General theory thread and motives rehashed #2

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Great post lil momma and one I agree with. We've been hearing a story since day one. One of the most important pieces of information when a child is missing is what was that child last seen wearing. NO one in this case can tell us. You're right, Misty didn't know, which to me makes it obvious she was not the last one to see her before she went missing.

However, my thoughts differ from yours when it comes to TN and GGMA trying to hide what happened from Ron. I'm in the group that believes Ron knows exactly what happened to his daughter the night she went missing. The how, the why and the where. My reason is that he has not offered one bit of information that could help find her. Only his response "I was a work."

Naw, he also said, "I don't do drugs."

My opinion only
Great post lil momma and one I agree with. We've been hearing a story since day one. One of the most important pieces of information when a child is missing is what was that child last seen wearing. NO one in this case can tell us. You're right, Misty didn't know, which to me makes it obvious she was not the last one to see her before she went missing.

However, my thoughts differ from yours when it comes to TN and GGMA trying to hide what happened from Ron. I'm in the group that believes Ron knows exactly what happened to his daughter the night she went missing. The how, the why and the where. My reason is that he has not offered one bit of information that could help find her. Only his response "I was a work."

I agree Azwriter, i do believe that Ron knows what happened and is responsible for his child's demise, whether it be with him directly or indirectly involved. I really don't think that TN & GGM would do this only b/c of the way Ron has acted for the past year and half, BUT, i don't know them on a personal level, and i wouldn't put anything past them. Just trying to throw something out there, so see IF maybe, just maybe have an UH HUH moment....

It drives me nuts when Ron uses his famous line that he was at werk. He can offer up just about any information regarding that night, the sleeping arrangements, what Misty really got up for, (bathroom, drink of water) he even changes the story to suit his own needs, but when a direct question come out like Ronald do you know what happened to your daughter, or where she might be? the only thing he can say is that he doesn't know and he was at work. It blows me away.
In all the mess this case has become there are two things that have bothered me from the early days and continue to bother me today:

1. Ronald Cummings' inappropriate behaviors and statements. I do not mean just that night or the next few days which have been argued by some as he was distraught, a basket-case over Haleigh being missing, etc. As time passed one would expect a parent to come to his senses and try to be helpful to the investigation, but RC's statements and behaviors were not only not helpful, they were a hindrance.

2. Why LE has never seemed to be particularly bothered by #1.

RC's statements and behaviors raised many eyebrows, increasingly-so as time went on, IMO. So why has it not really raised eyebrows with LE in a manner that it should have?

I think LE went into this case wanting to find Haleigh, then eventually wanting justice for her. But now I have to question whether, after finding out what might have gone down and who might be involved, LE have decided it is best to just let sleeping dogs lie.

I believe the perps knew Haleigh would never be found. I do not think we will ever know what happened to her. Still, every day I sign in here hoping for an update that proves me wrong.

Your whole post makes me think of the JonBenet case (except the fact she wasn't hidden/concealed after her death like Haleigh, heck, we don't even know if Haleigh is no longer alive!) but in her case it wasn't LE who stopped the investigation from going anywhere, it was the DA.

I really hope authorities have not turned a blind eye to all of Ron's statements and behaviors that make some of us raise our eyebrows. I hope they are playing cat and mouse with him and one day he will be trapped.

Even though Ron and Patsy R. have very different social and economic upbringings/backgrounds it blows me away how alike they're stories are concerning their murdered daughters. I could start listing likenesses and suspicious behavior on both of their parts but I would be here forever and most already know them so I will leave it at that.

I am also astounded at how much info. was leaked in JBR's case vs. Haleigh's.
No one has ever been charged or held accountable for their actions against JonBenet and look how much info. is on the web and all the books written about the details of her case!

Look at Haleigh's case, no charges there either, but yet we know very little about the actions of her and some of the players involved around that crucial time. I have to give credit to the LE investigating this case for keeping everything under wraps. I hope they are setting the trap and getting ready to spring it when the culprit(s) least expect it and it doesn't end up like JBR's case. I hope the truth prevails and Haleigh will have justice in the end.

