Gas Cans discovered by George Key date - June 24, 2008 ***REVISITED ***

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George's story about the 24th and the gas cans

  • He did find them in Casey's car, and nothing was wrong.

    Votes: 39 9.1%
  • He did not go into the truck, and made it up to help Casey..

    Votes: 68 15.9%
  • He made it up to protect Casey and himself.

    Votes: 98 23.0%
  • I have no idea. This family cannot keep dates and stories straight.

    Votes: 222 52.0%

  • Total voters
One thing that keeps nagging at me about this is that George had said that Casey didn't know he was home so she was startled when she realized that he was, but she had to have seen his car in the garage. Cindy has said on numerous occasions that they never use the front door. I don't know why that bothers me so much, but it does. :confused:
I've done that when returning borrowed cars, along with filling up the tank and checking the oil. I saw what she did as a way of saying "thank-you."


I don't think she was just saying Thanks. I think she cleaned her own car at that car wash and then she cleaned his there also as a "cover" for having cleaned her own. She could say, if someone questioned it, he was out of town and I wanted to clean the cars up before he got back. I think she washed what she cleaned out of her own car down the drains of that same car wash she pointed out to him and in tha back of her head she was saying HAHAHAHAHAHAHA and that is where I got rid of the evidence of what I have done to my daughter...:furious:
If GA is correct about the date and telling the truth she tore in and out of there like a bat out of hell! If you look at the pings for that day, she couldn't have spent more than 10-15 minutes at the A's that afternoon! Sounds like their exchange was extremely brief and she certainly didn't give him a chance to snoop around the car.


The 20th she claims to be out of gas, location of car unknown. Her pings show her at Tonys for the 21st/22nd (weekend). The 23rd the neighbor says he sees her at the house with someone driving a green vehicle. I think this is the day she took the cans. The 24th I think she is startled to find George at home, she doesn't hang there long, and I think the smell of the vehicle was only really noticeable with the trunk open at this point (as she is still driving it but bails on it soon). I think she flung the cans at him, slammed the trunk shut and split.

The 25th she tells Amy her car smells, probably because she doesn't know if George noticed it. The 27th she says she got rid of the dead animal plastered to the car.

I don't believe Caylee was in the trunk on the 24th, I don't think George saw anything, but I am sure he was wondering about her behavior. He knows this day is significant in hindsight which is why we have heard so much about it.
I've done that when returning borrowed cars, along with filling up the tank and checking the oil. I saw what she did as a way of saying "thank-you."


True but she was not supposed to be borrowing his vehicle and this is another sticking point. She basically used his vehicle without his permission. The permission was to take him to the airport and then to pick him up. That is all, end of story.

She used his vehicle the rest of that week without his consent and without him knowing.
This is very puzzling because in the audio interview I heard, he comes across as caring and sincere. But the drumming fingers, which I dismissed at first, seems to indicate that he was extremely nervous, maybe even giving false information. If he has nothing to do with Caylee's death and body disposal, why would he be so nervous?

I also think the changes in the story he gave to Greta VS are suspicious. But then the entire family has been changing their stories since they realized the implications of what KC had done.

I think he told the police the absolute factual truth about the gas cans. But he may be holding back some unasked for informations, such as "what else did you notice about the trunk". He may have seen something there that seemed innocent at the time, but now worries him. Such as a large garbage bag or duffle.
I think on the 24th it's GA's car in garage which initially catches KC off guard or that she's surprised to discover first. And as I posted somewhere, to me it appeared GA was being truthful enough in his interview with LE to admit that in hindsight, KC was indeed acting strangely--ie racing him to the trunk, cutting him off, shoving cans while cursing at him before he could even reach the car--all while publically insisting that had anything been amiss inside trunk (body, foul odor etc), he would have seen or smelled something when he retrieved gas cans (as if she ever let him get that close). I believe at the time GA may have simply attributed her hostile attitude to defensiveness at being caught w/ stolen cans ("Take your f*ing gas cans!") Wherever GA has provided conflicting accounts, it is the testimony he has given under sworn oath which can be believed. Evidently GA is saavy enough to try to keep the peace under his roof, but at least wise enough not to perjure himself. JMO
Maybe she did NOT need the gas cans.... except to:waitasec::waitasec::waitasec::waitasec::waitasec:
cover for breaking in to
get GEORGE's SHOVEL to keep in her trunk....
and since she did NOT want to keep the neighbor's shovel...only use it to break the lock on the shed.
Took the Gas cans to use the smell to try to cover the
other smells....
and IF George was focusing on the gas cans...

