George Anthony Demanding Justice After Violent Confrontation

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I think these protesters must go out, get drunk and get enough courage to do what they are doing.
If that were going on at my neighbors house they wouldn't have to call the cops...I WOULD.

Couldn't we also say that George didn't pust the older woman, he pushed her sign?

No we could not say that! And we shouldnt.....IMO that would be minimizing what really happened to the elderly woman who was definatly on the sidewalk when she was pushed further down the A's driveway, I also saw LEE tear at that womans sign in an attempt to take it from her and he abruptly stopped himself in order to get George under control.
There's no evidence that any of the protesters have missing children and failed to call the police for over a month. There's no evi9dence that any of the protesters stole anything from anyone else. There's no evidence that any of the protesters lied repeatedly to the police about virtual everything while the police were attempting to find said missing child.

That's what makes them different.

no one is looking for evidence regarding those things involving the protestors, since that isn't the crime they are committing. so yes, this is true.
touche, my friend, touche. :clap:
Neverrtheless, the man he pushed didn't have a sign and neither did little dude. And in the case of the senior and the man he pushed, he tried to push them into the street. All three were on public property, too. Public property that George claimed to own - and still does even those he has been told it is not his.

That senior had driven at least 2 hours to look for Caylee. She was a searcher. Has George searched? NOt that anyone has been able to see.He just claimed that he had "people" who knew where Caylee was and those people were being watched. If this is so, why does he need community help now?

I call that the perfect example of hypocrite.
I couldn't believe Caylee's mom called the police. Interesting they said they'd come right away and wouldn't wait 31 days.
I couldn't believe Caylee's mom called the police. Interesting they said they'd come right away and wouldn't wait 31 days.

LOL, i totally thought the same thing.
I just read the incident report. Regardless of what was thrown at the house. The A's believed the protesters were throwing rocks.

They are well within their rights to go out into thier yard and confront anyone.

People react differently to different situations. GA is a man who, to me, seems fed up with everything that is going on. He is trying to protect his family, whether or not it is the "correct way" is beside the point.

It took two 911 calls, and two trips from the police to correct the situation. This is only going to escalate into something worse.

These protestors are making it about something other than Caylee. What they are about to do create another tragedy. Someone else is going to hurt if this witch hunt of the A family is allowed to continue.

They have every right to say what the want, and to protest all they want. They do have the right to provoke a violent situation. They are light the fuse on a bomb and when it goes off they wonder why they got burned.
have you seen the unedited video of what the protester's were doing before GA and CA went out there????nope----cause we don't know as it wasn't taped that we have seen!!so we don't know what they were doing to GA's house!!he may have felt threatened and that is why they went out there to protect HIS home!!!

Of course we don't. The Anthonys did not go out until the media was there.
I don't know about the boozing, but she has a cigarette in her hand in her first interview.

The smoke is easy.

Now would ANYBODY in their right mind act like that without an influence. I have to assume she isn't a druggie....that leaves alcohol.

And the kids nowadays. God only knows what they are using.
agreed, i would, too. and if they're not drunk, they're just stupid, imo.

But the neighbors AREN'T calling the police. The Anthonys are. That is what makes no sense to me. If these protesters are as horrible as Anthony apologists want to believe, why WOULDN't a neighbor call the police. Do they think the Anthonys could stop it themselves? If I saw a fight down the street, I'd call.
I just read the incident report. Regardless of what was thrown at the house. The A's believed the protesters were throwing rocks.

They are well within their rights to go out into thier yard and confront anyone.
It's not a question of rights, it's a question of common sense.

How did George and Cindy know what kind of weapons those idiots were wielding? They didn't. They put themselves in peril needlessly.

How did they know these people wouldn't whip a couple of rocks at their heads? They didn't.

Why doesn't George keep that spray attachment on the hose so he doesn't have to fumble around trying to screw it on before showering his visitors? I have no idea, but it was the one moment in that raw video that made me laugh.
Oh there is plenty of respect, if you agree completed with the Anthonys. If you disagree in the slightest bit, you are disrespected - not allowed at a prayer vigil for Caylee if you think bad of Casey. So let's call it what it is - a prayer vigil for Casey. It has jack to do with Caylee.
That is the attitude which the Anthony's display in every single situation in which someone isn't kissing their collective derriere. The people who are acting out at the Anthony home are out of line, but it seems that those who choose to focus on the negative behavior of the "protesters" defend the same behavior from the Anthonys. I'm still convinced that this situation was setup to give this family more reason to portray themselves as victims and everyone else as the big bad wolf. Why approach people with a frigging baseball bat? There is no need to defend yourself if you don't put yourself in harm's way. Just what good was served by them provoking an already out of line group of people? Makes me wonder.
I just read the incident report. Regardless of what was thrown at the house. The A's believed the protesters were throwing rocks.

They are well within their rights to go out into thier yard and confront anyone.

People react differently to different situations. GA is a man who, to me, seems fed up with everything that is going on. He is trying to protect his family, whether or not it is the "correct way" is beside the point.

It took two 911 calls, and two trips from the police to correct the situation. This is only going to escalate into something worse.

These protestors are making it about something other than Caylee. What they are about to do create another tragedy. Someone else is going to hurt if this witch hunt of the A family is allowed to continue.

They have every right to say what the want, and to protest all they want. They do have the right to provoke a violent situation. They are light the fuse on a bomb and when it goes off they wonder why they got burned.

Did you hear the one threaten George, saying he'd catch him out on the road sometime? And the way they were taunting - and calling him Georgie Porgy. It has nothing to do with Caylee at all. Just punk kids making asses of themselves. I bet their moms are so proud. NOT.
But the neighbors AREN'T calling the police. The Anthonys are. That is what makes no sense to me. If these protesters are as horrible as Anthony apologists want to believe, why WOULDN't a neighbor call the police. Do they think the Anthonys could stop it themselves? If I saw a fight down the street, I'd call.

I'm sure the neighbors are calling the police, and they're probably complaining about the media as well as the protesters.
How did George and Cindy know what kind of weapons those idiots were wielding? They didn't. They put themselves in peril needlessly.

How did they know these people wouldn't whip a couple of rocks at their heads? They didn't.
Or did they?
Did you hear the one threaten George, saying he'd catch him out on the road sometime? And the way the were taunting - and calling him Georgie Porgy. It has nothing to do with Caylee at all. Just punk kids making asses of themselves. I bet their moms are so proud. NOT.

seriously. sounds like a threat to me. i'm sure they're there cause they care soooo much about caylee, too. please.
Neverrtheless, the man he pushed didn't have a sign and neither did little dude. And in the case of the senior and the man he pushed, he tried to push them into the street. All three were on public property, too. Public property that George claimed to own - and still does even those he has been told it is not his.

He made a judgement mistake thru the anger he was feeling. I'm sure you have never done that based on your posts. And for that matter, neither have I.

But, then again, I'm perfect!

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