Grandma Hollars speaks

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Time for someone to dig up the Gramma Hollars thread. Just sayin'.

I'm actually missing Gramma Hollars, isn't that pathetic? She is beginning to look like the Einstein of the whole group. I've always like her best anyway.........
I'm not condoning child molestation in any form, OK? I think Grandma Flo tells it like she sees it. She saw Misty seeking out Joe and going to see him when she was in Tennessee. She saw that Misty wanted to see Joe, thus Grandma Flo did not believe that Joe molested Misty, period. She is saying that Misty wanted to see Joe and believes that if Misty wanted to see Joe and made attempts and did seek Joe while she was in Tennessee then Grandma Flo does not think that Misty was molested or she would not have tried to see Joe. I totally understand Grandma Flo and I do not see her trying to make light of child molestation. She is simply calling it as she sees it. Misty can't continue to seek out men who she claims to have molested her or raped her (as she claimed White Boy Greg) to have done, yeah, sure. I think there were times that Misty just got called on her actions and she just made up a story of being molested and/or raped. There are the reports of Ron and/or kinsman trying to find White Boy Greg to seek revenge for Misty's honor and there are stories that she claimed that he raped her in her explanations to Ron....... oh rightly then. I will fight for a woman's protection as quick as anyone but not blindly.

I recall Granny Hollars saying JO, to her kge, had never commited molestation...that his juvie record has nothing about that either.

G.Hollars way of speaking is very different than ours. i think she was saying there was NO molestation. She said if there was, misty must have liked it. This was sarcasim on her part and I certainly didn't take it as her turning a blind eye.'
I took it as her crude way of saying it didn't happen...not that a truly molested girl would like it. Yes it was crude, but like you said, she seemed to say it with sarcasm. And considering how FH seems to favor Misty, her saying that she didn't believe it happened, carries a lot of weight, IMO.
Well, throw stones if you want but I see Grandma Flo as being probably the most honest of all the Croslins, Cummings, Sykes. She has been hit with the fact that two of her grandchildren and a third have been either imprisoned or accused or both during Haleigh's case. She knows her grandchildren more than any of us. She speaks her mind and doesn't give a chittttttttt who cares. I have always called it as I see it and I can understand where she comes from. Everyone talks about how much the Cummings have suffered during this case. Well, I will agree that the loss of a little girl outweighs any other person in this case but you can't overlook the fact that the Croslin side of the family has suffered as well. Grandma Flo's granddaughter is in prison for 25 years. Grandma Flo will most likely never get to see her beloved granddaughter again. Her grandson, Tommy is also in prison for fifteen years and she will most likely never see him again either. It is also most likely that she will never lay eyes on her great grandchildren ever. Her daughter and son-in-law have been imprisoned and her other grandson, Joe was accused of the most awful crime ever and alienated to her during Haleigh's case. She has been involved with Haleigh's case in trying to get to the truth and demonized for her suspicions and opinions. She is not one who will keep quiet and not answer questions about what she has heard or thinks. She has suffered health problems due to the stress of this case. I do not fault her nor blame her for what has occurred. I feel for her. I think that she spoke out of fear, shock and hurt about what she was hearing. It must have been awful for her.
She knows her grandchildren and knows what they're capable of, and the fact that she didn't lie for them should be appreciated. How many times have people complained about mothers and grandmothers covering for their kids? I know it seems unusual for a family member to speak so bluntly, but she did put the Croslins in an honest light. On the jail tape, when Tommy was talking to her and blaming JO, (IMO), her reactions were flat out honest. LC, on another line, asked if Tommy was 'the one', and FH, bluntly relayed the message. She hasn't tried to cover for any of her grandchildren. She seems to be the type to let the chips fall where they may, even if the perp is one of her own. It IS unusual to see a family member so easily accept that a loved one might be involved in a child's murder, but the Croslins aren't your average family. MOO
I wonder if all the posts in the POI thread can be moved here. ?
I'm actually missing Gramma Hollars, isn't that pathetic? She is beginning to look like the Einstein of the whole group. I've always like her best anyway.........

Ya gotta love anyone who tells em to "kiss it where the sun don't shine" on national TV! ROFL!
IMO, Granny Flo is a little spitfire! and i have to commend her for that. Yes, she did very bluntly say some things that i couldn't even begin to allow my mind to think about. IMO, i didn't take anything she said as fact but more on her opinion. We all have one. When she told on national TV that they can kiss her where the sun don't shine, i almost fell out.

I don't really think she inserted herself in the case, but more like maybe Nancy inserted her into the case. jmo
Well, throw stones if you want but I see Grandma Flo as being probably the most honest of all the Croslins, Cummings, Sykes. She has been hit with the fact that two of her grandchildren and a third have been either imprisoned or accused or both during Haleigh's case. She knows her grandchildren more than any of us. She speaks her mind and doesn't give a chittttttttt who cares. I have always called it as I see it and I can understand where she comes from. Everyone talks about how much the Cummings have suffered during this case. Well, I will agree that the loss of a little girl outweighs any other person in this case but you can't overlook the fact that the Croslin side of the family has suffered as well. Grandma Flo's granddaughter is in prison for 25 years. Grandma Flo will most likely never get to see her beloved granddaughter again. Her grandson, Tommy is also in prison for fifteen years and she will most likely never see him again either. It is also most likely that she will never lay eyes on her great grandchildren ever. Her daughter and son-in-law have been imprisoned and her other grandson, Joe was accused of the most awful crime ever and alienated to her during Haleigh's case. She has been involved with Haleigh's case in trying to get to the truth and demonized for her suspicions and opinions. She is not one who will keep quiet and not answer questions about what she has heard or thinks. She has suffered health problems due to the stress of this case. I do not fault her nor blame her for what has occurred. I feel for her. I think that she spoke out of fear, shock and hurt about what she was hearing. It must have been awful for her.

