Grandma Hollars speaks

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I don't post much but I am on websleuths all the time. But had to comment on imagine Flo as Casey's Grandma. Boy isn't that the truth. Grandma Flo is from the old school. Matter of fact and straight to the point. I believe she loved Haleigh also and hates the fact her three Grandchildren are involved in this baby's death. We all should be grateful that Haleigh has a Great Grandma that will stand up and tell the world if need be. Takes Guts to do that when the family turns on her for it. So be it! Too bad no one stood up for Caylee, all everyone would do is lye and etc too much to go into and wrong place any way. So with that said THANK YOU GRANDMA FLO! Some times you have to do the right thing even if it hurts to do so. I love the fact RC was pointed at also, the fact he would beat anyone who said something ummmmmmmm thought he claimed to kill anyone that took her, ummmmmm!


Grandma Flo isn't related to Haleigh. Haleigh was already gone when RC married Misty. Although she was little Ron's step-great-grandma for a few months. Even though she's not related by blood to this little girl, she is related to three of the people she's throwing light on (the other is Ron who is her ex-step-grandson).

Caylee DID have a great-grandmother who told the truth, Grandma Shirley P. She just didn't step into the limelight, but told the facts behind the scenes to the people who mattered, LE.

This grandma is a kick and while she doesn't have all the facts, she is speaking up, and that's good.
I really don't want to sound disrespectful and if this post deserves to be removed, Mods, I understand completely!

I just want to know why now, all of a sudden, GMA is believable? The other night when she was on NG, accusing JO, she was lying. Now she's telling the truth? I don't understand.
I really don't want to sound disrespectful and if this post deserves to be removed, Mods, I understand completely!

I just want to know why now, all of a sudden, GMA is believable? The other night when she was on NG, accusing JO, she was lying. Now she's telling the truth? I don't understand.

Some people believe her and some do not. There's actually a thread about this topic if you've like to check it out.
This thread is closing. If you'd like to create a new thread discussing a topic from this show, please feel free.
Tonite's JVM transcript is up

HOLLARS: Just the looks on her face when I see her on TV. Misty has not got the same look as she did have. Her eyes look like they`re more settled.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: But when have you seen her since that phone conversation? The only time she has left, in my understanding, is to go down to the river to point out -- and there she is. It`s a far away shot. You can`t see her up close there.

HOLLARS: No, ma`am, but in my eyes, Misty had -- I don`t think Misty had anything to do with the missing of her.

So MC's eyes are more settled, & when JVM asks her about how she sees MC's eyes, she changes to "in my eyes" & doesn't really answer the question - and says she doesn't think MC had anything to do w/ "the missing of her".

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So how could she help them down at the river? There she is down at the river, being grilled by these three detectives. If she had nothing to do with it, how would she be able to help detectives and say, "Well, here`s where they did what"?

HOLLARS: That`s why I`m wondering, was she in that van, too? :confused: :waitasec:

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So you`re thinking that maybe Misty had something to do with it that night and was there when Haleigh`s body was thrown into the river?

HOLLARS: Yes, ma`am, I do.

Alllrighty then - now she does think MC has something to do w/ HaLeigh missing.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Because originally, you had said you didn`t think Misty is involved, but now that you think about it, you believe Misty, Tommy and Joe all were involved in disposing of Haleigh`s body in the St. John`s River?

HOLLARS: How did Misty know where to point to in the river?

Where's she getting this info that MC was "pointing to in the river"? From MC - or NG?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Do you think she could have possibly taken out her frustrations on the child?

HOLLARS: I don`t think she would have really hurt a child deliberately, because she`s had more chances than one to do it. She`s kept every -- just about every one of my great-grandkids, and she`s always been good with kids.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So how would she have done it then?

HOLLARS: Well, that -- I just think she may have been in that van, because she know where to go to.

Now I get it - MC is the mastermind....The MC who wouldn't hurt little kids intentionally will direct her cousin & brother to toss away little HaLeigh's body.

IMO, Gma is telling us what she "thinks" happened - like some other "sources" like LP for instance (this case & Caylee's case). :talker:

I'm having a hard time believing Flo....maybe she thinks she's helping, buuuuuut - I'm starting to think she's the Joy W. of this case. :crazy: Does she have her own youtube channel?
Also from Granny Hollars mouth to JVM tonight, talking about Misty and Joe:

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Have they been friends in the past? Or was there friction?

