Grandma Hollars speaks

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Flo says she is the tipster, which means she called the police around the 11th of April. I don't see how she could go on national tv and lie about that when it's a matter of record with the police, and also on jail recordings. So I doubt she is lying.

Those in her family saying that she is lying have a "horse in this race" and something to gain from keeping the family secrets.
I think it is inappropriate and distasteful for her to be talking about her grandchildren in public like that, no matter what they might have done, especially if what they have done might carry the death penalty. Family just doesn't do that, I think it's shocking and reflects just what kind of personal values these people have.
Flo says she is the tipster, which means she called the police around the 11th of April. I don't see how she could go on national tv and lie about that when it's a matter of record with the police, and also on jail recordings. So I doubt she is lying.

Those in her family saying that she is lying have a "horse in this race" and something to gain from keeping the family secrets.

How can she be the "tipster" when LE were monitoring the phone calls anyway? She tipped them off to things they allready knew? That is absurd.
I think Ms Hollars is only repeating what she has heard on t.v. or read online. Her verbiage is almost verbatim as to what people are saying or writing. Even what she relays that has been said in the past. She changed her opinion and story during the interview last night. When are we going to see/hear the transcripts from the calls and also is she getting paid to be on these shows? Not Credible! jmo

If these calls contain information about what happened - we will not hear the calls until there are arrests and the Subshine laws kick in. If we don't hear them soon, and LE has said they will not be released, it is resonable to assume they have some evidentiary value, i.e, there is some truth in what GMa Hollars is saying..

I agree with you, the bolded part was my first impression of her. She means well...

She is the one Hank Sr and Lisa went to until Lisa was arrested and taken back to Florida - because they had nowhere else to go. They couldn't go to her later because of their legal problems. Hank and Lisa may put her down but she has a place to live. When asked if she worried about losing family over her revelations, she said "they'll be back". If anything she has said is not the truth, LE knows it right away due to recordings.

Thanks for the reminder of where Hank Sr. and Lisa went when they left Satsuma. Makes me wonder since GMa Hollars won't say who told her the story about Misty hitting Haleigh in the head with a block of wood, if it didn't come from Lisa Croslin. GMa Hollars just says them in Florida told her - they didn't stay in Tenn long, they are currently in Florida.
Misty's Granny - credible or not?

LOL. Misty's Granny gives new meaning to the world "incredible". In a double-entendre sort of way. IMO.

I do, however, firmly believe she's Misty's bio-gran. No bout-a-doubt it. Somewhere in her mish-mash, there is sorta-kinda what's goin' on. Plus, what RaisinCharlie says.
I have only found one statement from granny that I believe is a lie. When she says joe talked about the dock being a good place to throw a body and she heard it from Lisa right after Joe got there. No way did this bunch of pill poppers relay that statement of his to Lisa and Lisa would feel obliged to tell it to granny. It bothered them so much they had to tell granny but they went ahead and let him stay there and be around their kids?
Thanks for the reminder of where Hank Sr. and Lisa went when they left Satsuma. Makes me wonder since GMa Hollars won't say who told her the story about Misty hitting Haleigh in the head with a block of wood, if it didn't come from Lisa Croslin. GMa Hollars just says them in Florida told her - they didn't stay in Tenn long, they are currently in Florida.

Yeah, I think Lisa's known all along. I think she would have been Misty's first call, if Haleigh's health was in question for any reason. Then call Timmy. Then call Tommy. Lisa avoids talking to Misty about this entirely on jailhouse calls. She stops Misty when Misty goes anywhere near strategy. "you need to talk to your daddy about that."
In the interview with Jeff Hardy April 15th, he is specifically asked if the tip came from Tennessee. He said NO. He was then asked if it came from inside the jail, and he started to say something and then said he was not going to discuss where it came from. Tommy may have told his GM that he had confessed to LE, but she did not hear it first. And she may have called the LE, but they already knew. moo
Just heard on HLN that Granny Hollars will be back on JVM tonight.
Also from Granny Hollars mouth to JVM tonight, talking about Misty and Joe:

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Have they been friends in the past? Or was there friction?

HOLLARS: Oh, yes, they`ve always been friends. Now, Misty stated that Joe had molested her when she was up here in Nashville. But she never once said anything to me about it. And she always wanted to go to his house. So, if he molested her, she must have liked it.

And about Ron:

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Why do you think Ron -- why do you think Ron married Misty even though his child disappeared on her watch?

HOLLARS: Because he didn`t think she could testify against him and he believed in her.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So, you also think the conspiracy extends to Ron? You think it`s four people involved in the conspiracy?

HOLLARS: Yes, ma`am, I do.


HOLLARS: Because the fact of him marrying her and then turning around and saying that the law made him divorce her.