Grandma Flo is what we always called "a colorful character." I don't think you have defended her or her comments in any of your posts, Lone. Instead I think you have a pretty keen sense at summing up most of the people in this case. And, above all, I know from reading your posts, you are very concerned about what happen to Haleigh.
Grandma Flo is what we always called "a colorful character." I don't think you have defended her or her comments in any of your posts, Lone. Instead I think you have a pretty keen sense at summing up most of the people in this case. And, above all, I know from reading your posts, you are very concerned about what happen to Haleigh.

Thanks azwriter. Grandma Flo reminds alot of my Cherokee Grandmother. She too never felt the need to candy coat anything she felt needed saying. I'm not trying to compare great grandmothers here but for some reason I can believe whatever Grandma Flo states over what Annette Sykes states, LOL.
Well im sorry but to me Flo hollars is not the granny of the year!

She threw every one of her grandchildren under the bus.
From what i understand she hadnt been in their lives for 7 yrs.
All of a sudden they call her with their sad stories about Haleigh...
first off you tell LE right?
next you wait to see what happens see if any of it is true.

If these were your children or grandchildren would you go on national tv saying what she was saying?

Id want to believe the best of my family not throw them ALL under the bus!

Look at everyone in this family.
Someone failed them BIG TIME and it all started with Flo Hollars!

Just because you grow up poor (so many have)
just because you dont have the best education (so many dont)
does not mean your chilren and grandchildren need to grow up as druggies and criminals. (many dont)

its a chain reaction.....If flo was a better mother to lisa, If lisa was a better MOM to Misty. Maybe Haleigh would still be here today.

Sorry peeps JMVOO.

The exact same can be said for the cummings family.

what is very sad is none of them care about what happened to Haleigh just whats happening to themselves!
Well im sorry but to me Flo hollars is not the granny of the year!

She threw every one of her grandchildren under the bus.From what i understand she hadnt been in their lives for 7 yrs.
All of a sudden they call her with their sad stories about Haleigh...
first off you tell LE right?
next you wait to see what happens see if any of it is true.

If these were your children or grandchildren would you go on national tv saying what she was saying?

Id want to believe the best of my family not throw them ALL under the bus!

Look at everyone in this family.
Someone failed them BIG TIME and it all started with Flo Hollars!

Just because you grow up poor (so many have)
just because you dont have the best education (so many dont)
does not mean your chilren and grandchildren need to grow up as druggies and criminals. (many dont)

its a chain reaction.....If flo was a better mother to lisa, If lisa was a better MOM to Misty. Maybe Haleigh would still be here today.

Sorry peeps JMVOO.

The exact same can be said for the cummings family.

what is very sad is none of them care about what happened to Haleigh just whats happening to themselves!

IMO IF it's a chain reaction it didn't start with Grandma Flo..JMHO

Also, Perhaps there are some people in this world who don't care if their children grow up to be drug addicts and criminals, but for the most part, I would say the majority of people (educated as well as uneducated) would prefer their children grow up and become loving, caring productive human beings....

Problem as I see it, a parent can't give to their children what they themselves do not possess or are aware of possessing..... Unfortunately, familial dysfunctionalism has been around a long long time.. The Story of Adam and Eve proves that to be a fact...JMHO..
IMO IF it's a chain reaction it didn't start with Grandma Flo..JMHO

Also, Perhaps there are some people in this world who don't care if their children grow up to be drug addicts and criminals, but for the most part, I would say the majority of people (educated as well as uneducated) would prefer their children grow up and become loving, caring productive human beings....

Problem as I see it, a parent can't give to their children what they themselves do not possess or are aware of possessing..... Unfortunately, familial dysfunctionalism has been around a long long time.. The Story of Adam and Eve proves that to be a fact...JMHO..

Well it had to start somewhere and it really needs to end! Hopefully Tommys kids will grow up with a better life then he had. I dont think we will have to worry about Misty having kids for a while... I dont know about Timmy or Jo but heck.......

Thanks for the reply Em!:
Well it had to start somewhere and it really needs to end! Hopefully Tommys kids will grow up with a better life then he had. I dont think we will have to worry about Misty having kids for a while... I dont know about Timmy or Jo but heck.......

Thanks for the reply Em!:

BBM :)


ITA it needs to end! The ball is in Lindsey's court, to raise those children up to have a better life then their father did.

Usually when it id dominoed effect like this, everyone will complain what they could have, should have, would have, but no one does anything to make the change, and it is VERY sad indeed. I do hope Lindsey realizes it is all on her, to make those children have a better life, and i believe that she did the best thing by moving the heck out of Putnam County!

I just hope Chelsea and Timmy and their children stay away from Putnam County.

BBM :)


ITA it needs to end! The ball is in Lindsey's court, to raise those children up to have a better life then their father did.

Usually when it id dominoed effect like this, everyone will complain what they could have, should have, would have, but no one does anything to make the change, and it is VERY sad indeed. I do hope Lindsey realizes it is all on her, to make those children have a better life, and i believe that she did the best thing by moving the heck out of Putnam County!

I just hope Chelsea and Timmy and their children stay away from Putnam County.


BBM I don't
I wish people would stop pointing fingers at Granny Hollars saying the drug problems of Lisa and her children started with her. These things are stated as FACT and they are not a FACT. :banghead:

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