Found Deceased Germany - Liam Colgan, 29, Scottish tourist, Hamburg, 10 Feb 2018

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I took Liam's MP to be maybe asking about diplomatic services (ie UK officials already in Germany) helping the family with general support, keeping an eye on the investigation, help with the language barrier etc. Especially when as Liam's brother, Eamonn commented that as time goes on he will not be able to keep spending so much time out in Germany due to his own work and family commitments. We all know how sometimes a few words from someone in authority can help.

The family have commented on how much support they have had in Germany but I'm sure we would all appreciate it and expect if we had a member of our own family missing in a foreign country that our own officials would assist, it is part of their role. And there are a lot of British armed forces out in Germany, I'm sure they wouldn't mind helping out in searches. It's not unreasonable to expect that the home government of a missing person should contribute in looking for one of their nationals abroad, especially as time goes on.

And it's also about supporting the family and helping them to feel that they and Liam are not forgotten, even if the likelihood of a happy outcome is diminishing. The situation they are in is bad enough without having to feel that as time goes on they are on their own with this. It happens to a lot of families with missing people after the first couple of months and it must be a very dark place to be.
I am a grandmother of four boys. They all call me Nana. One of them is old enough to go on one of these stag do weekends.
If he went missing, I would cling to every last shred of hope that he would be brought back to us. Even if I imagined him taking a time out, being held captive, or whatever horrible situation, I wouldn’t give up hope. Although you might have facts and data to prove otherwise, you don’t give up, because you just never know.
I am a grandmother of four boys. They all call me Nana. One of them is old enough to go on one of these stag do weekends.
If he went missing, I would cling to every last shred of hope that he would be brought back to us. Even if I imagined him taking a time out, being held captive, or whatever horrible situation, I wouldn’t give up hope. Although you might have facts and data to prove otherwise, you don’t give up, because you just never know.

Beautifully said.


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More storms,are approaching. I cant engage in magical thinking. No one has answered me as to exactly how much cash he was carrying. It would help to know if he had any way of paying his way, ergo establishing possible voluntary departure. I understand family and friends holding out w hope, but please someone answer if he could have been robbed and killed for any cash on hand.
More storms,are approaching. I cant engage in magical thinking.

Magical thinking - yep, the phrase has crossed my mind many a time reading some posts on WS.

It would help to know if he had any way of paying his way, ergo establishing possible voluntary departure. I understand family and friends holding out w hope, but please someone answer if he could have been robbed and killed for any cash on hand.

There's no reason that he couldn't have been robbed for cash, but street robbers leave their victims on the spot. If he was killed or badly injured in an attack we'd have known about it long ago as no bodies matching his description have been found and the police have said local hospitals have been visited.

If he was robbed and not hurt, there seem to have been no witnesses although that part of the city was still in full swing at the time. If he'd had travel insurance he would he would have had to report it to the police to obtain a crime number in order to make a claim, but we've previously discussed how likely it is that the party bothered with insurance.
Published on Mar 16, 2018 One month on from when he was last seen in Hamburg, bars in Inverness and across the Highlands fundraise to help the search for Liam Colgan. Liam's brother Eamonn says the family are determined to keep searching and bring him home. Broadcast STV News March 9, 2018. The weekend raised over £7, 500
More storms,are approaching. I cant engage in magical thinking. No one has answered me as to exactly how much cash he was carrying. It would help to know if he had any way of paying his way, ergo establishing possible voluntary departure. I understand family and friends holding out w hope, but please someone answer if he could have been robbed and killed for any cash on hand.
I have to agree with MelmothTheLost. Hamburg is a big city but from a crime perspective it’s not Chicago. People do get robbed but not killed over some cash they carry with them. Especially if Liam was as drunk as everybody said, it would be easy to knock him out and grab the cash. Why bother killing someone who is so drunk that he cannot walk straight?
Many thanks to all of you for continuing to care and post about Liam. I check in every day. It is baffling there are still no developments. I hope the Scottish and U.K governments do offer assistance.
Do we have any idea what time of day or night it is speculated that Liam was at the rail station where his scent dropped off? I’m wondering where those trains were going to
If true, what would make him “lost, lonely, and confused?”
What type of drug could have this lingering effect?
It’s certainly not a new trick for a man to get slipped a drug and get rolled.
Let’s hope these Liam siters are earnest.
Prayers to Liam’s family for swift resolution.
I’d get as many people together as possible and canvas the streets with flyers.

