Germany Germany - Rebecca Reusch, 15, Berlin, 18 Feb 2019 *Arrest*

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I don’t like the seemingly different stories.. first it was that he saw her in the living room at 830, then it said he didn’t see her at 715 when he actually was said to have checked on her.. but her phone also turns off at 715? And the blanket seems to be missing later? I want to see what the brother in laws aliby is/ what time he went to work. Does LE plan to search their home? Why would the sister say “she definitely made it to the bus stop” if she actually wasn’t 100% sure? I feel that she’s helping deflect from her husband.
Also, i find it unlikely RR would meet up with someone for a romantic rendevous impulsively on an early Monday morning before school?
It could be that searchdogs tracked her smell to the bus stop.

Here is a recent article about her,not much news,sadly..

Berlin searches for the missing Rebecca (15)
Rebecca Reusch has been missing for a week. Because the police can not rule out a crime, the homicide squad determines.

Berlin. The white skyscrapers of Gropiusstadt glow brightly when the sun shines on them. At their feet is a quiet, tranquil residential area. Here the streets carry beautiful names such as orchid or bell flower path. It is the flower quarter in Rudow.

15-year-old Rebecca Reusch lives here with her parents.Berlin is more reminiscent of a village than a cosmopolitan city. But now the disappearance of the young girl shakes the neighborhood.

At the bus stops, Rebecca's missing person messages have been hung up in recent days. On it are three pictures of the 15-year-olds. In addition, the addresses of Facebook and Instagram pages by Rebecca and a phone number for references are mentioned. A short text is below. He ends with a desperate request: "If you have seen her or know more, please contact me immediately!".

- 15-year-old Rebecca Reusch from Berlin-Rudow disappeared without a trace on the morning of 19 February

- A murder commission of the Berlin police determined

Rebecca Reusch (15) misses: The most important thing in short

- Recently she stayed in the apartment of her older sister on the Masonry Trail

- The student's mobile phone is switched off

- Rebecca is described as very reliable

- Relatives think it unlikely that she ran away

- By Monday evening, 22 clues have been received by the Berlin police

Mother: "I think every day, I would have to wake up from this nightmare"
Rebecca's mother told a team from the boulevard magazine "Brisant", "Every day I think I need to wake up from this nightmare. That's very hard for us. " The parents have asked neighbors to look out - even at remote angles. The family even searched a field nearby.

Mrs. Strobel is worried too. She lives in the same street as Rebecca, knows the girl from the bus. "We are all anxious in the corridor now," says the pensioner. As long as you do not know what happened to the girl, you have to be extra careful, says Strobel. Even her granddaughter lives here. "I told her once again that she should not be approached by anyone," says Strobel.

People know each other in the flower district, helping their neighbors with salt or flour, if something is missing. "We all hope that Rebecca will come back healthy," says Strobel before she gets on the bus.

Mobile phone was switched on briefly
In Rudow is the disappearance of the 15-year-old topic of conversation. So also in the Paracelsus pharmacy on the Neuköllner road. Again, a missing person's report from Rebecca hangs on the door. Although she has nobody known personally, she still worries. "That concerns the residents of course," says the pharmacist.

It probably disappeared on the morning of the 18th of February. She had spent a night with her sister and had not attended classes at the Walter Gropius School.
According to a report in the newspaper "B.Z." Rebecca is said to have left the sister's house on Maurerweg very early. Shortly before she is said to have sent a message from her cell phone. Since then the device is off.


Rebecca is described as reliable. Relatives believe it unlikely that she ran away. It is unclear why Rebecca deleted a lot of photos from her Instagram profile just before she disappeared. That a dispute with classmates could have been the trigger, as it was in some media, so far could not be confirmed.

Murder commission determined
Meanwhile, in this case, the murder commission (Moko) determined. Cases are always sent to the moko by the missing person if the police can no longer rule out a crime. "This is the case here," said an officer entrusted with the case of the Berliner Morgenpost. "In that case, we did not get any further. And as a police officer you also have a gut feeling, "the official continued. Already since Friday determined the Moko.

Such a gut feeling develops, for example, when a disappeared teenager comes from a secure social environment, has few problems and is not known as a chronic runaway. In the case of Rebecca, investigators say, there is no obvious reason why she should run away from home.

22 notes received by Monday
By Monday, 22 clues were received by the police, a spokeswoman said. Whether this has resulted in something concrete, was not communicated. The Kripo continues to question witnesses and seeks traces. Beagles were already used in the past week. It is also known that the mobile phone data has been evaluated.

The missing person is located at the State Criminal Police Office (LKA). As a rule, the officials first question the environment of the missing person. A problem that the investigators have with them are the limited possibilities. Only the Moko can monitor about telecommunications. For this reason too, it was decided that the homicide squad should conduct the investigation.

This is how the Berlin police describe Rebecca Reusch
- 15 -18 years
- 170 -180 cm tall
- slim figure
- brown, shoulder-length hair
- pink plush jacket
- white hoodie with the inscription "Rapmonster"
- blue jeans with torn knees
- black / white sports shoes

Anyone who has seen the student on the morning of the 18th of February and beyond or who can provide any other information about her whereabouts is requested to call 4664-911 333 or e-mail ( ) to the 3rd Homicide Commission. Any other police department will take advice.

Rebecca Reusch (15) aus Rudow verschwunden: Berlin sucht Schülerin
If I am not mistaken,her school is located at Walter-Gropius-Schule
Fritz-Erler-Allee 86-96
12351 Berlin
Walter-Gropius-Schule Berlin

Did put a request for a journey planner from the street to her school at BVG journey planner - Journey planner
Seems to take more then half an hour to get there with public transportation (if I am not mistaken)
She really does look 18+ in some of her shots. Growing up too fast IMO

There's a lot of pressure in Germany on teenagers and young adult to secure a well paying profession. It's a country for high achievers. imo

Why would she leave much earlier than normal...only to walk to the bus stop? It’s not like the school bus is going to come earlier than normal.