he would not be missing his shovel............
she was always running out of gas... and
he would think
that is NORMAL for KC ! ! ! !


Praying always for Little Angel "CAYLEE" ! ! !:blowkiss:
Here is what is so hard to believe.

KC leaves all happy and normal, with Caylee at 12:50pm, kills her and goes to TonE's and Blockbuster by 8:00pm all happy and normal.

It does not compute. I know that CA told people KC was a sociopath, but was she ever really diagnosed as such? I mean was that a professional diagnosis from somewhere other than CA?

Is it true that the car was seen on the 27th at 7:30am? And TonE picked her up after about 11:30am?
In GA interview with GVS he was saying he wanted the wheel chocks [Wheel chocks can be made of rubber or heavy duty plastic.] that he must have left in the back of Casey’s car so he could rotate the tires on Cindy's car. Casey was hedging on going to get them out the trunk of her car so GA went to go get them himself and that is when he found the gas cans. Casey already knew that her dad had reported them stolen as per Cindy so she knew he was not going to be a happy camper if he found them in her car.
This has always been a big hole for me. GA opens the trunk on 6.24, finds gas cans [no mention of smell] that he has reported stolen from shed- Casey's car gets dumped 6.27, towed 6.30 and retrieved 7.15 with decomp. So either there was no body in the trunk on the 6.24 date and it was put in there after this date as well as removed by 6.27 when it was left at Amscot. The lady at Amscot noticed the car at 7:00AM when she came in on that morning.
That is a 2-1/2 to 3 day window depending on the time GA found the gas cans that Caylee would have been transported in the trunk.
GA is ex-LE. He knows that he made out a stolen report so he mentions the fact that he now knows who stole the gas cans on the GVS interview. He did not call the police back because then he would have to press charges against Casey. He also knows that LE is not going to go and hunt down his gas cans or investigate this. They only time that anyone would look at this report again is for statistics or if there was arson in the area or something of a nature that would involve the use of gasoline.
The question is why did GA make mention of the gas cans in the GVS interview? There is a report and he knows that it will come up since LE will be looking at all prior calls.
If there had been a body in the trunk or he had smelled something then I would think that he would have not mentioned anything at all about finding the gas cans in the trunk. It would have been better just to let the stolen gas cans and the shed that had been broken into remain an unresolved theft of his property. In some respects it would have been better for GA not to say anything. By bringing it up on this interview he just brought more attention to the entire thing. Why would someone who has been in LE bring unwanted attention onto himself. Why we he mention it if he covering something?
To me that would not make sense. Just my opinion.

I thought GA said in his interview with LE that Casey grabbed the cans from the trunk and threw them at him. "her is your F cans" Nice girl huh?
I thought GA said in his interview with LE that Casey grabbed the cans from the trunk and threw them at him. "her is your F cans" Nice girl huh?

That is what I read. He never got to the trunk, she beat him there. He never got the tire wedge. He said after shoving the gas can at him she jumped in ther car and left.
imo Caylee was disposed of before the 24th...her fluids stained the trunk and the smell was getting worse and she didnt want george too close to the car....
imo Caylee was disposed of before the 24th...her fluids stained the trunk and the smell was getting worse and she didnt want george too close to the car....

I agree george never went anywhere near that car, she put him off by cursing and throwing the cans at him so he backed off.

