Geraldo Rivera show 1/17/09

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Am I dreaming this, or is Baez suppose to do as Casey asks?
I seriously thought that he could recommend to her what to do, but the decision is ultimately hers. Am I that far off base?
I guess what he is saying is that because George told her how to expedite a visit through sheriff Beary, that there was misconduct on LE's part..
This really can't stick can it?
The only thing I can think they may have "facilitated" is the sign up process. Something tells me there was no "waiting period" to speak of so there was some element of surprise.
I want to send an email to Geraldo at Large at fox news...but I can't seem to get it to send correctly. If anyone has any knowledge or links that could help me with this, I'd truly appreciate it. I have things I need to get off my mind concerning the way he is handling KCs defense and LE, etc.

Everytime I have sent one to Geraldo (and believe me I have sent many) I have sent it to Hope it works for you. I have never received a response. LOL
Hi tx_Dot,:( Sorry, tricked was not the actual word, it was munipulate.(can't spell it)

It sounded like he was saying when JB went out of town, he left no visit instructions for KC. LE worked with the jail GA, CA, and KC to schedule a visit. at least that's what i got in the few minutes it was on, want to re-listen. It sounded like JB and BC are going to be on the same page. imo :)

Sounds like the defense has friends in the media to work a lot of spin....:mad:

My one jail visit was years ago, I had to be on prisoners list, wait 'til visiting day/time ....etc.

GR is much better as a weather-watcher........& funnier to watch.
I guess they have to blow smoke just to have something to say these days..and the thought of them going after Kronk who found Caylee when Casey wouldn't give anyone anything to help, just makes me sick. I have to give it to defense attorney's. There is no way I could do what they do every day.

Interesting though, from the report of BC reviewing crime scene photos with LE, if true, then BC is spending more time on the murder case, going after MR and, defending KC than JB.

JB seems to be the pretend CEO and BC is doing the ground work, running details down.

At least MN avoided anything that involved the defense of KC, BC does not have the same professional qualms.
Last time I checked it was not up to a jail to monitor thr visits of their inmates. I actually believe a jail could get into big fat trouble for not allowing an inmate the opportunity to accept/decline THEIR visitations. WHATEVER is all I can say. I honestly thought they were going to say the "misconduct" was in reference to "Ms. Baker" not turning up the volume of the phone when KC screamed her name a few times LMAO.
Yes -- so how can this be an LE setup if KC was willing to see her parents and her parents were willing to see her? You can lead a horse to water....

Even if LE wanted this as well all they could be guilty of is facilitating the family.

I think JB is/was concerned because KC was cracking and this was when she wrote the letter wanting a meet with GA alone and JB shot it down. I think this was the most risky time where KC nearly fessed and the parents were pushing for it -- for Caylee.

JB was busy lining up financing to take this all the way to a trial of the century.

Really, does JB believe that LE dragged her butt kicking and screaming out of her "room" for a forced visit with her parents? :rolleyes:

There's something about Jose that just gives me the creeps. He acts like he owns Casey and I don't like control freaks. I would have told him to take a hike long ago.
KC is the CEO, remember? She can choose to see her parents if she wants to and it looks like she wanted to! If JB has a problem, he can direct it to GA, who in HIS interview with LE stated he doesn't really trust JB. That's prolly why they went to see her when JB was gone, if the truth be known. I doubt LE was hoodwinking anyone.

The way I see it, GA and CA wanted to find Caylee and JB wasn't letting KC talk to them. They went to see her when they had an opportunity to ask KC where she was - which, of course, didn't work anyway.

I sure do hope a judge will be able to cut through the crap and allow the true KC to be revealed to the jury! MOO

ITA! I think at this point they were still just trying to get her to talk and tell them where Caylee was. And JB wasn't letting her see them in case she said something incriminating so they waited until he was out of town and requested a meeting. She took it because she wanted to see them and plead her case for them to get her out. I don't see how that make LE at any fault. The CEO made a decision, plain and simple!
Interesting though, from the report of BC reviewing crime scene photos with LE, if true, then BC is spending more time on the murder case, going after MR and, defending KC than JB.

JB seems to be the pretend CEO and BC is doing the ground work, running details down.

At least MN avoided anything that involved the defense of KC, BC does not have the same professional qualms.

MN avoided it because he never supported KC. He was the A's lawyer and thats it:) BC should learn from him because he isnt doing the A's any favors imo:)
Really, does JB believe that LE dragged her butt kicking and screaming out of her "room" for a forced visit with her parents? :rolleyes:

There's something about Jose that just gives me the creeps. He acts like he owns Casey and I don't like control freaks. I would have told him to take a hike long ago.

Agreed. I guess JB is a good substitute parent to replace CA.

KC was a mess though, I think he was terrified she'd spill the beans before he got to the trial of the century and he had just secured funding.

KC is a motor mouth. IMHO.
I guess this is where they claim LE misconduct - somehow someway.

