General Discussion Thread #2

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But I misspelled "driving" as drinking.

150 MPH on the highway! Not OK.


And I think that was while it was raining. Some people like to scare their passengers too.

He was probably a ticking time bomb.

I hope alcohol is addressed because I've written here that I think he did not tolerate caffeine and alcohol.

OP: "I can't sleep!"
Did not anyone tell him to chuck all coffee?!
Dateline is about to discuss how OP had intent to kill even if he thought it was an intruder, and that will work against him.
to shout "Get out" at an "intruder" in a small toilet area with no window when you are standing outside the door. How would the intruder have gotten out of his house? Perhaps in his panic he just shouted whatever but the story just doesn't...hang together for me.

It would make more sense if he had retreated from the entire bathroom and stood outside of IT yelling the same thing so the intruder could have gotten out the same way he had come in. Also, from what I know dangerous intruders in SA don't hide from the homeowner in a toilet closet-they confront them with heavy artillery and don't usually come alone-yet there obviously couldn't have been a large armed unit hiding in that tiny toilet.

The affidavit and story seem focused on his hyper-sensitive fear of "intruders" and having his home broken into. Yet, he goes to bed with not only an open bathroom window but with an open balcony door. When I saw the picture of this balcony, right over the garage, it seemed all too easy for someone to gain access to it, perhaps even from the top of a tall SUV. Plus, he knows workers have left ladders in his yard.

It does appear all the second floor rooms had the same type balcony so I'm not sure which was his-the front one is the largest but all are at the same height.

Does this make sense? This very fearful man goes blissfully to sleep with his balcony door wide open. Then he wakes, goes out on balcony, carries fan, hears noise etc and shoots because of this extreme fear which wasn't extreme enough for him to close his damn doors and windows before going to sleep. It makes me wonder whether they ever really went to "bed" or whether they were arguing and awake the whole time. Because that part of the story makes no sense given his extreme sensitivity which is required to "explain" his actions with the gun but doesn't comport with his actions prior to retiring which of course are not discussed except in support of his story-got up to close door...but a fearful guy would never have gone to sleep with the door and window open to begin with, especially with those ladders in the yard.

I think this is interesting. Especially because I always thought that it stood out that OP stated that he yelled, "Get out of my house" to the "intruder". I thought that was somewhat odd & it occurred to me that he put that in his statement because that is what he actually DID yell - to Reeva in the middle of their fight. I thought maybe he realized that the neighbors must have/might have heard that so he twisted it and gave it a different spin in his statement.

It's interesting that we have another incident here where OP is reported as saying almost the exact same thing to another woman.

It's enough to make you think at least...:waitasec:
One thing I could use clarification please.

Were the police definitely at OP's home a few hours earlier?

If so, even more sad that Reeva did not leave with them.
No, it's not been confirmed and think it is something that would have come up in the bail hearing. I think whine the police alluded to the fact in their initial statement that they had been called to the house previously for a domestic disturbance, they were alluding to the 2009 incident. I think it was mentioned because a journalist asked if police had been called before for any DD's.
No, it's not been confirmed and think it is something that would have come up in the bail hearing. I think whine the police alluded to the fact in their initial statement that they had been called to the house previously for a domestic disturbance, they were alluding to the 2009 incident. I think it was mentioned because a journalist asked if police had been called before for any DD's.

thanks Carol.
Have you wavered yet?
thanks Carol.
Have you wavered yet?
Haha, no!! :D the stories comming out in the media are getting more ludacris by the day.I have made my case with every allegation over and over so just reading for now until something new comes along.

Btw Shane, I'm surprised you missed it...there was a link to an article I posted a few pages back regarding Ms Taylor? You should read the comments. :p
Haha, no!! :D the stories comming out in the media are getting more ludacris by the day.I have made my case with every allegation over and over so just reading for now until something new comes along.

Btw Shane, I'm surprised you missed it...there was a link to an article I posted a few pages back regarding Ms Taylor? You should read the comments. :p

wasn't aware I missed anything.

Indeed the 20/20 show I think it was said after assaulting her, he then sued her.

IMO that's what rotten people with money do--they do wrong, then they threaten the harmed innocent with their lawyers.

At least with his new troubles, he's now trying to make that one go away--prob. pay her now to be quiet.

I just watched the 20/20 show. Thanks for the link. It's good. We don't subscribe to any telly so can only watch stuff online. Please post any other links for shows that come around.

Lol, I just thought some of the comments were very interesting since the article came out last year and I was certain that if anyone read the comments, they would have been mentioned here. Even I almost fell off my fence when reading them hehe.
Tonight: dateline at 8:00-10:00 EST then 20/20 at 10 EST.
I don't know if I am behind or in front of you guys time wise (it's Saturday 10.30am now) , but please post link when it becomes available on the net.
It is 3:48 a.m. in this part of the U.S.

I looked for the Dateline episode too, not up yet. Drat!

The 20/20 episode part 3 shows a replicated room, to scale, of the bedroom and bathroom. Very interesting and helpful with the size as opposed to pictures. Everything is much smaller than what I was initially thinking with the photos.
It is 3:48 a.m. in this part of the U.S.