Rest in peace, JonBenet and Haleigh, and like you krkrjx everytime I get on the net I hope I will see something big break in this case, I will always look until this is solved, poor JonBenet never got justice and I don't think she ever will. Her story is so sad. People care more about themselves than they did her. I hope Haleigh's case does not end up like JonBenet's.

Your whole post makes me think of the JonBenet case (except the fact she wasn't hidden/concealed after her death like Haleigh, heck, we don't even know if Haleigh is no longer alive!) but in her case it wasn't LE who stopped the investigation from going anywhere, it was the DA.

I really hope authorities have not turned a blind eye to all of Ron's statements and behaviors that make some of us raise our eyebrows. I hope they are playing cat and mouse with him and one day he will be trapped.

Even though Ron and Patsy R. have very different social and economic upbringings/backgrounds it blows me away how alike they're stories are concerning their murdered daughters. I could start listing likenesses and suspicious behavior on both of their parts but I would be here forever and most already know them so I will leave it at that.

I am also astounded at how much info. was leaked in JBR's case vs. Haleigh's.
No one has ever been charged or held accountable for their actions against JonBenet and look how much info. is on the web and all the books written about the details of her case!

Look at Haleigh's case, no charges there either, but yet we know very little about the actions of her and some of the players involved around that crucial time. I have to give credit to the LE investigating this case for keeping everything under wraps. I hope they are setting the trap and getting ready to spring it when the culprit(s) least expect it and it doesn't end up like JBR's case. I hope the truth prevails and Haleigh will have justice in the end.

Rest in peace, JonBenet and Haleigh, and like you krkrjx everytime I get on the net I hope I will see something big break in this case, I will always look until this is solved, poor JonBenet never got justice and I don't think she ever will. Her story is so sad. People care more about themselves than they did her. I hope Haleigh's case does not end up like JonBenet's.


YES, I agree, and I should have been more clear. I tend to combine all those in authority--police/DAs/judges--into the term Law Enforcement.

It is not just LE that turns a blind eye; often DAs and judges stand in the way of justice. I am not saying that is happening with Haleigh's case, just that I would have to have my head in the sand to not see the possibility. When I consider how little scrutiny RC has received regarding Haleigh, combined with how easily he has gotten off on past charges, it is hard to believe nothing hinky is going on with some in positions of authority in Putnam County. I will actually be surprised if RC goes down for the count on the trafficking charges because, unfortunately, history often repeats itself.
YES, I agree, and I should have been more clear. I tend to combine all those in authority--police/DAs/judges--into the term Law Enforcement.

It is not just LE that turns a blind eye; often DAs and judges stand in the way of justice. I am not saying that is happening with Haleigh's case, just that I would have to have my head in the sand to not see the possibility. When I consider how little scrutiny RC has received regarding Haleigh, combined with how easily he has gotten off on past charges, it is hard to believe nothing hinky is going on with some in positions of authority in Putnam County. I will actually be surprised if RC goes down for the count on the trafficking charges because, unfortunately, history often repeats itself.

I'm not convinced LE has turned a blind eye to Ron's behaviors and/or statements. I'm rather more believing the press has and the press has been snookered by the Cummings family in general. Dana Treen being granted an interview with Ron while in jail, Matt Safer constantly in contact with TN and AS, getting their side of the story and putting it out as if it is the gospel. We know LE questioned Misty for 30 hours, did one press report ever say how many hours Ron was questioned ? To this day do we really know how many LDT's Ron has taken and the outcome of them ? We sure know about Misty, I do wonder why.

Were Ron not sitting in jail with a $900,000 bond I would tend to agree with you however. A judge did have the audacity to say no to Shoemaker's motion. This time, I do not believe Ron will walk away unscathed.
I'm not convinced LE has turned a blind eye to Ron's behaviors and/or statements. I'm rather more believing the press has and the press has been snookered by the Cummings family in general. Dana Treen being granted an interview with Ron while in jail, Matt Safer constantly in contact with TN and AS, getting their side of the story and putting it out as if it is the gospel. We know LE questioned Misty for 30 hours, did one press report ever say how many hours Ron was questioned ? To this day do we really know how many LDT's Ron has taken and the outcome of them ? We sure know about Misty, I do wonder why.