HOLLARS: Oh, yes, they`ve always been friends. Now, Misty stated that Joe had molested her when she was up here in Nashville. But she never once said anything to me about it. And she always wanted to go to his house. So, if he molested her, she must have liked it.

And about Ron:

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Why do you think Ron -- why do you think Ron married Misty even though his child disappeared on her watch?

HOLLARS: Because he didn`t think she could testify against him and he believed in her.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So, you also think the conspiracy extends to Ron? You think it`s four people involved in the conspiracy?

HOLLARS: Yes, ma`am, I do.


HOLLARS: Because the fact of him marrying her and then turning around and saying that the law made him divorce her.

This Granny is saying it like she sees it. Right or wrong, she's trying to do the right thing for Haleigh. More than what Haleigh's paternal side of the family has done, imo.

She may not know the details but at least she's saying what they've told her.
Mistys Grandmothers story gets more grandios every time she tells it. I don't know how the police can view her as a credible lead in the case with the family history of deceit and lies being told by each member of the family who is involved in Haileighs disappearence. Its funny how Misty and Tommy don't even flinch when they are lying on camera.

My impression of the grandmother, Flora Hollars, is that she's uneducated and not sophisticated enough to question what her grandchildren tell her. She simply repeats what they told her, but when asked simple questions like, "why did JO kill Haleigh", she has no answer.

I would think anyone who was told about a murder would ask questions. The natural response to someone telling someone else about anything is to ask questions, and in this case the question begging to be asked is........."why would JO kill an innocent child?" Or "how did JO kill Haleigh?" Where? When? Did anyone help him"

The grandmother just listens and repeats what she's been told. NG didn't ask her the questions that need to be asked........."Has Misty or Tommy lied to you in the past?" "Do you think they're telling you the truth now?"

The first time the grandmother was interviewed, I thought she was being used by MC and TC. I think they told her that JO did it, knowing she'd repeat it. They're using their grandmother as a mouthpiece to get their allegations against JO out there.
Not sure really what to think of Misty's Granny. :crazy:

I think for the most part she is just repeating what Misty and/or Tommy have told her. I have to wonder why they both suddenly chose to call her within 15 mins of each other, 14-months after whatever happened, happened. :waitasec: She doesn't seem too concerned about that. :waitasec:

She may be telling different stories because that's what they are telling her ....... but she can't even seem to keep her own opinion of Misty's involvement straight. One second she says that she doesn't believe Misty did it, and the next she believes Misty was in the van. She does seem to add bit-n-pieces here and there, that I have to wonder where exactly they came from.


Nothing in this case is simple, there seem to be so many players, and who knows the agenda.

As far as her answers about Jo and his juvie record, and the molestation claims by Misty, I did believe her, she seemed to answer those to the best of her knowledge. I also don't think she was expecting to be asked those questions, which may have helped.

As far as her answers about Jo and his juvie record, and the molestation claims by Misty, I did believe her, she seemed to answer those to the best of her knowledge. I also don't think she was expecting to be asked those questions, which may have helped.

She is the first person to be straight up about Joe's prior record and about the alleged molestation, saying Misty never mentioned it to her. An important factor.

She does change her stories around a bit, and even her opinion of Misty's involvement. To her credit, she's not trying to cover for those grandchildren, or at least, not all of them, unlike some others in Satsuma who appear to have 'cover-up' written all over them. :shakehead:
Ok please tell me granny did not say that if misty got molested by Joe then she must have liked it??? If she did say that then I've done heard it all. I give. I'm raising my white flag on this case. All the players in this case just give me tired head.
IN the JVM thread, it was questioned why people would believe Granny Hollar's statements on JVM and disbelieve her on NG, or vice versa. Is it just because she's saying something we want to hear? I didn't watch it yet but going by the other thread she was saying a great deal *thud*

Levi posted that JVM did a great job getting her comfortable before the show and I think it might have something to do with it how credible someone appears because signs of tension may be interpreted as signs of deception. Also, if the interviewee is feeling comfortable and trusts the interviewer they may open up more about their true feelings and appear more credible when they aren't holding things back like they might with a more "threatening" interviewer.