This Granny is saying it like she sees it. Right or wrong, she's trying to do the right thing for Haleigh. More than what Haleigh's paternal side of the family has done, imo.
She may not know the details but at least she's saying what they've told her.
I wonder if granny reads here a lot of her words theories Because sound like they come from here.
OK, I know some will disagree with me. But here goes...:truce:

I agree with what others have said about grandma H. being uneducated and just repeating what Misty and Joe tell her. I feel they are using her as well to throw Joe under the bus. I also feel that if grandma H. leaves us with suspicions on certain questions, it's because LE has told her to kept quiet about certain things.

Now, this issue with Joe and Misty..:truce:

I am with grandma H. First, we have to remember the class of people we are talking about. Some girls are very promiscuous and start having sex by the age of 11 years, sad to say. As bad as that sounds and is, they are out there and most don't cry rape. Some do when they are caught by their parents to try and get out of trouble, and others the parents file the charges because the child should not be having sex, whether consensual or not.

IMO, If Misty had sex with Joe it was consensual sex. SHE WENT TO HIM! PER GRANMA. There is not much of an age difference between the two. There are many teens now days between the age of 14yrs-19yrs that have consensual sex. We may see it as molestation, but in reality it's not If they are engaging in sex by choice. By law of course it's illegal, that is the law.
18 yr olds having sex with a minor is a felony. An 18yr old having sex with a 15yr old - 17yr old now days is happing everywhere. Yes, there are cases where molestation happens, but most teens are sexually active by choice.
In most cases these young teen come from broken home, then you have the ones that are just promiscuous from an early age. Remember, back in the day girls would get married by the age of 14 years and some younger. Depending on the nationality. It does not make it right, it may sound sick, but it is what it is.

As a survivor, I can tell you that if someone was molesting me I would not go to their house, nor would I invite them to mine. It's a shame when females cry wolf when it comes to rape/molestation. It gives the real survivors a less chance with the judicial system. Unless it is caught on tape, and even is hard to prove.
I am a survivor. I was molested from the age of 4yrs-11yrs. Raped at 15yrs had a child from that monster, Raped again when I was in my mid 20's. Did I get justice? No, because back then it was more important to keep up the family name, than to stand up for your child. That is why this case makes me so angry. Don't lie Misty...your just hurting the real victims. As you have done with Haleigh!:furious:
Just heard on HLN that Granny Hollers will be back on JVM tonight.

Okay, thanks! I'll DVR.
Wonder if Granny's enjoyin' the limo. :croc:

*use of croc smilie suddenly becoming questionable*
That's exactly what Grandma said. It was because Misty always wanted to go to his house, so Grandma said, "she must have liked it". I mean, can you imagine somebody's grandmother saying that?

Here's your flag :truce:

I about drove off the road when I heard that (Thank goodness for XM radio I can listen to NG and JVM) and I think Jane was totally stunned as well. She sat there for a split second before she said anything else.

Jane was probably debating whether to yell at Grandma or to just keep going. She chose to keep going which I feel was the right thing to do.

Since I enjoy stating the obvious it is painfully clear that Grandma is not educated in any way. It is so sad to watch.

How can we believe anything she says? Is she just parroting what she hears or is she embellishing to make her story bigger and bigger. I don't know but I know I do not put much stock into anything she says at all.

Everyone involved should accept responsibility of course but is it any wonder that this whole group is always in trouble? As kids did they even have a chance? They were surrounded by criminals literally from the time they were born. It's all they know.
I dunno what to think about any of them anymore
I go back and forth with GranFlo...lack of education by no means suggests a lack of intelligence and that's something I keep weighing in my mind about almost ALL of these players. My pop, an immigrant, had a sixth grade education but somehow mastered two languages and was a brilliant self-made man. She just might be one of those people who doesn't edit themselves too well and just lets it fly. Is she in it for fame or Haleigh? I'm praying it is for Haleigh. JMO
I dunno what to think about any of them anymore

Post of the day IMO :D

Seriously, I don't either but admit to having thoughts about them I didn't have before...and I am pretty slow to change my mind.
Just heard on HLN that Granny Hollers will be back on JVM tonight.

I think its great she's back; but I would LOVE to see someone else on the show, like Lisa or Hank or SOMEONE, for balance who is not on the same page--kind of like a Point-CounterPoint type show and see how that plays out.

Might make for good Pay-Per-View. :innocent:
I go back and forth with GranFlo...lack of education by no means suggests a lack of intelligence and that's something I keep weighing in my mind about almost ALL of these players. My pop, an immigrant, had a sixth grade education but somehow mastered two languages and was a brilliant self-made man. She just might be one of those people who doesn't edit themselves too well and just lets it fly. Is she in it for fame or Haleigh? I'm praying it is for Haleigh. JMO

Fame is a double edged sword - both sides are sharp and cruel. What kind of fame is there when 90% of the world doesn't even care or have never even paid attention to the plight of Haleigh Cummings? The reward, possible but to sell out 3 grandkids, including your favorite, and loose the attention of your own children for doing so for a mere $35K ? JMO I don't see either of these scenario's as plausible, especially doing so on Nancy Grace who has nothing but disgust for Misty Cummings. Maybe she is simply a God fearing woman who understands that it is only truth that sets one free.

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