Geraldo Show 10/11/08 Interview w/ Baez

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.....I agree 100%

According to Jose, Caylee isn't missing at all ...

1,000's of people have seen her...

She's criss-crossing the country in full view of the Public....

Caylee is in Dallas one day & New York the next

Jose expects LE to hop on a plane & investigate every single one of these sightings in person......who cares if Caylee is seen in 5 different states at the exact same time

That way by the time LE rules them all out Casey will be like 87 years old

He really is an idiot,,,,,,

If there were all these sightings for real, with a $225,000 reward most folks would have done more than placed a call that they saw someone who looked like Caylee today. Would you let a $225,000 sighting just evaporate???

This is a game that JB wants us all to believe in and play, because it spreads reasonable doubt and, as you say -- is an impossible endeavor. Chasing your tail forever.
If there were all these sightings for real, with a $225,000 reward most folks would have done more than placed a call that they saw someone who looked like Caylee today. Would you let a $225,000 sighting just evaporate???

This is a game that JB wants us all to believe in and play, because it spreads reasonable doubt and, as you say -- is an impossible endeavor. Chasing your tail forever.

Nah...I don't think he buys her crap one bit. Lawyers are the best actors. He has more bs going for him than she does.

I hope for him and his family that you are right. I know that he definitely has
his career first and foremost in mind while working on this case. I've heard him say during the motions hearing that this case will come and go but he will still be practicing law after it's over. So I know that he "needs" KC to get him the publicity that will make him a well known attorney that fights for his clients rights and supports them 100%. I get that.

He might be allowing her to spend hours in his office just to appease her so she won't drop him and find another attorney and leave him without the opportunity to make a name for himself.

However, I still feel like he is falling under her spell. She is charming when she needs to be and right now he is her target. There is a lack of physical boundaries there. I would not let any man touch me the way he has been touching her in public unless I was in a close emotional and physical relationship with him. I think that the boundaries between them have become blurred. I think there is more than just his "act" of believing in her innocence. I don't think he wants to fall for her but I think he is against his better judgment.

I am completely aware that I could be wrong about this but that is how it looks to me.
So what the heck is he going to do when he gets the forensic reports and yes indeed, they show Caylee is deceased and was in the trunk of KC's car?

He has been totally taken by KC and has painted himself into a corner. Her only story has been that someone else has Caylee, he has not even entertained the idea that she lied. Is he nuts? She will have ZERO DEFENSE because of JB. The only way out would be to admit guilt and go for insanity. (WHICH WILL NOT WORK)

By constantly blabbing he has sunk her completely... ok she did a pretty good job herself but he has just totally and utterly locked it in. If he had kept his mouth SHUT until he saw what the evidence actually was, then they could have acted according and MAYBE come up with some ridiculous scenerio that would explain everything (in their eyes anyway) but now he has made that impossible!

Oh well, maybe once JB has lost his wife, reputation, any chance at good career, he will see that putting all his eggs in KC basket was not such a good idea...

JB, in my opinion, is doing exactly what it takes, while just staying above the level that his client can later claim incompetence, to make sure Casey goes to jail. I don't know who or why but I believe he received his marching orders and he is being a good little solider. That is my gut instinct and has been since day one when he suddenly became her lawyer.

His performance in court with those motions was pitiful but he filed enough of them to make sure a good portion was granted. Most of them are standard fencing moves between defense council and prosecution and most judges will grant them. Why did he wait so long, those should have been filed weeks ago? He quick like a bunny got them in right at the same time a GJ notice was made.

When you go back and watch the bond hearing he did very little, again just enough to be above incompetence but nothing of substance to help his client. He did not try very hard to get her bond lowered.
I will also go one step further; the only motions he really argued was the one so Casey could travel in private. He brought the bond guy in to attempt to bolster the motion and he countered the prosecution with rebuttal and then played the 'I'm telling you straight up' routine with the judge. He appeared to me as almost desperate to get that motion approved. Why?
He also went to more lengths to get his hands on the poly statements and the names of who administered them so he can figure out who else knows what Casey knows. Here again he had help with this. Why are those statements and who did the poly's so important to him. They won't be used in court and they do not give him any advantage as a defense to make it worthwhile to practically beg the judge for them.

Who is paying his rent at his nice office? He is doing this case pro bono and it doesn't appear that he has any other clients that he can represent since Casey is with him 6 hours a day 5 days a week

Then listen to JB on GR tonight. GR basically threw him a lifeline to haul himself out of rough water. JB came back with that dumb comment 'No ones knows Casey like I knows Casey'. What a load of bunk. JB cannot be that stupid. GR looked confused and somewhat angry when he JB didn’t grab it. It will be interesting to see if JB gets invited back on GR after that.

Methinks the devil went down to Florida; he had a soul to steal.
Didn't he just meet Casey when she obtained his services? I agree 6 hours a day 5 days a week, and then visits on the weekend to her home he must know her real well by now. Even the people at the hearing thought that was a little strange. Gawd I hope he isn't falling for her.

