General theory thread and motives rehashed #3

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I just listened to the audio, & they didn't seem positive that the party was the night before...just that drug addicts get their days mixed up. But if the witness went to buy drugs, she was probably sober, & knew what night it was. Since this story made the rounds anyway, why wouldn't Misty just admit that she was there & not at the trailer? if it was indeed, the same night. Listening, to this audio & rereading some early articles, etc...really make me wonder WHY TN said the things she did. Why blame the messenger, Tim Miller? Was her motivation all about damage control, or was something else going on?

Well, I respect Tim Miller, and I don't think he is lying, it's just this is second hand info, so...what came across to me is it's not the party that is in question, but what night the party took place. I wouldn't even base any speculation on Misty's 2, 3, or 4 day bender because I wasn't sure if it was just rumor, but recently I was able to go back and hit some links I had missed, and got enough confirmation to believe it's all true.

As far as TN, MOO, she has made it seem like, compared to Ron's other 'girls', Misty is like an angel from heaven, so maybe she just couldn't see it in Misty to do something like that, and denial could also play into it, as if she lets herself believe Misty did something, that means Haleigh isn't coming back, which is what TM seems to think. It's just my opinion, if TN and AS were singing Misty's praises to keep Misty covering for Ron, they would still be singing Misty's praises, but IMO, that is no longer the case.
Well, I respect Tim Miller, and I don't think he is lying, it's just this is second hand info, so...what came across to me is it's not the party that is in question, but what night the party took place. I wouldn't even base any speculation on Misty's 2, 3, or 4 day bender because I wasn't sure if it was just rumor, but recently I was able to go back and hit some links I had missed, and got enough confirmation to believe it's all true.

As far as TN, MOO, she has made it seem like, compared to Ron's other 'girls', Misty is like an angel from heaven, so maybe she just couldn't see it in Misty to do something like that, and denial could also play into it, as if she lets herself believe Misty did something, that means Haleigh isn't coming back, which is what TM seems to think. It's just my opinion, if TN and AS were singing Misty's praises to keep Misty covering for Ron, they would still be singing Misty's praises, but IMO, that is no longer the case.

BBM.. Dark Red I respectfully but wholeheartedly disagree..I suspect the praising of Misty was ALL a ruse to keep her from knowing they had plans to set her and her family up from the beginning....

BBM.. Black Also, IMHO last thing TN is experiencing is DENAIL in reference to what happened to her granddaughter.. And she knows who the person is who is responsible too and knows it isn't Misty or Tommy.....JMHO
BBM.. Dark Red I respectfully but wholeheartedly disagree..I suspect the praising of Misty was ALL a ruse to keep her from knowing they had plans to set her and her family up from the beginning....

BBM.. Black Also, IMHO last thing TN is experiencing is DENAIL in reference to what happened to her granddaughter.. And she knows who the person is who is responsible too and knows it isn't Misty or Tommy.....JMHO
I don't think TN is in denial either. I don't know how much time Miller spent with TN, but maybe he was being kind & giving her the benefit of the doubt. MOO.

In my opinion, it's possible the 'bad chit' stuff could have happened earlier in the night, and then after that Misty went back with Ron.

If I let my biases creep in, I would say it was more likely all this major partying took place Sat. night, as in my world most people would not be able to do all this and show up functioning to work Mon. morning, but then I pinch myself and say this is probably not an issue for the people in this case, which would make Sun. just as plausible as Sat.
My daughter's ex bf, is a real druggie, & believe it or not, Sunday's, his big day. It starts in the early afternoon, goes on all day, & then into the night. I was the 1st 1 to notice, & point it out to my daughter, & I started referring to it as 'Gettn' ****** up day'. & for jobs? Who needs 'em? lol, seriously, my daughter held 2 part time jobs, a full time class schedule, college majorette, & he just chilled, for the most part.
I don't think TN is in denial either. I don't know how much time Miller spent with TN, but maybe he was being kind & giving her the benefit of the doubt. MOO.

I wasn't very clear, but I meant Tim M thinks Haleigh is deceased, not that he thinks TN is in denial.

Denial is a tricky thing. After I suffered a devastating loss, it was very, very hard for me to move to a new address, and my old phone number played a recording giving my new phone number for over 2 years, just in case there was a mistake.

I think TN and GGMS loved Haleigh. IMO, it's like if what some people are saying about them is true, they couldn't stand her and are glad she is gone, and I don't see that.
My daughter's ex bf, is a real druggie, & believe it or not, Sunday's, his big day. It starts in the early afternoon, goes on all day, & then into the night. I was the 1st 1 to notice, & point it out to my daughter, & I started referring to it as 'Gettn' ****** up day'. & for jobs? Who needs 'em? lol, seriously, my daughter held 2 part time jobs, a full time class schedule, college majorette, & he just chilled, for the most part.

Lol, I have that voice in my head saying, "Jobs? We don't need no stinkin' jobs!"

