Germany Germany - Rebecca Reusch, 15, Berlin, 18 Feb 2019 *Arrest*

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Where is Rebecca Reusch?

Since the morning of February 18, a 15-year-old girl,Rebecca Reusch went missing.
Rebecca R. was on that day in the apartment of her sister in Maurerweg in Berlin-Britz and should have actually appeared at 9.50 clock in the school in the Fritz-Erler-Allee for teaching. But she never arrived there.
Since then ,every trace of her is missing with no indications of the young woman.
The police can no longer rule out that the girl was a victim of crime, since Friday, the homicide has taken over the investigation.


Police publish personal description of Rebecca:
15 -18 years
170-180 cm tall
slim figure
brown, shoulder-length hair

Police is asking the public for help to locate the 15 year old:
- Who saw Rebecca Reusch on the morning of 18 February 2019 in the area between Maurerweg and Fritz-Erler Allee?
-Who else has seen or been in contact with her after 18 February 2019?


Rebecca was dressed as follows:
► pink plush jacket

► white hoodie with inscription "RAP MONSTER"

► blue jeans with torn knees

► black / white sports shoes of the brand "VANS"

► large beige-pink handbag

► red backpack


The Third Homicide Commission accepts the Land Criminal Police Office, Keithstraße 30 in 10787 Berlin, by calling (030) 4664-911333 or by e-mail ( or any other police station.

Vermisst! Rebecca (15) in Berlin verschwunden, Mordkommission ermittelt | Welt
Bislang 17 Hinweise zu vermisster Rebecca aus Rudow
Fahndung: Rebecca (15) aus Berlin wird seit vier Tagen vermisst
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i know that people want to think that it's a just a whacky conspiracy that young girls are snatched off the street and and sold into slavery/trafficked, but i think we have to realize the dark web, and the things people pay big money for on it, is probably way more prominent than we want to realize in this day and age of the internet. this is a daily occurence now, beautiful young women disappearing into the ether. i think about that movie "hostel" and wonder if it was more of a documentary than a hollywood horror flick. it's astonishing how many cases like this appear on this site, sometimes more than once a day, where, in my opinion, ONE is too many. :(
She looks like Haley Mills.

Ask her BFF, they always know if this is a self disappearance.
I believe..they already did that,asked her friends and BFF, it seems ( to me) that there are strong indications that foul play is expected,why else would homicide take the investigation over?
Presumably, the police have more information that they do not want to reveal..?

I did read on another German website that Rebecca left the house with school supplies

Schoolgirl still missing - homicide takes over the investigation
Police report from 23.02.2019
No. 0461
There are still no indications of the current whereabouts of missing 15-year-old Rebecca Reusch. Since it can no longer be ruled out that the girl has fallen victim to a criminal offense, yesterday the 3rd Homicide Commission of the State Criminal Police Office has taken over the investigation.

Rebecca Reusch stayed with family members on February 18, 2019 in the bricklayer's walk in Berlin-Britz and had to start her lesson at 9.50 in her school in Fritz-Erler-Allee. However, she did not arrive there.

The 3rd murder commission therefore asks:

  • Who saw Rebecca Reusch on the morning of 18 February 2019 in the area between Maurerweg and Fritz-Erler Allee?
  • Who else had seen her or had contact with her after 18 February 2019?
Personal description:

  • 15 -18 years
  • 170-180 cm tall
  • slim figure
  • brown, shoulder-length hair
to the picture gallery
Portrait of the missing " data-rel="colorbox_1_2" style="color: rgb(0, 54, 132); position: relative; display: block; z-index: 0; max-width: 98%;">

Missing Rebecca Reusch " data-rel="colorbox_1_2" style="color: rgb(0, 54, 132); position: relative; display: block; z-index: 0; max-width: 98%;">
Shoe of the Missing " data-rel="colorbox_1_2" style="color: rgb(0, 54, 132); position: relative; display: block; z-index: 0; max-width: 98%;">
Missing Hooded Jacket " data-rel="colorbox_1_2" style="color: rgb(0, 54, 132); position: relative; display: block; z-index: 0; max-width: 98%;">
Rebecca was dressed as follows:

  • pink plush jacket
  • white hoodie with inscription " RAP MONSTER "
  • blue jeans with torn knees
  • black / white sports shoes of the brand "VANS"
  • big beige-pink handbag
  • red backpack
The Third Homicide Commission receives instructions from the Land Office of Criminal Investigation, Keithstraße 30 in 10787 Berlin at the following number (030) 4664-911333 or by e-mail or any other police station.

Police report No. 0439 of 21 February 2019: 15-year-old missing
With the publication of a photo, the police Berlin hopes for clues from the population. Since the morning hours of 18.02.2019, the 15-year-old Rebecca Reusch from Berlin-Britz is missing. She last stayed with family members in the area Britz / Alt-Buckow and arrived that day not in her school in the Fritz-Erler-Allee.

