General theory thread and motives rehashed #3

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It is so special that Haleigh has been missing for 20 months now. It is extra special that everyone who knows where she is does not want to reveal it. This is alot of sarcasm going on here, but we have been hard at this for so long, Are we the only ones who care?
I'm never far, my friend. Just waiting and watching.....

This post blows my conspiracy theory that Ron (via gun toting TN) was sytematically taking out members of WS who got too close to the truth.... another one bites the dust?

I dodged a bullet by signing up for "Ron's cheerleading squad" because my theory is ... the killer is already in jail. Go Ron, Go Ron, Go Go Go Ron.
This post blows my conspiracy theory that Ron (via gun toting TN) was sytematically taking out members of WS who got too close to the truth.... another one bites the dust?

I dodged a bullet by signing up for "Ron's cheerleading squad" because my theory is ... the killer is already in jail. Go Ron, Go Ron, Go Go Go Ron.
It was so nice getting to know you, my friend. Why did you have to go and stick a virtual. metaphorical target on your back?

Get it off right now. This instant. You heard me. yeah I said it. Dont make me turn this car around.


This post blows my conspiracy theory that Ron (via gun toting TN) was sytematically taking out members of WS who got too close to the truth.... another one bites the dust?

I dodged a bullet by signing up for "Ron's cheerleading squad" because my theory is ... the killer is already in jail. Go Ron, Go Ron, Go Go Go Ron.

I believe that is an excellant theory.....
As always did it again! Great Video!

funny how your eyes play tricks on you, as the puzzle was almost put together and R's face was up, the picture was still going in need of more coffee :)

Great Job!
I agree Justus4all...others have been trying to place her there....

Like I said before, the Cummings never entertained the thought that Misty was not there...instead....the came back and said "oh she was there because a family member saw her"...which by the way, Misty never mentioned GMSykes being there until after Teresa claims that she was....and my point is...even if GMSykes was there between in the world would that account for Misty being there ALL NIGHT? it doesn't but Teresa thought that it would...I mean, one would think that maybe she left the mh after GMSykes visit....Teresa was not buying into that one but what proof would they have that Misty never left?....IMO, they needed to place Misty there that whole night...because IMO, if Misty admitted to not being there...that would open up doors for LE to explore everyone else in Haleigh's life...including the Cummings....LE had already said early on that this was NO stranger they assumed that someone close to Haleigh had taken her if Misty removed herself from being at the mh....who would that leave?

Right after it was said that GGma Sykes stopped by, Misty repeated it for about a week. At later times, she would also mention the AC guy and Tommy but forget to mention GGma Sykes.

IMO, Misty could always remember to mention her interaction with Tommy/AC guy because they happened. Although with the AC guy, a few times, her statments have given me the impression that she was not at the MH when he arrived. She talked to him on the phone and ran over to let him. One of those statements, she said she handed the phone to Ron to talk to him.

IMO, Misty forgot GGma Sykes because she never saw her that day and TN/Ron were not right next to her to remind her to say it.
I believe him when he said many many months ago that Ron had already dropped to the bottom of the potential suspect list.

But I believe LE more when they said neither Ron nor Crystal are suspects.


LE has NEVER said that Ron was not a suspect. That was falsely reported by others when LE said he was not a "person of interest."

Lt. Johnny Greenwood, of the Putnam County Sheriff's Office, said:

"Everyone is considered a person of interest in Haleigh's disappearance except Crystal Sheffield and Ronald Cummings, Haleigh's parents," he added.

LE has not cleared Ron as a suspect.
LE has NEVER said that Ron was not a suspect. That was falsely reported by others when LE said he was not a "person of interest."

Lt. Johnny Greenwood, of the Putnam County Sheriff's Office, said:

"Everyone is considered a person of interest in Haleigh's disappearance except Crystal Sheffield and Ronald Cummings, Haleigh's parents," he added.

LE has not cleared Ron as a suspect.

I don't understand how someone can be a suspect but not a person of interest.
Anyway, I'd like some help with my theory, to anyone who is interested.

My theory excludes Ron's involvement.

Ron, a guy who IMO has some temper issues, comes home and is told by his live-in gf, Misty, his daughter is missing. I'm making assumptions based on what I know of Ron's personality. Why does he not immediately think Misty did it? There was some verbal abuse by Ron towards Misty during the 911 call and after LE arrived, but why is Ron not all over her trying to find out what happened? I am not able to believe he bought the "I slept through the whole thing" story told by Misty to LE, so what could Misty have said to Ron to make him think she was not involved?