Were Ron not sitting in jail with a $900,000 bond I would tend to agree with you however. A judge did have the audacity to say no to Shoemaker's motion. This time, I do not believe Ron will walk away unscathed.

While I believe there can be bad cops in any jurisdiction, I do not believe the entire PCSO is bad or has turned a blind eye. And I agree the high bond must be considered because it clearly says someone does not want RC walking free. I hope that someone is the SA! (It's DA where I live, just to clarify.)

I respect the judge involved; so far he's not taking any carp from anyone. I admit I was floored to see the Motion for Continuance denied but it was a very pleasant surprise indeed. And perhaps it is time for karma for Ron. I will be totally disgusted if Ron walks but still very disillusioned if he gets less time than his highest minimum. I am OK with him getting a deal for concurrent sentencing because he should get something if he pleads Nolo. Also, as much as he needs to do some time, I do not believe he needs to be put away for 40 years or more. Hopefully all will come out in the wash soon, but I am not expecting the answer on the 19th...though it would be nice. :twocents: and MOO.
Now, for some reasn these two #$# want to make sure that they tell everyone person who will listen that the doors were locked. They will not give an inch on this. Why? When admitting that a door was unlocked could give them an out and get them off the hook, they INSIST the doors were locked and one deadbolted. When asked how a perp could get in, rc says, "A crowbar" WTF? there were no signs of forced entry and a crowbar wouldl certainly leave gauges of wood on the ground. Then he says a pick lock artist or a locksmith. Of course, misty parrots him and gives the same answer she heard the love of her life give, natch.

....Are these two Dodo Birds? They have an out if they would have admitted perhaps the door was not locked that day....but NOOOooo, they are going down saying they were.

Okiedokie then, now they have backed themselves into this story, how do they think they are going to get out of this w/o one or both being the perp? I never understood this insistance on their part concering the locked doors......crazy!

I totally agree Whisp. I have discussed their stories on the deadbolted door since this began. You're so right, these two preaching that the door could not be opened is ludricrous. It would look much better for them if someone came in through an unlocked door and took Haleigh..........:waitasec: One more thing is that Ron repeatedly and vehemently insists that Joe wasn't there that night. Now, all fingers are pointing at Joe! Wouldn't it have also looked better for Ron and Misty if at the beginning, they had both admitted that Joe was there that night?? Go figure????????

ETA: Just wanted to add one more thing to my post; Misty also would have been in a better position if she had said that she left the MH briefly for a few minutes and left the door open because she no longer had a key to enter the MH. She could have lied and said that she went over to her brother's house for just a few.
I totally agree Whisp. I have discussed their stories on the deadbolted door since this began. You're so right, these two preaching that the door could not be opened is ludricrous. It would look much better for them if someone came in through an unlocked door and took Haleigh..........:waitasec: One more thing is that Ron repeatedly and vehemently insists that Joe wasn't there that night. Now, all fingers are pointing at Joe! Wouldn't it have also looked better for Ron and Misty if at the beginning, they had both admitted that Joe was there that night?? Go figure????????

ETA: Just wanted to add one more thing to my post; Misty also would have been in a better position if she had said that she left the MH briefly for a few minutes and left the door open because she no longer had a key to enter the MH. She could have lied and said that she went over to her brother's house for just a few.
I agree with you, & if we could figure out why they locked themselves into some of these statements, things would be a lot clearer. especially Ron. There's no way he could've known if that door was locked, or if Misty left, but he was adament, & Misty parroted him. I guess he was trying to protect himself, & she was in no position to go against him. If this was simply for DCF purposes, Misty would be doing herself a favor, by backing up & starting over. Or maybe Ron didn't want the world to know that his gf was on the loose. I could actually see that. #1, it would hurt his pride if people knew that he had so little control over her, & #2, he wouldn't want his parenting judged. I don't think Misty had a house key, (read that somewhere), & it's possible that she left the door unlocked, when she left. or left somebody else in charge. & this is assuming that neither one of them had direct involvement with Haleigh missing. & that's a BIG assumption. But, I could see Ron's logic. If Haleigh was taken, why let the world know that Misty was messing around on him? just say she slept through it all.
I agree with you, & if we could figure out why they locked themselves into some of these statements, things would be a lot clearer. especially Ron. There's no way he could've known if that door was locked, or if Misty left, but he was adament, & Misty parroted him. I guess he was trying to protect himself, & she was in no position to go against him. If this was simply for DCF purposes, Misty would be doing herself a favor, by backing up & starting over. Or maybe Ron didn't want the world to know that his gf was on the loose. I could actually see that. #1, it would hurt his pride if people knew that he had so little control over her, & #2, he wouldn't want his parenting judged. I don't think Misty had a house key, (read that somewhere), & it's possible that she left the door unlocked, when she left. or left somebody else in charge. & this is assuming that neither one of them had direct involvement with Haleigh missing. & that's a BIG assumption. But, I could see Ron's logic. If Haleigh was taken, why let the world know that Misty was messing around on him? just say she slept through it all.

