General Discussion Thread #2

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But grieving relatives who saw her body before Tuesday’s cremation in Port Elizabeth described horrific injuries from the cricket bat, and entry wounds from 9mm bullets fired by Pistorius.

the news that reeva's skull was smashed in-- how would OP think he could get away with his intruder story if this is true?
There are many reports of a fractured skull of Reeva.

This site indicates where the skull was fractured:

"...Steenkamp’s skull was “crushed” and police tests on the cricket bat and her body will reveal if the injuries were caused by blows to the back of her head."

If her skull was fractured in the back, this would not likely be visible to someone identifying her by her face.
Does anyone else remember early on reading that Reeva had an overnight bag in the room? I'm sure I read it somewhere and that might explain the clothing questions. Also, if she brought an overnight bag then she was expecting (or hoping) to spend the night.
I'm hoping this sheds more light on the new cricket bat claims. It is at the tail end of a story with Reeva's "Joberg Dad". He ID'd her body after death:

Police asked Mr Myers, his daughter, Kim, and his son, David, formally to identify Miss Steenkamp's body the morning that she was killed.
"We looked at her through a glass window. She was . . . you know . . . the way someone looks who has been shot . . . The police tried to make it easier for us," he said.

He did not describe Miss Steenkamp's injuries further. Police on Sunday denied reports that Pistorius used a cricket bat found at his house to assault his girlfriend before shooting her.

Mr Myers, who identified Miss Steenkamp's body, told the Daily Telegraph that he was "surprised" by reports that she had been assaulted with a cricket bat.

"When I identified Reeva, I saw no indication of that", he said. "The first I knew about it was when I read it in the papers. I do not know where that came from".

No such evidence was entered by the prosecution during pre-trial proceedings to decide if Pistorius would be granted bail, even though it would likely have affected the magistrate's ruling.

That ends the issue for me.


It does not end the issue for me. The way I have put things together now is that Mr Myers identified the body as being Reeva but that does not mean that he could see if her skull was fractured or not. They probably did not want him to know before they told Reeva's parents. Reeva's parents never saw the body but were shown photos of it and then told that she was hit with a cricket bat.

So what was the sequence of events?

While Pistorius is asleep, Reeva on iPad gets message after midnight from Hougaard to wish her Happy Valentine's Day

Pistorius wakes up and sees Reeva on iPad and gets iPad from her to invade her privacy by looking at messages.

2-3am He goes into a jealous rage. They argue. She says she is leaving him. He locks bedroom door so she cannot escape and hides key from her.

Argument escalates and he hits her on head with cricket bat. She screams. Her skull is fractured. He reaches for gun and shoots her in the hip as she is running into the bathroom. She locks door of toilet. He realises he has overstepped the mark and he does not want anyone to know how violent he was with her. She has to die.

He waits 17 minutes while concocting his intruder story.

He has legs on. He goes to toilet and fires 3 shots.
Excellent post Danzen. I am so sorry for what happened to you and your family Carol70. That kind of traumatic event is not easy to recover from and unimaginable to one who has not been there. No ifs or buts.
Only just found this thread, so excuse me if I repeat anything!

Reasons for a possible motive might be the fact he was very intense and jealous about Reeva, according to a couple of articles. Don't know how much has been exaggerated by journalists twisting words, but here are some excerpts.

Oscar Pistorius 'was told to back off from Reeva Steenkamp'

Oscar Pistorius subjected Reeva Steenkamp to such intense emotional pressure in the early days of the relationship that her best friend's father was forced to warm him to "back off".

Now, Reeva’s friend, Maddie Sims, is opening up to People magazine, explaining that — while Oscar definitely loved Reeva — he was insanely jealous.

“A man was staring at her” one night when the couple was out with friends, Maddie said. “Oscar stared him down with a very angry look on his face.”

He also was “very focused, very intense,” and “very assertive,” according to Maddie. He would get angry with laid-back Reeva if she was late to meet him, if she asked a waiter at a restaurant too many questions or whenever she wore her hair in a ponytail or dressed too casually in his mind.

“Many things that made Oscar a great athlete made him difficult to live with,” Maddie told the mag.
He sounds extremely controlling and impatient as well, if something as innocent as asking a waiter 'too many questions' or dressing too casually made him angry.

Not saying jealousy is why he killed her, but it's a possible motive. I don't honestly believe his story at all. It's so ridiculous and makes absolutely no sense. The biggest problems I have with it are these:

1) He claims to have been paranoid about his safety and was 'overcome with terror' when he heard the 'burglar' - and yet he left his balcony doors open while he slept? And also his bathroom window with ladders that he said he knew had been left outside? How does that tie in with being paranoid about safety? How many break-ins has his complex had since he lived there? I think I read it hadn't had any in 10 years.