Schülerin weiterhin vermisst – Mordkommission übernimmt die Ermittlungen -
Look carefully. She has a boyfriend, Family didnt know or didnt approved.

*modsnip*/ discussing family or random person not officially named POI
you can link her sm accounts, but please no screenshots
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She was staying with her sister (Jessica)

Rebecca's sister left the house at 7:00 am to take her daughter to the day care center and then drive to work.

The police have also interrogated the son-in-law, the husband of Jessica, twice. He came home Monday morning around 5:45 pm from a corporate party. At 8.30 he saw Rebecca, who always slept in the living room.

And a blanket is missing...
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Sorry, I must have deleted it when I edited the post.
It´s in English here:
Google Translate

Original in German:
Vater spricht in BILD: Wo ist meine Tochter Rebecca (15)?

More from this link:

- after an argument with another (female) student Rebecca deleted many of her Instagram posts and wanted to change schools

- the morning she disappeared she was online using the Wifi at her sister's home after 6am but when her mother called her at 7.15am her phone was switched off

- she was staying with her sister for the weekend (visiting only), she was supposed to come back to her parent's home Monday after school

- parents and sister live 4km apart

- school started at 9.50am that day but Rebecca left much earlier than she should have. Her sister's husband looked into the living room at 8.30am, at that point she had already left. She took her schoolbag, her phone and a blanket with her. Parents think she might have met someone.

- she does not have a boyfriend

- police waited three days after the mp report was filed Monday evening before investigating, assuming she would turn up

- her mother is asking people to look in their basements and sheds. They think she is held against her will.

- police have had 22 tips so far and are trying to get into her WhatsApp

- dogs have been used to track her (doesn't say if they found anything useful)
- the morning she disappeared she was online using the Wifi at her sister's home after 6am but when her mother called her at 7.15am her phone was switched off
- school started at 9.50am that day but Rebecca left much earlier than she should have. Her sister's husband looked into the living room at 8.30am, at that point she had already left. She took her schoolbag, her phone and a blanket with her. Parents think she might have met someone.

This article says the husband noticed her gone at 7.15 am.
When her brother-in-law looked into the room at 7:15 in the morning, the 15-year-old was already gone. "That's unusual, because she does not really like getting up early," says her father.
More from this link:

- after an argument with another (female) student Rebecca deleted many of her Instagram posts and wanted to change schools

- the morning she disappeared she was online using the Wifi at her sister's home after 6am but when her mother called her at 7.15am her phone was switched off

- she was staying with her sister for the weekend (visiting only), she was supposed to come back to her parent's home Monday after school

- parents and sister live 4km apart

- school started at 9.50am that day but Rebecca left much earlier than she should have. Her sister's husband looked into the living room at 8.30am, at that point she had already left. She took her schoolbag, her phone and a blanket with her. Parents think she might have met someone.

- she does not have a boyfriend

- police waited three days after the mp report was filed Monday evening before investigating, assuming she would turn up

- her mother is asking people to look in their basements and sheds. They think she is held against her will.

- police have had 22 tips so far and are trying to get into her WhatsApp

- dogs have been used to track her (doesn't say if they found anything useful)

Why in the world would they wait three (3) days?! She is still in school for heaven's sake! Did they look into her grades? Do they have that capability? If she's a decent student, don't they think she would want to go to school?

Or maybe not, with the reported bullying?

Someone previously mentioned Hailey Mills. I agree, she has a look of innocence. I sure would hate to see RR lose that. I can only hope she hasn't already. Be safe RR :)

ETA: It was @rosesfromangels and I cannot add her quote, but I can paste it :)

She looks like Haley Mills.

Ask her BFF, they always know if this is a self disappearance.
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I would go with this article, the other one is Bild, a tabloid.
It didn't say bullying though. Just that she an argument with another student.

From that article: "The tiler said that he had heard that Rebecca had a quarrel at school. The police then questioned classmates because there was evidence of bullying. "She wanted to change schools to graduate," says the 45-year-old."

That was what I was wondering? Did they confirm these statements? Does the sister know about this?

"One thing is for sure: The girl had definitely been staying at her sister's apartment (27) on Mauerweg in Britz on Monday morning last week."

Wouldn't she confide in her big sis? IMO I would hope so...

This article says the husband noticed her gone at 7.15 am.

So, the brother-in-law, RR's sister's husband, looked in on RR at 7:15am.
Is this a normal (daily) occurrence? He would typically make sure RR is up, getting ready to start her day?

"When her brother-in-law looked into the room at 7:15 in the morning, the 15-year-old was already gone. "That's unusual, because she does not really like getting up early," says her father."
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