar with south Walker County and physically able to walk the rough terrain are welcome and are asked to assemble no later than 9:00 AM at Walker County Fire Station #15 located at 18 Old Lee School Road at the intersection with US Highway 27.

The search teams will be concentrating on an area south of Lafayette, Georgia, and north of the Chattooga County line bounded on the east by Taylor's Ridge and on the west by Pigeon Mountain, according to Sheriff Wilson.

The search will be organized by Walker County Coordinator David Ashburn and Walker County Fire Chief Randy Camp.

For more information about volunteering, contact 706-764-1900 or 706-375-7810.,%Y
It's been eight nights since Theresa Parker slept in her own bed. Eight nights since anyone has seen her.

Now there are new developments in the case of the missing Walker County 9-1-1 dispatcher.

They involve her estranged husband, Sam Parker, who is a police officer on the LaFayette force.
On Thursday, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation seized Sam Parker's patrol car. It sits in a LaFayette, Georgia impound lot.

Friday was spent conducting more interviews and making plans for a full-scale ground search to be launched Saturday morning that will focus on the southern end of Walker County, where Parker last used her cell phone to call her family on March 21, Wilson told They will use professional search and rescue officials, as well as volunteers, to cover the 30- to 40-mile area. They have no solid leads so far, Wilson said.

"It is quite a large area for us to be tackling tomorrow … we know the general area where her cell phone was last used at, so we've been able to kind of get a general area as to where that cell phone was, so as a general rule, putting two and two together, obviously that's a place to start," Wilson said. "It's still almost like looking for a needle in the old haystack."

There is no evidence pointing to another man in Parker's life, Wilson said, and there has been no use of her credit or debit cards since she disappeared. Her husband indicated her purse and an overnight bag were missing from the house she was living in, but besides that, the residence was immaculate.,2933,262664,00.html
The sister of LaFayette police sergeant Sam Parker, whose estranged wife Theresa has been missing since March 21, held a news conference on the steps of the Walker County Courthouse Friday afternoon.

Carolyn Wooten gave a quick and straightforward reading of a prepared statement, then declined to answer any questions.

Sgt. Parker did not attend the event.


Coming in the midst of a tight-lipped investigation that includes the impoundment of Sgt. Parker’s patrol car on Thursday, Wooten revealed that the last time Sam saw Theresa was at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 21, at their trailer home on Cordell Rd. near LaFayette.

much more at link
Chico, thanks for all of the links! Do you know where the location Sam went fishing is in relation to the new search area?

I noticed that one article referred to the home she had been living in as "immaculate". This sounds odd to me, as she had been reportedly in the midst of moving to a different residence. I've never seen anyone keep an immaculate home while splitting up belongings and packing for a move! The place should have at least been a bit cluttered. Did someone go overboard on cleaning up the place before it was searched?

“Something bad has happened to her,” said her sister Christina Hall in recalling a long list of appointments and events Theresa has missed since last seen Wednesday, March 21.


But Christina believes Sam was at the house that Wednesday night, because at 10:44 p.m. her phone rang and the caller ID showed it was from the house in LaFayette.

“I knew it was not her because she was over at her apartment cleaning. A neighbor saw her outside about 10:15 p.m. talking on her cell phone,” Christina said.

If that is accurate, it would be unlikely that Theresa could have traveled in 29 minutes the distance of more than 24 miles between the new apartment at 59 Flagstone Drive in Fort Oglethorpe to the couple’s house on Cordell Road southeast of LaFayette.
Sam Parker was not on police duty that Wednesday night.

much more at link

This poor family! Sending love and prayers that they get the answers they so need. I hope the search is just flooded with volunteers tomorrow.
The "she" is Theresa's sister Christina Hall
Asked about alleged instances of domestic violence, she said Ms. Parker "was pretty private, but in the last couple of years she has been opening up to us more about that."

She said there were "several incidents, including one last year, that were very scary."

Ms. Hall said, "In that one, she said she thought she was going to die. That's when she filed for divorce."

The article mentioned "a horde of reporters" at the press conference today. :) :) That's why there is more info available today :)

My thoughts and prayers are with her family and I hope there's a speedy resolution for all involved.
Chico, thanks for all of the links! Do you know where the location Sam went fishing is in relation to the new search area?

I noticed that one article referred to the home she had been living in as "immaculate". This sounds odd to me, as she had been reportedly in the midst of moving to a different residence. I've never seen anyone keep an immaculate home while splitting up belongings and packing for a move! The place should have at least been a bit cluttered. Did someone go overboard on cleaning up the place before it was searched?


Somewhere in Chattooga county was all that was mentioned in the fishing article.

I wonder if there were signs that she was in the process of moving out? Maybe she was almost done?

One of the links said according to Sam her purse and overnight bag were missing. I heard someone in LE on FNC mention her keys were missing also. How convenient.

ETA I was just looking at a map and it looks like Chattooga county is the southern border of Walker county.
Chico, thanks for all the links. It seems the story is unfolding and old Sam isn't coming across as a rocket scientist and neither is his bud, the attorney.

If we don't believe them I am sure GBI is shaking their heads.