When he shouted at the 'burglar' to get out of his house... why didn't Reeva respond from wherever she was? If she was really in the toilet, then how come she didn't yell at him to stop shooting once he'd started? At no point does OP say that Reeva ever made a sound, from the moment he got up to close the balcony doors to the moment he shot her dead. Does that sound feasible to anyone?

He claims she was still alive and breathing when he carried her downstairs, which is only his version of events. But if she really was still alive, then he can't have killed her with the first shot - so again, how come she didn't scream at him to stop shooting?

His brother and lawyer were at the house looking for the memory stick before the emergency services even got there. Now why on earth would details of his offshore accounts be a priority immediately after Reeva was killed?

5) He must have had other people stay over at his house before. What happened when any of his guests got up to go to the toilet in the night. Did he automatically assume it was a burglar and shoot them dead?? No! So why did he assume Reeva was a burglar but no one else that had stayed over?

Too many things don't add up, and I sincerely hope justice is done for Reeva Steenkamp's family. So far, OP's family have been talking about how this tragedy has completely changed their lives, while as an afterthought, acknowledging that Reeva's family have suffered a terrible loss. This is about a young woman whose life ended in the most horrific of circumstances, and OP and his clan seem to have forgotten that in their quest to garner sympathy for themselves.
Hi guys....just wanted to put in my opinion....and this really is my opinion only. My girlfriend is going out with a south African guy who is now living in Australia in Cairns....there are quite a lot of south Africans living in Australia, and all of them have come here for the same reason....escape the scary lifestyle over there. He is in a tight knit group of about 12 ex pat south Africans....and none of them believe his story.....apparently he is known as a bit of a volatile nutter and stories have been leaked about him ever since he became the hero of the Olympics.......very possessive.....anyhow of course this is rumor but I personally think he is another OJ Simpson........does anyone know if the neighbours reports of screaming and yelling have been thrown out the window?? that alone to me is very telling
RE Bail.

I have written that there seems to be much strangeness RE Pros side of bail hearing.

I saw a website which had a well known SA atty describing the total lack of jail accomodations for a disabled person.

There were indications that SA authorities would not want OP in jail until conviction of the murder. If he were murdered by another inmate or killed himself due to terrible accomodations, it would look bad for SA. If he kills himself while on the outside, no problem for the state.

Botha's testimony was often as absurd as are most of OP's affidavit statements. Botha said there was nothing in the evidence to negate OP's affidavit. This after testifying that there were many items of evidence that negate OP's affidavit claims. Just one: the downward angle of shots into the bathroom door.

And as I wrote earlier, the top brass knew about Botha's impending own attempted murder charges, and could have or should have removed him prior to commencement of bail hearing. They chose to remove him only near the end. And he often contradicted himself and did not seem to care, just going along with whatever the defense was saying often.

So in sum, perhaps Botha and his testimony were meant to
1. Get Defense to give away their whole side of things and to marry them to it.
2. Secretly facilitate OP getting out on bail

3)[/B] He claims she was still alive and breathing when he carried her downstairs, which is only his version of events. But if she really was still alive, then he can't have killed her with the first shot - so again, how come she didn't scream at him to stop shooting?

One can be unconscious and still breathing, possible scenario.
I'm hoping this sheds more light on the new cricket bat claims. It is at the tail end of a story with Reeva's "Joberg Dad". He ID'd her body after death:

Police asked Mr Myers, his daughter, Kim, and his son, David, formally to identify Miss Steenkamp's body the morning that she was killed.
"We looked at her through a glass window. She was . . . you know . . . the way someone looks who has been shot . . . The police tried to make it easier for us," he said.

He did not describe Miss Steenkamp's injuries further. Police on Sunday denied reports that Pistorius used a cricket bat found at his house to assault his girlfriend before shooting her.

Mr Myers, who identified Miss Steenkamp's body, told the Daily Telegraph that he was "surprised" by reports that she had been assaulted with a cricket bat.

"When I identified Reeva, I saw no indication of that", he said. "The first I knew about it was when I read it in the papers. I do not know where that came from".

No such evidence was entered by the prosecution during pre-trial proceedings to decide if Pistorius would be granted bail, even though it would likely have affected the magistrate's ruling.

That ends the issue for me.