And to anyone who responds to this, be prepared for me to play devil's advocate. :crazy:
Anyway, I'd like some help with my theory, to anyone who is interested.

My theory excludes Ron's involvement.

Ron, a guy who IMO has some temper issues, comes home and is told by his live-in gf, Misty, his daughter is missing. I'm making assumptions based on what I know of Ron's personality. Why does he not immediately think Misty did it? There was some verbal abuse by Ron towards Misty during the 911 call and after LE arrived, but why is Ron not all over her trying to find out what happened? I am not able to believe he bought the "I slept through the whole thing" story told by Misty to LE, so what could Misty have said to Ron to make him think she was not involved?

And to anyone who responds to this, be prepared for me to play devil's advocate. :crazy:
Maybe she was on a drug run, or some sort of criminal activity, he knew it, knew she didn't take the kids, & when she got back, Haleigh was gone.
Maybe she was on a drug run, or some sort of criminal activity, he knew it, knew she didn't take the kids, & when she got back, Haleigh was gone.

Okay, that is a reasonable scenario, but IMO, if that is what happened, IMO, that makes Misty directly responsible for negligence, Ron indirectly involved in negligence, but leaves them both innocent for what happened to Haleigh. This would also, IMO, leave the door wide open for a stranger abduction, which LE has pretty much ruled out. It also goes back to, if LE believed this to be what took place, they are free to investigate this all they want whether Misty admits it or not, so it doesn't explain why they keep going after her story, because Misty admitting she wasn't there and doesn't know what happened does not get them any closer to finding out what did happen. Then there is Misty and Tommy both throwing out stories about body disposal and Cousin Joe, which IMO makes no sense, as standing by and doing nothing while a child is killed and/or thrown to the gators is worse than leaving them alone, for whatever reason.
Early on, a big deal was made out of Misty being stuck at the trailer, with no ride...but then Chelsea said that Ron had bought the purple Altima for her. So, where was that car, that night? What did Ron drive to work? I know Ron & Chelsea both claim that he picked up Haleigh, but a witness put a worn out Misty there, & smacking Jr to boot. Could he have mistaken other people for Misty, Haleigh, AND Jr? I don't think so. Could he have gotten his days mixed up? maybe, but after the news of Haleigh broke, I'd think his memory would be clear. I'm still believing the witness, because he has no reason to lie, & also because Shomaker's latest claims on Ron picking her up, were a little hedgy & not very convincing. & IMO, Chelsea's version of Ron not rolling the window down, so she could wave at Haleigh, were as unbelievable as Ron's mushy version, of letting Haleigh drive. So, besides possibly giving Misty a ride for that night, what would this mean? What motive could both Ron & Chelsea have for placing Misty in that house all night...while LE was pretty adamant that she was gone? Where did she go & what was she doing? & I'm wondering if this is the info that Lisa was blackmailing her with? What information could make Misty, Ron, the Croslins, & the Cummings, all insist that she was home? & TN & GGS joined in on this too. I'm stumped.
Okay, that is a reasonable scenario, but IMO, if that is what happened, IMO, that makes Misty directly responsible for negligence, Ron indirectly involved in negligence, but leaves them both innocent for what happened to Haleigh. This would also, IMO, leave the door wide open for a stranger abduction, which LE has pretty much ruled out. It also goes back to, if LE believed this to be what took place, they are free to investigate this all they want whether Misty admits it or not, so it doesn't explain why they keep going after her story, because Misty admitting she wasn't there and doesn't know what happened does not get them any closer to finding out what did happen. Then there is Misty and Tommy both throwing out stories about body disposal and Cousin Joe, which IMO makes no sense, as standing by and doing nothing while a child is killed and/or thrown to the gators is worse than leaving them alone, for whatever reason.
maybe NOT a stranger abduction...maybe an abduction from someone who knew Misty was gonna be gone. & I'm not sure what details Misty added to the Joe story, because mainly what I heard, came from Werter. & if the abductor was Tommy, then Misty would have reasons to not admit to being gone-her own crimes & negligence, & her wanting to protect her family? But, Ron's call to Tommy, kind of gets in the way of this theory, if he really knew where she was.
Early on, a big deal was made out of Misty being stuck at the trailer, with no ride...but then Chelsea said that Ron had bought the purple Altima for her. So, where was that car, that night? What did Ron drive to work? I know Ron & Chelsea both claim that he picked up Haleigh, but a witness put a worn out Misty there, & smacking Jr to boot. Could he have mistaken other people for Misty, Haleigh, AND Jr? I don't think so. Could he have gotten his days mixed up? maybe, but after the news of Haleigh broke, I'd think his memory would be clear. I'm still believing the witness, because he has no reason to lie, & also because Shomaker's latest claims on Ron picking her up, were a little hedgy & not very convincing. & IMO, Chelsea's version of Ron not rolling the window down, so she could wave at Haleigh, were as unbelievable as Ron's mushy version, of letting Haleigh drive. So, besides possibly giving Misty a ride for that night, what would this mean? What motive could both Ron & Chelsea have for placing Misty in that house all night...while LE was pretty adamant that she was gone? Where did she go & what was she doing? & I'm wondering if this is the info that Lisa was blackmailing her with? What information could make Misty, Ron, the Croslins, & the Cummings, all insist that she was home? & TN & GGS joined in on this too. I'm stumped.

