Garrido's Attorneys

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the immediate issue is whether these two 'lawyers' (i use that term loosely) should be given jaycee's whereabouts.
Like they arent going to pass that along to there Clients? and then the harassing phone calls
if coercing her doesnt work, try intimidatiion..
the immediate issue is whether these two 'lawyers' (i use that term loosely) should be given jaycee's whereabouts.
Like they arent going to pass that along to there Clients? and then the harassing phone calls
if coercing her doesnt work, try intimidatiion..

You got to be kidding. that is no issue...
they are not getting it. That is why it is called "in hiding"
I just worry about extensive BS on the internet/ press.
I just worry about her trigger buttons,
They need to - LEAVE HER ALONE.
You got to be kidding. that is no issue...
they are not getting it. That is why it is called "in hiding"
I just worry about extensive BS on the internet/ press.
I just worry about her trigger buttons,
They need to - LEAVE HER ALONE.

if they lose this motion they will try somethingelse. just cause they are public defenders dont mean they arent despicable.....
and remember, i said a couple of weeks ago nancys pd was going to be afraid this is just the start.
if they lose this motion they will try somethingelse. just cause they are public defenders dont mean they arent despicable.....
and remember, i said a couple of weeks ago nancys pd was going to be afraid this is just the start.
It has a long way to go...
I just don't understand why JC does not have an attorney. It bothers me.
It has a long way to go...
I just don't understand why JC does not have an attorney. It bothers me.

same here. and the timing is bad.
and then you have sleyton and his mouthpiece lurking out there too
kbl, if Mr. Slayton and Glo were "lurking", don't you think we would have heard a lot more from them than we have? I think it's time to let it go.
tizz i have a serious distrust of anything lawyer related. i think they sit in the shadows and wait to pounce. that just doesnt go for gloria alford but all lawyers.
i gave macgregor scott the benifit of the doubt, for example, and now im starting to regret it.
i dont know how a guy can go from 'im gonna be there for her, im gonna be for her at every hearing in this case' in october to no longer her lawyer in 3 months......
It even bothers me that PG & NG may get visitation to one another. What for? The brief says so they can make "family decisions" together that will affect the children. Like what? Where to send them to college? What the heck is that? You don't possibly think it's so they could get their stories straight do you? Both of these motions make me livid! Tell me, is it common for persons under arrest for suspicion of the same crime to get to consult with one another while being held for for trial, don't they usually have to do that through an attorney?

Both of these attorneys IMO are pushing the envelope. Since when is being forced to live in tents in a back yard in the winter creating a loving family atmosphere? And Gellman is really pushing it, when she is being so presumptuous as to say that Jaycee considered herself part of the family. The girl had no freakin' choice! If there is a defense to take, it won't be "the emergence of wonderful parenting as a result of continued rape-therapy which resulted in spiritual enlightenment" for cryin' out loud, it'll be insanity. JMO

I know this case is going to be setting precedences all over the place because of it's uniqueness, but I sure hope it's done the right way!
I think the whole "family" thing is to try to make them, the Garrido's out as less then the monsters they were. Saying Jaycee was no longer a prisoner but part of the family. The fact is that they left her will no real education, no driver's license, no money, no real means to support herself, no friends, no knowledge of where her real family was, and no way to get the girls out of there with her. What do those attorney's think, that she should leave the girls behind and go. . . .where?

Most people her age have their own place. The "loving home environment" of the Garrido's left her with absolutely no means of ever doing that. I am sure and hopeful that any reasonable person on the jury will understand that.

And the Garrido's are so self involved that they have never and would probably never, stop and think what would happen to Jaycee and her girls if the Garrido's were to be no more. What would they do for money, where would they live how would they buy food. They left them with absolutely no means to survive in the real world. That is NOT any form of love. The whole situation was on a downhill spiral. Ganny's money was not enough to survive on. The old neighbor had been tapped of all his savings. The taxes on the property were unpaid.
A different link referring to the same story, but with more specific statements relating to discovery:

Of particular interest are paragraph 2 (relating to when sexual activity stopped) and paragraph 4/5 (relating to the nature of the "family unit" in recent years). Both of these allegations were based on documents released by the prosecutor to the defence as part of discovery, so they probably accurately reflect statements given by Jaycee during her LE interviews.

I think that provides some insight into what is going on here. I'll bet that the defence is seeing some level of support and/or empathy in those statements that could be potentially useful in their arguments, and that is the real reason why they want to talk to Jaycee directly. Its the crack in the door. I expect the reason for wanting the videotapes (I'm guessing they have the transcripts) is so that they can read the body language behind what was said, which would be important to know if they do actually get to speak with her.

They are going to have a hard time getting around the primary complaints if she testifies, which, I'm sure, she will, so what strategy does that leave them with? Assuming that insanity fails, the only thing left then would be to mitigate the punishment. That wouldn't do much good for PG, he's going to be in prison for the rest of his life no matter what, but they might be able to save Nancy that way, especially if they can get her off the hook on the assault charges (a real possibility if Jaycee is amiable towards her). I'm assuming that the two girls see their father and stepmother in a positive light and so far we haven't seen anything to suggest otherwise.

The girls may have saw the G's in a positive light but after finding out that their "older sister" was really their mother who was kidnapped when she was only 11 and repeatedly raped (which lead to their conceptions) for 7 years will no doubt leave both of them seeing the G's in a different, negative light. The longer all three girls are kept away (hopefully until they testify) from these monsters the better because they're going to break away from all the lies they were brainwashed to believe and see the G's for the monsters they are. NO juror who has a daughter, niece or common sense will have any sympathy for either G. I only wish both were facing the death penalty because they both deserve to die for their heinous crimes.

