General Discussion #7

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Aww, geez, curious! You got me hooked into yet another one!!! :rolleyes:
Sorry LTUlegal. Please don't be mad....:blowkiss:
curious1 said:
Sorry LTUlegal. Please don't be mad....:blowkiss:
Don't worry...when I'm standing in the unemployment line, I'll be thinking of you! lol! :cool:
Maybe you will bump into Raven there. :D
If this turns out the be the right guy, it's a perfect illustration of the fact that people will NEVER forget murder victims and that these crimes can be solved, even after years and years pass. Let's hope Janet's murderer is caught soon as well. It is also only a matter of time.

Confession in JonBenet case? - Crime & Punishment -

A former schoolteacher was arrested Wednesday in Thailand in the slaying of 6-year-old beauty queen JonBenet Ramsey...
I completely agree with you, Jersey.

Everytime I hear about some case that went unsolved for so long or a case that puzzled LE but then was miraculously solved, I think of Janet. There will one day be a resolution to this case. Today, tomorrow, 5 years, 10 years--the perp will be brought to justice.

I'd just like it sooner than later.
I agree, the murder will be caught, I'm just hoping that it's before he get's married again and decides to try to get away with murder again.
terminatrixator said:
I agree, the murder will be caught, I'm just hoping that it's before he get's married again and decides to try to get away with murder again.
I just re-joined WS, computer issues as well as other things.. Anyway, this is a horribly sad, sad story... Guess my question is why has he not been convicted? I have not read everything so could have missed something but was he ever even really questioned? My deepest sympathy to her loved ones, she is beautiful..
Straitfan said:
I just re-joined WS, computer issues as well as other things.. Anyway, this is a horribly sad, sad story... Guess my question is why has he not been convicted? I have not read everything so could have missed something but was he ever even really questioned? My deepest sympathy to her loved ones, she is beautiful..
There has not been a conviction because there has been no suspect, nor a person of interest named in this case and no arrest has been made.

The husband was questioned the evening of the murder. Since there was a minor child, Kaiden was 6 months old, someone took Kaiden in. Raven was released in the am, between 3:00 am - 5:00 am I believe, and was to come back to take a polygraph test. He lawyered up, never to return to Durham, Police Department again.

Why wasn't he arrested? That I don't know. My only guess is that since it is my firm belief and opinion that the perpetrator lived in the home with her, there won't be forensic evidence pointing to the person. There was no evidence of an intruder, no dna, hair fibers, fingerprints, etc. that could lead away from the husband, no signs of a break-in, etc. nothing stolen except a laptop and the murder weapon. The laptop wasn't immediately reported missing it seems, but there was definitely a laptop and then there wasn't one.

The husband, Raven Abaroa, was previously arrested for embezzlement when he worked at Eurosports, "Sports Endeavors." When he was arrested that time his laptop was confiscated by Law Enforcement and thoroughly searched. The husband was known to have been involved in affairs and in my opinion affairs at the time of the murder.

My opinion is that the husband knew the laptop would be among the items that would be confiscated by Law Enforcement when LE arrived at the murder scene so that had to be disposed of prior along with the weapon, a knife, which was not located. The husband, in online videos spoke of owning a "Knife collection". If you go back and look through the evidence, there was no "knife collection" taken by LE. There was no murder weapon at the scene of the crime.

The husband took his and Janet's son extremely quickly after the murder and moved back with his mother and step-father, in Utah. Kinda hard to investigate a man that's thousands of miles away. As far as I know, Raven has only gone back to North Carolina once, and that's for the embezzlement hearing. The embezzlement hearing date and time was changed last minute and was in another county, so LE probably didn't get wind of it in enough time to try to catch up with him. Even if they did, what good would it do, Raven lawyered up, refused a polygraph and has gone on with his life.

I also believe another reason why the murderer of Janet and her unborn child hasn't been arrested yet is because of the nature of handling circumstantial evidence case in Durham, NC during an election year.

I had stated previously that Governor Easly appointed Mike Nifong as DA a few days after Janet's Murder, when in fact he was appointed a few days before Janet's murder and didn't take office until after Janet's Murder on April 26, 2005.

Going into office DA Nifong knew he had a long road ahead. One of his first orders of business was to ask Freda Black, the Assistant DA, who handled the HIGHLY publicized, media frenzied, murder trial of Michael Peterson. Freda Black let it be known weeks later that she intended to run against District Attorney Nifong, and the primary elections were held a week after the one year anniversary of Janet's murder. The primary's were highly publicized and the Duke Rape case is also in the media, which became known prior to the Primary elections. I think handling a murder case, such as this prior to elections is probably not something that a District Attorney has the time for in the midst of elections and a highly media frenzied Duke Rape Allegation case.

I am not LE, I am not a DA, I thought there was plenty to get this murderer behind bars and there probably is, but with double jeopardy, I would not take my chances until I knew I had everything lined up. There really truly is no such thing as a slam dunk and I am hoping they make sure they have as airtight a case as they possibly can, I'm hoping the DA has all his focus on the prosecution of the murderer and they go for first degree on this case.

Or it could be a simple matter of the murder isn't a danger to anyone else in Durham, North Carolina (*see various comments in the Media with LE stating that they did not believe it was a random act) indicating that there was no danger to the public.

I believe the murderer will probably get married again and decide he doesn't feel like being tied down again and may decide to try to get away with murder again. Just my feelings.

I do believe there will be Justice for Janet and her unborn child and Kaiden in the future and will wait for it.:behindbar
Here's another one for Janet's murderer:

WBKO | Perry March Verdict In

"A former Nashville attorney was convicted today in the murder of his wife ten years ago."

Don't ever rest easy ... you WILL be held accountable someday - one way or another.
JG - I am so very happy to see Justice for Janet March.

Ten years is a long wait but it does give me lots of hope that Justice will prevail in Janet her unborn child's brutal murder.
Me too, term ... it proves that there are people that will continue to seek justice for victims, no matter how much time has passed. I think it's important for murderers on the loose to remember that. They should never rest easy. There are many people that will always remember what they've done, and continue to work behind the scenes to get an arrest warrant. So even when it seems like nothing's happening, something's happening.

Don't ever stop looking over your shoulder. They will get you eventually.
Just wanted to say.......Hi Raven. If you are still visiting this site, and I hope you are, we won't let this be forgotten so don't get too comfy cozy.:crazy:
curious1 said:
Just wanted to say.......Hi Raven. If you are still visiting this site, and I hope you are, we won't let this be forgotten so don't get too comfy cozy.:crazy:
True. It may be quiet, but I'm sure the Rave will do something stupid enough for us to talk about.

There will be Justice for Janet and her baby in the future.
I know I haven't given up...I may get busy with life, but my thoughts never leave this case for too long. raven you wil be arrested and tried one day soon.:behindbar
Still thinking of you Janet and praying for justice...
You know, I haven't been here for awhile, it doesn't mean that I don't think about this case, because I do...often.
But I certainly have been thinking about raven with the Barton Corbin case finally coming to a resolution. He finally plead guilty after killing a girlfriend, 6 years ago & killing his wife in 2004. Law enforcement never gave up. raven better not think that Durham LE will, either.
Has Raven switched jobs again? He's not showing up at the Canyon Bicycles site anymore.

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