Except, the child reported missing is going to mean looking into phone records, and did Ron expect Nay Nay and Greg Page to not admit what they were doing with Misty the day before Haleigh goes missing? I heard the cobra tapes, Ron really isnt tore up at all about Mistys "affair"

Its bizarre. I suspect he down plays it because his reaction to it caused Haleighs death via his temper.

Except, the child reported missing is going to mean looking into phone records, and did Ron expect Nay Nay and Greg Page to not admit what they were doing with Misty the day before Haleigh goes missing? I heard the cobra tapes, Ron really isnt tore up at all about Mistys "affair"

Its bizarre. I suspect he down plays it because his reaction to it caused Haleighs death via his temper.


Thank you. You said what I have always thought. Ron got into a heated, crazed fight with Misty about what she had done that weekend with NayNay, WBG, the Mexicans, et al. I believe Haleigh somehow got in the way of this horrible, physical fight and was very badly hurt. Perhaps they didn't know exactly how serious it was, however, at some point they did. And, rather then rush her to a hospital, TN or RC called GGS to go over. She did with the "nurse."

At that point I believe they knew she was either dying or dead. God rest her little soul.

These peeps are the lowest of lows of the lows I have ever known (except the Ramseys and Lizzie Borden.)
Except, the child reported missing is going to mean looking into phone records, and did Ron expect Nay Nay and Greg Page to not admit what they were doing with Misty the day before Haleigh goes missing? I heard the cobra tapes, Ron really isnt tore up at all about Mistys "affair"

Its bizarre. I suspect he down plays it because his reaction to it caused Haleighs death via his temper.


Thank you. You said what I have always thought. Ron got into a heated, crazed fight with Misty about what she had done that weekend with NayNay, WBG, the Mexicans, et al. I believe Haleigh somehow got in the way of this horrible, physical fight and was very badly hurt. Perhaps they didn't know exactly how serious it was, however, at some point they did. And, rather then rush her to a hospital, TN or RC called GGS to go over. She did with the "nurse."

At that point I believe they knew she was either dying or dead. God rest her little soul.

These peeps are the lowest of lows of the lows I have ever known (except the Ramseys and Lizzie Borden.)
This is some of what Misty was saying the last time we heard from her:

Wonder what she's saying now days?

Don't know Papa but I sure would like to know, it is driving me crazy with not knowing what is going on with THESE PEOPLE................:furious: I do feel that Ron, Teresa and Annette Sykes hold a lot of responsibility with what has happened to Haleigh...............
Thank you. You said what I have always thought. Ron got into a heated, crazed fight with Misty about what she had done that weekend with NayNay, WBG, the Mexicans, et al. I believe Haleigh somehow got in the way of this horrible, physical fight and was very badly hurt. Perhaps they didn't know exactly how serious it was, however, at some point they did. And, rather then rush her to a hospital, TN or RC called GGS to go over. She did with the "nurse."

At that point I believe they knew she was either dying or dead. God rest her little soul.

These peeps are the lowest of lows of the lows I have ever known (except the Ramseys and Lizzie Borden.)