Loving people don't snatch, taser and then brutally rape and lock up FOR YEARS, an innocent 11 year old girl. Those crimes cant be undone and BOTH will pay for their crimes for the rest of their miserable lives.:furious:
I doubt the girls see things how you see them, they have lived their own life experience and will judge things by that.

However, there is something called parental alienation syndrome (can read about it here, for example) which could happen in this case, allthough I think the kids may be a bit too old for that now (certainly the oldest one anyway, not so sure about the youngest). That might be another reason why the Garridos are anxious to make contact with the kids.
Link to a different case, but similar.

I hope the judge in JC's case follows Judge Medley's lead. I don't think the PD's or the G's should have any access to the VICTIMS. It's not the responisibility of the VICTIMS to help their case.

Also, they committed a horrible crime. They are in the process of being punished for it. If only one of them had committed this crime, it would be different for their spouse to visit. But that is not the case. They are both INMATES for committing the same horrific crime! I say NO to them "visiting" each other. After all, P&N didn't allow JC visits with her family and she is an innocent person. Why should they be afforded rights that they stripped their victim of?

Judge Tyrone Medley ordered that neither defendant would be allowed jailhouse visits with any possible witnesses in the case, including members of their families. Only their appointed attorneys and their legal staff may speak to them.​
I hope they have a good prosecuting attorney. It seems to me these latest statement only prove Nancy was an accomplice to the entire situation, not the battered wife made to do what she did because of an awful husband.

Also since the girls did not know the trust about who their true mother was only proves that they, Nancy and Phil, knew what they were doing was wrong.

And the suggestion that Jaycee could leave at any time is just demented.
A different link referring to the same story, but with more specific statements relating to discovery:

Of particular interest are paragraph 2 (relating to when sexual activity stopped) and paragraph 4/5 (relating to the nature of the "family unit" in recent years). Both of these allegations were based on documents released by the prosecutor to the defence as part of discovery, so they probably accurately reflect statements given by Jaycee during her LE interviews.

I think that provides some insight into what is going on here. I'll bet that the defence is seeing some level of support and/or empathy in those statements that could be potentially useful in their arguments, and that is the real reason why they want to talk to Jaycee directly. Its the crack in the door. I expect the reason for wanting the videotapes (I'm guessing they have the transcripts) is so that they can read the body language behind what was said, which would be important to know if they do actually get to speak with her.

They are going to have a hard time getting around the primary complaints if she testifies, which, I'm sure, she will, so what strategy does that leave them with? Assuming that insanity fails, the only thing left then would be to mitigate the punishment. That wouldn't do much good for PG, he's going to be in prison for the rest of his life no matter what, but they might be able to save Nancy that way, especially if they can get her off the hook on the assault charges (a real possibility if Jaycee is amiable towards her). I'm assuming that the two girls see their father and stepmother in a positive light and so far we haven't seen anything to suggest otherwise.


Snipped from the above article:

Gellman cited documents from the El Dorado County District Attorney's Office obtained during the discovery process. In a sworn declaration, Gellman said, "it is clear that, according to Jane Doe (Dugard), sometime around the birth of the second child, there ceased to be any further sexual activity."

And the point is?????????? So what??

It's obvious the defense is grasping for straws, but seriously, if I was the judge in this case and these two clowns presented me with those motions I'd laugh in their faces and tell them to go back to the drawing board! I think both motions are ludicrous! JMO
I doubt the girls see things how you see them, they have lived their own life experience and will judge things by that.

However, there is something called parental alienation syndrome (can read about it here, for example) which could happen in this case, allthough I think the kids may be a bit too old for that now (certainly the oldest one anyway, not so sure about the youngest). That might be another reason why the Garridos are anxious to make contact with the kids.

I personally see a very good reason for parental allienation in this case. He kidnapped Jaycee at the age of 11, raped her and created two girls with her. I don't believe he deserves to see the girls. To treat him as if he deserves parental rights just adds to the sickness in my opinion.
Parental Alienation Syndrome would not fit for Nancy G. She is not a parent. Also there is nothing to indicate that Jaycee is telling nothing but the truth about Phillip and Nancy and what they did to her. The girls are not mentally impaired. I am sure they will see for themselves what happened to their real mother was wrong.

I will probably be reamed big time for this but in my opinion I think Jaycee should take a really good look at her girls and ask herself if she would want to happen to them what happened to her. I am sure it will be a resounding NO.

In fact I think the Garrido's, if they had hearts, should ask themselves the same sort of question. . would they consider anyone NOT GUILTY if they (these unknowns) did to Jaycee's girls what they did to Jaycee even if time had lapsed.

*Gets ready to be yelled at*
Parental Alienation Syndrome would not fit for Nancy G. She is not a parent. Also there is nothing to indicate that Jaycee is telling nothing but the truth about Phillip and Nancy and what they did to her. The girls are not mentally impaired. I am sure they will see for themselves what happened to their real mother was wrong.

I will probably be reamed big time for this but in my opinion I think Jaycee should take a really good look at her girls and ask herself if she would want to happen to them what happened to her. I am sure it will be a resounding NO.

In fact I think the Garrido's, if they had hearts, should ask themselves the same sort of question. . would they consider anyone NOT GUILTY if they (these unknowns) did to Jaycee's girls what they did to Jaycee even if time had lapsed.

*Gets ready to be yelled at*

Why would you get yelled at for this post (?) I think it has excellent points.

I only wish some other posters here would put themselves in the victims (Jaycee and her two girls) shoes or imagine that Jaycee was their daughter niece or any woman that they loved and then let me know how it's possible to have any sympathy for the perps, P&NG. If they do that and still have sympathy for either G than they need some serious help or probably to be sitting in a cell with both of those monsters!
i dont know why anyone would show nancy an ounce of mercy least of all jaycee.

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