Gas Cans discovered by George Key date - June 24, 2008 ***REVISITED ***

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George's story about the 24th and the gas cans

  • He did find them in Casey's car, and nothing was wrong.

    Votes: 39 9.1%
  • He did not go into the truck, and made it up to help Casey..

    Votes: 68 15.9%
  • He made it up to protect Casey and himself.

    Votes: 98 23.0%
  • I have no idea. This family cannot keep dates and stories straight.

    Votes: 222 52.0%

  • Total voters
If he did, then maybe it was the Marine? Where was he around the middle/end of June?

I like LP but man, his story has changed a million times. He also named KC's friends who went to Puerto Rico as the perps at one time. And he is insistent on a dumpster and TL being involved at one point too. The more I think about it, I think it was LA that KC got a hold of in the "flurry" of calls.

On NG last night, LP admitted to having the phone records. I wish he'd sell them so they can be made public. That would be awesome! lol Too bad there are crazies out there that would call the numbers.

The marine was in Cal and I think KC was planning on running away to there from what we've heard so far.
LP said last night on NG that the LE was flying in to meet with him and that he also heard that they were going to meet with MH while they were there.... This is the first that I have heard of them meeting with the Marine.
did anyone else catch how, when greta was interviewing g & cindy how he was telling the 'looking-for-the-tire-wedge' story and casey not wanting him to go into the trunk, was it just me, or did anyone else get a strong feeling he was leading up to when he opened the trunk that he smelled the foul odor then? because instead he says, "and i opened the trunk, and... and..." the look on his face is so...i dont know, its sad, desperate, shock, searching for how to say it -- and then media ho cindy jumps in and takes over, speaks for him, and becomes william shatner, annunciates rather too strongly as if coaching, "THAT'S. when. we. saw. THE. GASCANS." and geo just gets a look (to me) as if he almost just blew it there, phew, and nods and says, agreeabley, that yes, the gas cans were in the trunk. THATS IT? THATS what you were leading up to? during that entire exchange the hair on the back of my neck stood up. until that moment, i had admired the anthonys for calling the cops in the first place, admired them for loving their granddaughter so much that they were going to strongly, justifiably, get to the bottom of this even if it meant calling the cops on their own daughter. of course they have since demonstrated that they are instead quite repulsive, they care more about scoring nelson ratings and out-glibbing protesters and media, but worst of all, they care more about covering up for a psycho more than they do finding the remains of that poor innocent child who NEEDS TO BE FOUND. THEY have MADE me feel disgusted toward them. THEY did that, all by themselves. they have NOT behaved in a manner that would garner respect or sympathy from any of us. are they auditioning for the jerry springer show? Im so sick of people making excuses for them "they dont want to lose a daughter too" ENOUGH WITH THAT CRAP! THEY ALREADY LOST A DAUGHTER THE DAY SHE COMMITTED MURDER. they already lost a daughter when she flipped her wig. when she popped a nutty. shes gone. with a daughter like that who needs enemies. pa-leeeeeez. no more rewards. no more hand holding mamby pambying. throw her scuzzy junk back in jail in general pop. she was crying because she got caught. THATS what needs to happen again, without the hand holding of that fat dumb bucket head jb who doesnt give a crap about a decaying baby that needs to be found. him trashing lp for media hounding, isnt that calling the kettle black. jb is as big a media ho as cindy anthony. hes too dumb to get clients any other way. what is the world coming to when you can actually be rewarded for murder? what is the world coming to when you can actually be rewarded for murdering a toddler? waht is the world coming to when a mother is rewarded for murdering her own child? what is the world coming to when lawyers know their client is guilty but will abuse the system and do everything they can to find a way to get them off? what is that? why do we, as a society, allow that? why do we allow scuz bag lawyers to release scuz bag people back amongst us? you guys are right, i think. george knows way more, the whole gas can thing with george isnt right at all. i think of my parents and everyone i know, their parents, if any of us were in caseys shoes. we all seem to have much better relationships w our parents than she, and yet, i still cant see any of our parents acting like such white trash idiots on tv like this. i dont see any of our parents forsaking their grandkids for any one of us, period. and i wouldnt expect them to. they act like this because they know what happened. they doth protest too much.
I shared this in chat and wanted to put it out here for you guys to think about...

