Gilgo Beach LISK Serial Killer, Rex Heuermann, charged with 4 murders, July 2023 #11

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Noting, fwiw. Wondering if RH had any male victims ...
''In a study conducted by Dr. Paulhus, Buckels, and colleagues, the researchers explored the relationship between sadism and online trolling. They found that a sadistic personality was strongly associated with online trolling, with participants who scored higher on a scale of sadistic traits more likely to both receive pleasure from online trolling and minimize the harm they inflicted on others in their own minds.''

''Accused Gilgo Beach killer Rex Heuermann reveled in telling underlings how he stalked and butchered animals — and staked out a business rival to the point where freaked-out workers began locking themselves in, a new report says.
Mary Shell, who worked with the hulking architect for several years, wrote in New York magazine that Heuermann liked to hire petite women — fitting the description of his alleged victims — and once referred to a client of his Midtown office as a “target.”
Shell said co-workers “described how he gushed about his bear-hunting trips in particular: baiting an area and lying in wait.
“More than once, he gleefully described the process of dressing the game, seeming to delight in grossing his employees out,” Shell wrote. “Once, at a job site, he spotted a client approaching and, speaking to my boss over the phone, said, ‘Target in sight.’”
Noting, fwiw. Wondering if RH had any male victims ...
''In a study conducted by Dr. Paulhus, Buckels, and colleagues, the researchers explored the relationship between sadism and online trolling. They found that a sadistic personality was strongly associated with online trolling, with participants who scored higher on a scale of sadistic traits more likely to both receive pleasure from online trolling and minimize the harm they inflicted on others in their own minds.''

''Accused Gilgo Beach killer Rex Heuermann reveled in telling underlings how he stalked and butchered animals — and staked out a business rival to the point where freaked-out workers began locking themselves in, a new report says.
Mary Shell, who worked with the hulking architect for several years, wrote in New York magazine that Heuermann liked to hire petite women — fitting the description of his alleged victims — and once referred to a client of his Midtown office as a “target.”
Shell said co-workers “described how he gushed about his bear-hunting trips in particular: baiting an area and lying in wait.
“More than once, he gleefully described the process of dressing the game, seeming to delight in grossing his employees out,” Shell wrote. “Once, at a job site, he spotted a client approaching and, speaking to my boss over the phone, said, ‘Target in sight.’”
The use of the word, “bear” reminds me of a friend. A rather burly guy who enjoyed dressing in women’s clothes. He might have described himself as a fem who was mainly attracted to “Bears,” a term he used for other burly gay men. Once again, Sugar Bear comes to mind. So sad.
<modsnip: Quoted post was removed>

If, as the trapeze article says- single men in the scene are not looked on well, he could have put both names to make people more comfortable
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The use of the word, “bear” reminds me of a friend. A rather burly guy who enjoyed dressing in women’s clothes. He might have described himself as a fem who was mainly attracted to “Bears,” a term he used for other burly gay men. Once again, Sugar Bear comes to mind. So sad.
The term bear is one i will forevermore associate with Toronto SK, Bruce McArthur, a ''bear'' who put the remains of his male victims in ''honey'' (my term) flower pots.
Interestingly, in a separate case, his son was charged for bothering female strangers on the phone. imo, speculation, fwiw

''McArthur’s son Todd is facing charges of his own for criminal harassment, indecent phone calls, and breaching probation, and has a long history of similar convictions in Oshawa''

Three significant things stand out in this affidavit.
1. Karen Vergata’s identity was announced by the first week of August 2023. This affidavit was signed August 31st, 2023. She came forward fairly quickly upon this identification of KV.

2. This witness referred to the shells she saw at the Heuerman house, as looking like those of the country she came from. Meaning perhaps, English might not be her first language.

3. The bf, RW, started out as a police officer in Brooklyn’s Prospect Park and later became a detective.

In addition, apparently this relationship she had with RW was important to her. It probably pains her to revisit those days and/or she feels conflicted about drawing the bf into this investigation.
LP bringing the ex-boyfriend into the mix does give her some credibility, especially since he was LE.

Does anyone know if there were published photos of 2 seashells from Heuermann's house before LP signed the affidavit on 8/31/23?