Another factor might be that she was perceived as if she possibly wanted to protect Misty in her previous interview but on JVM she said politically uncorrect things like "Misty must have liked it" and pointed out things that don't look that good for Misty such as her drug use (instead of the old she'ssogoodwithkids spiel) so it made it look like she saw the bigger picture, instead of just took Misty's side.
What do you think Ms. Hollars means exactly by "Is involved" or "isn't involved"?

To me, everybody who knows anything and isn't on the phone to LE sooner than immediately is involved but does she mean something else?
VELEZ-MITCHELL: Do you think she could have possibly taken out her frustrations on the child?

HOLLARS: I don`t think she would have really hurt a child deliberately, because she`s had more chances than one to do it. She`s kept every -- just about every one of my great-grandkids, and she`s always been good with kids.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So how would she have done it then?

HOLLARS: Well, that -- I just think she may have been in that van, because she know where to go to.

BBM. There's always a first time for everything...

She doesn't want to say what she thinks Misty might have done here.
HOLLARS: I guess it was because of the way that I was talking to them, because I let them know that this has got to be solved. It`s got to be solved now. That child has grandparents just like you all do. And this needs to be an end. Let`s get it all out in the open, because I`m calling the police and I`m letting them know now, and I immediately called the head detective on the case and told them exactly what they had told me.

HOLLARS: That I don`t know. I know one thing: Misty had been out on a drug binge for three days. Her and Ron had fought that day, and she told him she didn`t want to baby-sit. And he told her, "Yes, you are going to baby-sit." And he left the kids there with her. And she was still strung out.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Do you think she could have possibly taken out her frustrations on the child?

HOLLARS: I don`t think she would have really hurt a child deliberately, because she`s had more chances than one to do it. She`s kept every -- just about every one of my great-grandkids, and she`s always been good with kids.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Did Misty have a reputation in the family as having a serious drug problem or a drug problem?

HOLLARS: No, ma`am, not when she left Tennessee. But when -- after she left my house. I kept her, and I kept her in school here, the longest time she ever went to school. And then, when she went back to Florida, that`s when the drugs started.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Do you think Ron Cummings, Haleigh`s dad, is completely innocent and has nothing to do with any of this? Or does he know more than he`s saying?

HOLLARS: No, ma`am, I think he knows more than what he`s saying.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: You do think Ron Cummings knows more?

HOLLARS: Yes, ma`am, I do.


HOLLARS: The fact of him leaving those kids there with her and her still high on pills. Would you leave your kids with somebody that`s all doped up?


HOLLARS: I wouldn`t.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: No, I wouldn`t.

HOLLARS: No, ma`am.

HOLLARS: Yes, I`ve lost quite -- I`ve lost quite a bit of family, but that`s OK. They`ll come back.

I do not feel, FH's has an agenda. She's looking out for an innocent child, HaLeigh. She placed all three grandchildren as culpable. She knows it's the right thing to do. She's lost family behind this but as she states, they'll be back. FH wants the truth told, no matter who it is that is responsible. I too feel RC's direct involvement is that fact he left his children with a young girl who did not want to be there babysitting (along with drugs, his penchant for underage girls). I still don't understand why TN didn't keep the children this night, why she saw the need to bribe MC into being there. I still feel due to her binge, she was still feeling the effects of that weekend. Her frustration level would have been very low, feeling antsy, wanting to sleep rather than keeping an eye out for 2 active children.

I get what she's stateing about the molestation by JO. If she was raped by him, why in the world would she continue to be in his company? So, in her stateing, she never said anything to me, she was always wanting to go to his house, so she must've liked it! Means that MC wasn't that afraid of JO or she would make sure to not be around him anytime, anywhere.

Seems everyone is uneducated but I don't feel ignorance coming from FH. She's a mother and a grandmother and wants HaLeigh's crime solved, she wants HaLeigh brought home for a proper burial...maybe she didn't press MC or ToC hard enough to find out reasons why but she did do the right thing. Her coming foward about 3 of her grandchildren being involved in HaLeigh's death, I believe she is courageous for she's not making excuses, she's not in denial (maybe about MC and deliberately hurting HaLeigh) she's looking out for the victim, HaLeigh..