I gotta tell you, I've seen it in my own personal experience by way too many people, and I'm seeing it here in these people in Putnam County, but I still can't understand how anyone is okay spending their entire life like this. It's like it doesn't matter what happens, they always have an excuse, and someone else besides themselves to blame for all their troubles.
So whose phone was she using that night? If this has been pointed out, it's lost somewhere in my memory banks.

I have read that the phones were on Teresa Neves plan so I'm assuming that when Ron and Misty split the sheets that Misty was not allowed to keep the phone........JMO though. Good question, I'm wondering if Misty had her own phone? I've always had a lot of questions regarding phones and phone calls and phone pings and phone records...........:waitasec: We did hear on the Nay Nay tape that Misty and Ron were on the phone on and off during the weekend when Misty and Nay Nay and White Boy Greg were together. And we know that Ron tried to call her (Misty) many, many times on the night that something happened to Haleigh..............:banghead:
regarding the phones......

It seems it was said that when the a/c man arrived...he called Misty?...and then Misty called Ron to speak to the a/c man.....

Then on the 911 call...Misty was on the phone with them...and Ron was heard saying something like...where is my phone I have better people to call... sounds like they both had phones...especially on the 911 call.....imo
regarding the phones......

It seems it was said that when the a/c man arrived...he called Misty?...and then Misty called Ron to speak to the a/c man.....

Then on the 911 call...Misty was on the phone with them...and Ron was heard saying something like...where is my phone I have better people to call... sounds like they both had phones...especially on the 911 call.....imo

It confuses me too, Justus4all....I would think that the A/C guy called Ron's phone and Misty answered it.....How would the A/C guy have Misty's phone number?...Misty wasn't on the lease was she? What has always puzzled me was Misty saying that she handed the phone to Ron:waitasec:
It confuses me too, Justus4all....I would think that the A/C guy called Ron's phone and Misty answered it.....How would the A/C guy have Misty's phone number?...Misty wasn't on the lease was she? What has always puzzled me was Misty saying that she handed the phone to Ron:waitasec:

lots of questions regarding these phones.....

If we knew what time the A/c man was there....and if that time..would be a time Ron would be at work.....then we would assume...she DID NOT hand the phone to Ron....moo
lots of questions regarding these phones.....

If we knew what time the A/c man was there....and if that time..would be a time Ron would be at work.....then we would assume...she DID NOT hand the phone to Ron....moo

to answer my own quote lol..

If Misty was covering for Ron...she would not say she handed the phone to Ron, since Ron would be at work...she would place Ron at work..

need to know the time the A/C man was there....moo
I don't think the AC man called anyone. According to Misty, Ron was at work, and the kids were playing. It was about 5:00 pm. She was putting together a basketball thingy for the kids (on the screen porch, I believe). She saw the AC man and went outside. She called Ron and said, "the AC man's here", then handed the phone to the AC man so he could talk to Ron. I know she said, "so I handed the phone to Ron...", but I feel certain she simply stumbled on her words and meant that she handed the phone to the AC man.

Misty's lied about a lot of things, but she couldn't lie about the AC man. LE questioned him within hours of Haleigh's disappearance. They've known all along what happened when he was at the house. And on August 24th when Misty told this story during the hypnosis session, she knew the version LE heard from the AC man, and she knew her story had to match.
I don't think the AC man called anyone. According to Misty, Ron was at work, and the kids were playing. It was about 5:00 pm. She was putting together a basketball thingy for the kids (on the screen porch, I believe). She saw the AC man and went outside. She called Ron and said, "the AC man's here", then handed the phone to the AC man so he could talk to Ron. I know she said, "so I handed the phone to Ron...", but I feel certain she simply stumbled on her words and meant that she handed the phone to the AC man.

Misty's lied about a lot of things, but she couldn't lie about the AC man. LE questioned him within hours of Haleigh's disappearance. They've known all along what happened when he was at the house. And on August 24th when Misty told this story during the hypnosis session, she knew the version LE heard from the AC man, and she knew her story had to match.

I agree, the AC man showed up and Misty called Ron to let him know and handed the phone to the AC man. I think she misspoke too when she said that she handed the phone to Ron.
My daughter's ex bf, is a real druggie, & believe it or not, Sunday's, his big day. It starts in the early afternoon, goes on all day, & then into the night. I was the 1st 1 to notice, & point it out to my daughter, & I started referring to it as 'Gettn' ****** up day'. & for jobs? Who needs 'em? lol, seriously, my daughter held 2 part time jobs, a full time class schedule, college majorette, & he just chilled, for the most part.

