George and Krystal Holloway/River Cruz *MERGED*

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No she said she made checks out for cash and gave him the cash

I know but that is a little confusing isn't it? Did SHE go to the bank and cash the checks for Cash or did she give him the checks for Cash which are the same AS cash? That is the part I cannot figure out...
I would say 4200 is almost 5000K. The NE article said 4200.
I hope a doc dump will clear it up one way or another I just hate to see anyone else taking advantage of Caylee's murder to further themselves CAYLEE is the victim in all of this It really upset me because I feel she should have been talking long ago if she were really in the position she says she was in So I looked her up and then it just made me think my first hunch was right about her But I have been wrong many times and sure I will be many more times thanks for the spirited debate and I will eat that crow if I was wrong
I hope a doc dump will clear it up one way or another I just hate to see anyone else taking advantage of Caylee's murder to further themselves CAYLEE is the victim in all of this It really upset me because I feel she should have been talking long ago if she were really in the position she says she was in So I looked her up and then it just made me think my first hunch was right about her But I have been wrong many times and sure I will be many more times thanks for the spirited debate and I will eat that crow if I was wrong
I have eaten it myself a time or :) and will again...

Caylee IS the victim on THAT point I think we CAN all agree...we are here for justice for Caylee and for the "spirited debate" as keep on keepin' on and seek the truth for in the truth lies justice for sweet baby Caylee...
I should probably reserve judgement until the discovery evidence for this comes, out; however, let's presume that everything that we have heard is true- does George proclaiming "it was an accident that snowballed out of control" because his girlfriend tells him she doesn't think she can be with the father of a child killer really translate into him having any personal knowledge of the crime committed? I am disappointed it's not more damning, believe me, but I can't see any evidence come out of this. We know that George has been the more suspicious of his daughter among the family members. And from what I can tell, it seems to me he tried to be straight when interviewed by LE. It's not too much of a stretch to me that he can come to the conclusion that KC might have had an accident with Caylee, because many of us thought that as well. I'm not saying that he might now have known something more terrible than the rest of us at this point in time, but I don't see enough evidence to outright prove that's the case. Sorry to be skeptical :(.
I said in the other thread that I don't see a story. An affair? Pffft...big deal. There is only a story if GA said something relevant about the manner of Haleigh's death. But all we've seen is a woman who might have been foolish enough to give money to a lover under false pretenses.

First she says GA told her it was an accident. Claims he told her that after she said she couldn't fall in love with "somebody who could raise a daughter who would kill her child". Then she says GA told her, "I know what she's done to my granddaughter - but I can't bury another child." Really? And then what? Did she roll over and go to sleep?

It stands to reason that either of these statements would've evoked a response from her. If George Anthony uttered either to me, especially while lying in bed sharing pillow talk (perish the thought), my response would've been: Why do you say that? When? How? [In reply to the later statement] But you told me it was an accident! What made you change your mind? Apparently LE saw it the same way, thus the long interrogation.

We don't know what she told LE, but if George did divulge information that had not been disclosed previously, why did she wait for LE to come to her? I would think a woman who claims she couldn't fall in love with a man who raised a murderer would run to the police with the truth.

The other possibility is that he told her nothing relevant. In that case, she's a non-issue.
This RC needs to prove that she had an affair with George and actually knew him well enough to have been in private conversations. Lots of people, searchers, posters on various boards, protestors, etc. could have said that they knew George and that he told them some things. I can't imagine why LE even wanted to talk to her unless someone was trying to file a complaint on her first. Unless there's more that she's not telling, but she does not say that. I don't believe her or the sister. Wonder if George knew this story was about to come out because NE or another reported contacted him for a comment.
This RC needs to prove that she had an affair with George and actually knew him well enough to have been in private conversations. Lots of people, searchers, posters on various boards, protestors, etc. could have said that they knew George and that he told them some things. I can't imagine why LE even wanted to talk to her unless someone was trying to file a complaint on her first. Unless there's more that she's not telling, but she does not say that. I don't believe her or the sister. Wonder if George knew this story was about to come out because NE or another reported contacted him for a comment.