What puzzles me though is why she went to the house with that car at all, I doubt it smelled as bad as it did once it sat locked up and undriven in the tow yard but surely it smelled pretty bad by then, so why did she risk taking it there at all? There had to be a compelling reason for her to risk going to the house in that car, maybe she was looking for something to steal.
I wish I was able to look up the mileage that her Sunfire gets. I think she used the gas cans using cash to fill up her car and poor Caylee is not in the Orlando area. She is close withing 40 or 50 miles. To me the gas cans got her down I-4 and put Caylee along an Interstate corridor. I-4 or I-75. Remember the story of ZFG and the hospital wreck in Tampa. Caylee was not around then and that would be a good excuse to be in the area other than dumping the baby. Has the hospital visit ever been confirmed. I just had back surgery and on pain meds so I have all these odd thoughts coming to me but I think it may be plausible. Maybe? Any thoughts on this? I have lived a long time and have never had a gas can in my trunk.
Ya know...I didn't vote 'cause my choice wasn't there...but I never thought that George may have made up the whole story about her returning the gas cans. He knew it would come out that he reported them stolen.'s getting me thinking.
The police checked the hospital records and of course, no Zanny or anyone like her. I had a dream that the police found a third set of fingerprints on the cans. Maybe I was just on overload reading about this case!

I have never known any family that is so into gas cans!
I wish I was able to look up the mileage that her Sunfire gets. I think she used the gas cans using cash to fill up her car and poor Caylee is not in the Orlando area. She is close withing 40 or 50 miles. To me the gas cans got her down I-4 and put Caylee along an Interstate corridor. I-4 or I-75. Remember the story of ZFG and the hospital wreck in Tampa. Caylee was not around then and that would be a good excuse to be in the area other than dumping the baby. Has the hospital visit ever been confirmed. I just had back surgery and on pain meds so I have all these odd thoughts coming to me but I think it may be plausible. Maybe? Any thoughts on this? I have lived a long time and have never had a gas can in my trunk.


1 hour drive to get away from the house

1 hour to dispose of body

1 hour to drive back

3 hours TOTAL
The only reliable and doucumented date for ga and the 24th of June is the le report he filed for the gas cans that were stolen. It was filed on the 24th of June at 10:00. I have a hard time believing that that ga and kc had this confrontation about the gas cans on the same day that the report with le was filed. ga says kc ran ahead of him and said heres your f'in cans. shuoldnt his reply have been well guess what I filed a le report earlier and I'm calling them right now. Also ga wanted the wedges to change the tires, did kc grab the wedges and the cans? I dont know what day this incident occurred but ga did not get close enough to her car to smell the decomp.
The only reliable and doucumented date for ga and the 24th of June is the le report he filed for the gas cans that were stolen. It was filed on the 24th of June at 10:00. I have a hard time believing that that ga and kc had this confrontation about the gas cans on the same day that the report with le was filed. ga says kc ran ahead of him and said heres your f'in cans. shuoldnt his reply have been well guess what I filed a le report earlier and I'm calling them right now. Also ga wanted the wedges to change the tires, did kc grab the wedges and the cans? I dont know what day this incident occurred but ga did not get close enough to her car to smell the decomp.

Bolded by me

I actually think that is what he said in his LE interview or something along the lines of oh, gee thanks I just filed a report with LE now I'm going to look like an idiot! As for the wedges him and KC both knew that is not what he really wanted.
My thoughts exactly..One theory I have is that KC borrowed the shovel to break into the shed on or around June 18th. She then loaded Caylees body into the trunk along with the gas cans and a shovel from GA's shed. She was afraid of running out of gas with Caylees body in the trunk. Ga wasn't sure about the dates around this time as far as when he had been in the shed. I think all the A's have been playing both sides of the fence. They were being very cooperative with LE but also destroying evidence and fudging on dates to throw some timelines off. We know from GA's statement that he suspected KC of some wrong doing which is why he wanted the wedge from her trunk. When KC ran and retreived the gas cans from her trunk and gave GA the bums rush because she had to get back to work, GA didn't push the fact that he needed the wedge. After the gas cans were removed from KC's trunk it was only a matter of a few days..June 27th, that she dumped the car at amscot. I believe the gas cans were masking the decomp odor and when removed KC realized the odor and needed to get rid of the car.

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