Do you have any info on the witness at the busstop, like was it just some person, or someone making a plea deal? Because if it's just someone at the bus stop, I'm going to believe their version way before I believe whatever Ron, Misty, or Chelsea say.

IMO, if Ron was at work and Chelsea was at home, then unless Misty showed up at one or both of those places, they have no more information on where Misty was than you or I do.

There was an AC guy, and Misty's story about that is he showed up around 5, Misty called Ron and AC guy talked to him on the phone, Tommy was there, and all the kids were playing outside. We don't know what AC guy said, but since we haven't heard anything to say otherwise, I'm choosing to believe until proven otherwise AC guy has confirmed this with LE.

GGMS says she went by to drop off laundry, and saw both kids sometime between 7 and 8. LE later went on to ask about Misty's activities after 8pm, so again, until otherwise proven, I am choosing to believe GGMS's story checks out with LE.

So, with all that, IMO, the reason all those people say Misty was home is because Misty says so.

Tommy says he was there about 10 and no one (not just Misty) was home. My question is how does he know? Did he go in and see no one was there? Just because it's dark and quiet doesn't mean no one is there. Was Misty's car gone, too? Anyway, if that's true, that means Misty AND the kids were gone, not Misty left the kids alone.

Anyway, I see what you are getting at, but since my opinion on it is Misty was at home, and if she did leave, it was to get rid of Haleigh, my answer would be because Misty really was there. My only explanation for Misty insisting she was there the whole time is because Haleigh obviously isn't there anymore, so she thinks that absolves her of doing anything with Haleigh.
Do you have any info on the witness at the busstop, like was it just some person, or someone making a plea deal? Because if it's just someone at the bus stop, I'm going to believe their version way before I believe whatever Ron, Misty, or Chelsea say.

IMO, if Ron was at work and Chelsea was at home, then unless Misty showed up at one or both of those places, they have no more information on where Misty was than you or I do.

There was an AC guy, and Misty's story about that is he showed up around 5, Misty called Ron and AC guy talked to him on the phone, Tommy was there, and all the kids were playing outside. We don't know what AC guy said, but since we haven't heard anything to say otherwise, I'm choosing to believe until proven otherwise AC guy has confirmed this with LE.

GGMS says she went by to drop off laundry, and saw both kids sometime between 7 and 8. LE later went on to ask about Misty's activities after 8pm, so again, until otherwise proven, I am choosing to believe GGMS's story checks out with LE.

So, with all that, IMO, the reason all those people say Misty was home is because Misty says so.

Tommy says he was there about 10 and no one (not just Misty) was home. My question is how does he know? Did he go in and see no one was there? Just because it's dark and quiet doesn't mean no one is there. Was Misty's car gone, too? Anyway, if that's true, that means Misty AND the kids were gone, not Misty left the kids alone.

Anyway, I see what you are getting at, but since my opinion on it is Misty was at home, and if she did leave, it was to get rid of Haleigh, my answer would be because Misty really was there. My only explanation for Misty insisting she was there the whole time is because Haleigh obviously isn't there anymore, so she thinks that absolves her of doing anything with Haleigh.
I understand why Misty would lie about being home, but why would Ron & TN be so forceful? I can't understand their motive, unless Misty being gone, had something to do with Ron, & would make him look guilty or at least really bad to cops. I don't have a link for the bus stop witness, but it's probably still on Art's site, because he did the interviewing. He was just a guy at the bus stop.
I understand why Misty would lie about being home, but why would Ron & TN be so forceful? I can't understand their motive, unless Misty being gone, had something to do with Ron, & would make him look guilty or at least really bad to cops. I don't have a link for the bus stop witness, but it's probably still on Art's site, because he did the interviewing. He was just a guy at the bus stop.