I hope he keeps in mind that she doesn't use birth control. Wouldn't that be something to show up in court pregnant with JB being the only man she had been around. :eek:
JB is just doing his job to the best of his ability. I hold no grudges against him. He is a defense attorney and all people in this country deserve a defense. As much as I want to hand KC out to dry she deserves a defense and JB can't come out and say she is a big creep. He has to spread something good about her around the best he can. He really has his job cut out for him. I don't envy him. I don't think there is a thing he can do to win this case UNLESS HE finds caylee alive somewhere and we all know that isn't going to happen because unfortunately KC killed her. I also think LE has something much bigger than we know that proves Caylee is dead.

I'm reading all this and I think the same.For all we know he'd like to tell her to go pound salt but he cant~he's her atty..It would be a huge miracle if she got off and he knows it still he must try as her atty..I also would not want to be in his shoes,probably his first "big case".I dont think she is fooling him for a minute,OMG he cant be stupid!
I had a strange thought while listening to the motions being discussed on Friday. We learned that KZ has permission to be with her lawyer between 10am and 4pm. Why can't they search for Caylee during that time? I don't know if the confinment officer requires them to meet at his office but I doubt it.

All this BS about Secret Search is just another pathetic attempt of showboating.
Shadow of Mind says:

"JB, in my opinion, is doing exactly what it takes, while just staying above the level that his client can later claim incompetence, to make sure Casey goes to jail. I don't know who or why but I believe he received his marching orders and he is being a good little solider. That is my gut instinct and has been since day one when he suddenly became her lawyer."

So you believe he is actually TRYING to make sure she goes to jail without seeming incompetant ?

Well whether its intentional or not, it seems that is exactly what he is doing!
Can't you just hear:
KC (while batting her eyelashes): "Oh, JB, when I'm acquitted it will just be me and you in PRico, forever".

Mrs. B to JB: "You sorry azz, h377 no I won't give you a divorce until AFTER the book and movie deals are paid in full --- then they are MINE!!!! Hee Hee Hee
I had a strange thought while listening to the motions being discussed on Friday. We learned that KZ has permission to be with her lawyer between 10am and 4pm. Why can't they search for Caylee during that time? I don't know if the confinment officer requires them to meet at his office but I doubt it.

All this BS about Secret Search is just another pathetic attempt of showboating.

Agreed. At the motion hearing isn't that why they got on the topic of all the hours KC spends at the attorney's office? Didn't the case manager say that this needn't be a motion, KC has never requested to go anywhere else other than the attorney's office and, there is nothing to preclude them making a request and it being considered -- outside of the court system. There have been prior examples of meetings while on bond at restaurants, etc. They have never asked, the only difference is they don't want to be specific and enjoy secrecy but the case manager requires KC is tracked -- although they don't currently validate she is in the attorney office all day.

Shadow of Mind says:

"JB, in my opinion, is doing exactly what it takes, while just staying above the level that his client can later claim incompetence, to make sure Casey goes to jail. I don't know who or why but I believe he received his marching orders and he is being a good little solider. That is my gut instinct and has been since day one when he suddenly became her lawyer."

So you believe he is actually TRYING to make sure she goes to jail without seeming incompetant ?

Well whether its intentional or not, it seems that is exactly what he is doing!

Yes I do.
I don't think JB would let her, but I can hope no?

she does love to chat! Her internal speeaking monitor may prevent her from avoiding the stand! I hope....

I would love the prosecution to get her up there and watch her start talking herself into a deeper and deeper hole....
...and we'd all love to be the prosecutors!

I think JB (or anyone else who's her attorney) knows better than to let her testify. Put if asked at sentencing if she would want to make a statement I don't think there will be any shutting her up.
Because he thinks she is guilty he is doing that? or do you think she is being framed?

My best guess. Casey got herself into something or with someone that does not want Casey to bring any attention to them. It does not have to have a thing to do with Caylee but because whatever happened to Caylee puts Casey in the limelight and if she tells the truth that also will come out. I don't think she is being framed for anything.
This is just my opinion. I do not known anything. I have always trusted my instincts, and on a few occasions they have been off by a base or two but still in the ballpark, so to speak.
BAEZ's plate if F U L L . We don't know her like he does???? Maybe the Brownies prepared by Sybil mesmerized him.

SERIOUSLY :eek: And my answer to him would be noo, but there are MANY that DO! J/K! But, IMHO he does seem somewhat smitten and I have wondered just how much she has been able to play JB. I truly think that he was in it for his "15 minutes" and has gotten in WAY over his head. Think about it, I know that I NEVER thought when this case started that months later I would be spending Many More hours on WS than I have any business doing! :eek: Geraldo gets under my skin too though, telling JB that maybe he could introduce him to Casey one day..YUCK!!! He and JB seem to be buddies.
Stop it Geraldo, I just lost respect for you again. JB, I think we know Casey pretty well based on the evidence against her. Oh and just a hunch but I don't think she would make a good girlfriend. Maybe you should look elsewhere besides people you are defending for killing their babies, just saying.
It seems to me he (Geraldo) knew at that moment when JB praised KC, his friend indeed, fell for the accused in a parental type roll or lover type roll. Like Geraldo was thinking "your a stupid fool man". She's pretty, but not worth a career type moment? It was a telling smirk/smile/snicker. Priceless. JMO

Yes, and his face turned beet red. I think he was a little embarrassed for JB.
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