Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein confidante, arrested on Sex Abuse charges, July 2020

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I've never followed this case except the headlines, but just started watching the Netflix docu a few days ago and then GM gets arrested. It's mind boggling to imagine the kind of damning information she has on a lot of men (and possibly women as well) in "high places".
I do hope they can manage to keep her alive so she can name names, and then face the music and spend the few decades behind bars, where she belongs.


"And this March, she filed a claim against Epstein's estate for an unknown sum, according to The Miami Herald. Sighting herself as a former employee of Epstein, she sought compensation for legal fees, accommodations, and private security as she's receiving "regular threats to her life" despite her current whereabouts being unknown."

"And in May, a federal magistrate judge allowed Maxwell to delay responding to a lawsuit filed against her by Annie Freeman, who claims to have been abused by the former and Epstein when she was 16 in 1996. According to ABC News, the reprieval was sought because of an ongoing investigation into Epstein's co-conspirators, and the pending approval of his estate's compensation fund for his victims."

Ghislaine Maxwell was a speaker at
Women: Inspiration & Enterprise:


Women: Inspiration and Enterprise (WIE)
"We convene women and help them realize their full potential via our five programs."

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No more disgusting than using his children as his alibi for the reason why he couldn’t of possible had sex as he was with Princess Beatrice in a Pizza Express in Woking.


Can anyone remember, that the guard on duty that night, expressed the fact, that Andrew drove in very late (?? early hours of the morning) irate, that the guard took 'too long' to open the gate?
The guard was to check his roster, for dates.
Where was Andrew until that time: at the Pizza place:rolleyes:
The famous friends of Jeffrey Epstein

The famous friends of Jeffrey Epstein

Stars Insider

45 mins ago
It's also alleged that he flew his favorites around the world with him and shared them with his famous friends. No one else has been charged in relation to this horrific scandal, but there are rumors that important figures such as Hollywood producers and British royals may have been involved. Click through the following gallery to see which notable men were friends with Epstein before his downfall.
Alleged Jeffrey Epstein accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell being held at 'well-run' jail, local lawyers say

"Ghislaine Maxwell, the alleged accomplice of Jeffrey Epstein, is being detained at a New Hampshire jail where she is likely separated from other inmates and under constant surveillance, local lawyers said."

"A source familiar with Maxwell’s case said she is being held at the Merrimack County Jail, a medium-security facility 20 miles from the luxurious home where she was arrested Thursday."
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Dear @JudgeJudi,

Audacious is a good word describing Dershowitz's legal bid. Thankfully it was unsuccessful!

Here is a BBC interview with Alan Dershowitz: ( includes his meetings with Prince Andrew as well as Dershowitz explaining that he only met with Epstein "academically" on the island and all of the other Epstein homes. Then the relationship became lawyer-client)

Well, what do y'all think about that!?
Well, they were invited to Beatrice’s 18th birthday party at Buckingham Palace too

Sarah Ferguson met Epstein in Barbados when she was there when her daughters were about 12. Sarah, of course, went overboard being friends with such a rich and well-connected man. She ultimately took $15,000 from him when she couldn’t pay her bills.

How disgusting is THAT?

And, to be fair - hindsight is 20/20.

These people relaxed in a tonne of places, with a tonne of well-placed people of myriad 'celebrity' status … all before this stuff became known.
This is quite simply outrageous. We can only assume Andrew invited them to sit on the thrones. Her Majesty at all. I've never heard of such disrespect, and this from her favourite son.

I'd love to be a fly on the wall at the breakfast table.

I'd love to be a fly on the wall in a big white house given the video-footage of a party at Mar-a-something linked in one of the articles. Paying attention to the footage of JE partying it up with Mar-a-something's owner with GM in the background smiling away and some very young girls cavorting about. Especially like how one grey-haired gent instantaneously reacts upon seeing the video-camera by ducking for cover, then beating a hasty retreat from the room. I'd like to know who he is as that certainly wasn't a natural reaction to a "nothing to see here" situation.