Regarding your first sentence, it goes back to my theory that I still haven't gotten all the holes filled in, but if Misty was able to spin a story for Ron that makes him think something he did in the past is why Haleigh was taken, and Misty was actually a victim, also, it could be Ron feared for himself, and maybe even Haleigh, so he decided on the story to tell LE, and that's why no matter how many LDTs Misty fails, they have to stick to the story. (And I admit this sounds rather silly when I write it out, but it's still a work in progress. :) )

As far as Art Harris, I don't put a lot of stock in what comes from him, but on the other hand, I noticed a lot of people on here have no regard for the LDTs, and while they aren't make or break for me, I do let them influence my thinking somewhat, so to each their own.
Do you have any info on the witness at the busstop, like was it just some person, or someone making a plea deal? Because if it's just someone at the bus stop, I'm going to believe their version way before I believe whatever Ron, Misty, or Chelsea say.

IMO, if Ron was at work and Chelsea was at home, then unless Misty showed up at one or both of those places, they have no more information on where Misty was than you or I do.

There was an AC guy, and Misty's story about that is he showed up around 5, Misty called Ron and AC guy talked to him on the phone, Tommy was there, and all the kids were playing outside. We don't know what AC guy said, but since we haven't heard anything to say otherwise, I'm choosing to believe until proven otherwise AC guy has confirmed this with LE.

GGMS says she went by to drop off laundry, and saw both kids sometime between 7 and 8. LE later went on to ask about Misty's activities after 8pm, so again, until otherwise proven, I am choosing to believe GGMS's story checks out with LE.

So, with all that, IMO, the reason all those people say Misty was home is because Misty says so.

Tommy says he was there about 10 and no one (not just Misty) was home. My question is how does he know? Did he go in and see no one was there? Just because it's dark and quiet doesn't mean no one is there. Was Misty's car gone, too? Anyway, if that's true, that means Misty AND the kids were gone, not Misty left the kids alone.

Anyway, I see what you are getting at, but since my opinion on it is Misty was at home, and if she did leave, it was to get rid of Haleigh, my answer would be because Misty really was there. My only explanation for Misty insisting she was there the whole time is because Haleigh obviously isn't there anymore, so she thinks that absolves her of doing anything with Haleigh.

Lanie, here is the audio from J. Santos....the neighbor from the busstop....This is what he had to say about the last day Haleigh was last seen...
How come both neighbors weren't interviewed by the press? We haven't heard one word about the neighbor on the other side of ron. And has it ever been established if the Altima was driven by ron that night. I don't see him EVER wanting to drive it unless he has to pick up the kids. He is the kind that wants a truck. Did he use the red pickup that night? Did misty have a vehicle to use.?If not, that puts one of the others clearly there to help with Haleigh.

This case is ridiculously frustrating due to the way LE plays it. No media hunting down people either, except for cobra and AH, the case would be ice cold. Why is it getting harder and harder to arrest the perp in all these missing people cases?......d#$#m defense attorneys.
How come both neighbors weren't interviewed by the press? We haven't heard one word about the neighbor on the other side of ron. And has it ever been established if the Altima was driven by ron that night. I don't see him EVER wanting to drive it unless he has to pick up the kids. He is the kind that wants a truck. Did he use the red pickup that night? Did misty have a vehicle to use.?If not, that puts one of the others clearly there to help with Haleigh.

This case is ridiculously frustrating due to the way LE plays it. No media hunting down people either, except for cobra and AH, the case would be ice cold. Why is it getting harder and harder to arrest the perp in all these missing people cases?......d#$#m defense attorneys.
I guess either they declined to be interviewed, or they weren't available when reporters tried to reach them. They weren't around for long because they moved out a couple of weeks after Haleigh disappeared.

The facts about the vehicles have always been unclear. Do we know for sure that Ron bought the white truck before or after Haleigh disappeared? At any rate, if he had two vehicles, a truck, red or white, and the Altima, wouldn't one of them have been at the MH that night?

Ron's former neighbor said that Misty would use either the burgundy Altima or the blue/gray mini van to pick up the kids at the bus stop. He also said he passed the bus stop that afternoon and noted neither of those vehicles was there. But, again, if they had two vehicles, why would she have to use the mini van?

Unless the truck had a standard transmission and Misty didn't know how to drive it. Is that why it's important to know if he drove the Altima that night? Because it would've left Misty with a truck she was unable to drive? This issue always confuses me. :waitasec:
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