Gilgo Beach LISK Serial Killer, Rex Heuermann, charged with 3 murders, July 2023 #2

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I heard that he's 6'6", and most likely >300 pounds.
From the Bail Application:


Unrelated but interesting- his father, Theodore J Heuermann died at age 50 in 1975. RH was born in 9/1963 so he was pretty young. No info on the father's cause of death.
Those are questions that a lot of people have right now. Is his (or anyone's) house in need of repairs? Because he's indifferent? Is it because he has no money? Maybe it's because he's a serial killer with little to no time for anything else? I'm willing to guess that many people know someone else (or they, themselves) who just don't have the time, funds, and/or mental health to do tasks that aren't immediate concerns to them (and even those that are). A lot of people are nosey but don't seek to learn about another persons status. Unfortunately this leads to a lot of people just ignoring the "weirdo" down the street.

Anyway, It's fascinating to speculate, hypothesize, and seek knowledge in the hope that one day we can fix a lot of issues before they even occur. Adding: We need to be careful, a "messy" home might just mean depression and not that the person is a serial killer. We are judging RH after we know what he did. Welcome to Websleuths!
I'm thinking he had a major *advertiser censored* addiction in addition to his other proclivities. Between that, killing serially, and other likely addictions and/or criminal activity, he wouldn't have much time to worry about a house.
I'm thinking he had a major *advertiser censored* addiction in addition to his other proclivities. Between that, killing serially, and other likely addictions and/or criminal activity, he wouldn't have much time to worry about a house.
I know I’ve been busy this summer and not as active as I’d like, but when did the “advertiser censored” start?
He'd been killing for years by then. And not just killing, but taunting the families. He was confident nobody would find him. And for over a decade, he was right.

But he seriously misjudged how connected the victims he chose were to their families and friends. Those people were never going to forget their loved ones and be quiet.

anyone with any psych knowledge want to explain to me what kind of serial killer taunts victims' families? Isn't just killing victims a sufficient act of cruelty? curious if he was "nice" to his family or if he was abusive to them too.
I would bet my 401k that is some type of wig/hairpiece - you can see under it - or you can see a gap above his left ear on the booking picture. i am thinking he may have an actual shaved head or some form of alopecia or baldness. Maybe why none of his own hairs were found With any of the bodies. Also his mouth and eyes and hands are all tiny in relation to the proportions of his body. Also looks like some type of skin condition like psoriasis or one in that family on his face. Just an observation. Imo
Yes, there's definitely some type of skin condition. Psoriasis or maybe an allergic reaction.
I'm thinking he had a major *advertiser censored* addiction in addition to his other proclivities. Between that, killing serially, and other likely addictions and/or criminal activity, he wouldn't have much time to worry about a house.
He may have owned a second house near the murder scenes, that's where hid money went instead of paying his taxes
anyone with any psych knowledge want to explain to me what kind of serial killer taunts victims' families? Isn't just killing victims a sufficient act of cruelty? curious if he was "nice" to his family or if he was abusive to them too.
There are a bunch who have. Notably, Larry Gene Bell was one of the worst, IMO. He targeted children. If you can stomach reading about him, the parallels between the calls RH made to Melissa's family and the calls Bell made to the family of one of his victims are interesting. Absolutely horrifying, but interesting in their similarity.

I wonder if Rex Heuermann had killed people prior to 2009. I am not surprised that the Long Island Serial Killer lives in the area. I wonder about his childhood was like.
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(LE related meaning related to law enforcement)
I was responding to the 'personal ties' portion, which I took to be you asking about possible family or friends of RH in LE or LE related occupations. If there's another meaning to personal ties, I'm happy to be corrected.

anyone with any psych knowledge want to explain to me what kind of serial killer taunts victims' families? Isn't just killing victims a sufficient act of cruelty? curious if he was "nice" to his family or if he was abusive to them too.
Some expert was discussing it today on TV, sorry I can’t recall who. It has to do with power, but it’s also the killer being a sadist. He’s getting a kick from tormenting his victim’s families the same way he tortured the victim. It’s a thrill for him.
"Heuermann allegedly made calls to a family member of one of his victims to intentionally hear the fear and horror in their voice. These revelations shed light on the psychological motivations of the accused, who faces six counts of murder."

Some expert was discussing it today on TV, sorry I can’t recall who. It has to do with power, but it’s also the killer being a sadist. He’s getting a kick from tormenting his victim’s families the same way he tortured the victim. It’s a thrill for him.
Joseph DeAngelo called his victims sometimes many years later for the same reasons. It's about continuing the trauma for the victim or surviving family, reliving the attack, keeping the control.

MOO, I am not a psych or a profiler, just someone who reads too many books about horrible people.
I am wondering if anyone else is curious about this. I apologize if it has already been discussed.

According to the Bail Application for Heuermann:

Female human hairs were recovered from victims Brainard-Barnes, Waterman, and Costello. The hairs did not belong to any of the victims. Forensic Lab 2 concluded that "the DNA sample recovered from bottles outside of the residence of Defendant Heuermann (i.e. Heuermann's wife) and the Female Hair on Costello indicates that the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) profiles are the same at all compared positions ... as per EMPOP database, [and would] exclude 99.98% of the North American population from the Female Hair on Costello." Forensic Lab 2 also compared "the profile associated with the DNA sample from Heuermann's wife to one of the two female hairs recovered on the remains of Waterman." Lab 2 again concluded that the mitochondrial DNA profiles are the same, and would exclude 99.69% of the North American population. However, "it is significant that RH's wife cannot be excluded from from either the female hairs recovered on the remains of Waterman and Costello."

Although she was out of the state during the disappearance and murder of both Waterman and Costello, and therefore appears not to be involved, the Bail Application states that it remains undetermined whether Defendant Heuermann's wife was out-of-state during Brainard-Barnes' disappearance and murder. The hair found on a restraint used on Brainard-Barnes and the hairs found on Waterman and Costello each belonged to a female in mitochondrial haplogroup K1c2. However, many females (and males) of European descent belong to this haplogroup. There is no mention made of any additional mtDNA analysis being done on the Brainard-Barnes' hair by Lab 2 as there was on the hairs found on Waterman and Costello.

I know that PCAs do not have to reveal every bit of evidence and analysis, but this seems to me to be an obvious omission from the Bail Application.

Since Heuermann's wife may not be able to produce documentation for an alibi proving she was out of the state during Barnes' disappearance and murder, is law enforcement somehow trying to squeeze info from her by hanging this over her head? It would go something like this: we are trying to protect you because we don't think that you were involved so we therefore did not reveal that mtDNA analysis on the Barnes' hair shows it most likely belongs to you just like the other hairs found on the other victims. In exchange for this favor, of not letting public opinion run wild with the thought that it's your hair and you can't prove you were not there since the records/evidence no longer exists, we need you to cooperate and tell us every single thing you know about your husband's activities since you first met him. She cannot be made to testify against him in a court since they are married, but it would be a pretty slick ploy by law enforcement to get lots of info about his comings and goings.

Is anybody else thinking this way? Or, am I way off here?
Let's not forget that if the daughter is the biological product of this marriage, both wife and daughter likely have identical mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) profiles that are the same at all compared positions. Now, it would be possible for the daughter to have a mutation and be different on a marker or two.
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