The family's heartache is palpable and I wish this wasn't happening for them. Prayers for their courage and strength.
Sheriff Wilson on NG. Sam Parker was asked to take a polygraph and he did not. Obviously, his cooperation only goes so far.
Nancy Grace has been thoroughly talking about this tonight. Thankfully, this should raise the eyebrows now. I just get the impression that the police department is not taking this seriously, at least not as seriously as they could have. Investigating one of their own could be touchy and eventually lead to a lawsuit by the husband - so they are edgy. But that is no reason not to push for a thorough investigation. This woman is missing. Plus, Nancy raised a good point. The husband said he thought she had moved out of the martial home, but her car was in the yard/garage. Plus the bedroom door was closed and he never investigated after a day or so. Plus, no polygraph. Is all this walking on egg shells due to this being a small closeknit town? :twocents:
Nancy Grace has been thoroughly talking about this tonight. Thankfully, this should raise the eyebrows now. I just get the impression that the police department is not taking this seriously, at least not as seriously as they could have. Investigating one of their own could be touchy and eventually lead to a lawsuit by the husband - so they are edgy. But that is no reason not to push for a thorough investigation. This woman is missing. Plus, Nancy raised a good point. The husband said he thought she had moved out of the martial home, but her car was in the yard/garage. Plus the bedroom door was closed and he never investigated after a day or so. Plus, no polygraph. Is all this walking on egg shells due to this being a small closeknit town? :twocents:

Could be Wicket. I know GBI is on the case now and the louder NG and others talk about this maybe a true investigation will occur. In this case the husband is obviously suspicious. The other high profile Georgia case went by the wayside...Tara Grinstead. Also, involved with local LE...dated etc.

I would suggest that anyone who has reason to doubt a small town investigation in Georgia and think it is not moving along to contact Gov. Sonny Perdue.

Thank you Nancy Grace for stepping in it. Thank you Gov. Sonny Perdue for following up.
Nancy Grace has been thoroughly talking about this tonight. Thankfully, this should raise the eyebrows now. I just get the impression that the police department is not taking this seriously, at least not as seriously as they could have. Investigating one of their own could be touchy and eventually lead to a lawsuit by the husband - so they are edgy. But that is no reason not to push for a thorough investigation. This woman is missing. Plus, Nancy raised a good point. The husband said he thought she had moved out of the martial home, but her car was in the yard/garage. Plus the bedroom door was closed and he never investigated after a day or so. Plus, no polygraph. Is all this walking on egg shells due to this being a small closeknit town? :twocents:

Considering that one of their own may be involved I think they are following all leads and doing the normal investigative routine. It is a sticky situation and GBI was called in to remove local officers of the problem of investigation their own. The sheriff was diplomatic and did not give anything away although I was able to take a few things away myself from the interview. I think they are building a case as we speak.

Burris brought up a good point about if he was the attorney for this guy he would set up a private poly so he could then determine just how much he would let him talk with investigators. That was quite telling from a defense attorneys POV and I'll keep that in mind in other cases. If the husband (or whoever) has an attorney and is not giving interviews to the press or even with LE then there just might be something there. I'm not clear if this guy has retained an attorney.

Of course his story stinks and the sheriff acknowledged that with his answers of "that was his statement" when several points were questioned.
Sheriff Wilson on NG. Sam Parker was asked to take a polygraph and he did not. Obviously, his cooperation only goes so far.

I wonder if he has an attorney? Profile wise I suspect not. Might feel he can handle this on his own. I was surprised to hear Mickey Sherman say that LDT are reliable!!
Don't forget, the fellow Sam said went fishing with him is an attorney. Cops can get plenty of legal advice without actually hiring a lawyer.
My husband is Texas law enforcement and they have an organization called CLEAT. I think it stands for "Combined Law Enforcement Association of Texas". This organization would provide him with legal representation if he needed it in relation to his work, and I'll bet he could get some unofficial legal advice if he needed it for anything else. Surely Georgia has something similar.
Cops and lawyers think of themselves as "on the same side". The lawyers can win or lose a case depending upon how credible, efficient and convincing a cop can be on the witness stand. They look out for eachother, so I hear.
This cop is very wise to keep his mouth shut so he won't say anything he'll wish he hadn't. Let's just hope he was also wise enough not to "accidentally" kill his wife and con his lawyer buddy to help him cover it up!

(The usual disclaimers would apply to all of the above info as it is only my opinion and not to be represented as fact!)

Oh, I also want to point out how transparent that chief of police was when he was so obviously trying to minimize the extent of domestic violence there was between the husband and wife! A 911 dispatcher and a cop are both well trained in keeping their cool in a verbal altercation. No way would she have called the cops for a simple verbal arguement! The investigating officer probably put a guilt trip on her about jeapordizing Sam's career, or pointing out that Sam could retaliate by filing assault charges on her and who would a judge believe?
Just my opinion again!

Search On For Missing Cell Phone


The sheriff said that law enforcement officials are now trying to locate Ms. Parker’s missing cell phone by honing in on the area where it was last used. Although in some cases cell phones can be pinpointed to within a couple of blocks of their location, this cell phone provider can only narrow it down to about a 40-square-mile area, he told Ms. Grace.

He said volunteers will conduct a massive search covering at least a 40-mile area on Saturday morning.


Investigators said they used a global positioning satellite to try to locate Parker’s cell phone and know the last number dialed, but have not released that information.
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