Gas Cans discovered by George Key date - June 24, 2008 ***REVISITED ***

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George's story about the 24th and the gas cans

  • He did find them in Casey's car, and nothing was wrong.

    Votes: 39 9.1%
  • He did not go into the truck, and made it up to help Casey..

    Votes: 68 15.9%
  • He made it up to protect Casey and himself.

    Votes: 98 23.0%
  • I have no idea. This family cannot keep dates and stories straight.

    Votes: 222 52.0%

  • Total voters
Not sure if I missed something along the way, but can someone tell me or point me in the direction as the whereabouts of the can she purchased with Amy at the Target?
I've read a lot about these infamous Gas Cans and they constantly pop up...

In An Aug 6th media report here

It is said that Casey took the Gas cans, that the Gas Cans were found to be gone when George went to mow the lawn

It is said that Casey tried to keep George from looking in the trunk as per this
Cindy Anthony also said the gas cans are irrelevant to the case of her missing granddaughter, but investigators last week walked away with evidence bags containing a pair of gas cans.

Casey Anthony was also apparently trying to keep her father away from the car where the cans were left in the trunk.

"She didn't want him to know the gas cans were there. She thought she could put them back and leave him a note of apology," Cindy Anthony said.

George Anthony later discovered the missing cans.

"He saw the cans there. There was no Caylee in the back of the car. There was nothing else in the back of the car except normal stuff," Cindy Anthony said.

Bold is mine... you see to me the *trunk* and *the back of the car* are different places...

But then there is also this from the same article

In reference to LE taking a pair of Gas Cans in brown paper bags

Cindy Anthony said the gas cans were taken because there were other fingerprints from someone besides Casey Anthony and members of her family, and that's what investigators were looking for.

I don't know how it works in the States but here any number of people could have touched the gas cans. People filling it up , transport etc

But what is the significance of these cans if any ?

its been suggested on blogs and things that Casey had Caylees body in the backyard and was on her way to moving her body, when stopped by George , that the gas cans might have been for a makeshift cremation...but that she panicked and tossed the body instead ....

What are your thoughts ?
I think KC was feeling her lies about working and her whereabouts was fixing to be exposed by her mom and dad. Why would KC need to steal gas if she was "working"? We now know the gas gauge was working per LE. What puzzles me is the gas can incident with George took place on the 24th on the 25th she texts AmyH about the odor in her car how could GA be in close proximity to the car and not smell the odor?
I've read a lot about these infamous Gas Cans and they constantly pop up...

In An Aug 6th media report here

It is said that Casey took the Gas cans, that the Gas Cans were found to be gone when George went to mow the lawn

It is said that Casey tried to keep George from looking in the trunk as per this

Bold is mine... you see to me the *trunk* and *the back of the car* are different places...

But then there is also this from the same article

In reference to LE taking a pair of Gas Cans in brown paper bags

I don't know how it works in the States but here any number of people could have touched the gas cans. People filling it up , transport etc

But what is the significance of these cans if any ?

its been suggested on blogs and things that Casey had Caylees body in the backyard and was on her way to moving her body, when stopped by George , that the gas cans might have been for a makeshift cremation...but that she panicked and tossed the body instead ....

What are your thoughts ?

I do not know the significances of the GAS CANS, however, as I have posted on the psychic my dream before the bondhearing.... the gas cans are in someway very important to this case. My first thought was a possible cremation, but in the recent days, the duct tape was on the red gas can. Or it could be related to the story of 6/24, somehow I do feel whatever we find out at trial about the GAS CANS, it will bear a forensic blow against KC..........
She returned George's gas cans on the 24th, right? When did she buy the gas can at Target? Was it after the 24th? I have always thought it strange that her car ran out of gas at precisely the time she needed to ditch the car. I think she didn't really run out of gas. I think she planned to siphon the gas out of the car using George's cans. But he was getting too close and she gave them back to him in a panic. Then she went to Target and bought a gas can of her own to siphon the gas out of the car. Maybe she dumped the siphoned gas in the woods with Caylee and then drove the car as far as she could away from the dump site, which is how she ended up at the Amscot.

Did LE recover the Target gas can?

eta: I think George is telling the truth about the gas cans incident. I listened to his FBI interview last night and he sounds truthful (compared to his lying daughter, who is obviously lying in her LE tapes). George thought it was important for LE to know the story. In context of the rest of that interview, he says repeatedly that he thought his daughter was up to something. The things he said make me think he thought she was guilty of something and he just wanted his granddaughter found. Perhaps the incident in the garage was so rushed and strange to him that he never even noticed a bad smell from the car.
LP said on NG that LA, CA and KC were given results that would "shock the world" and that GA was kept "out of the loop". I think it's because GA has a temper and would confront KC if he knew everything. I don't believe the tire wedges were in KC's car ( why would those be kept in KC's car?) I think GA confronted KC about the gas cans and demanded she open the trunk. At that point both parents had reached a point with KC that they could no longer put up with her stealing because of the theft from her GP. I think GA saw or smelled something that was suspicious, but he did not know Caylee was missing at the time. When he found out Caylee was gone he put two and two together and he looked under the playhouse before the police got there. It's also why CA immediately grabbed his leg when he started telling the story to GVS. CA did not want him to tell the suspicious part. If GA had disposed of Caylee's body why would he look under the playhouse and admit it? The police statements say that GA followed them to the car when Caylee was first reported missing and stressed his concern that something bad had happened. KC told her friends that she hated her father. Probably because he did not go along with her lies and thievery the way CA did. Maybe the problems with KC played a part in the Anthonys filing for divorce also. Didn't GA file the papers?