A random thought. Any chance Liam is distressed about his brother getting married? People tend to unravel around weddings it seems.
take ur choice,rohypnol is one of the benzodiazepein group it has better effects for date rape but u can use most of the group (Valium ect), rohypnol tastes bitter in booze and its now coloured blue to show up. after that theres gbl / ghb, ketamine, there the common ones.there are / were some "legal high" drugs that would work ...thing is if someones well intoxicated then u stand more chance of knocking them out quickly than just drugging them.these drugs enhance the effects of alcohol a lot never mind the effect the drug has. if uve had a few drinks and u get spiked then its like been heavily drunk and sedated at the same time. if ur heavily drunk to start with and u get spiked then ur going to test gravity out and hit the deck fairly soon, and yes with things like rohypnol you will not have any memory of the night when it wears off. i have seen guys spiked with drugs like lsd,and other hallucinogenics as a "laugh" but they usually couldnt walk 10 yards......i could see a possibility he took a partial drink of someone elses spiked drink but with the amount of drink they suggest he had it would send him to the stage of drunk called i cant stand up, he wouldnt have made it as far as they im not a doctor ive just had a colourful life. ok im gay,older and seen it all:scared:
i dont know if this has been asked and forgive me i ask direct well did he take his drink. and is there an honest answer to how drunk he was in the bar before he went missing.
ok thats 37 pages of info read....have i got the first bit right in that he left the bar and was seen walking down the main road in the direction of his hotel ie towards the train station?. then theres the cctv of him been helped back into the park having been at the front of the gj building ie by the raised railway.
one last question where is the train station he was heading towards?
of course the "drug" theory could be the opposite of the sedative ones...if hes ingested speed or ecstasy on top of large amount of alcohol then life gets interesting..not so much ecstasy as that tends to make u all lovey duvy, but speed not good. booze is basically a downer and speed an upper so they compete.speed can reduce the drunk feeling from booze but it doesnt remove the nervous system suppression so ur still drunk u just dont feel it. ( bad if u take the speed before going out drinking u tend to drink enough to get into the poison level before the drunk effect stops u if ur lucky) if he had ingested just a small amount its possible he was tripping in and out of a drunk it would have got into him doesnt matter,voluntary,spiked drink,someone just saying its a energy pill i was just working on why he could of ended up 20 k away. does stink of why the cctv in the bar was "unobtainable".. speed and e`s are party drugs and way more common than date rape stuff..lets face it if u run a bar u want people to party and spend. ive seen guys give them away when merry on drink some not even knowing what they really are just told there energy pills. now speed can be a tame beast,they gave it to soldiers to make them go longer, but whenever u mix drugs then ur in a whole new world...people react differently. i mixed a downer with speed and woke up in a&e hallucinating, hour later i discharged myself, felt ok and decided to walk home (didnt realise or register it was 15 miles) long story short ended back in a&e totally confused and unwell. i was used to drugs so got through it but if its someones first time then yes it can screw u up.memory loss is not uncommon.
explain a lot..leaves the bar intention to go back to hotel starts to feel better, he was going in the right direction, booze side kicks back in and he goes where he thinks hotel is, cant work out wats wat and cant get in. guy helps him and he thinks hes making sense of things,asks where the train station is and manages to get on a train,albeit the wrong one. booze kicks back in as he rests and he snoozes. wakes up when train stops in station and hes back in speed land.knows its the wrong place gets off to try to sort it but my guess is his head didnt hold together long..sometimes the effects make u want to go hide in a corner till its some point hes resurfaced but memory duff. u have to remember that when the drunk feeling subsides your still drunk,u just dont feel it...theres also one other thing that may explain the time span. when the legal high version of the street drugs came out they had a sometimes fatal side..take ketamine(my favourite)..street ketamine effects last an hour roughly...the "legal high"version lasted 4 to 5 hours minimum and the effects varied depending where it came from. the drugs are too strong and toxic. if he ingested a duff version and reacted badly, on top of the alcohol to it then he could be in a world of hurt for 24 hours many of the readily available stuff is toxic so not only do you have drug effects to deal with u poison urself at the same time..couple that with alcohol overdose and yeh i can see him out of it for a couple days and lost when he came round.
i am not suggesting for one minute he ever took drugs before or intended too then.someone say its just a caffeine pill mate because thats what they bought them as u fall for it thinking ur doing nothing wrong.
the side effects from some of the crap china makes u wouldnt believe. a lot arnt reported as people dont want to admit to taking thing that ive seen before is in those stills from the cctv, that look on his face and the clenched fist.
i may be totally wrong. theres a lot of ifs involved...
of course the "drug" theory could be the opposite of the sedative ones...if hes ingested speed or ecstasy on top of large amount of alcohol then life gets interesting..not so much ecstasy as that tends to make u all lovey duvy, but speed not good. booze is basically a downer and speed an upper so they compete.speed can reduce the drunk feeling from booze but it doesnt remove the nervous system suppression so ur still drunk u just dont feel it. ( bad if u take the speed before going out drinking u tend to drink enough to get into the poison level before the drunk effect stops u if ur lucky) if he had ingested just a small amount its possible he was tripping in and out of a drunk it would have got into him doesnt matter,voluntary,spiked drink,someone just saying its a energy pill i was just working on why he could of ended up 20 k away. does stink of why the cctv in the bar was "unobtainable".. speed and e`s are party drugs and way more common than date rape stuff..lets face it if u run a bar u want people to party and spend. ive seen guys give them away when merry on drink some not even knowing what they really are just told there energy pills. now speed can be a tame beast,they gave it to soldiers to make them go longer, but whenever u mix drugs then ur in a whole new world...people react differently. i mixed a downer with speed and woke up in a&e hallucinating, hour later i discharged myself, felt ok and decided to walk home (didnt realise or register it was 15 miles) long story short ended back in a&e totally confused and unwell. i was used to drugs so got through it but if its someones first time then yes it can screw u up.memory loss is not uncommon.
explain a lot..leaves the bar intention to go back to hotel starts to feel better, he was going in the right direction, booze side kicks back in and he goes where he thinks hotel is, cant work out wats wat and cant get in. guy helps him and he thinks hes making sense of things,asks where the train station is and manages to get on a train,albeit the wrong one. booze kicks back in as he rests and he snoozes. wakes up when train stops in station and hes back in speed land.knows its the wrong place gets off to try to sort it but my guess is his head didnt hold together long..sometimes the effects make u want to go hide in a corner till its some point hes resurfaced but memory duff. u have to remember that when the drunk feeling subsides your still drunk,u just dont feel it...theres also one other thing that may explain the time span. when the legal high version of the street drugs came out they had a sometimes fatal side..take ketamine(my favourite)..street ketamine effects last an hour roughly...the "legal high"version lasted 4 to 5 hours minimum and the effects varied depending where it came from. the drugs are too strong and toxic. if he ingested a duff version and reacted badly, on top of the alcohol to it then he could be in a world of hurt for 24 hours many of the readily available stuff is toxic so not only do you have drug effects to deal with u poison urself at the same time..couple that with alcohol overdose and yeh i can see him out of it for a couple days and lost when he came round.
i am not suggesting for one minute he ever took drugs before or intended too then.someone say its just a caffeine pill mate because thats what they bought them as u fall for it thinking ur doing nothing wrong.
the side effects from some of the crap china makes u wouldnt believe. a lot arnt reported as people dont want to admit to taking thing that ive seen before is in those stills from the cctv, that look on his face and the clenched fist.
i may be totally wrong. theres a lot of ifs involved...
Thanks for the excellent informative and honest post, had heard from some young people that apparently it was common to use a drug not for the drug effects, but to be able to keep on drinking.
What you suggest makes a lot of sense in this and perhaps other missing cases too!
Liam was not known at all to take drugs, but if i understand correctly, you might be suggesting that in some bars one might receive a little something extra in a drink to increase booze sales and profit.