I think, IMO, it's especially important that we/LE learn exactly how it was that JE made his money ---no-one seems to be able to explain that yet. There's a whole lot more peeps/perps out there.
“Given what happened to Epstein and the special attention to this case, I would imagine there are orders from pretty high up to keep a close eye on her,” said Andrew Winters, a New Hampshire defense lawyer not involved in Maxwell’s defense who is familiar with the jail.

Alleged Jeffrey Epstein accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell being held at 'well-run' jail, local lawyers say

Really! JE was housed in the specialised housing unit and had been on suicide watch. To guard against any prevent any possible future attempts he was assigned to the cell closest to the correctional officers' desk which was just 15 feet from where the charged guards sat the night he died. They were supposed to do their rounds every 30 minutes but instead browsed the internet for furniture sales and sports news, and moved around the common area. That night, no officer completed any count or round in the unit between 10:30 p.m. and 6:30 a.m., at which time JE's body was discovered.

Two prison guards have been charged by a federal grand jury with conspiracy and filing false records in connection with their actions the night he died.

JE was a bigger fish than GM. I wouldn't assume she was completely safe unless there were several CTV cameras monitoring her.
I think, IMO, it's especially important that we/LE learn exactly how it was that JE made his money ---no-one seems to be able to explain that yet.

Little is known where his fortune comes from but this is the best article I’ve ever seen on the subject.

How Jeffrey Epstein, the mysterious hedge-fund manager arrested on sex-trafficking charges, made his fortune

How Jeffrey Epstein, the mysterious hedge-fund manager arrested on sex-trafficking charges, made his fortune
“Given what happened to Epstein and the special attention to this case, I would imagine there are orders from pretty high up to keep a close eye on her,” said Andrew Winters, a New Hampshire defense lawyer not involved in Maxwell’s defense who is familiar with the jail.

Alleged Jeffrey Epstein accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell being held at 'well-run' jail, local lawyers say

Really! JE was housed in the specialised housing unit and had been on suicide watch. To guard against any prevent any possible future attempts he was assigned to the cell closest to the correctional officers' desk which was just 15 feet from where the charged guards sat the night he died. They were supposed to do their rounds every 30 minutes but instead browsed the internet for furniture sales and sports news, and moved around the common area. That night, no officer completed any count or round in the unit between 10:30 p.m. and 6:30 a.m., at which time JE's body was discovered.

Two prison guards have been charged by a federal grand jury with conspiracy and filing false records in connection with their actions the night he died.

JE was a bigger fish than GM. I wouldn't assume she was completely safe unless there were several CTV cameras monitoring her.

So they have her in a local NH jail. There is a comment that is it a highly -regarded jail
GM is now in a really tough spot. The charges in the indictment - including sexual exploitation and abuse of girls as young as 14 - is abhorrent and likely will evoke zero sympathy from prosecutors, jury or judge.

The evidence looks overwhelming – court documents filed by prosecutors, testimony from “multiple victims (who) have provided detailed, credible, and corroborated information” that is “backed up (by) contemporaneous documents, records, witness testimony, and other evidence”; photographs linking GM to JE and the sex trafficking ring; and GM’s own damning false statements made under oath during a 2016 deposition.

She faces multiple charges that carry maximum sentences totalling 35 years.

She has 3 main choices:

1) Fight the case. However, well over 90% of federal cases result in convictions, which could see her spend much or all of her remaining life in prison.

2) Try to work out a plea deal with the SDNY where she admits guilt, does not testify against others, and receives a somewhat lower sentence than if she was convicted at trial.

3) Try to cooperate with the SDNY to save herself and minimise her potential sentence.

The SDNY requires potential cooperators to come clean about everything they know - every crime the cooperator herself has committed, plus any crimes committed by others. If she does cooperate successfully, she stands the best chance of getting herself a substantially reduced sentence. If she chooses this route, then anyone else who participated in JE’s sex trafficking ring should not sleep easy.
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I've transcribed and paraphrased some of this video as it's important and easier to refer to if necessary.

According to reports, GM is ready to cooperate with the FBI. Experts say she has every incentive to name names.