I think LA knows the most about what happened because KC told him after being released from jail the first time. KC probably told him it was an accident and he relayed part of what he was told to CA. GA probably knows the least because he is too volatile and they don't trust him.

Brilliant! This theory makes the most sense to me. GA wasn't suspicious of the smell because he didn't have a reason to be at that time. He seems to be kinda clueless. Plus, I believe KC would have returned the gas cans to avoid having her parents press charges. CA told KC about the gas can police report to scare her into bringing Caylee back. This family is all about manipulating each other. So, KC is attempting to bring the cans back when George confronts her. I think they all try to put positive spin on things. So, maybe GA doesn't tell Greta that he strongly suspected his daughter stole the cans, so he just said that he wanted to get tools out.

This family is messed up ... But I don't think GA helped KC hide the body.
According to the tow guy's statement, they popped the trunk and found the flies/maggots and trash bag. When George saw that the Pontiac Sunfire was out of gas, he then had to go to the car he arrived in to get a gas can that he just happened to have in there.

I suspect that he did already have to gas cans back, but why would he be riding around with gas cans in his car already? Was he expecting the Pontiac to be out of gas?

If GA is like my hubby...he probably has a gas can with gas in it at all times. Still seems weird, tho.
According to the tow guy's statement, they popped the trunk and found the flies/maggots and trash bag. When George saw that the Pontiac Sunfire was out of gas, he then had to go to the car he arrived in to get a gas can that he just happened to have in there.

I suspect that he did already have to gas cans back, but why would he be riding around with gas cans in his car already? Was he expecting the Pontiac to be out of gas?

I think it was GA that said in FBI interview KC's car had a messed up gauge although I think I read in the recently released evidence that it was tested and nothing was wrong with it. Probably KC was using that as an excuse as to why she was always running out of gas instead of saying "I don't have a job so no money".
For me, the creepiest thing about the cans, they had the duct tape on them :eek:
Maybe LE suspected that Casey used the gas cans to mix chloroform.

There is talk of trying to match duct tape found on the gas cans.

Where is that stated?

When did LE collect the tape off the gas cans?

My understanding is they inspected them and gave them back soon after?

I am still asking if there is any reference as to whether they were totally empty when
GA first got the back off KC?
I think it was GA that said in FBI interview KC's car had a messed up gauge although I think I read in the recently released evidence that it was tested and nothing was wrong with it. Probably KC was using that as an excuse as to why she was always running out of gas instead of saying "I don't have a job so no money".

My thoughts as well.
The recent doc dump includes description of Gas Cans.
On p3220 August 1st: Describes 2 gas cans and 1 oilpan
Dusted for prints
But no mention of any duct tape???

"No further Services were conducted"
Items returned to CA Wednesday 8th

When did they find duct tape on gas cans?
I've read a lot about these infamous Gas Cans and they constantly pop up...

In An Aug 6th media report here

It is said that Casey took the Gas cans, that the Gas Cans were found to be gone when George went to mow the lawn

It is said that Casey tried to keep George from looking in the trunk as per this

Bold is mine... you see to me the *trunk* and *the back of the car* are different places...


-respectively snipped -

Good sleuthing!!!

I immediately thought that the backseat and backseat floor of the car were suspect -

both reading and listening to GA's account of picking up the car - he had the employee check the TRUNK with him

But before he checked the trunk, he talked about how he LEANED OVER TO OPEN THE PASSENGER DOOR while sitting in the driver side - and I think that is when he MAY have seen Caylee - prone on the backseat floor???

IF IF If this happened, he may have quickly kicked into LE mode and thwarted any further Pontiac investigation by asking the tow yard employee to accompany him to the TRUNK - knowing that Caylee would not be found there...

And buying him enough time to figure out what to do with the poor thing from there?

And perhaps the best he could come up with was the woods around the corner from the house - so that he could go home and "reassure" CA that is was "just the pizza"... :banghead:

Or maybe I just need to go to bed...:confused:

Playing with this a bit...

6/24/08 TUE 11:20:01 AM OUTGOING CALL Casey A. Lexus Dlrshp 6.2 [perhaps calling George directly...or a friend that works @ Lexus to check if George is there. Dunno exactly which, but, appears Casey believe's the coast is clear to goto G&C's].