If this was the case, would a person be inclined to keep moving or pass out somewhere discreet?
imo, speculation.
its a strange thing..if someones naturally aggressive when drunk then yes they can be tense having just fallen over. but from his action prior to that as far as reported he just tried to get in the building then walked away.he didnt kick hell out the door or anything.the look on his face isnt anger its confusion, its also not happy drunk.the clenched fist could just be the cold but ive seen that when guys cant work out the world because of drugs. they arnt stoned just numbed and because they cant do it the tense up.they dont realize they do it. i never mixed drink and drugs its a way bad thing but ive seen loads.
it could be as someone said on here simply alcohol poisoning but as i understand when u get that its a downhill thing quickly and still walking an hour later would be odd its normally collapse.
it would be nice to see the actual video and know how he held his drink, has he been drunk before and done similar as in take himself off without saying anything. he could have said he was going just not to one of his friends. they are all factors as to whether he is acting away from normal. the forgetting the password for the cctv from the manager stinks. its the heart of a red light area and if you look on the opposite side of the road on google there is a head shop. for those not in the know thats a shop to by legal drugs and in germany still some of the legal highs are still legal.
ive been spiked many years ago and at the time i lived in leeds. i regained my senses in london late the next day without a clue how i got there except i set off out to party. he could of course like said fallen and hit his head,
it was just when i saw those pics it struck me hes confused trying to make sense of things as though hes sobering up but if hed been drinking as they say theres no way hed sober up in an hour.
one question i thought is are there trains at that time in the morning..its not said if he asked the helper anything he seems to have a direction in mind i wonder if the guy pointed him in that direction.he organised the trip so all he would need to do is remember the street name or hotel name and a local would know it.
does anyone know the route he took to get to the front of the gj building im guessing the took the train to the area so my guess is he was retracing the route back. even when ur stoned u can do that. and the entrance of gj building seems opposite a station.did he spy the raise track down a side street walk down and follow the track?it did take him a hour to get there.
its back to the if`s...he was defiantly at the building and to me looking confused but still able to walk and away from the water.
Well here it is St. Patty's, and we could use a little luck of the Irish for our missing Scotsman.
I was just trying to replay possibilities in my mind, and here's what I'm coming up with.