Was the photo of their Christmas Tree published before Aug 31,2023?

On page 3 of the affidavit she says she saw a photo of RH recently and the photo of Karen Vergata.
It's not clear if when Karen's photo was published it was the first time she saw an image of RH in the media?
RH's face had been all over the news since July 13, 2023 along with images of all the Gilgo victims by the time Karen's identity was made public on August 4, 2023.

Did LP not see a media image of RH before seeing the image of KV?

My confusion lies with did LP see a photo of RH after his arrest and chose not to contact LE ,or she did and his image didn't trigger her memory (seems almost impossible) or she somehow never saw news of RH's arrest and it was Karen's image that triggered her?

I know that Ray copied her words and LP read/signed the affidavit but IMO: he could have done a much better job.
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(snipped by me)

My confusion lies with did LP see a photo of RH after his arrest and chose not to contact LE ,or she did and his image didn't trigger her memory (seems almost impossible) or she somehow never saw news of RH's arrest and it was Karen's image that triggered her?

Some random thoughts on this: At this press conference, John Ray was adamant that if there were more witnesses out there they would be safe coming to him if they didn't trust LE. There is a good chance that this statement was triggered by how LP reported her experience. I have seen it reported that LE found hundreds of contacts of sex workers on Heuermann's devices. If LP, like the rest of us, saw this reported... maybe she figured since she wasn't hurt, why get involved? There are hundreds of other who might come forward, right? She was involved in something many people disagree with and judge and she says it's in her past. Maybe she figured why not leave it there - in the past. If she was aware of Rex being arrested (and I assume she was) I bet she was following along with the rest of us. The second she saw Karen Vergata had been identified as a victim, I imagine thats when she knew she had to report what she believes she saw. She might not have remembered a name but I imagine she probably remembered the face of the woman she believed was in distress at the Heuermann's window. I would like to know if the "hundreds of contacts on his devices" was reported before she... reported. I can see it making sense why she didn't. I bet she remembered the "ogre" and the dilapidated house and the rest came back pretty quick if this is all true.

Edited for spelling and clarity
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I was on the AE victim fence from the get-go and after the signing of her million dollar Peacock deal I fell off.
No more even possible victim status for me.

I'm not saying she was involved but treating her like a fragile hot house flower I find offensive and can't imagine how offensive she is to all the loved ones of the victims who were brutally murdered by her accused husband.

I feel the same.
I don't find her "likeable". But I also don't see any evidence at all that she had any knowledge of these crimes, much less took part in any of them. Apart from a signed affidavit from a witness I don't find to be at all credible (
for a multitude of reasons ), I'm not even convinced that she ever engaged in any swingers parties. But if she did, that's certainly not illegal, nor does it point to her being any kind of accomplice to murder. Until I see evidence of THAT, I don't see any reason to add to what, I assume, is a very traumatic time for her and her family.

All JMO.

Being unlikeable isn't a felony but in the public court, she maybe judged. Not sure why her attorney doesn't reel her in. She's not doing her family any favors.
Som random thoughts on this: At this press conference, John Ray was adamant that if there were more witnesses out there they would be safe coming to him if they didn't trust LE. There is a good chance that this statement was triggered by how LP reported her experience and what (and who) she believes she witnessed. I have seen it reported that LE found hundreds of contacts of sex workers on Heuermanns devices. If LP, like the rest of us, saw this reported... maybe she figured she wasn't hurt so why get involved? There are hundreds of other who might come forward, right? She was involved in something many people disagree with and judge and she says it's in her past. Maybe she figured why not leave it there - in the past. If she was aware of Rex being arrested (and I assume she was) I bet she was following along with the rest of us. The second she saw Karen Vergata had been identified as a victim, I imagine thats when she knew she had to report what she believes she saw. She might not have remembered a name but I imagine she probably remembered the face of the woman she believed was in distress at the Heuermann's window. I would like to know if the "hundreds of contacts on his devices" was reported before she... reported. I can see it making sense why she didn't. I bet she remembered the "ogre" and the dilapidated house and the rest came back pretty quick if this is all true.
Great post and LP finding out about Ray and the safety he provided went right over my head.