BBM: I don't know 4Jacy, I think these peeps have passed the others by at least a mile, in my book. They appeared ready to dump both Jr. and Haleigh on anybody and everybody just as long as they did not have to tend to them. Sorry as Owl chit in my opinion, especially the grandmothers. It infuriates me everytime I hear Misty relate how Granny would send Haleigh over to plead with her to return to Ronald after Misty would finally get the nerve and leave him. Totally disgusting! And then add how Teresa did not want to keep the children and offered to pay Misty to babysit.............and GGMS complaining about Misty leaving Ronald without a babysitter..........this makes me believe what Misty was telling her father about them. These people, Ronald, Teresa and Annette did not care about these helpless little children at all, they thought of the children as a burden and a nuisance. I'm not even going to talk about the child abuse investigation with DCF or I'll be banned forever.
Thank you. You said what I have always thought. Ron got into a heated, crazed fight with Misty about what she had done that weekend with NayNay, WBG, the Mexicans, et al. I believe Haleigh somehow got in the way of this horrible, physical fight and was very badly hurt. Perhaps they didn't know exactly how serious it was, however, at some point they did. And, rather then rush her to a hospital, TN or RC called GGS to go over. She did with the "nurse."

At that point I believe they knew she was either dying or dead. God rest her little soul.

These peeps are the lowest of lows of the lows I have ever known (except the Ramseys and Lizzie Borden.)

If Ron had a heated fight with Misty I don't think it was because of who she may have been with, it was about her claiming to be pregnant or refusing to babysit, JMO. I don't think he cared at all about Misty. IMO, he probably pimped her out for drugs for all we know.
I for one believe that the children were left alone many times, probably locked inside the MH with movies to watch. Remember the road rage incident with the Jones boy? Misty and Ron claimed that children were in the truck when all this took place. Where were the children? Ron was driving a truck that was not an extended cab or a crew cab. Where were the children sitting? Who was the other child besides Jr.? There was also mention of leaving Jr. alone so that Ron could deal drugs. I just want to know, does LE listen to this crap? Do they know what we know? Why wasn't something done about Ron putting the dead rat into the mailbox to threaten Tommy? Why wasn't anything done about Ron beating the crap out of Tommy? Why wasn't anything done about Ron threatening with a gun the Jones boy and trying to run him off of the road? Why wasn't Misty and Donna arrested for the road rage threat against another motorist? Why wasn't Annette Sykes and Teresa Neves given a LDT? Why didn't we see searches done on the Cummings side of the family? Why did Annette Sykes allow Ron to beat the crap out of Misty and do nothing about it? Why was Ron allowed to beat the crap out of Crystal and Annette Sykes and Teresa Neves did nothing to help her? Why were reports of Ron beating Jr. and Haleigh not taken seriously by LE and DCF? Why????????????????????? Don't expect any answers at all, just rhetorical questions but maybe they explain why I'm so pizzed off at LE, grandmothers of Haleigh and neighbors and relatives and ............ you get it, right?
If Ron had a heated fight with Misty I don't think it was because of who she may have been with, it was about her claiming to be pregnant or refusing to babysit, JMO. I don't think he cared at all about Misty. IMO, he probably pimped her out for drugs for all we know.
I think he did care about the WBG weekend, & I think he dumped her clothes on NayNay's lawn, because he was enraged. (while of course conveniently forgetting, what he had done to cause her to leave). If he hadn't cared, he would've just taken her clothes to her mom's, or had her pick them up. I think that weekend was a huge deal & plays into Haleigh's disappearance, & I'm guessing that LE feels the same way, since WBG is sitting it out in jail, right now. Actually, I keep coming back to that 'OD at the party' letter. I know LE deemed it irrelevant, but you never know.
Great Postings here the last few days...just have to say:


No nurse....that Eliza iwth GMA was not a nurse..
I also believe the children were left alone often too LT. I believe that is why he is so insistent on the locked doors...because he was used to locking them inside till somebody got there. I think AS had always had the kids with her till Haleigh went off to school and rc found himself a job a new babysitter. GMA was tired of watching the kids, can't blame her. It was fine for a very short time (till rc started working). MC did not want to be alone in the MH. She started stepping out or having people over.

This crime happened directly or indirectly due to rc's negligence. If he didn't kill Haleigh, he sure as heck was responsible and that is why he is in cover-up mode. Wasn't it Hardy or was it Brown that said they have the right people in jail who are responsible for Haleigh's demise?
Thanks, Papa for that last audio of misty and her feelings about rc...I needed the reminder.

.....and that was the last we heard from misty....hmmm.
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