Liam was seemingly having a grand time at his brother's stag do. There were lots of activities planned for the following day(s) and Liam was the main organizer. Liam "left" quite inebriated, and that's the last anyone saw of him.
Thinking back on parties I have attended where one of the attendees got very drunk, the reasons they would go outside usually were:
a) to get fresh air to help sober them up
b) to throw up without detection of the other party goers
c) to get fresh air and probably take a pee
d) to get something to eat to sober up
e) to fight someone
f) to snog someone

In Liam's case I am voting for a and b. Given his state of inebriation, he probably needed some fresh air. I'm thinking he decided to walk it off a bit, and got lost. He might have even been in a brown out.

If the above scenario is about right, then the chances of Liam still being amongst us are slim.
However, I'm still not letting go of the theory that he might be out there somewhere taking a break from his life. I am still thinking something about his brothers impending wedding threw him in to a tailspin. Of course I am just speculating, but I certainly am continuing to pray for him and his family. Who can't be draw in by that lovely friendly face! Liam just looks like the type of guy everyone would love.
Thanks for the excellent informative and honest post, had heard from some young people that apparently it was common to use a drug not for the drug effects, but to be able to keep on drinking.
What you suggest makes a lot of sense in this and perhaps other missing cases too!
Liam was not known at all to take drugs, but if i understand correctly, you might be suggesting that in some bars one might receive a little something extra in a drink to increase booze sales and profit.

If this was the case, would a person be inclined to keep moving or pass out somewhere discreet?
imo, speculation.

these days they trend is for ecstasy or ketamine. esctasy will keep u partying but makes u all sociable and luvy duvy. it also dehydrates u like ur in a desert. ketamine gives u a spaced happy feeling but not so much a stimulant. speed is marching powder and ecstasy a bit the same normally ud bee going all night but if mixed with booze its another game,the results can vary so much.
dont now if you remember a pop group called dexys midnight runners (come on ilene ect) they are named after dexedrine a stimulant drug that was popular in the northern soul clubs so you could dance all night. the drugs change but the use is the same. these days theres so much crap made in basements in chine u play russian roulette with what ur taking.
if he had had a enough stimulant to play a part then as i said he could trip between 2 states.
in bars u get some guys have pills they think are just caffeine or such to kill tiredness which are infact amphetamine or a derivative. some slimming pills are used. like i said i wasnt suggesting he used such things but may have got some in his system somehow.
the sightings of him 4 days later seems a little long and where did he sleep without catching hypothermia.the ending up 20k away is simple ..he got on the wrong train, nodded off ect when the train stopped he assumed it was his stop and got off disorientated and found some where to sleep.but what did he do for 4 days?.
i wonder if they asked the witnesses things like did he have signs hed not shaved, was he clean, cctv in the town,
it is easy in a problem to see what u want to see and not whats actually real. one guy looking like him can soon become a definite sighting. his brother said the police couldnt guarantee the sniffer dogs were accurate.
its a shame its so far be nice to go start where he was last seen and walk it. the good thing as i see it is he was still moving with a purpose, otherwise hed have just sat in the park, like u do when ur knackered ,and away from the water.the best start is to assume the best, no foul paly and that he was just disorientated for some reason so where did he wander to.

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