Garrido Says Dugard's Rights Violated

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thats why i dont trust them.
the only reason there edwards stuff was real was cause they had someone following him apperently.......
agree with what you said about jaycee and the girls. we sure dont know what there feeling. but there working out together and with family that loves them.

I think it is both prudent and responsible to be leery of any published works, until they are verified. We can all think of examples where things have been reported inaccurately both in print and on television and radio.

Keeping an open mind to all possibilities while verifying facts is what leads to discovery!
Yes, but the step-father never actually spoke to Jaycee, he was paraphrasing general recollections he had of conversations, either from Terry or Shayna I would think. These in turn were general recollections of the events of the day. So, we have at least two second hand summaries, those are exactly the sort of conditions that lead to truth being distorted.
My point is we do not know who the source is for the NE.
I don't see how you can categorically claim it can't be anyone directly connected to the family.
My point is we do not know who the source is for the NE.
I don't see how you can categorically claim it can't be anyone directly connected to the family.

since a source isnt listed, how can we verify one actually exists though
How did the kids experience the "better half of that?" By what's been reported, they haven't been to a doctor or a dentist. And they didn't go to school. They wouldn't even have birth certificate or social security numbers.
You call that the "better half?"

Like laughing, and playing, watching the stars, feeling affection, stuff like that. Not everything in life revolves around the materialistic world you know.

I come from Africa. I have met many people who rarely or never go to a doctor, or dentist, have very little schooling, and have no idea what a birth certificate or social security number is. Yet their life experience has been full and joyfull. You might think it was horrible, but that is not how they see it.
Like laughing, and playing, watching the stars, feeling affection, stuff like that. Not everything in life revolves around the materialistic world you know.

I come from Africa. I have met many people who rarely or never go to a doctor, or dentist, have very little schooling, and have no idea what a birth certificate or social security number is. Yet their life experience has been full and joyfull. You might think it was horrible, but that is not how they see it.

And what which life would you prefer given the opportunity? No doctor, dentist, and little schooling? Or education and health care?
There is a reason US is full of immigrants.
And what which life would you prefer given the opportunity? No doctor, dentist, and little schooling? Or education and health care?
Why do so many try to come to US?

certianly jaycee and the girls didnt choose to live life like that. that's what garrido decided for them
And what which life would you prefer given the opportunity? No doctor, dentist, and little schooling? Or education and health care?
There is a reason US is full of immigrants.

The people who don't have access to those things obviously would like them if they are aware of them, but it is not what defines the quality of someone's life.

And in this case they didn't know what those things were so obviously they weren't missing them. Those things were completely irrelevant in their lives.
The people who don't have access to those things obviously would like them if they are aware of them, but it is not what defines the quality of someone's life.

And in this case they didn't know what those things were so obviously they weren't missing them. Those things were completely irrelevant in their lives.

jaycee sure the hell knew what they were. she had a normal life for 11 years remember?
The people who don't have access to those things obviously would like them if they are aware of them, but it is not what defines the quality of someone's life.

And in this case they didn't know what those things were so obviously they weren't missing them. Those things were completely irrelevant in their lives.

It has been reported by media that the girls watched Hannah Montana, the daughters used to accompany pg into public venues, he took them on at least one vacation and gave them access to a computer. I think they were probably very aware that how they lived was unusual, to say the least. Whether that made them outwardly think to question things seems unlikely. I really believe their Aunt's statement that both girls are very intelligent. A large part of intelligence is curiosity.

Add in the fact that they have a sister who is 14+ years older that has a "different" relationship with Dad than they do, none of them have any resemblance what so ever to their "mother" and their sister is made to stay behind when they go with "dad" to be "socialized", or go on a vacation, and most reasonable, intelligent children would at least wonder.