I don't know how it's in Germany, but here in Sweden kids who lives in a city takes an ordinary city bus to school

That's right. Usually German kids take the normal city bus to school (or walk/ride with a bicycle). Dedicated school buses are very rare.

Was RR seen the night before... going to bed?

She used the Internet connection at her sisters apartment in the early morning (after 6am it was said). That's how they know she was there until at least that time.

Why would the sister say “she definitely made it to the bus stop” if she actually wasn’t 100% sure?

That is an odd statement. The sister wasn't even at home at the time RR left right? How does she know? Maybe a neighbour saw her at the bus stop and told them later?

I read that she was not there at 8.30 when he looked into the living room (see post #9), or is there another source saying different?

Yes the Bild said 8.30 am and the Kurier said 7.15 am. Links and quotes are on page 1.
I´m not sure how important the time she left is, unless of course the BIL is the one giving different stories.
The facts remain he´s the last known (reported) person to have seen her, and her father said she was up and gone unusually early.

I´m also not sure why her mother would call her at 7.15 as some reports state, if Rebecca didn´t like being up early and school didn´t start until 9.50.
Hopefully the family or police will speak out on camera soon with the correct information.

Another thing, the sister who posted the bus stop information on IG is a different sister, not Jessica. Her IG-name (starting with V) is on some of the missing posters.
She used the Internet connection at her sisters apartment in the early morning (after 6am it was said). That's how they know she was there until at least that time.
Unless the house is monitored with cameras, I don´t know how anyone can "know" it was her who plugged her phone into the router and sent a message.
She used the Internet connection at her sisters apartment in the early morning (after 6am it was said). That's how they know she was there until at least that time.
Correct,it must be shortly before she left.

"Meanwhile, the police have read out the data of the wireless router in the apartment. Therefore, shortly before she disappeared, Rebecca sent "at least one message from her cell phone". After that her cellphone was switched off. "We are sure that she did not run away," insists her father according to the " Bild " newspaper. The blanket she took with her leads her father to suspect she was dating someone."
(Inzwischen habe die Polizei die Daten des WLAN-Routers in der Wohnung ausgelesen. Demnach verschickte Rebecca kurz vor ihrem Verschwinden „mindestens eine Nachricht von ihrem Handy“. Danach wurde ihr Handy ausgeschaltet. „Wir sind sicher, dass sie nicht weggelaufen ist“, beharrt ihr Vater laut der „Bild“-Zeitung. Die von ihr mitgenommene Decke lässt ihren Vater vermuten, dass sie sich mit jemandem hat treffen wollen.)
Berlin: Rebecca schrieb kurz vor Verschwinden noch eine WhatsApp-Nachricht - WELT
The blanket she took with her leads her father to suspect she was dating someone."

Die von ihr mitgenommene Decke lässt ihren Vater vermuten, dass sie sich mit jemandem hat treffen wollen.

Who goes on a date before school? And takes their sisters blanket with them? I’m not buying this scenario.

Well the correct translation would be that she wanted to meet someone, not that she was dating someone. There is no romantic meaning in the word "meet someone" (jemanden treffen). It could be for any reason, school related, a possible job, just to meet a friend for whatever reason, and also a romantic meet-up. But the father did not specifically say she was going on a date with someone.
I know it's just a small detail in a sea of other details, but it's bugging me. Why take the blanket? WHY? Was she planning on going on a picnic or meeting someone at the park.
You would need to take the blanket when there could be evidence on it? like hair, or bodily fluids or? I bet it could be an innocent reason, but it just bugs me, really bad.
When I was her age I and a small group of friends used to meet at a Cafe near the school for breakfast sometimes an hour before classes started.

Also, for a while I used to visit a friend before school for half an hour to listen to music because my then-crush used to drop by there sometimes too. ;)

That's two reasons I can come up with why she could have left "too early". Just to meet friends (maybe not from her school) or to meet a love interest. Why that person, or persons, have not said anything by now is however very suspicious.
When I was her age I and a small group of friends used to meet at a Cafe near the school for breakfast sometimes an hour before classes started.

Also, for a while I used to visit a friend before school for half an hour to listen to music because my then-crush used to drop by there sometimes too. ;)

That's two reasons I can come up with why she could have left "too early". Just to meet friends (maybe not from her school) or to meet a love interest. Why that person, or persons, have not said anything by now is however very suspicious.

Granted, but did you ever take a blanket?

IMO it can only mean one thing. Sorry, not buying that she took it to have for a planned "meeting".
So in this scenario, she took her sisters blanket to sit outside with someone before school, that would mean a park or a beach? At 8 am when temps are around 45F? And she turned her phone OFF before meeting them? I don’t buy it.

And again, why would there be proof she made it to that bus stop?

Reminds me of the recent Valerie Reyes case where everyone was trying to speculate the many reasons she had taken her sheet with her... when in reality there was biological evidence so the murderer had to discard.
Is the blanket that’s missing also the blanket she was sleeping with?
ok but who else saw her, besides where she was staying.
the whole blanket thing is what i find very weird. I dont like it, its not a thing to do.

The missing blanket is indeed a concern, especially since she was visiting and wasn't in her own home. Perhaps she had brought her own blanket with her when she packed for the weekend at her sister's. Perhaps her own blanket was gone in the morning, but that's not clear from any of the reports. It makes a difference if her own blanket was gone, or if her sister's blanket was missing and there was no note left to explain why she was borrowing it.
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