I just listened to an old Ray interview on Joe G's Youtube channel that I can't link here.
Ray said that the 2 female witnesses who signed affidavits had been interviewed by 2 detectives (Harrison too?) and that LP's boyfriend was found and has a known past that lines up with LP's claim they were swingers.
I doubt that had Ray but more importantly Rodney Harrison not felt somewhat confident after following up with these RH/AE claims they wouldn't have held the presser.
This has not been announced as accepted by LE as being a fact and has no other source than this person, who has gone public with appearances in the media a short time ago. No one else went to the alleged party, except for the 2 people she claims went with her. Ray has no information that shows that RH or his wife went to the place in Manhattan or put their phone number on a wall there. I'm not involved in couples sex swap but am acquainted with several couples who are. They do not randomly let people, especially strangers, just come to their houses, they don't ever go to messy houses, they aren't sexual deviants. Safety is of high importance. Attorney Ray just doesn't' know what he is talking about when he says ignorant things about couples swapping (and homosexuality). Couple/individuals are not criminals or more at risk to commit sex crimes than someone else. Ray has pushed this subject as being some kind of moral causation for crime, he's ignorant. MOO but if this woman and KV went to RH's house, it was for prostitution.

The witness has signed an affidavit, which has been published in the regular mainstream news media. JMO, its an accusation that has been made and we'll eventually find out whether or not its accurate.

Rex H. is an unusual-looking man due to his size. Since his arrest, many sex workers have come forward to share information about their dangerous encounters with him. He's not a difficult person to remember. JMO, these women don't have anything to gain by sharing information about their past encounters with RH. I assume their interviews and affidavits to LE are evidence. LE probably isn't going to comment on them at this time. As always, members of WS make their own decisions about whether or not to believe them.

The event described in the affidavit you refer to allegedly took place back in the mid 1990's, I've no idea of what the habits or practices were of people involved in alternative socio-sexual practices. We only know what was reported in the affidavit.
"When asked if the recent searches of Manorville and Heuermann’s home resulted in the new charges, Suffolk County District Attorney Ray Tierney said, 'There were a number of necessary investigative steps that were taken. You pointed out just some of them, and Thursday you will see the fruits of that investigation.'
Heuermann’s wife, Asa Ellerup, is not expected to attend the court appearance on Thursday. Her attorney said she is still out of state."

Does anyone else find it strange that she is remaining out of state for this?

(I'm not asking on the tube socks because I already know that whatever the answer is, it's disgusting.)
Interesting for sure IMO.

From above: ‘Does anyone else find it strange that she is remaining out of state for this?’

Yes! Is AE perhaps invalidating her contract with Dateline / NBC Universal? Why wouldn’t she attend this?

With the apparent disclosure above in post #608 by BettyP - that it appears AE and RH might have been together for certain events - this absence seems odd IMO.

And it would be nice if the spouse would appear on a witness list for either side, which one also hopes might complicate her attempts to attend hearings or court testimony. IANAL. MOO
The indictment is related to additional victims — including one found in North Sea, a community in Southampton which was searched by investigators a few weeks ago.

I'm interested in seeing which victim(s) they have connected to Rex. I always thought Sandra Costilla was missing her left shoe which was Bittrolff's MO. I think Valerie Mack will likely be connected to Rex. Not sure about Jessica Taylor as I always assumed her murder was more gang/pimp related.
My interest is the witness LP's boyfriend,the NYC narc detective.
Both Ray and Harrison said contact was made with him.
As disappointed as I was with LP's delivery we don't know if anything of value was gotten from him.
Imagine that knock on the door 25 yrs after the said event was claimed to have taken place?

JMO, to be clear, no one has suspected or implied that the NYC narc boyfriend was involved in any murders.
District Attorney Raymond A. Tierney, Sheriff Errol D. Toulon, Jr., Acting Suffolk County Police Commissioner Robert Waring, representatives of the New York State Police, as well as additionalrepresentatives of the Gilgo Beach Homicide Investigation Task Force, will hold a press conference following a court proceeding in Riverhead in the People of the State of New York v. Rex A. Heuermann, to update and announce a significant development in the investigation.

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