Totally agree but then we are back to the same question...what about this whole "event" was apparently important enough for the police to investigate it like they did?????????? This is the most maddening case .......just when you think you can walk away from it you just get dragged back in,lol......grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE!!
I never even would have thought to check that! Clever.
i dont know how so many brilliant minds got together in one place! i never would have thought to check that either! maybe thats why i mostly just lurk lolol i do agree that whatever ga said to kh is suspect considering what we have learned about her and her sis. i also agree that affair or no affair is not the question. what i want to know is, what did ga know back then about what happened to Caylee. and since i believe both ca and ga know exactly what happened to Caylee now i want to know when and how they found out. if kh can give insight into that, then im interested. otherwise i dont care about their pillow talk. jmo
I stand are this particular video she states "he took my money....a lot of money..."

I know it was stated in a video though...will keep looking!
She gave him the money. Why does she now say he took it. Did he promise something in return? I have a hunch she was stringing him along with sex and drinking/gambling money in the hope that he'd reveal information which she in turn could've sold to the highest bidder.

That statement about not being able "to fall in love with a man who could raise a daughter who'd kill her child" really bothers me. Who says that? By her own admission, she's no saint. Sounds like she was on a fishing expedition. IMO, naturally.
I think in response to the question of why would she wait so long to come forward if this is the truth that we should look to what has transpired in this case. EVERY single person who HAS come forward has been raked over the coals, and MOST of them had no criminal or shady incidents IN their backgrounds, and yet they got dissected. This woman KNEW what was in her past and in her sisters past and she KNEW and was ABSOLUTELY 100% correct that the moment she came forward she was fair game for the world to take her apart...and that is EXACTLY what happened the instant the world found out about her. PLUS when one is having an affair, one does not necessarily broadcast that info to the world...AND remember this, she states the affair started around or just after Thanksgiving and continued for a year-that is this past by February LE was already onto her...hmmm...that is only a few months after the affair was over, so who knows WHAT transpired? Maybe they still have those wire taps that they got a LOOOONG time ago? Was there a time limit on those? Perhaps they added some phone taps and phone numbers that we do not know about as of yet? Perhaps this woman even wore a wire...we do not know. I know when Tony was interviewed he did not discuss it but HE had worn a wire, so? Who knows what could have happened. I know the document dumps are months and months behind the "leaks" as a rule, so I doubt we are even close to discovering anything remotely like evidence about any of this anytime soon. So let's analyze it and ponder it and sleuth it and find the truth as we always have BEFORE we see the evidence. That is what we do...we find the truth.
Individuals who are worried about being raked over the coals leave the police station saying, "no comment". They don't talk to the press, and they most certainly do not grant interviews to the NE. She didn't came forward sooner because she simply had nothing significant to say.
Hello Everyone!

O.T. Sorta.....I think.

1. I am two days behind in my reading so I don't know if this has already been posted by another WS Member........If so, I'm sooooo sorry for the repeat!

2. I was coming here to post this on one of the George/Alleged Mistress/He Said-She Said topics but I see they are both locked?
I haven't read anything yet so I don't know what happened or if those topics will be opened again but if they were open I would have automatically posted this link over there....obviously. :)

3. Hubby brought me a little gift today.......The National Enquirer. :)
For anyone who hasn't read it yet, I've downloaded it to my PhotoBucket Album.

The article is two pages long but because my scanner can't capture one of those long NE pages, I had to scan the article in 4 pics.......Top and bottom of each page.

I would never interrupt a topic with an OT (if I can help it :) ) but I wanted to make sure the NE was available for those at WS who won't or can't buy it.