On 6/24, according to George Anthony, he went into Caylee's trunk to retrieve "tire wedges" to rotate his wife's tires that weekend (according to the Greta interview in their house). He NEVER mentioned the smell of decomposition on 6/24 when he was in Casey's trunk. But he did say he recovered the gas cans from her trunk on 6/24 that he'd reported missing that very morning. Unless George was involved in some cover up (which I honestly do NOT think he was involved in otherwise the LE wouldn't have so much forensic info now), then Casey's trunk didn't reek of decomposition as of 6/24/2008.

The 1st reports of seeing Casey's abandoned car at Apscot was at 7am on 6/27/08. The car stayed there from 6/27-6/30 and was towed on 6/30. It stayed in the tow lot untouched from 6/30 to 7/15 when George/Cindy recovered it and several reports discussed how it smelled like a dead body.

So sometime between lunch/afternoon of 6/24/2008 and 7am on 6/27/2008, it would appear there was transport of a decomposing body that seems to be Caylee Anthony's.

Have the police (or for that matter Leonard/Tony Padilla) checked Casey's phone records for the time between 6/24 to 6/27? IF there was a transport of Caylee (and assuming she died sometime around 6/16), then it would appear to be AFTER GEORGE had his HEAD in the trunk of the car on 6/24 and found the gas cans Casey had taken and he'd reported missing that morning.

If Caylee had been in the car prior to 6/24, I think George would have smelled the odor of decomposition.

So what do you think?

I think GA smelled the odor and saw the results of decomposition right there in that trunk on the 24th.

I can't answer the poll because my answer is not there:

George went into the trunk because he was looking for the gas cans but what he found in addition to those gas cans was... decomposition (I can't bring myself to write it!)
dolly - I agree. It's in my signature:

A Study in Body Language
With CA's hand on GA's thigh:

GA: As she opened up the trunk of the car...
CA: ...the gas cans were there...
GA: ...guess what - I had gas cans there. She's the one who took the gas cans.
In NO way do I think she did, but knowing what we do of Cindy now, she could have faked those 911 calls. Just sayin'.

I have thought of that too - - - but why would she have remarked about the car smelling like a dead body? I think at that point she just hadn't put it all together. But I don't believe anyone has established where GA was when that call was being made.
Anyone remember the comment G yelled at the media about the decomposition in the trunk of the car? I believe he yelled "The person in the back of that car is the one who had Caylee". Wonder what exactly he meant by that?
I think GA made up the story about the gas cans.

After watching his interview about it, the way he described the events, it was like he was making it up. All the little details, what he said, what KC said. And the way CA was acting while he was telling the story was also interesting.

It was like watching a little kid tell you a made up story.

If KC was not seen by him for over a week at that point, remember she was MIA at that point even if it was for a week, I would think their conversation would have been a little different.

