George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin General Discussion Thread #8

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Especially after the ME yesterday demonstated that George's nose " injury" was consistant with a person socking their ownself in the nose....!!

I thought DW and MOM would have a stroke when she punched her own nose to P R O V E her point!!! :floorlaugh:

Although there certainly have been people in the past who have injured themselves to get out of a crime, I just do not see that in this case. It all happened too fast and again you have the problem of the witnesses. At that point in the incident, there were too many people watching to chance that. But more importantly, it is again speculation. There is no proof that he punched himself.
Maybe. She doesn't seem very chatty to me. Its hard for me to imagine, if they were catching up, they'd hang up for two minutes and call each other back and talk for another good long while, and hang up again for a couple minutes. I don't know if you watched her testimony about the phone calls, but she was handed a list of calls that occurred starting about an hour or so before Trayvon was shot, and it was about 15 calls. She stared at the list and said there were LOTS more than this! She was then informed this was only that one segment of time, not all day.

I'm just curious.


IMO, Teenagers sometimes just sit on the phone and listen to each other breathe. It's not the best use of time but unless you've been around a lot of teenagers it wouldn't make sense to you. Their conversations are usually very mundane and they can last for hours. It's actually not as uncommon as you would like to think. I have a 19 year old. A few years ago, I remember looking at the cell phone bill and I saw well over a thousand text messages exchanged in one month. He and I had a discussion about it (more like I spoke and he listened). They decreased somewhat but were still way more than I could imagine possible if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. He's way past that point now since he is in school and also works.
Considering the opposing testimony of the dad who says it's not Trayvon, and that neighbor who said it WAS George and he not only heard it, he was interacting with him at the time. IMHO

The state is arguing emotion,emotion, emotion imo. Get the mom on the stand, make sure she's putting on a crying performance, etc. Hoping the jury feels instead of thinks. Jmo
Precisely AND most of those things are alleged, not corroborated by anyone or anything. As has been asked so many times, why wouldn't the police have been notified IF there were any suspected stolen goods...neither were the parents notified..all another hoax, like the online hacking. IMO
I don't believe for one second any of that was a hoax.

They tried to but TM's phone had a passcode on it and they could not unlock the phone so they went to Tracy Martin to see if he could unlock the phone for them, he refused to have TM's phone unlocked and told them he would have to get with his lawyer Mr. Crump.

The phone is registered to Trayvon's father. According to police records, on March 1, an analyst with the Seminole County Sheriff's Office told Sanford police he needed the security code to unlock the data on the phone.

Sanford police Detective Doris Singleton contacted the carrier, T-Mobile, asking for the code. The company told her they could get to the information if they had the PIN to the account. On March 5, Sanford police Sgt. Joe Santiago asked Tracy Martin for the PIN, according to a police report. Tracy Martin said he'd check with his attorney.

Martin never got back with police. At a March 8 news conference in Orlando, Tracy Martin told reporters he would not help police download information from the phone.

More @ link
That is very suspect imo, why wouldn't you let police see the phone/text activity? something to hide? worried what may be on there?

IMO - It's clear that you believe GZ and that I do not, and therefore there isn't any need for either of us to debate this case any further with each other. I know I will never believe GZ because he is a proven liar. The bottom line is an unarmed teenager was killed when deadly force was unnecessary.
George did NOT KNOW he was unarmed....he had no way of knowing that.

Weren't you the person that said they would shoot anyone that broke into their home on the last thread? Just curious as the thread closed and you did not respond to my scenario. Tall 13 kid breaks into your home at night in the dark you are home alone. Shoot first, ask questions later?
13?? If I am home in the dark and can't see and someone breaks in - they are the ones at risk...