A former federal prosecutor said she thinks it’s obvious that GM is a wealth of knowledge and information for this international underage sex scheme that occurred for years. There are a few things that distinguishes her case from that of JE’s. The fact that she undoubtedly has all that information does not erase her own culpability and the fact that she played an incredibly insidious and active part of recruiting, grooming and abusing these girls. She had an even more insidious role because she led that reassuring presence to the girls that normalised sexual behaviour so that when it came time for the abuse, the girls felt safe with her around there and had been normalised to that type of what ultimately became toxic and incredibly violent behaviour.

The 3 incidents alleged in her indictment took place in the 90’s and JE’s took place between 2002-2005. The difference is that in the federal Sex Trafficking Act when it involves minors, there’s no statute of limitations, meaning that clearly the incidents that the government is prosecuting and charging, that there is ironclad evidence in their eyes of minors’ acts and activities in the conspiracy and the 2016 perjury counts. This is a really big deal because it means they wouldn’t bring it without that type of leverage they feel they have.

Much has been made of a possible plea deal because of the volume of information she can put forth. Plea deals are convictions. The 99.7% conviction rate the federal government has is mostly due to those plea agreements. If they offer that to her, any type of charge she would accept conviction for would be 100% grotesque because that’s what her charges are.

The Ghislaine Maxwell I know | Spectator USA

Like every other arrested person, she must be presumed innocent

Alan Dershowitz
I've transcribed and paraphrased some of this video as it's important and easier to refer to if necessary.

According to reports, GM is ready to cooperate with the FBI. Experts say she has every incentive to name names.

A former federal prosecutor said she thinks it’s obvious that GM is a wealth of knowledge and information for this international underage sex scheme that occurred for years. There are a few things that distinguishes her case from that of JE’s. The fact that she undoubtedly has all that information does not erase her own culpability and the fact that she played an incredibly insidious and active part of recruiting, grooming and abusing these girls. She had an even more insidious role because she led that reassuring presence to the girls that normalised sexual behaviour so that when it came time for the abuse, the girls felt safe with her around there and had been normalised to that type of what ultimately became toxic and incredibly violent behaviour.

The 3 incidents alleged in her indictment took place in the 90’s and JE’s took place between 2002-2005. The difference is that in the federal Sex Trafficking Act when it involves minors, there’s no statute of limitations, meaning that clearly the incidents that the government is prosecuting and charging, that there is ironclad evidence in their eyes of minors’ acts and activities in the conspiracy and the 2016 perjury counts. This is a really big deal because it means they wouldn’t bring it without that type of leverage they feel they have.

Much has been made of a possible plea deal because of the volume of information she can put forth. Plea deals are convictions. The 99.7% conviction rate the federal government has is mostly due to those plea agreements. If they offer that to her, any type of charge she would accept conviction for would be 100% grotesque because that’s what her charges are.

Thanks for your hard work! I'm relieved to hear that there's no statute of limitations regarding minors. IMO, I'd be more afraid of her wealthy friends than the SDNY or the FBI.
Will Prince "Randy" Andy (anyone else remember that nickname ???) be forced/willing to come to NY now ? I wonder if the Queen can force him ??? Am very glad that GM is in custody...….will it go to trial ??? I think she knows waaay to much...knows who are big "customers" shall we say.....will she take a bullet for them ??? Cannot wait for it to play out....May all the victims have justice and a measure of peace for their souls
Will Prince "Randy" Andy (anyone else remember that nickname ???) be forced/willing to come to NY now ? I wonder if the Queen can force him ??? Am very glad that GM is in custody...….will it go to trial ??? I think she knows waaay to much...knows who are big "customers" shall we say.....will she take a bullet for them ??? Cannot wait for it to play out....May all the victims have justice and a measure of peace for their souls

There's a reason they called him 'Randy Andy,' ya? Ok, this BBC article from earlier 2020 may help explain the process of getting him to answer questions. And no, QEII will never force him, he's her fav son, or so it's rumored.

If he's wanted for questioning, he can do it without leaving Britain. From the piece:
"Prince Andrew is not under any legal obligation to assist the FBI or lawyers representing Epstein's accusers.

However, under something known as "Mutual Legal Assistance" (MLA), both prosecutors and the lawyers acting for Epstein's accusers can issue a formal request for the prince to give evidence (known as a deposition) in the UK.

In relation to the criminal investigation, this would take place at a magistrates' court, almost certainly Westminster Magistrates Court, where it is customarily done."
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