I looked for the Dateline episode too, not up yet. Drat!

The 20/20 episode part 3 shows a replicated room, to scale, of the bedroom and bathroom. Very interesting and helpful with the size as opposed to pictures. Everything is much smaller than what I was initially thinking with the photos.
Hehe, can't sleep???

Yar, I thought it was very helpful too...the bedroom was much smaller than I anticipated. Also, I would imagine that OP had a queen or king size bed and they showed a double so the space in the room would have been even smaller.

oscar's legal bill more than r1m - report

johannesburg - murder-accused paralympian oscar pistorius's legal costs during his week of detention probably amounted to up to r1.2m, a legal expert said in a report on saturday.

Beeld quoted law professor tom coetzee as saying the week during which his bail application was heard, his legal costs were probably anything between r1m and r1.2m.

And, he added, that was a "very conservative" estimate.

"and this is only the beginning. Until his next court appearance, consultations will continuously take place.

"then his trial starts, which will make the current bill look small," said coetzee.

beeld also reported on the pistorius family's financial interests, saying the grandfather, hendrik pistorius, 95, started a mining business in 1944, which expanded into other businesses.

He and his sons currently own almost 120 companies actively doing business today, both locally and overseas.

Oscar and his brother, carl, are co-directors in four of these companies, reported beeld.

Hehe, can't sleep???

Yar, I thought it was very helpful too...the bedroom was much smaller than I anticipated. Also, I would imagine that OP had a queen or king size bed and they showed a double so the space in the room would have been even smaller.

Yep, insomniac since I can remember. Doesn't help living in earthrough apartments. :furious: (Can hear them stepping on the floor even!) So, I know about being "out of your mind" when you do not sleep much or well.

Still nothing up on Dateline. Have no idea why. My boss used to order and pay for transcripts to help in cases, until I showed him we could get them off the computer, once internet began. Perhaps the time lapse is b/c it is a weekend??? IDK, but not like Dateline. Very disappointed, I'll forget in a bit...

Okay, but what is r1m in real dollars, being that I am certain the funds are not just tied up in rands? How is that converted in r's? Does that mean a lot in r's? ....................

Would expect a wealthy family with long history to make children, grands, great grands, and so forth, easy lives. All I can say right now.
Okay, but what is r1m in real dollars, being that I am certain the funds are not just tied up in rands? How is that converted in r's? Does that mean a lot in r's? ....................

Would expect a wealthy family with long history to make children, grands, great grands, and so forth, easy lives. All I can say right now.

About $110,000.

many sites do conversion. not all that much considering.

hejust bought a new supercar--prob worth 2x that or more
Yep, insomniac since I can remember. Doesn't help living in earthrough apartments. :furious: (Can hear them stepping on the floor even!) So, I know about being "out of your mind" when you do not sleep much or well.

Still nothing up on Dateline. Have no idea why. My boss used to order and pay for transcripts to help in cases, until I showed him we could get them off the computer, once internet began. Perhaps the time lapse is b/c it is a weekend??? IDK, but not like Dateline. Very disappointed, I'll forget in a bit...

Get tested for sleep apnea--very common and serious illness.
About $110,000.

many sites do conversion. not all that much considering.

hejust bought a new supercar--prob worth 2x that or more

Okay, I guess that means he is very wealthy there and considered to be elsewhere in the world?
Okay, but what is r1m in real dollars, being that I am certain the funds are not just tied up in rands? How is that converted in r's? Does that mean a lot in r's? ....................

Would expect a wealthy family with long history to make children, grands, great grands, and so forth, easy lives. All I can say right now.
It's a lot of RRR's for lawyer bills but OP can very easily afford it....he is mega MEGA rich for SA standards. To try put it in comparison thou, we bought our house last year, R900k. It's average price for a 3 bedroom in suburbia. We get paid on the last day of each month and are broke again on the 1st of every new month :D so in the bigger scheme of things R1mil is alot but not enough so you can retire but for OP, it's really small change.
It's a lot of RRR's for lawyer bills but OP can very easily afford it....he is mega MEGA rich for SA standards. To try put it in comparison thou, we bought our house last year, R900k. It's average price for a 3 bedroom in suburbia. We get paid on the last day of each month and are broke again on the 1st of every new month :D so in the bigger scheme of things R1mil is alot but not enough so you can retire but for OP, it's really small change.

Ah, okay. So, he is blue blood. $$$$ (I have no concept of money where I live, as I just make the bills yet work for those that buy Ferrari.) So, he is very wealthy.

Can he buy protection?

Side note, all the videos from there observations. It is beautiful, more trees and greenery than I would think. Beautiful land and people. Why do all the women look so beautiful and young? Skin is so nice. Can't be just shea butter or something, diet? Genetics? Even the older ladies in the 20/20 video have smooth skin.

Believe me when I say, if women here looked that good, we would have even MORE problems. (That includes your lady police. People would get into little problems just to see them. Not joking at all.)

It looks like paradise, but, I suppose vacation mind is always paradise. Can romanticize anywhere that daily toils are not observed.
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