I would have liked it better if she didn't put words in their mouths and sort of lead them into blaming JO as being the one who purposely harmed HaLeigh...seems she put two and two together as far as JO's behavior when he came back from Florida. He's changed, he's not the same boy! I take that as something traumatic did happen to JO, maybe (I hate to type this but it's what I believe) JO, if he did throw HaLeigh in that river, maybe he did see her being devoured by the alligators...that would change anyone! :furious:
Ok please tell me granny did not say that if misty got molested by Joe then she must have liked it??? If she did say that then I've done heard it all. I give. I'm raising my white flag on this case. All the players in this case just give me tired head.

That's exactly what Grandma said. It was because Misty always wanted to go to his house, so Grandma said, "she must have liked it". I mean, can you imagine somebody's grandmother saying that?

Here's your flag :truce:
I think when granny said Misty's eyes looked more settled, she was actually relaying info that another family member who lived around Misty in FL had actually told her. Maybe she didn't expand on that because she didn't want to mention anyone elses name. JMO.

She also said that she had lost a lot of family members over her coming forward, but that was okay because they'd be coming back to her in the future.

I think she is credible.
I think Ms Hollars is only repeating what she has heard on t.v. or read online. Her verbiage is almost verbatim as to what people are saying or writing. Even what she relays that has been said in the past. She changed her opinion and story during the interview last night. When are we going to see/hear the transcripts from the calls and also is she getting paid to be on these shows? Not Credible! jmo
My impression of the grandmother, Flora Hollars, is that she's uneducated and not sophisticated enough to question what her grandchildren tell her. She simply repeats what they told her, but when asked simple questions like, "why did JO kill Haleigh", she has no answer.

I would think anyone who was told about a murder would ask questions. The natural response to someone telling someone else about anything is to ask questions, and in this case the question begging to be asked is........."why would JO kill an innocent child?" Or "how did JO kill Haleigh?" Where? When? Did anyone help him"

The grandmother just listens and repeats what she's been told. NG didn't ask her the questions that need to be asked........."Has Misty or Tommy lied to you in the past?" "Do you think they're telling you the truth now?"

The first time the grandmother was interviewed, I thought she was being used by MC and TC. I think they told her that JO did it, knowing she'd repeat it. They're using their grandmother as a mouthpiece to get their allegations against JO out there.

I agree with you, the bolded part was my first impression of her. She means well...

She is the one Hank Sr and Lisa went to until Lisa was arrested and taken back to Florida - because they had nowhere else to go. They couldn't go to her later because of their legal problems. Hank and Lisa may put her down but she has a place to live. When asked if she worried about losing family over her revelations, she said "they'll be back". If anything she has said is not the truth, LE knows it right away due to recordings.
That's exactly what Grandma said. It was because Misty always wanted to go to his house, so Grandma said, "she must have liked it". I mean, can you imagine somebody's grandmother saying that?

Here's your flag :truce:

I worked with many teenage girls in crisis when I ran an emergency shelter for a 'social service' agency. I also taught foster parent certification classes for people specifically fostering teenage girls that had been sexually molested. Even if the activity happens by what many people would call "mutual consent", it does not make it right and the older, responsible, and usually (but not always) initiater of the activity is in the wrong. But often young girls DO like the physical feelings of sexual activity, and some eventually separate the emotional confusion of "wrong partnering". After initial molestation experiences, many young girls DO learn to use sexuality as a manipulative tool for personal gain. We prepared foster parents for the relatively high probability that these girls would, on their own, try to initiate sexual activity with male family members.

So I do understand what Ms. Hollars is saying about Misty "liking it". It does NOT make JO's participation right, especially if JO initiated it to begin with. But it very likely was "entertainment" for a poverty-stricken, bored, and aimless young girl like Misty who had little else of value but her own body to garner attention and nothing else to do to keep herself better occupied. The question here is "where were the adults who should have seen that this did NOT happen on their watch"?

The info on Daniel Snodgrass concerns me that maybe they had begun drugging and using Haleigh sexually to make some money for their drug habits. Anyone who walks through their own neighborhood stealing to support a habit could look at Haleigh as an ever-renewing goldmine.

Also, reading that RC might have gotten disability money for Haleigh's Turner's Syndrome, yet NOT taken her for her much needed regularly scheduled doctor's appointments leads me to believe he might not shy away from using Haleigh himself as a money-maker. So sad, all the way around. I do not hesitate to say that Haleigh was certainly deeply immersed in way too much scum, poor child. May angels lift and protect her in heavenly peace.

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