General Gun Violence/Gun Control

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Yes the 2nd Amendment is open to interpretation. SCOTUS does the interpretation as do state courts. Congress doesn't have the votes to ban semi-automatic weapons. Many states have very lax gun laws.

They say they don't have the votes. The fact that Congress can no longer respond to overwhelming popular opinion on sensible, safe public policy is a sign that we can't influence our own government anymore. JMO
They say they don't have the votes. The fact that Congress can no longer respond to overwhelming popular opinion on sensible, safe public policy is a sign that we can't influence our own government anymore. JMO
The only way to influence our government is to vote them out of office. I was shocked when I heard this news report today:

Against the backdrop of recent mass shootings in Tennessee and Kentucky, a stampede of 2024 Republican presidential hopefuls and possible candidates rushed to pledge their loyalty to the NRA before several thousand gun-rights activists in a spacious hall at the convention center here. And they scoffed at the notion that gun and ammunition restrictions would reduce violence.

The only way to influence our government is to vote them out of office. I was shocked when I heard this news report today:

Against the backdrop of recent mass shootings in Tennessee and Kentucky, a stampede of 2024 Republican presidential hopefuls and possible candidates rushed to pledge their loyalty to the NRA before several thousand gun-rights activists in a spacious hall at the convention center here. And they scoffed at the notion that gun and ammunition restrictions would reduce violence.

DT: "This is not a gun problem," he added, as he batted cleanup for a long list of Republican officials and office seekers. "This is a mental health problem, this is a social problem, this is a cultural problem, this is a spiritual problem."
(from your linked article)

So what does he propose to do about these problems? Just mention them and expect them to sort themselves out? (Or not)

Does he have a solid plan to minimise the mental health problems, the social problems, the cultural problems, the spiritual problems? What is his election platform for that?

The US needs action, not lip service. imo
DT: "This is not a gun problem," he added, as he batted cleanup for a long list of Republican officials and office seekers. "This is a mental health problem, this is a social problem, this is a cultural problem, this is a spiritual problem."
(from your linked article)

So what does he propose to do about these problems? Just mention them and expect them to sort themselves out? (Or not)

Does he have a solid plan to minimise the mental health problems, the social problems, the cultural problems, the spiritual problems? What is his election platform for that?

The US needs action, not lip service. imo
BBM. I so agree. If they made actual proposals, the media didn't report it.
An opinion that I share. I think parents are excellent activists and are making a positive difference:

After a full generation suffering under the ever-present threat of domestic mass murder, the American people might finally have reached a breaking point.

Seventy-one percent of US adults want stricter gun laws, according to a recent AP-NORC poll.

Over the summer, an NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll found that 59% of American adults think it’s more important to control gun violence than to protect gun rights (35%) — “its highest point in nearly a decade.” These figures have surely factored into Democrats new assertiveness on gun control.


Even though this article is from the Daily Mail, I think it is pretty well written with some things to think about. I asked myself though why does it seem that peoples' threshold to be able to deal with issues like losing a job, has lowered to the point where they get so enraged or depressed, they decide to kill people.
The worst thing I’ve seen in a while: An Ohio high school raffling off assault weapons to raise money for sports programs. From what I’ve read online, there are other schools that do the same. Why not have a raffle for an IPad or big screen tv or camping equipment?

The worst thing I’ve seen in a while: An Ohio high school raffling off assault weapons to raise money for sports programs. From what I’ve read online, there are other schools that do the same. Why not have a raffle for an IPad or big screen tv or camping equipment?

There is bottom level bad taste with a lack of respect and then below that there is stuff like this.
The worst thing I’ve seen in a while: An Ohio high school raffling off assault weapons to raise money for sports programs. From what I’ve read online, there are other schools that do the same. Why not have a raffle for an IPad or big screen tv or camping equipment?

That is horrible- how can that even be allowed?
Hi All,

Tricia has asked us to open up a discussion about gun violence, as clearly, there is a problem with gun violence, especially in the United States. In many of the cases that come to Websleuths, gun violence is the cause, and we don't/can't allow general gun violence/control discussion because the thread becomes about that rather than about the victims.

This thread is not for discussion of particular cases (that would derail THIS thread) but for general gun violence and gun control discussion, including purchasing and permitting. Respectfully stated opinions are fine, and if you post facts or statistics, please post your sources.

All other Websleuths rules apply. Please be kind to your fellow Websleuths members.

I'll start.

What a great idea, just found this and I for certain would be interested to hear the various points of view of people all over the country.

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That is horrible- how can that even be allowed?

A public school raffle would be cleared by a committee, and controversial prizes cleared by a school board. That is the question- what school board would approve an assault weapon as a prize?
I can think of plenty- those school board members wanting to use their power to make a political statement and get some press. It looks like it worked

My thoughts- and we wonder why we have a gun control issue. We have a parenting issue, an adulting issue, and a general political climate of intolerance, bigotry, hate, and extremism. That is why we have a gun problem, we can’t agree on anything useful.
Civil discourse, and critical thought…we better figure out what these are and learn to apply them.


Foreign perspective

'The US attitude to guns generally perplexes those in other developed countries, many of which do not understand the unusual permissiveness of American gun laws, and believe that the American public should push for harsher gun control measures in the face of mass shootings.'