Maybe the Myers only saw Reeva's wounds facing her...the back of her skull is where she was allegedly struck with the bat
maybe they missed this
Hi guys....just wanted to put in my opinion....and this really is my opinion only. My girlfriend is going out with a south African guy who is now living in Australia in Cairns....there are quite a lot of south Africans living in Australia, and all of them have come here for the same reason....escape the scary lifestyle over there. He is in a tight knit group of about 12 ex pat south Africans....and none of them believe his story.....apparently he is known as a bit of a volatile nutter and stories have been leaked about him ever since he became the hero of the Olympics.......very possessive.....anyhow of course this is rumor but I personally think he is another OJ Simpson........does anyone know if the neighbours reports of screaming and yelling have been thrown out the window?? that alone to me is very telling

Revamp-- the original story that broke the day of the slaying was neighbors reported to LE screaming, a loud argument coming from OP's home, they heard a woman & man yelling

It's so sad the victim, Reeva is now lost and gone..This is the real tragedy

she was from what I've read a classy, high character woman trying to make a positive impact in the world, didnt hear anyone say a bad thing about her

That is true. But one site I came across said that Oscar's hired people may now be looking to dig up dirt about her and go public if they find anything.

And new headline: First night home for Pistorius in very "posh" setting.

Elsewhere I read he is set to take imminent ownership of a very expensive new sports car.

And the lovely young lass was brutally murdered as she was finally trying to break away from this guy.

This case reminds me a little of Dorothy Stratten--movie was "Star 80." Seen it?

Of course Reeva lived a third longer-- nearly 30 as opposed to only 20 for poor Dorothy. And Reeva despite being so sweet had to be more world weary and knowledgable as she was a law graduate.

Both were perhaps about to become "stars."

But both seemed so sweet and pretty, and both in the clutches of jealous murderous men. With Dorothy, in addition to jealousy I believe Paul Snider was coked up, but at least he killed himself after killing her.
I also don't understand how Botha could claim that there was nothing contradicting OP's story, while also claiming shots were fired with a downward angle. Doesn't that contradict OP's story that he fired these shots without prostetic legs on?
I also don't understand how Botha could claim that there was nothing contradicting OP's story, while also claiming shots were fired with a downward angle. Doesn't that contradict OP's story that he fired these shots without prostetic legs on?

Well that was one of my points. While superficially opposing bail--can't make it too obvious. His testimony and going along with nearly everything defense claimed was to ensure OP got bail. Even not pulling him earlier etc.

I am hoping at this deep level, this was only for getting OP out on bail, and I hope they are not trying to lose the case itself in the coming months.
I also don't understand how Botha could claim that there was nothing contradicting OP's story, while also claiming shots were fired with a downward angle. Doesn't that contradict OP's story that he fired these shots without prostetic legs on?

The point was made that English is not his first language, so I suppose he could possibly claim to have misunderstood some questions.
Well that was one of my points. While superficially opposing bail--can't make it too obvious. His testimony and going along with nearly everything defense claimed was to ensure OP got bail. Even not pulling him earlier etc.

I am hoping at this deep level, this was only for getting OP out on bail, and I hope they are not trying to lose the case itself in the coming months.

Why would prosecution be trying to get him out on bail? That's bizarre.
Pistorius's childhood was shaped partly by tragedy. His parents divorced when he was 6, a fact that largely contributed to a strained relationship between Oscar and his father, a businessman, that continues to this day. His mother died when he was 15, the result of drug complications following a hysterectomy.

Hmmmm wonder if there was abuse towards mother from father.....
That is true. But one site I came across said that Oscar's hired people may now be looking to dig up dirt about her and go public if they find anything.

And new headline: First night home for Pistorius in very "posh" setting.

Elsewhere I read he is set to take imminent ownership of a very expensive new sports car.

And the lovely young lass was brutally murdered as she was finally trying to break away from this guy.

This case reminds me a little of Dorothy Stratten--movie was "Star 80." Seen it?

Of course Reeva lived a third longer-- nearly 30 as opposed to only 20 for poor Dorothy. And Reeva despite being so sweet had to be more world weary and knowledgable as she was a law graduate.

Both were perhaps about to become "stars."

But both seemed so sweet and pretty, and both in the clutches of jealous murderous men. With Dorothy, in addition to jealousy I believe Paul Snider was coked up, but at least he killed himself after killing her.

Oh that sickens me, I hope it's just a rumor!
Why would prosecution be trying to get him out on bail? That's bizarre.

Well some of this in my post on previous page and includes preventing things that might happen to him in jail.
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