Something I have noticed while reading the PC scanner forum, Sunday nights are more active than Friday or Saturday.
I have read that the phones were on Teresa Neves plan so I'm assuming that when Ron and Misty split the sheets that Misty was not allowed to keep the phone........JMO though. Good question, I'm wondering if Misty had her own phone? I've always had a lot of questions regarding phones and phone calls and phone pings and phone records...........:waitasec: We did hear on the Nay Nay tape that Misty and Ron were on the phone on and off during the weekend when Misty and Nay Nay and White Boy Greg were together. And we know that Ron tried to call her (Misty) many, many times on the night that something happened to Haleigh..............:banghead:

I think it is possible Misty had her own phone at the time, Hank was working a steady job so I can see her phone being on a plan him and Lisa may have had or him putting money on a pre-paid phone for her.
This case is driving me nuts!

This is what has been playing through my mind lately.

What if Misty really doesn't know what happened, what if it was Ron who came home from work (secretly snuck out of work) when Misty wouldn't answer the phone, when he got home he found Misty passed out cold from her weekend binge, and Haleigh dead from an od on Rons pills.

Ron then puts her in the garabage bin, and takes off back to work.

Ron calls Tommy to help. He needs to go get the body from the garbage bin and dispose of it, then stage the house to look like an abduction. Tommy stages the house with the same things he used to break into houses. tieing the door and holding it open etc.

They allow Misty to wake up on her own and discover the scene so it won't affect her story, Tommy and Ron think they did MC a favour by keeping her out of the details.

This would explain the rat in the mailbox- RC was worried Tommy was going to crack so it was a reminder to him.

In one jail house call between Tommy and his father they are talking about Misty and the father says something like Misty doesn't know..and Tommy jumps in and says "EXACCCCCTLLLLY" clearly trying to get a message to his dad in code. (sorry don't have the link). Maybe tommy was trying to get across that Misty really doesn't know (cause RC and Tommy have withheld that info from her) She know's something bad happened but not exactly what.

Misty was a patsy, and is paying dearly for it now. this is why Misty recently told police to talk to Tommy, he knows everything. They most likely told MC to play dumb, if that didn't work plan B was to pin it on cousing Joe (which she later did), when that didn't work she was out of options and just pointed back to her brother.

Just my opinion. this week.

It is likely this case has so many layers that the SA knows there would be no conviction if it were to go to trial with only the facts they now have. However, if I look at it from a KISS viewpoint, I can come up with two possibilities:

1. Misty and/or Tommy did this deed and are covering for no one but themselves.

2. Misty and/or Tommy do not know, and will never be able to "tell" the interrogators what happened; they have been and will always be guessing.

If Ron had not acted as he did immediately following Haleigh's disappearance and continuing until his arrest, I could very easily go with #1 and stay with it. Ron's behavior and statements throw a wrench into every single scenario I have come up with that does not include him. I do not think RC murdered his daughter and I have never considered that, but I believe Ron was not forthcoming with investigators for many months. I wish I could eliminate Ron's behavior from the equation, but I can't.
This case is driving me nuts!

This is what has been playing through my mind lately.

What if Misty really doesn't know what happened, what if it was Ron who came home from work (secretly snuck out of work) when Misty wouldn't answer the phone, when he got home he found Misty passed out cold from her weekend binge, and Haleigh dead from an od on Rons pills.

Ron then puts her in the garabage bin, and takes off back to work.

Ron calls Tommy to help. He needs to go get the body from the garbage bin and dispose of it, then stage the house to look like an abduction. Tommy stages the house with the same things he used to break into houses. tieing the door and holding it open etc.

They allow Misty to wake up on her own and discover the scene so it won't affect her story, Tommy and Ron think they did MC a favour by keeping her out of the details.

This would explain the rat in the mailbox- RC was worried Tommy was going to crack so it was a reminder to him.

In one jail house call between Tommy and his father they are talking about Misty and the father says something like Misty doesn't know..and Tommy jumps in and says "EXACCCCCTLLLLY" clearly trying to get a message to his dad in code. (sorry don't have the link). Maybe tommy was trying to get across that Misty really doesn't know (cause RC and Tommy have withheld that info from her) She know's something bad happened but not exactly what.

Misty was a patsy, and is paying dearly for it now. this is why Misty recently told police to talk to Tommy, he knows everything. They most likely told MC to play dumb, if that didn't work plan B was to pin it on cousing Joe (which she later did), when that didn't work she was out of options and just pointed back to her brother.

Just my opinion. this week.


Not a bad theory at all luvthesleuths. I often thought HaLeigh mimicked the adults and tried "the candy" for herself.
Also, I always thought that TN got there pretty darn quick with a framed 8x10 glossy and all. Not to mention her handy dandy jacket.

IMO, there was a lot of staging going on in that trailer.
This is what got me to thinking something is just not right .

"I'd give my life for my child's life back", are his exact words. At 1:03 in this video, and after that he falls on the ground.

He fell on the ground cuz he realized he confessed.:croc:
Just like Cindy is a nurse of decomp.:loser:
Yes, that was very creepy when he said that and started to fake wail. imo
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