6:24/08 TUE 2:12PM Casey texts Amy, "Leaving work in a few. I’ll call you on my way to the house."

6/24/08 TUE 2:15:01 PM OUTGOING CALL Casey A. Amy H. 23.6min Tower 22: 1.5 mi NW of Anthony Home

2:15PM + 23.6min phone call w/ Amy = 2:39PM

Note: It is almost exactly a 23min drive from Tony's to G&C's.

6/24/08 2:40 PM* Casey A. Facebook or Myspace to Troy B. "she still has yet to move into the house. hell, in the past 9 days, i haven’t even been living at the house. DRAMMMMMA. i’ll fill ya in later on.miss ya, yo."

6/24/08 TUE 2:42:26 PM* INCOMING TEXT MySpace? Friend alert? Casey A. Tower 8: 1.5 mi S of Anthony Home @ Tow Yard

6/24/08 2:46 PM Amy H. Facebook or Myspace to Troy B. "I’m still at Ricardo and JPs… hopefully everything works out soon! Hey, so I forwarded my mail a little late… any idea how to get my insurance stuff that got mailed to the Oviedo house?"

6/24/08 TUE 2:48:20 PM OUTGOING CALL Casey A. Lexus Dlrshp 0.6 No Long/Lat Association
6/24/08 TUE 2:49:06 PM OUTGOING CALL Casey A. Cindy A. (Cell) Tower 22: 1.5 mi NW of Anthony Home
6/24/08 TUE 2:49:31 PM OUTGOING CALL Casey A. Cindy A. (Cell) No Long/Lat Association
6/24/08 TUE 2:49:47 PM OUTGOING CALL Casey A. Cindy A. (Cell) Tower 22: 1.5 mi NW of Anthony Home
6/24/08 TUE 2:50:11 PM OUTGOING CALL Casey A. Cindy A. (Cell) 1.7 Tower 36: 1 mi NW of Chris S Home, 1.5 mi SE of Amscot

Unless I'm missing looks to me like Casey was on the phone solid from 2:15PM until she initiated the "DRAMMA" message with Troy @ 2:40PM.

Casey doesn't leave the G&C/Lee area until after 2:49PM amidst the "flurry" of calls to Cindy.

*Note that there maybe a slight time shift between Fb/MS vs. AT&T. Casey appears to be using the home computer @ G&C's to respond to Troy's message (methinks the time synch is off and Troy msg'd Casey first...her cell notified her of the message...she logged on, checked and responded).

Speculate the gas can confrontation actually occurred between 2:40-2:48PM. The 2:48PM call to Lexus...if to a 3rd person/lookout...woulda been a Casey blow-up..."e.g. WTF!!??? I thought you said he was there!?!?" as evidenced by the "flurry" behavior of calls to Cindy that follow. Casey may have been pleading her case to Cindy.

Some are following the account that Casey talked w/ Cindy told by George, and Cindy tipped Casey off to the cans being missing 6/24....that this suggests that "Lexus" is indeed "Gentiva" since there are no calls to Cindy 6/24AM before the gas-can encounter, but, there is a call to the "Lexus" number. Let me suggest that the 'tip off' call from Cindy to Casey was one of their calls 6/23PM. George may have discovered the cans missing 6/23 evening and only called LE to file the report the next morning..perhaps he & Cindy talked over what they should do 6/23PM. Cindy called Casey who denied it - of course - and Cindy threated to file a police report to shock her...which worked..which is what motivated Casey to come home w/ the cans...she didn't want LE after her for gas cans when she'd murdered her daughter. Alternatively, it was George that Casey talked to @ Lexus 11:20AM and he told her that he had just filed a police report on the stolen gas cans, which he had done @ 10:37AM.

I'm still holding out for a 3rd person/look-out @ Lexus.

Edited this from over on the George/Lexus thread where we're working out who might have been a look-out for Casey @ Lexus.
so at that point in time, Cindy had already not seen Caylee for awhile, and she's worried about getting her tires rotated???
I have a really hard time getting my head around a "look out" for Casey at Lexus. It's just not making sense to me. How, from the Lexus location, would someone be able to sit around and "look out" for GA??? I'm just not getting it.

: (
I have a really hard time getting my head around a "look out" for Casey at Lexus. It's just not making sense to me. How, from the Lexus location, would someone be able to sit around and "look out" for GA??? I'm just not getting it.

: (

Didn't George have a job in security at the Lexus place for awhile? I believe I read that somewhere.
so at that point in time, Cindy had already not seen Caylee for awhile, and she's worried about getting her tires rotated???

IIRC George stated in his FBI interview that he was suspicious that she had taken the gas cans so he made the tire wedge story up so he could go look in her trunk... correct me if I'm wrong! :)
IIRC George stated in his FBI interview that he was suspicious that she had taken the gas cans so he made the tire wedge story up so he could go look in her trunk... correct me if I'm wrong! :)
You are correct Julius! That's exactly what GA told the FBI.


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