I just really feel like they accepted their life as it was the only one they knew, but I will never believe that within themselves they did not question things. As for missing things, we have no idea what these girls longed for. We don't know what their wants or desires were. I just hope and pray they will be able to find peace and happiness!
My point is that THEY will decide what to believe in and how to lead their lives, not what you, or LinasK or I, or anyone else on this board thinks they will or should. Their perception of all of this is going to be very different from what we think, and it because their life experience is so different. It is NOT RIGHT for any of us to say that their feelings are wrong and bad or that they should say and do things in a particular way. We should respect those feelings, their sense of family, such as it may be. If you break that sense of family, you will leave a ruin in it's place that will be with them for the rest of their lives. What these girls need is to build their future, not carpet-bomb their past. If they have been treated badly growing up, they will undoubtedly remember that and react accordingly. However, if they were treated well under the circumstances, it is a crime to try and destroy what fond memories they might have.

I think it is very sad, but unfortunately in situations like this there are legions of people who are going to try to "help them" by forcing the girls to fit into their world view. Just reading through posts on this board, that sentiment is expressed over and over and over again. The sentiment is allways about how "I" feel about the situation and never about how "they" might feel. I feel very sorry for these girls, the situation they find themselves is not unlike a particularly nasty divorce from a kids point of view, with the added bonus of complete strangers getting into the fight uninvited.

I just hope they have the strength to be themselves and resist the pressure to conform that society will undoubtedly be smothering them with.

This board does not count. It is not a professional board.
They are in the hands of professionals who DO know how to work with brain washed victims.
This is not a light task.

It is obvious that they will do what they think is right, for now they don't know, BRAIN WASHED.
for now they are being guided with schedules to keep them busy.
Yes I know it's NE. And so what? They broke John Edwards story and he had to admit to an affair. So please don't tell everything they publish is garbage because it is not. They do investigative journalism and can be pretty accurate like with John Edwards' affair.

Exactly. They have broken lots of stories and are generally pretty accurate. However, I think they may have missed the mark on this JC story... BUT, she did say she had formed a bond with PG and it was almost like a marriage, and so I am not finding this story to be impossible to believe. Almost impossible, but not impossible.
Exactly. They have broken lots of stories and are generally pretty accurate. However, I think they may have missed the mark on this JC story... BUT, she did say she had formed a bond with PG and it was almost like a marriage, and so I am not finding this story to be impossible to believe. Almost impossible, but not impossible.

it is a possibility. that's what she is going thru all the therapy for. to help her with her conflcting emotions about this (besides the obvious trauma she has gone thru0.
whether its reliabe info here without a clear cut source, i dont know
It has been reported by media that the girls watched Hannah Montana, the daughters used to accompany pg into public venues, he took them on at least one vacation and gave them access to a computer. I think they were probably very aware that how they lived was unusual, to say the least. Whether that made them outwardly think to question things seems unlikely. I really believe their Aunt's statement that both girls are very intelligent. A large part of intelligence is curiosity.

Add in the fact that they have a sister who is 14+ years older that has a "different" relationship with Dad than they do, none of them have any resemblance what so ever to their "mother" and their sister is made to stay behind when they go with "dad" to be "socialized", or go on a vacation, and most reasonable, intelligent children would at least wonder.

I just really feel like they accepted their life as it was the only one they knew, but I will never believe that within themselves they did not question things. As for missing things, we have no idea what these girls longed for. We don't know what their wants or desires were. I just hope and pray they will be able to find peace and happiness!

When I was growing up I knew other people lived differently from us and had more/better things, but I didn't question why. It was the way things were, and I knew my parents loved us and were doing the best they could. There was lots of fun and laughter in my childhood. It never bothered me that we didn't have as much stuff as other people, and now looking back (when I do have all that stuff now) I know that those things are not important, what was important, the only thing that was important, was family.

