George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin General Discussion #11 Tues. July 9

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ITA.. TM WAS a sweet and innocent kid in MY estimation and IMO and the skittles story is a perfect way to enlighten the public to that fact.

Wow. Really? Changing history much? Go online and read more about him. MOO...after doing some fact checking.
This Doctor is nothing but a hired gun. IMO

I don't think witnesses should be expected to spend hours or days on research and testifying in court without getting paid for it. JMO
ITA.. TM WAS a sweet and innocent kid in MY estimation and IMO and the skittles story is a perfect way to enlighten the public to that fact.

For what it's worth, none of my kids have (fill in the blank-because I don't want to be viewed as blaming the victim) as has been stated about Trayvon, and I would not characterize them as 'sweet and innocent'. They don't get into trouble, but they aren't sweet and innocent. They were 'sweet and innocent' in elementary school but.....

For the state to prove their case, it isn't required that Trayvon be 'sweet and innocent'. IMO
If a person is hospitalized for head trauma/concussion, status checks are made every 15 minutes for the first 2 to 4 hours, then every 30 minutes for 2 hours and so forth, depending on the MD's orders. I guarantee you no one will be allowed to sleep as much as they want to. The first most critical symptom that a head injury is worsening is difficulty arousing a person and if that is missed they may well be on their way to death! RN here. Thanks

ITA. My posts were based on the patient being discharged and at home. We follow the protocol listed in the ER as well when there is ever a question of head injury or a head injury has been sustained. Thanks! :seeya:
What happened to the edge of the concrete? I will bet you any amount of money that if your head is slammed into the 90 degree edge of concrete, you are going to get a major cut in your head. IMO
This is just more paid for one sided evidence of no use.

Aren't these kinds of witnesses often referred to as "Hired guns?" IMO
IMO, the booboos on GZ's head are a result of the scuffle, his own raising and lowering his head while on cement and the scratches are a result of turning his head back and forth or grinding his own head while squirming on cement. IMO the injury to his nose is the result of gun recoil as he was in very close proximity of his target and unable to extend his arms far enough to avoid the recoil and to be able to place the bullet directly into Trayvon's heart. IMO

Are you saying GZ beat himself up? That's what it sounds like, IMO.
I am well aware of that, thank you. Still doesn't change where I stand re the prejudiced Jury selection and it forwards my theory the Prosecution could care less about convicting the accused. IMO

It is my opinion the prosecution is doing the best they can with what little evidence they have.
ITA.. TM WAS a sweet and innocent kid in MY estimation and IMO and the skittles story is a perfect way to enlighten the public to that fact.

Have you read any of TM's online social media? Also, any reports on drug use and theft?
IMO, if Trayvon had been pummeling George's head as hard as Bernie is talking about (loud enough to hear a really loud sound), George wouldn't have lived long enough to shoot Trayvon. He would have suffered severe brain damage and been dead or incapacitated pretty quickly. Plus George's head was on the ground. Everybody seems to forget that John Good said that fight started ON THE GRASS and eventually moved toward the sidewalk. IMO, people are assuming that everything happened on the sidewalk.

Wasn't it the other way around? Because TM was found lying on the grass some distance from the sidewalk...I just can't seem to find the answer...
The prosecution is now questioning how GZ received his injuries by bringing up a "tree branch". Ridiculous, grasping question, IMO.

I predict that the prosecution's questions will become more ridiculous as they realize the strength of the Defense's case & the weakness of their own case, IMO.

I hope the jury is smart enough to know that GZ's injuries were more than likely not inflicted by a "tree branch". MOO

The more this continues, the more I think the Bar should be revoking licenses. This is absurd beyond belief. Imo
Nope.. you see that wouldn't have happened if GZ never got out of his car so IMO.. one had to come before the other.. one was the stimulus to this unnecessary death.

Then you must agree that the stimulus for this event was TM walking slowly in the rain through the development, stopping and looking into houses, looking like he might be up to something, on drugs and suspicious. Stimulus invoking GZ's response to call it in and follow. IMO
Toxicology is ALWAYS part of an autopsy. ALWAYS. Regardless of the death, if an autopsy is done on the body, toxicology is a routine part of autopsy.

The only time blood is drawn from a live person is if that person presents themselves in some sort of questionable manner or fashion. There is plenty of audio and video evidence of GZ's movements & speech immediately following the incident. There is no slurred speach, emotional outbursts, staggering, etc., that would indicate impairment. IMO and as testified to, in the opinion of those who both saw and interviewed GZ.
With all the prescription medications being taken these days (many with warnings that they can cause anything from drowsiness to agitation and even suicidal behavior), IMO LE should get toxicology on both parties whenever substantial damage and/or death has resulted.:moo:
This testimony is going in a circle. IMO.
Interesting, Di Maio is saying doctors treating injuries are not interested in carefully documenting the injuries.

IMO that is probably also for insurance purposes, if they document too much and something goes wrong, if the description was inaccurate then that causes even more legal problems.

Goodness! I have never known that to be true. On the charts, we have to document everything. Don't know that I agree with this doctor at all on this. It is because of legal reasons, we do it. In case there is ever a lawsuit. JMO
IMO, the booboos on GZ's head are a result of the scuffle, his own raising and lowering his head while on cement and the scratches are a result of turning his head back and forth or grinding his own head while squirming on cement. IMO the injury to his nose is the result of gun recoil as he was in very close proximity of his target and unable to extend his arms far enough to avoid the recoil and to be able to place the bullet directly into Trayvon's heart. IMO

IMO gun recoil would have definitely cut him. Not just broken his nose.
This Doctor is nothing but a hired gun. IMO
Yup, so far he's charged the defense $2,400. Add the time for testimony today and flying back home tomorrow and I'd say the defense got a very reasonably priced expert considering his high standing in the field.
This prosecutor is just so off the mark... Of course his hand did not have blood on it if he was laying on the ground his nose was not probably bleeding yet.. not until he stood up.

My son had a bloody nose yesterday. He banged his head on his desk. He stood up and laid on the bed, Then when he sat up a few minutes later he started bleeding...
Wasn't it the other way around? Because TM was found lying on the grass some distance from the sidewalk...I just can't seem to find the answer...

I have seen fights....people move around, probably what happened here.

Zimmerman said he managed to move his body away from sidewalk (after head smashing cement)...but probably was in a lot of pain and filled with adrenalin. IMO.
Aren't these kinds of witnesses often referred to as "Hired guns?" IMO

No. Hired guns are those whose opinions are bought. Not those who are paid for the work they perform to render their own professional opinion in a particular case. That said, all of the State's professional witnesses are actually on the State's payroll, so they are equally susceptible to being characterized as hired guns, if not more so, since their entire livelihood depends on the same set of people in every case. jmo
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