GBC Trial General Discussion Thread #1

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Well, we don't know NBC would have actually done any watering or vacuuming, had the police not arrived and had he not been required to come up with a reason for sliding off to the side with the vacuum cleaner in the middle of a missing wife and mother situation
Lol yes Ladybird I wondered that too. Usually they have contract cleaners and bill the departing owners/tenants don't they?

Even if they were taking drastic budget measures and going DYI, I'd imagine some poor office minion being sent to do it, not the mighty Bwana :)

Having rented a property in Brookfield from a certain Brisbane alleged billionaire, we had untold amounts of problems including a toilet that didn't work for three weeks that was unable to be fixed as the owner said no. Our agent didn't front up with any equipment to please us. No way!
Suitcases on the bed? Why?

I think the filming was done 4 days after Allison 'vanished'.
The suitcases would be because GerRED was staying at <modsnip> (his parent's place) and probably needed to take clothes for himself and girls.
A possible injury to the jaw that may have included a chipped tooth ?
The timeline on 19th seems very opaque to me. What I don't understand at all is, why have barbeque with sausages at 5h and mince at home at 6h/6.30h??? Anybody can explain to me?
I'm just delighted the police were on the ball that morning; two constables followed by two sergeants followed by detectives. Well done you guys

Then the locating of Allison's missing phone, using GBC's own phone into the bargain

None of the 'We'll have to wait 24 hours - she might have needed space and she's an adult free to roam ' type responses

It's been two years, so we've proved we can be patient, but will admit to being eager to learn why the police didn't mess around and were onto it from the start

Not like the movies, eh, BCs ?
Can anyone tell me if people are going to court for public gallery, what time people would have to get there by to get in? If I wanted to go for a day?
Having rented a property in Brookfield from a certain Brisbane alleged billionaire, we had untold amounts of problems including a toilet that didn't work for three weeks that was unable to be fixed as the owner said no. Our agent didn't front up with any equipment to please us. No way!

That is actually my point AAAA. It's not the real estate agents job. The onus is on the owner. No RE Agent that I know is allowed to do maintenance type work. Would cut out the middle man so to speak. Hoping a Real Estate Person might come on board here and advise re the law in this sort of thing. (Sorry about your loo problems BTW, but glad you elaborated here) Good illustration
I think the filming was done 4 days after Allison 'vanished'.
The suitcases would be because GerRED was staying at <modsnip> (his parent's place) and probably needed to take clothes for himself and girls.

Or was packing for his annual trip to Tallebudgera?
Oh I have to tell someone my good news. It is OTT but noone I know is awake at this time.

I got engaged tonight lol in between being on here and other stuff. Some happy news for the day.
Oh I have to tell someone my good news. It is OTT but noone I know is awake at this time.

I got engaged tonight lol in between being on here and other stuff. Some happy news for the day.

Congrats KJ, raising my glass to you and your fiancé! Cheers to a long and happy life together! This made my night! Xxxx
I have been unable to address this up to now. I think that the two areas of soft tissue damage may have been precipitated by injuries before death. Injuries that broke the skin, and created a wound.

While I have to consider that the possibility is there, I have to agree with Nathan Milne on this. You really can't say, one way or the other. It's a bit of a long bow to draw.

Yes, there may have been tissue damage there which attracted more insects, but that's pure conjecture.

And even if there WAS tissue damage, due to the decomposition it can't be determined if that tissue damage occurred pre-mortem or post-mortem. That too is pure conjecture, unfortunately.

So while it's tempting to propose facts that may fit a preconceived theory, that can't really be done based on the autopsy findings. I know it's very frustrating that Milne was so non-committal (I also found it frustrating), but that is his role - he can only report on evidence and facts - not conjecture.

Unfortunately..... ;)
Oh I have to tell someone my good news. It is OTT but noone I know is awake at this time.

I got engaged tonight lol in between being on here and other stuff. Some happy news for the day.

That's wonderful. Congratulations
Oh I have to tell someone my good news. It is OTT but noone I know is awake at this time.

I got engaged tonight lol in between being on here and other stuff. Some happy news for the day.

Congrats, KJ. :)

Don't forget to tell him that the secret to a long and happy marriage involves three little words... Magic words... That he has to keep saying.....

"Yes Dear - sorry"

(You can tell I'm married and know my place, can't you?) :tantrum:
Congrats KJ, raising my glass to you and your fiancé! Cheers to a long and happy life together! This made my night! Xxxx

Thanks. It made my night too it's been a long 9 years lol

Sorry for interrupting the discussion I'm so happy.
The timeline on 19th seems very opaque to me. What I don't understand at all is, why have barbeque with sausages at 5h and mince at home at 6h/6.30h??? Anybody can explain to me?

I have a theory on this. I would bet that the sausages he had bought were not Aussie snags but a South African sausage called 'boerewors' (Yum !) It is a long coil of sausage and if you remove it from it's casing (skin) it is very much like mince. It plays a huge part in African barbeques and depending on who's made it is usually delicious !
I could be wrong tho....
Congratulations KiwiJayne !
I wish you lots of love and happiness !

:fireworks: :fireworks: :fireworks:
While I have to consider that the possibility is there, I have to agree with Nathan Milne on this. You really can't say, one way or the other. It's a bit of a long bow to draw.

Yes, there may have been tissue damage there which attracted more insects, but that's pure conjecture.

And even if there WAS tissue damage, due to the decomposition it can't be determined if that tissue damage occurred pre-mortem or post-mortem. That too is pure conjecture, unfortunately.

So while it's tempting to propose facts that may fit a preconceived theory, that can't really be done based on the autopsy findings. I know it's very frustrating that Milne was so non-committal (I also found it frustrating), but that is his role - he can only report on evidence and facts - not conjecture.

Unfortunately..... ;)
THanks Doc W. Was hoping you were around. It wasn't actually a pre conceived theory. Or anything to do with Milnes words. Just farm type observation. (I See lots of things on farm) It is likely there was a point of entry. Meaning a weak point. (Please forgive me everyone) The weak point on say a calf, is its umbilical area. probably because of recent blood. Insects don't hone in on good skin. Dogs hone in on soft skin. And birds have a different stategy again. Insects only were mentioned here, so I am of the understanding that insects only were perpetrators of demolition. Excluding a human face, (or animal head) then insect activity would congregate only on an open wound.
I believe that things got heated in the house, given that GBC had bruises on his chest/armpits because to me they didn't look like marks that would be done through clothing. I think perhaps he was shirtless, maybe just got out of the shower and the fight continued to flare up? Then maybe to the garage, but to me the foliage in her hair must have happened postmortem. If they'd fought in the carport and she had leaves etc in her hair , but decided to take off up the road, wouldn't she have dusted herself off a bit to keep appearances normal to any public that May have seen her? I would.

I remember when the chest/armpit photos were first shown here it was discussed that they were the sort of thing you'd get if someone was twisting/pulling on your shirt during a fight - a mix of abrasion + superficial bruising from friction and pressure against the skin.

Re the leaves, yes, was thinking they're most likely dead leaves on the ground, as someone (unconscious/dc) is being dragged by their feet/arms along the ground with hair trailing behind (maybe even with fresh hairspray from that afternoon making hair stickier).
That way you could pick up 5 different types of leaves easily enough, as opposed to crashing into 5 different plants, which are also less likely to drop their (living) leaves.
And also they'd be hard to see, being under the hair, which would explain why they weren't removed.
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