George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin General Discussion Thread 9 (For Friday)

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Dear Websleuths Members,

If your post does nothing to add to the discussion or it hurts the flow of the discussion please do not post.

This case is volatile enough.

I am pleading with you. Please add to the discussion and do not distract from the discussion.

Remember absolutely no name calling.

Thank You,
What witness said he moved his hands and arms? No one said they saw that. Not even GZ.

Witnesses who saw GZ shortly after the shooting said he was leaning directly over the body, words to that affect.

Witnesses who saw him before the shooting said he was underneath Trayvon.

GZ states he got over Trayvon after the shooting to pull his arms out.

It just follows to me. It all adds up.

Additionally, add in that I don't believe GZ has any reason at all to lie about pulling Trayvon's arms out.

Exactly my thoughts. There's been so much conditioning for people to see TM as an innocent victim it's ridiculous. I see GZ and his family and now his attorneys as the true victims. I have seen nothing to refute GZ's claims. You'd think the state could present something convincing, having brought this to trial.

Absolutely. And IMO the defense has "won the day" every time so far. I've been following and studying high-profile trials going back to Manson and Patty Hearst and I've never seen this happen before.
This just stretches the limits of credibility imo.....he was alive for 1-10 MINUTES but could not move? WHY?
actually he did not. If he was being followed he should have avoided the contact. He should have gone straight home when he lost him and told his friend on the phone he was ON HIS FATHERS GF's PORCH. He was indeed home..

the evidence as per Rachel Puts him home. He then went out again looking for GZ it seems.. Not a fact but I can not think of any other reason to go away from the safety of this house where he could lock the door and phone police..

The altercation takes place 70 yards from the residence he was staying at.

That shows that he LEFT safety and went back out looking for GZ. Nothing else makes sense. Nothing....

He was not looking for help from GZ. He could have called cops, knocked on a door, went straight home and called DAD. OR called DAD and said hey I NEED HELP!


ME says TM could have been alive for up to 10 mins...

This goes for GZ..


I believe RJ said that Trayvon said he was "In the back" of the home where he was staying, and not "On the porch," when GZ caught up with him at which time TM asked, "Why are you following me?" She heard another voice, presumably GZ ask, "What are you doing here." In that case, the confrontation started when TM was almost home. What could have caused his body to be found 70 yards away? Something or someone caused him to leave the relative safety of the back yard. I wonder who? IMO
IMO, 1-10 minutes is a wide range. I've heard people on HLN say that intermediate range was at least 6 inches. This doctor is saying that it's between less than one-half inch and four inches. I'd have to hear more medical examiners who have read the autopsy report testify about the distance and the movement. Dr. Horn, the ME in the Jodi Arias case, was one of the people in that case in whom I was least impressed. Every time he testified, I kept waiting for him to say something wrong.
Mixing scripts- and mixing them with alcohol is far more dangerous than just marijuana. That is a medical fact, not my opinion.

There's no evidence GZ was improperly using his scripts or mixing them with alcohol, as far as I know. Another straw man argument imo.
IMO - this is extremely damaging to the defense and just pokes more holes in GZ's story.
Mixing scripts- and mixing them with alcohol is far more dangerous than just marijuana. That is a medical fact, not my opinion.
I never heard that GZ was proven to have mixed prescription drugs and alcohol.
This just stretches the limits of credibility imo.....he was alive for 1-10 MINUTES but could not move? WHY?

There's a difference between alive and conscious. I haven't been watching today, so I don't know if this was clarified in the trial.
This just stretches the limits of credibility imo.....he was alive for 1-10 MINUTES but could not move? WHY?

Simple, imo, the State has to claim both that Trayvon couldn't move to put his hand under him after George spread his arms and, at the same time, claim that Trayvon was alive and suffered to recover damages in the civil suit. jmo
Did the state just turn the witness over to the defense? I missed it.
This just stretches the limits of credibility imo.....he was alive for 1-10 MINUTES but could not move? WHY?

I have heard that there are some things that happen after death because of muscle relaxing, ie bowel movements.

IMO - Dr. Bao clarified that the brain was still "alive" - he could feel pain and suffering, but he could not physically move.
I made a mistake. The ME said the range was from 0.4 of an inch (less than half an inch)to 4 feet (48 inches). That's 120 times as far. IMO, it seems like too big a range.
why do you guys think he would attack George other than he was afraid ?
what teenage boy would call for dad or cops or safe place? I don't get it.You're being followed.You're scared.You are 17.You don't want to act like a wimp.IMO

I can only reply for me.

You said "you don't want to act like a wimp."

That means you are justified in attacking rather than follow normal lawful procedure?

That is the issue. TM did not have a right to attack GZ. He was on his dad's porch as per STATE witness. All he had to do was walk in and call his dad and say there is some odd guy out there following me.

I can not get past that. HE was on his DADs gf porch.. Right there.. And then he is 70 yards away. That to me means he went out LOOKING for GZ.

That is the most probably scenario..
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