Gilgo Beach LISK Serial Killer, Rex Heuermann, charged with 3 murders, July 2023 #2

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the part that still does not register is a Manhattan architect, who had his own firm, living in a pigsty like this. true about lots of oddballs. Thanks for your reply.

Based on his tax situation, his firm wasn’t that profitable. He had to cheat the IRS to keep himself afloat. Obviously he was spending money on sex workers, but considering that he bought the home for under $200K and his living costs would be quite cheap, neither his firm nor himself personally were financially successful.

In my experience, almost every profession has practitioners who keep up appearances with high overhead but are just scraping by at the end of the day.
I’ve been thinking he wears a wig. Was wondering if LE allows a wig in the mug shot photo.
His hair is so curly in this pic and in other photos it is very straight. The interview video shows straight hair.
Also wonder if he has other disguise wigs or dresses as a woman if he feels the need. So many questions.
I would bet my 401k that is some type of wig/hairpiece - you can see under it - or you can see a gap above his left ear on the booking picture. i am thinking he may have an actual shaved head or some form of alopecia or baldness. Maybe why none of his own hairs were found With any of the bodies. Also his mouth and eyes and hands are all tiny in relation to the proportions of his body. Also looks like some type of skin condition like psoriasis or one in that family on his face. Just an observation. Imo
Yeah, not knocking LE in general, I know that is not okay, but this specific force had a lot of problems that have been very well documented in MSM, and seem to have been incredibly resistant to outside help until the recent changing of the guard. I only wonder how much sooner this person could have been in custody had the people responsible for investigating at the beginning been actually investigating, using all the tools and collaborations with other agencies available to them. So many wasted years.

But, we're here now, and I honestly didn't know if I'd live to see it, and I am not in my dotage. I didn't know if it was going to be another Zodiac, unanswered, an open wound with no healing and no justice.

Interesting sidenote about the zodiac killer. I would send graphology comparisons to Lloyd Cunningham. He was a lead graphologist for the FBI for some time and was a responding officer at the Presidio crime scene where Paul Stine was murdered by the zodiac. He also worked the Jonbenet Ramsey case.

Of all the comparisons I sent him, and I sent quite a few comparing persons of interest handwriting with the zodiac letters, his response to my comparison between the Unabomber/Ted Kaczynski and Zodiac stays with me:

It was along the lines of “I am unable to provide my opinion of this comparison as it has already been compared and is in custody of federal authorities”.
I’ve wondered if maybe we will never know who the zodiac was bc there’s a deep govt/MK ultra based program that brainwashed and created the zodiac and unabomber in the form of brilliant psychopath Ted Kaczynski.

I know another person online who has researched this angle extensively. There are interesting parallels they found.

Who knows. Zodiac killer is probably just some dead stupid loser by now who kicked the bucket sittin on the toilet.
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When reading the court documents, four things stand out;

-He is a pedophile.
-He is NOT responsible for the AC4 murders, nor the torso murders. He did not look them up.
-He did look up "Asian twink", which may be related to the Asian male.
-He was not THAT careful.
He'd been killing for years by then. And not just killing, but taunting the families. He was confident nobody would find him. And for over a decade, he was right.

But he seriously misjudged how connected the victims he chose were to their families and friends. Those people were never going to forget their loved ones and be quiet.


The child

At one point, officers pulled a wooden and glass display case out of the home that had a blond, child-size doll wearing a red dress inside.

“My mother worked for the census back in 2010 and she was allowed in the house and she noticed it was a disgusting mess,” Harmon said.

“It was like a pigsty.”

There was a disconnected burner stove in the middle of the living room, Harmon recalled, adding her mom told her she had “a creepy feeling” being there.

Oh goodness the child sized doll!? Remember when someone anonymously left the Time Out dolls at the memorial sites for the victims?! Shannan’s mother was so upset and suspicious of it!

I was just wondering yesterday if they would find Time Out dolls in his home!!!

ETA: they were called “TIME OUT DOLLS”

I would leave a hyperlink for the dolls, but unfortunately am on Mexican internet.
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The child

Oh goodness the child sized doll!? Remember when someone anonymously left the Time Out dolls at the memorial sites for the victims?! Shannan’s mother was so upset and suspicious of it!

I was just wondering yesterday if they would find Time Out dolls in his home!!!

ETA: they were called “TIME OUT DOLLS”

I would leave a hyperlink for the dolls, but unfortunately am on Mexican internet.
I think, given the display case, this one is more likely to be a standard porcelain doll.

My memory of the weird creepiness that was Time Out dolls was that they tended to be displayed freestanding in a room against a wall.

When reading the court documents, four things stand out;

-He is NOT responsible for the AC4 murders, nor the torso murders. He did not look them up.
we have no idea if he looked them up, or not. LE only shared the google searches they wanted to share at the time they wanted to share them. If they are building a case on him for other murders, they're very unlikely to include that evidence into this document.
Ok - I'm just trying to get the facts straight in my mind...But according to the documents online, Maureen was bound by 3 belts. Megan & Amber were bound by duct tape. And since Maureen was bound by belts, I'm assuming one of those belts was the "HM or WH" belt. But I'm unable to discern if Melissa was bound by belts or tape. ?? Also, documents say 3 of the victims were also wrapped in burlap. But I'm not certain which victim was not. Just thinking out loud LOL.
Ok - I'm just trying to get the facts straight in my mind...But according to the documents online, Maureen was bound by 3 belts. Megan & Amber were bound by duct tape. And since Maureen was bound by belts, I'm assuming one of those belts was the "HM or WH" belt. But I'm unable to discern if Melissa was bound by belts or tape. ?? Also, documents say 3 of the victims were also wrapped in burlap. But I'm not certain which victim was not. Just thinking out loud LOL.
Yeah, that only three were wrapped in burlap is new information to me. Both Robert Kolker's article and the book he wrote, Lost Girls, say all four of that cluster of burials were in burlap. Amber, Megan, Melissa, Maureen. Obviously, he thought that was true when he wrote it, but that's another thing that's been kept back until now by LE that they've obviously known since the burials were first uncovered.