Just my opinion.
What if he DID get the gas cans on the 24th and found a body TOO. Something strange about George's behavior on the Greta interview to me.
George probably had little idea of what Casey was doing before June 24th.
He made his police report for 50.00 worth of gas and 20.00 for the gas cans, but doesn't estimate the damage to the lock on the shed. The shed has double doors that fold on each other. The handle lock mechanism locks one door at the top and bottom. This type of lock might be able to be broken from force to the handle, or prying at the top/bottom of the door. You might be able to use a kitchen knife.There also appears to be a hole drilled were the two doors meet, with a padlock attached to something inside the hole.This lock could have been added later. It would be harder to get past this lock, since there is only a visible padlock. You would probably need a hacksaw or bolt cutters to break that lock. Then you might have to pry the other lock on the door itself.
It seems like it would be a lot of work for someone who is petite. It's also a lot of work just for 3 gallons of gas. George's report implies he had at least 2- 5 gal gas cans in the shed. This is probably before he learned anything about Casey, so why wouldn't his report be closer to the truth.
It doesn't seem right that she broke into the shed stealing to large/ heavy gas cans by herself. If Casey had someone else with her to break into the shed, this person could be her accomplice for other things. They wouldn't want that known. Plus, if you knew the correct amount of gas, you could estimate how far she could have gone. Those are good reasons to change the gas can story around.
If George is lying about the gas cans, he would wants people to believe Casey broke into the shed for 2 small gas cans, making more believable that she did it alone. Then, if she only had 3+ gal of gas, it makes it look like she just had enough gas to drive around town for a few days and not some long trip out to the woods, w/ an accomplice, to dispose of a body.
Now that I'm reading the theories suggesting Casey never stole the gas cans and George never looked in the trunk o 6/24, I'm beginning to see how that fits with other circumstantial things. LP says Lee told his parents not to take a lie detector test.. George wouldn't want to if he had lied.. wonder if he objected too. Also, I still remember his face when he was telling GVS about the gas cans... "there they were, in my daughter's trunk". The look on his face was like, "tsk, tsk, tsk. when will that girl learn??" Something struck me as odd then, and now I'm beginning to form a reason why.

On the other hand, all of this seems to be refuted by the very first page or two of the 400-page document that states, on 7/16 after Casey took cops on a wild goose chace, they took Casey back home and George approached saying he was worried his daughter was holding back information.
I was just watching some older videos/interviews and came across the one with GA describing the gas can find on the 24th with Greta. I never really paid much attention before to the body language during the interview, but after watching it just now a couple of times, it seems like, to me anyway, that CA starts getting a little fidgety during that interview on the couch.

As GA starts to tell the story, she keeps reaching over and putting her hand on his leg, almost as if to keep him in check. When he gets to the part about KC insisting on getting the cans herself, CA kind of nervously repositions herself next to him and pushes her shoulder into him almost as if to remind him not to say too much. I just watched that part like 3 times. I don't know, maybe it's my imagination, but it seems like she was getting a little nervous and occasionally trying to lead the conversation in a certain direction.

This isn't anything new, we all know now, in hindsight, why they were downplaying the gas can story. I just thought it was interesting and something I didn't notice before.

When the video starts, you can drag the bar over to the end of the video, it starts when the video counter is at about 1:37.,2933,398762,00.html
I read the pages and pages of documents released, and I recall in one of them GA told investigators initially that CA's car smelled like a dead body. If he told investigators that, then I find it hard to believe he had anything to do with the cover up. They said on 20/20 last night that he was a Deputy Sheriff. That's a huge difference from being a homicide detective. I am not clear on those facts. Can anyone confirm if he was in fact a homicide detective.

I have gone back and forth on whether I think George or Cindy have played a role in Caylee's disappearance. At this point, I am thinking they didn't. I think they are only guilty of trying to make Casey's story hold up, which means they are now lying to protect her. If George was a good Homicide Detective, I think he would've done a better job of covering her lies up. Didn't he and Cindy also lead detectives to search the backyard and show them where it looked as though the ground had been recently been touched or indented? These people are not very good at lying. They could've easily made things look more believable...but they haven't. That's why I think they are clueless and now just desperate to cover up Casey's lies. I agree with what I just read on this thread about the possibility of George discovering the gas cans on the 24th being completely made up. I wonder if they will ever come clean with the truth?

I'm curious about your statement that a sherrif's deputy is a far cry from being a homicide detective. Any officer in the sheriff's department is a deputy, they work under the sheriff of each county. The sheriff's dept. has homicide detectives, too. My son is a deputy sheriff and has worked homicide cases several times. I'm not sure in what capacity George worked, but assuming he was with the sheriff's dept. for 10 years he very well could have been a detective and worked in homicide. Normally, you have to have several years experience to be promoted to detective, and here, they don't like to keep you in one division for over 2 years. My son has been switched back and forth, and sometimes works in Crimes Against Children or the Criminal Investigation Division.
LOL.....the gas cans again !!