IIRC, at one point Casey says she'll say lots of bad things about the police so they don't make the tape public. Maybe she told JB she had said things about LE and JB was hoping she'd actually done that. Maybe one day he'll learn that his client tells lies.
I didn't watch Geraldo... on purpose. I can't stand the man. But don't worry, he's not helping her defense at all. If anything, he's hurting it. He might be friends with Baez, but that and a buck-fifty will buy him a cup of coffee.

I don't watch him either...won't even watch him on youtube. Plus, I'm so sick of hearing from his guests (JB & BC) and don't believe anything they say anyhow.
If the recently released tape wasn't initially released because LE promised the A's that it wouldn't be who is playing who. LE stuck with there bargain of not releasing it until JB made it an issue in court to force there hand to release it. I think there is a lot of manipulation going on and it is not LE or SA. JB just got what he asked for not smoke and mirrors because it was not what he expected. KC is ultimately in charge of who she sees. Remember she denied visits from LA, GA, and we don't know who else.
Thanks Leila. I didn't catch all of GR, and heard just a bit about the jailhouse visit being a set up. I don't understand that though. Even if JB insists KC have no visitors, doesn't she have final say?

The way I understand it, KC is in charge, not JB. He's her attorney and can advise her on the best way to handle her defense, but he can't tell her what she can and cannot do.

Another thing I've noticed.............since when did BC become a member of the defense team? I thought he was the Anthony's attorney and as such, he speaks solely in regards to matters dealing directly with his clients. Now he's talking about the MR and things having to do with the defense team.
They can spin this crap all they want...but when the jury looks at Caylee's bones and looks at that sweet little face before her death they will want to see her murderer charged and put away for ever...
Casey is the the only one LE has found that has any evidence to connect them to the murder, or their would be "other people of interest"
Yes, KC always has final say. She is the client.

Clients get the final say in things like whether or not to plead guilty or not guilty, whether or not to take a plea deal and other personal choices that impact the direct merits of the case.

Lawyers have exclusive control over things like strategy and tactics. Lawyers decide which motions to bring, which witnesses to call and in which order, what questions to ask, what to argue and how to handle jury selection choices within their control.
The way I understand it, KC is in charge, not JB. He's her attorney and can advise her on the best way to handle her defense, but he can't tell her what she can and cannot do.

Another thing I've noticed.............since when did BC become a member of the defense team? I thought he was the Anthony's attorney and as such, he speaks solely in regards to matters dealing directly with his clients. Now he's talking about the MR and things having to do with the defense team.

If BC was smart he would stop answering any questions and refrain for making comments regarding KC's case and the players involved. If I were their attorney I would be far away from the media, and not saying a thing. I would almost pretend the A's weren't the parents of this beast. JMO.
I guess they have to blow smoke just to have something to say these days..and the thought of them going after Kronk who found Caylee when Casey wouldn't give anyone anything to help, just makes me sick. I have to give it to defense attorney's. There is no way I could do what they do every day.

mydailyopinions, OT/ LOVE your new avatar.

WS forensic astrologers have been right on about this case. If you have not had a chance to read their thread this weekend, everyone should check it out. There is a RK chart by our wonderful Tuba and THIS seems to fit, it is fascinating. ETA: went back to re-read thread and must give KAITLAND credit for her great insight as well. imo

Hope he has a really thick skin :)
ITA! I think at this point they were still just trying to get her to talk and tell them where Caylee was. And JB wasn't letting her see them in case she said something incriminating so they waited until he was out of town and requested a meeting. She took it because she wanted to see them and plead her case for them to get her out. I don't see how that make LE at any fault. The CEO made a decision, plain and simple!

Hmmmmmm...........this makes me re-think my thoughts about the time KC spent at JB's office during the time she was out on bond.

I've believed that KC didn't want to be cooped up with her parents at home all day, and going to JB's office was her way of escaping.

But now I wonder..............was JB concerned about KC cracking while she was at home and spilling the beans.......telling her parents what happened and where Caylee's remains were?

JB may have engineered those lengthy visits to his office in an effort to keep KC from confessing. He may have used some of the time KC was in his office every day to reinforce that she wasn't to confess to anyone. He may have promised her that he can get her acquitted, but only if she doesn't confess.
If BC was smart he would stop answering any questions and refrain for making comments regarding KC's case and the players involved. If I were their attorney I would be far away from the media, and not saying a thing. I would almost pretend the A's weren't the parents of this beast. JMO.

ITA! I'd let things calm down using the grieving as a cover period and allow some public healing occur. Keep quiet and only represent CA/GA if needed.

He is taking on work, media hype and, flak that is none of his concern -- however -- knowing CA she'd likely require him to fight for her as a proxy.

My belief is that BC is doing what he is doing because it is the ONLY way that CA will stay quiet and not get out there and fight -- BC is doing what CA wants him to but in his way. BC is working on KC's defense because CA wants that more than anything. JMHO.
Interesting though, from the report of BC reviewing crime scene photos with LE, if true, then BC is spending more time on the murder case, going after MR and, defending KC than JB.

JB seems to be the pretend CEO and BC is doing the ground work, running details down.

At least MN avoided anything that involved the defense of KC, BC does not have the same professional qualms.

Sooo true. I think BC is going to go down with the rest of them. This will not help his career.
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