I suppose the question is, was one buried without wrapping, or was one wrapped in a different kind of material?

There is another victim on the LISK wiki page, where it mentions she was wrapped but that LE will not give information about the material. Makes me wonder if it's burlap, too, or something very distinctive or unique. She was found in 2013. She is unidentified.

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What's under the green tarp? What is it? A vintage car? A go-cart? Lawn equipment? Some kind of small vehicle?

MOO, I'm thinking it must've been his wife doing all that gardening because pizza eating ogre doesn't strike me as a gardener. MOO also, I do think he might be a cheap skate from viewing the office chairs he was using in that realty video.

Yes, I am intrigued with that cellar that can be entered from the relatively private backyard. All MOO.

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Just wondering if it's true that it seemed many of the victims had hazel eyes. I can understand his ability to select smaller body frames from the ads with pictures, but not certain eye color.
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It appears to me to be an older Jeep.
He may also have used older technology because he thought it would be harder to trace.

I saw a link to a New York Times story from another site, and one story that actually had me chuckling a bit was from a neighbor who used Halloween night as a chance to perhaps see what the inside of that dilapidated house looked like. He didn't see anything, but Rex himself handed his children small plastic pumpkins full of candy. When he came home and his wife found out which house that had come from, she made him discard them. The story also said that his (Rex's) wife is on disability (it didn't say why, and at least for now, it's NOOB) and that his daughter worked for his firm.
Yeah, that only three were wrapped in burlap is new information to me. Both Robert Kolker's article and the book he wrote, Lost Girls, say all four of that cluster of burials were in burlap. Amber, Megan, Melissa, Maureen. Obviously, he thought that was true when he wrote it, but that's another thing that's been kept back until now by LE that they've obviously known since the burials were first uncovered.

I suppose the question is, was one buried without wrapping, or was one wrapped in a different kind of material?

There is another victim on the LISK wiki page, where it mentions she was wrapped but that LE will not give information about the material. Makes me wonder if it's burlap, too, or something very distinctive or unique. She was found in 2013. She is unidentified.

Perhaps a blanket with wife's hair. Curious if any blankets disappeared while she was out of town,that he had an 'explanation' for.
Hi, I am new on here and don’t really know how this works so apologies in advance. does it seem odd that someone with an architectural firm in the city lives in a dilapidated dump like this? also wondering why no one flagged this person previously. Every neighborhood has weirdos that are well-known to the community, especially if that creepy person has been there his whole life.
Some people are very good at hiding in plain sight, until they can't any more.
Thoughts on material - though most of the other victims listed on the LISK wiki page, specifically the ones who were dismembered, were disposed of in garbage bags, Jessica Taylor's torso was found on plastic sheeting. You find plastic sheeting in a lot of places, and it comes in a lot of different grades, thicknesses, flexibilities, and opacities, but one of the things it's used for is to cover polytunnels/greenhouses.

It looks like back in November 2011 (when Google street view of RH's house was taken) the front porch area was enclosed. In the photos of the house taken after his arrest, that entire area is open. I wonder when he knocked the walls down? He also evidently took the time to paint the trim green, but he seemingly couldn't be bothered to put in proper structural support columns and just haphazardly nailed a bunch of 2x4s together and called it a day. It's all very bizarre, especially since RH is an architect.

Also of note is that you can see his Chevy Avalanche in the street view photo -- and the bed of the truck is covered.

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I think he is likely responsible for all the murders...he has probably been doing this a very long time..gilgo beach is
his garden...he's a gardener after all..he can go out on that beach and feel the glory of his all accomplishments from one end to the other. That's my feeling and I think they are many more..many...I want to hear more about his many properties and all the unsolved missing young women and children and other unfortunates who came to be missing in those areas...I think they should go all the way back to his high school days...I wonder what was really going on in that grubby little house...well I mean we know what was going on but I mean his wife and daughter etc...did they ever live there? it doesn't sound like it...none of the neighbors mention her or the daughter...mOO
Has it been mentioned where they were staying or potentially where they might have been staying?
It looks like back in November 2011 (when Google street view of RH's house was taken) the front porch area was enclosed. In the photos of the house taken after his arrest, that entire area is open. I wonder when he knocked the walls down? He also evidently took the time to paint the trim green, but he seemingly couldn't be bothered to put in proper structural support columns and just haphazardly nailed a bunch of 2x4s together and called it a day. It's all very bizarre, especially since RH is an architect.

Also of note is that you can see his Chevy Avalanche in the street view photo -- and the bed of the truck is covered.

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He painted SOME of the trim green. Where there is that split between the two different pitches of roof, the green stops well before the two sections meet. It looks like he painted what he could standing on a ladder, and then stopped when he couldn't reach rather than climbing onto the roof. Definitely a DIY job.

That makeshift corner post would definitely make me think twice about knocking on the door, that looks... precarious. I wonder if it was done because the original posts were rotted out and it was at risk of collapsing. It's one thing if it's just your porch that's sort of stuck on, but that's under the corner of that whole section of roof, that would be terrible for the whole structure if it gave way.

Hmm, with a cover like that on the bed of the truck, no one would ever see what you were carrying around in there. It would fit a body easily.

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