GZ could care less about what he did. Very scary to think someone can get a bloody nose and blow someone away for it and have no regard for the person you just murdered. Couldn't even take the jacket off his back to cover the body of a teenager. GZ is a pathetic human being IMO.

would you be sympathic if that person was just beating you up? George was getting pummeled imo and he's supposed to immediately be concerned? He was probably in shock and trying to get his bearings from his head wounds.
I do not believe TM was up to no good... Fact: he was going to the store to get Skittles, drink. Fact: He was talking on the phone with friend. Fact: He was, per GZ statement, he was standing around, not trying to get out of the rain (so what IMO). Fact: He was in the residence of his fathers girlfriend coming home from the store to give his friend the Skittles. If he were up to no good, he would not, IMO have been doing all that. In fact I think if he were up to no good, he would have actually broken into a home (like GZ was assuming) and not have gone to the store, talked on the phone so casually..etc.. :twocents:

And we go back to my original point... IMO, for whatever reason for the purpose of making my point, TM ran. He had ample time to get to his father's residence and (if he was, in fact, scared) safety. He was (per R?) "right behind his father's residence". For what other reason would TM not have gone into the residence after having run from GZ if it were not for either example that I gave? My common sense says if I'm running from someone, I want to get away from them. Why would I stop getting away if that's all I wanted at the time?

Again, all MOO.
And TM's DNA on GZ's jacket middle left back..?? hmm
Is Bill Sheaffer being paid by the state? His bias is just obscene. Have no more respect for the man. I thought he gave good insights during the FCA trial. He's trying to square the circle with every breath imo.

He wasn't the other day. I originally thought he was pro state, but he seems to be pretty fair. He is actually a criminal defense lawyer.
They do it because sometimes they say they never shot a gun, but the gsr proves they did. With my child, it's been an ordeal, never ending appeals and the bs that goes along with it. It's a horrible feeling hating someone you don't even know (my child's murderer).

I understand. There was no murderer per se in my son's case, but I hate the EMS and Coroner's office for the way they handled (didn't do anything per witness pleading for help for my son) my son at the accident scene and the lies I was told. I hate them more than the devil.
Why would anyone try to bang up their own nose or scratch up their head? He could have been on video or how would he have known a neighbor wasn't watching from one of those many upstairs windows of the houses.

Banging up his own nose is way out there but if you don't believe gz I guess anything could be added to all this. MOO

To make their version of events look happens...I was merely relating the verified testimony of the ME yesterday. It's online at several sites. But it's important in such a serious case to consider every angle that is scientifically possible and the Medical Examiner said that action was possible and showed how it would happen by striking her own nose. Evidently it is a point she thinks needs to be considered. and of course Chris Serino said Zimmerman was 'exaggerating " his injury..and I'd like to add that all those who think there may have been unseen internal injuries, there were none...IMO
Am watching HLN coverage, which I am sure is way behind streaming coverage. How would we know for sure when blood stains got on GZ's jacket, since there is no possible way to date them?!
I don't see how the prosecution is going to finish today. This DNA expert hasn't nearly finished. Plus they haven't called the medical examiner who performed the autopsy or Trayvon's mother.
IMO, Teenagers sometimes just sit on the phone and listen to each other breathe. It's not the best use of time but unless you've been around a lot of teenagers it wouldn't make sense to you. Their conversations are usually very mundane and they can last for hours. It's actually not as uncommon as you would like to think. I have a 19 year old. A few years ago, I remember looking at the cell phone bill and I saw well over a thousand text messages exchanged in one month. He and I had a discussion about it (more like I spoke and he listened). They decreased somewhat but were still way more than I could imagine possible if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. He's way past that point now since he is in school and also works.

When I was growing up, phones still had dials and cords. We would sit on the phone for hours with friends, just watching TV.
I don't see how the prosecution is going to finish today. This DNA expert hasn't nearly finished. Plus they haven't called the medical examiner who performed the autopsy or Trayvon's mother.

Maybe they are going later because of the holiday tomorrow??
GZ could care less about what he did. Very scary to think someone can get a bloody nose and blow someone away for it and have no regard for the person you just <modsnip>. Couldn't even take the jacket off his back to cover the body of a teenager. GZ is a pathetic human being IMO.
That was another part of the Hannity interview that bothered me. GZ didn't have any empathy for the victim's family and no remorse that things could have been done differently. Honestly, I changed my mind about GZ after that. Just my opinion.
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