I would just add that there is no US attitude on guns, as there are many attitudes on guns in the US which is why we cannot agree.

I’ve lived in rural Texas most of my life, that fact would make many believe they know my attitude about guns And gun laws. They would be wrong.

The reality is a lot more complex that it may seem, and at least in Texas we tend to err on the side of freedom and individual responsibility- and not big government controlling lives And making choices for us.

This is so mentally tiring. Turning on the TV news in our morning and here is yet another one. I cannot imagine the mental exhaustion it must cause in the US. Let alone the anguish, trauma and loss of life it causes to those directly involved.

"The gun used in the shooting was an AR-15-style rifle, a federal law enforcement source told CNN"
"The AR-15, a semi-automatic rifle, is the most popular sporting rifle in the US, and about 24.6 million people have owned an AR-15 or similarly style rifle"
"The AR-15 and its offshoots have been the weapon of choice in many of the most heinous mass shootings in recent memory"

Gunman livestreamed mass shooting at Louisville bank that left 4 dead and 9 wounded

I would just like to add that the sport of shooting has changed over time.
Hunters do not use AR-15 style rifles. Hunters cannot use such rifles and follow the law, they are not legal for hunting.
Those who use AR-15 style rifles are shooting inanimate targets.
The problem is, they shoot bullets that a hunter would not choose for deer, and shoot them at a fast rate. There is no place for such guns in anything called “sport”. IMO

I question why any such gun and ammo combination that can shoot and kill people in a manner that rivals a war zone is legal to Joe citizen.

If citizens saw the bodies of children after being shot by an AR-15 with high velocity hollow point ammo- they would be sickened. Most gun supporters have no idea what these guns can do to a living body.
This doctor describes the reality no one wants to hear.

Doctor Testifies regarding gun violence, Uvalde School Shooting, Texas

Yes, the guy in the pink tie is a self centered ars- don‘t let him distract you from the doctor’s heartfelt words.
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BBM. I suggest they stop referring to it as a "sporting rifle" in consideration of the huge number human victims.

Hearing this news on a constant basis is very stressful, especially so for those who have children or grandchildren currently in school.

Hearing about school shootings is terrifying to children, parents, teachers, admin, and family members of school age children And university students and employees.

In Texas there are over 300,000 teachers in public schools. Add private schools, church schools, daycares, universities and you have a lot of fear. Still they walked into their classrooms Aug 2022 when the situation from May 2022 at Uvalde was still not understood.

Next month is May, and that fact has not escape Texas teachers. Some sick young man somewhere will try to break the new record set at Uvalde. Who, where, and when? If we only knew!

School shootings are a Loud Red Blinking Neon Sign our government is failing.
If safety from harm is not a basic human right- what is?

This is a "states rights" issue. The right to bear arms is protected by the Constitution, and this right has been eroded by many local laws. If people are against guns, they should live in a state that follows their belief system.

It is a slippery slope to place limits on gun ownership based on mental health diagnosis. This type of "red flag" would end up on NCIC database, and could potentially be a barrier for many other things, aside from guns. Even years later.

Or better yet, change the laws in the state where they live.
As a lifelong Texan, who has lived around guns my entire life, I’m embarrassed that 19 children and two teachers were killed in a public school- while law enforcement sat on their arses for nearly 90 min!

If you believe the right to bear arms means people should be able to protect themselves from harm, then teachers should be able to carry a concealed weapon if they make that choice and go through training.
Maybe shooters would stop targeting schools if they thought teachers had guns.

There is no way more children will die in gun accidents in schools than the 19 killed at Uvalde. How do I know that? The teachers won’t have AR-15s To do that level of damage.

I agree that the mental health issue is troubling, and it has zero impact on unregistered guns, stolen guns, traded guns, guns handed down in families, guns as gifts etc etc etc.
Screenings only impacts new gun owners who buy a gun from a store.

I haven’t a clue what the answer is, but the answer will start with discussion.

That is horrible- how can that even be allowed?
It is allowed because school officials aren't doing the jobs they are paid to do. The Ohio Athletic Director should be fired but it won't happen unless parents insist upon it.

From the linked article:
Eric Landversicht, superintendent of Upper Sandusky Exempted Village Schools, tells WTVG Channel 13 the raffle, reportedly organized by the district’s athletics department, was not approved by the school board. “The group conducting the raffle did not consult myself or the Board prior to organizing this raffle,” Landversicht said.
It is allowed because school officials aren't doing the jobs they are paid to do. The Ohio Athletic Director should be fired but it won't happen unless parents insist upon it.

From the linked article:
Eric Landversicht, superintendent of Upper Sandusky Exempted Village Schools, tells WTVG Channel 13 the raffle, reportedly organized by the district’s athletics department, was not approved by the school board. “The group conducting the raffle did not consult myself or the Board prior to organizing this raffle,” Landversicht said.

Wow, so if the superintendent and school board didn‘t approve it and an AD acted on his own- he should be fired. Someone is responsible- and it takes time to sell tickets to a raffle. Typically weeks.
So who found out what the prizes were and kept that quiet? How could they?

Anyone who thought that was a good idea has poor judgment, poor judgment is enough to fire anyone who works for a school district.

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