Why isn't anyone questioning Tony about these cans & their travels ???

Per his statement he took KC home to pick them up, (IS GA wrong about their missing date ??) & waited in the car about 15 min. while KC got the cans, clothes & some food.

If KC's text is correct ("two fridays in a row") the instance would have been 6-20 & then amscot on the 27th.

So where was the car on the 20th & what did it smell like ??
I'm totally confused now and need help if someone would be so kind. Lee said the gas can incident took place on the 20th. GA said in his statement which I listened to that he did not go into the trunk but rather that KC ran and grabbed the gas cans from her trunk and thrusted them at him saying: "here are your ***** gas cans." I just listened again and that's what he said. So what are you all talking about? Was there another gas can incident? Help?!
I agree with those who said George would certainly know about decomposition, making murder/killing appear accidental,
know about disposing of a body where no one could find it (especially if the Florida swamps, etc.),
and he would definitely know how to spin a kidnapping tale, so how did it all go so haywire?
This and this alone makes me think George was not in on it in the beginning but was trying to cover Casey after the fact with the made up stories, the gas cans, seeing them on the 16th, whatever.
If he knew that body had been in the trunk, I don't think he would have just let Casey abandon it.
He would have burned it or dumped into water, anything but abandon it, knowing full well the owner could easily be traced (remember, every vehicle has a VIN). No, I think the car thing was all Casey's idea....

What IF George found the body in the trunk, while looking for his gas can? I agree most retired LE can recognize the smell of decomposition.
I'm totally confused now and need help if someone would be so kind. Lee said the gas can incident took place on the 20th. GA said in his statement which I listened to that he did not go into the trunk but rather that KC ran and grabbed the gas cans from her trunk and thrusted them at him saying: "here are your ***** gas cans." I just listened again and that's what he said. So what are you all talking about? Was there another gas can incident? Help?!

LEE said the the gas can incident was the 20th ??? (if so, I missed it) the only ref. I've seen to the 20th is KC's text, if that is true).

Tony says he took her home to get them, but gives no time/date/location.

GA first said (on Greta) he SAW the cans in the trunk, now we're hearing KC thrusted them @ him & he didn't SEE inside the trunk. (date 6-24)
What IF George found the body in the trunk, while looking for his gas can? I agree most retired LE can recognize the smell of decomposition.

Would KC have gone home w/the body in the trunk ??

CA says she talked to KC & told her about the break in/can theft & that GA had reported it.
According to the tow guy's statement, they popped the trunk and found the flies/maggots and trash bag. When George saw that the Pontiac Sunfire was out of gas, he then had to go to the car he arrived in to get a gas can that he just happened to have in there.

I suspect that he did already have to gas cans back, but why would he be riding around with gas cans in his car already? Was he expecting the Pontiac to be out of gas?

I do not understand if there was such a foul odor and maggots in the vehicle at the tow yard, and you daughter and granddaughter was missing for a MONTH............ why was LE not called immediately before the cae was driven off the lot?

As far as the gas can stories from everyone I believe they are an important piece of evidence in this case. Too many lies, stories changing from the whole family this must be a critical factor in the case if the family can not get the facts straight and why is it important to get the stories straight? With all of GA lawn equip I am sure he had many cans, some mixed with oil for the weedeater, edger, etc. and some with just gas.

And during GVS, CA did try to control this issue, just like she has tried to control the whole interview. The gas can story is relevant and the question is WHY...............
Would KC have gone home w/the body in the trunk ??

CA says she talked to KC & told her about the break in/can theft & that GA had reported it.

Bolded by me.

There was something in that trunk that day, I'm almost convinced. George said she didn't know he was home because his car was in the garage and he startled her as she walked in.

She was pist that he wanted in her trunk. She grabbed the cans and slammed the trunk real fast. She was hiding something. No doubt.

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