As far as Jaycee's kids were concerned, Jaycee would have seemed like a much older sister, and usually what happens in those situations is that kids view those siblings as adults, similar to how an aunt/uncle would be viewed. They don't see them in the same way as siblings much closer to their own age. That is not unusual, there is no reason to think that the Garrido kids would have thought it odd. When they went on their trips, the older adult sister would have stayed home to take care of business. If that is how it allways worked, it wouldn't have seemed unusual to them at all.

The kids didn't look like Nancy, so what? There are a great many adopted kids out there, not to mention untold numbers who have the wrong fathers. How many of them get to wondering why they don't look like their parents? Probably not too many, and probably not until much later in life. They just don't question it. Plus, this family was isolated, the kids probably didn't know that you are supposed to look like your parents. You can't look at their world through your eyes and expect to interpret it correctly, you have to look at it as they would have seen it.
Exactly. They have broken lots of stories and are generally pretty accurate. However, I think they may have missed the mark on this JC story... BUT, she did say she had formed a bond with PG and it was almost like a marriage, and so I am not finding this story to be impossible to believe. Almost impossible, but not impossible.

No, that is what Carl said. And he hadn't met with or spoken to Jaycee yet. Sooooo.......
This board does not count. It is not a professional board.
They are in the hands of professionals who DO know how to work with brain washed victims. This is not a light task.

It is obvious that they will do what they think is right, for now they don't know, BRAIN WASHED.
for now they are being guided with schedules to keep them busy.

How is what you are proposing to do to them any different from what you claim Garrido did to them?

There is no such thing as brainwashing btw. It is a term used to describe people who have come to think in a way that we don't believe they should. If these "professionals" are going in to this thinking that they are going to "fix" these girls in some way, I can guarentee that they are going to do permanent psychological damage to them.

People can be conditioned naturally or under duress. Duress allways does permanent damage. Jaycee would have been conditioned under duress, but the kids have been conditioned naturally. It is no different from kids being raised as religous or non-religous for example. You might decide that one or the other is not right, remove those kids from their environment, and then "deprogram" them. Maybe you might succeed in getting them to believe in something else. But to do so, you have to use duress to achieve that, and it WILL damage them.

I've said this before and I'll say it again. The only person here who needs therapy in Jaycee. What the girls need is education to live and survive in the modern world, not "re-education".
How is what you are proposing to do to them any different from what you claim Garrido did to them?

There is no such thing as brainwashing btw. It is a term used to describe people who have come to think in a way that we don't believe they should. If these "professionals" are going in to this thinking that they are going to "fix" these girls in some way, I can guarentee that they are going to do permanent psychological damage to them.

People can be conditioned naturally or under duress. Duress allways does permanent damage. Jaycee would have been conditioned under duress, but the kids have been conditioned naturally. It is no different from kids being raised as religous or non-religous for example. You might decide that one or the other is not right, remove those kids from their environment, and then "deprogram" them. Maybe you might succeed in getting them to believe in something else. But to do so, you have to use duress to achieve that, and it WILL damage them.

I've said this before and I'll say it again. The only person here who needs therapy in Jaycee. What the girls need is education to live and survive in the modern world, not "re-education".

That is your opinion. Not based in knowledge.
Brain washing is real.
<The End>
I cant converse with your kind of thinking.
want to clarify here. i love the mutli opinioed people on this board, even the ones i totally or mostly disagree with.
but if the enquirer, globe or stars next edition states something to the effect of "jaycee helped garrido murder, bury hookers" or "jaycee was abducted by aliens and returned to garrido, are we gonna post and discuss garbage like that?

:) Please learn where the ignore button is. :blowkiss:
Not everything is important :)
Natal, I think the one point you're missing is that "God and religion" were used as part of his control over them. My mother became fanatical when I was a young teenager and I can tell you it was confusing. The speaking in tongues, hearing "God's" voice and PG even thinking he was the messiah would have had a cult-like effect on the girls. If you have ever read any of Rick Ross' website and his work with deprogramming victims of cults you would likely see it differently. IMO

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