Once you click on a pic of the NE, up in the left hand corner of the pic is a
"ZOOM IN" it so that you can enlarge the NE pic and read the print without any problem. Enquirer 03-20-2010 ALLEGED MISTRESS/

OK, now off to try and catch up.
Hello Everyone!

O.T. Sorta.....I think.

1. I am two days behind in my reading so I don't know if this has already been posted by another WS Member........If so, I'm sooooo sorry for the repeat!

2. I was coming here to post this on one of the George/Alleged Mistress/He Said-She Said topics but I see they are both locked?
I haven't read anything yet so I don't know what happened or if those topics will be opened again but if they were open I would have automatically posted this link over there....obviously. :)

3. Hubby brought me a little gift today.......The National Enquirer. :)
For anyone who hasn't read it yet, I've downloaded it to my PhotoBucket Album.

The article is two pages long but because my scanner can't capture one of those long NE pages, I had to scan the article in 4 pics.......Top and bottom of each page.

I would never interrupt a topic with an OT (if I can help it :) ) but I wanted to make sure the NE was available for those at WS who won't or can't buy it.

Once you click on a pic of the NE, up in the left hand corner of the pic is a
"ZOOM IN" it so that you can enlarge the NE pic and read the print without any problem.

OK, now off to try and catch up.

thank you now everyone can see where it says exclusive interview and read it and know she was their source

and now I can say that where she says they got text of romantic messages off of George's phone I was like yeah right he would really save those for Cindy to find
does anyone remember in the beginning WS and other boards speculating about Juliette Lewis IIRC some said it was probably one of Casey's favorite actress's?
Hello Everyone!

O.T. Sorta.....I think.

1. I am two days behind in my reading so I don't know if this has already been posted by another WS Member........If so, I'm sooooo sorry for the repeat!

2. I was coming here to post this on one of the George/Alleged Mistress/He Said-She Said topics but I see they are both locked?
I haven't read anything yet so I don't know what happened or if those topics will be opened again but if they were open I would have automatically posted this link over there....obviously. :)

3. Hubby brought me a little gift today.......The National Enquirer. :)
For anyone who hasn't read it yet, I've downloaded it to my PhotoBucket Album.

The article is two pages long but because my scanner can't capture one of those long NE pages, I had to scan the article in 4 pics.......Top and bottom of each page.

I would never interrupt a topic with an OT (if I can help it :) ) but I wanted to make sure the NE was available for those at WS who won't or can't buy it.

Once you click on a pic of the NE, up in the left hand corner of the pic is a
"ZOOM IN" it so that you can enlarge the NE pic and read the print without any problem. Enquirer 03-20-2010 ALLEGED MISTRESS/

OK, now off to try and catch up.

I'm sure there's no way we will ever know if GA said it was an accident etc but the one thing that peaked my curiosity was that by way of explanation of the snowball metaphor he said "You know, when you tell a small lie and it becomes a big lie"- for the life of me I can't figure out which of Casey's lies about Caylee was the 'SMALL lie'.... now that does sound like an Anthonyism.
Individuals who are worried about being raked over the coals leave the police station saying, "no comment". They don't talk to the press, and they most certainly do not grant interviews to the NE. She didn't came forward sooner because she simply had nothing significant to say.
I think Amy H. is a perfect example, and Annie D. they did NO interviews and they were thoroughly raked...
thank you now everyone can see where it says exclusive interview and read it and know she was their source

and now I can say that where she says they got text of romantic messages off of George's phone I was like yeah right he would really save those for Cindy to find
I still say it may have been Skye who was the interviewee for NE...

Also, on the "why did she not come forward" train of thought, I am reminded of Roy Kronk. He did everything in his power to remain anonomous, due to his past...and he did not give interviews or answer questions and he was thrown so far under the bus you can still see the tire prints on his face. He had things in his past-a warrant I think for child support that was in arrears and had been a bounty hunter and he did not want to be identified...lo an behold, once he was? Well, I think we all know what happened there.
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