**Graphic and adult content**Jodia Arias Trial Discussion #7

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Hi everyone. I am a new poster. Been reading all the comments since the start of the trial. Anyone who has any sympathy or understanding for Jodi Arias, or even thinks that she had a reason to kill TA is really lacking in common sense. I never agreed with a death penalty, but she is straight up guilty, cold, psychopathic, unremorseful, and scary! So she should get the death penalty and then sit in a cell on death row for years. Life in prison in the general population would be just a walk in the park for her. I don't care, DO NOT CARE, how much of a ladies man they try to make TA out to be, he did not deserve this. No one does!

LOL, you are new and everything so just to help you out a bit; you can't post on any personal feelings about the common sense of other posters. I know because I use to post my feelings about other posters common sense too, :floorlaugh: and if you don't behave you might be either beamed up to land in nowhere land or be subjected to a whipping and a censor type of punishment. Painful, yes I do know, but I would like to see you here and read your posts because I LIKE them. Welcome aboard, BTW.
Just like Casey, she really believes if she just keeps lying and lying and lying, she will wear them down. She now believes her own lies, so she is calm and keeps her quiet little girl voice going. She is trying so hard to convince them there's a mix up, that her old camera card might have been left at TA's and he used it in his new camera, and even she admits that's far fetched, but she GOES WITH IT.

I know police lie during interviews. Do most people know that? If an innocent person was confronted with that evidence they would be freaked out and pissed off and say that is not possible damn it!

But JA is a true sociopath and she has the will to just calmly keep denying or trying to explain evidence away. No matter how long they keep her I believe she'll stay in that calm manner and I think an innocent person would become angry.
Not sure I agree CA was either better or more sophisticated. She told an awful lot of lies that were pretty easily provable as such. Maybe a less ridiculous liar? IDK :dunno:

No Casey's lies went pretty far. She created fake emails, fake people etc. Casey was able to keep up lies for YEARS. And better yet was able to remember them all. She was able to keep track of what she had told people.

Casey puts Jodi to shame in the lying department.

I just think Jodi is just totally unreal. It's almost ridiculous.

Although going to Universal and being taken all the way to the hallway before finally caving in was pretty ridiculous as well. So I guess I can see your point.

I just think Casey was more adept in her lying skills
Just wanted to give a big shout out to all of the new posters . . . invite the lurkers who are riding along to sign up and comment on what the testimony has been today.
seriously drop it !

I agree! I'm really enjoying this discussion board courtesy of Websleuths and would hate to see it shut down because of personal attacks.

Back to the case. Does anyone know if this video they are showing is the one where Jodi changes her story and says that 2 other people killed TA?
She rented from Budget I believe -- a known user of secret GPS:

The local Budget Rent-A-Car agency is the target of several lawsuits over its use of sophisticated technology that tracks customers and for charging them extra - up to $7,500 in one case - for driving beyond certain state boundaries.

Consumers and privacy advocates have blasted the use of the satellite-based devices, which also let the company see whether their customers are speeding and where they stay, as an example of invasive technology.

"They have a tracking device and they know where you're driving (but) they don't disclose that to anybody," said Travis Mague of Tucson, who was charged nearly $2,500 in mileage fees for driving into Texas in April on an unlimited-mileage weekly rental that was estimated at $253.

More here:


In any case, many companies use this now. I'm not sure about 2008.

Strange but I had a customer come in and interrupt me while I was watching the trial (da nerve) and he was concerned about the papers he would have to sign on his stolen vehicle. Besides the limited power of attorney, a form for each of them (him and his wife) were to sign allowing the Insurer the right to access any tracking device etc that may be on their car.

I think I understand you are referring to rental car agencies not personal vehicles.
Hi everyone. I am a new poster. Been reading all the comments since the start of the trial. Anyone who has any sympathy or understanding for Jodi Arias, or even thinks that she had a reason to kill TA is really lacking in common sense. I never agreed with a death penalty, but she is straight up guilty, cold, psychopathic, unremorseful, and scary! So she should get the death penalty and then sit in a cell on death row for years. Life in prison in the general population would be just a walk in the park for her. I don't care, DO NOT CARE, how much of a ladies man they try to make TA out to be, he did not deserve this. No one does!

i'm new too so hi to another newbie.

i think travis was a nice guy who had an intense sexual relationship with this girl and had a hard time ending it. i also think he was pretty naive about just how bat***** crazy she was.

i also think most men don't feel physically threatened by women----like we really couldn't hurt them that much because they could stop us. fatal mistake in this case.
Still wondering what the specific training is in a criminologist curriculum qualifies one to determine if Jodi is on meds for court? Or the level of study beyond abnormal psychology that would trump the "godfather of psychopathy" dr hare?

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Personally I do not think Jodi is on meds, they are so hit and miss, docs prescribe many different meds before getting one that may work, side effects and so on, she was very controlled and calm in her police interviews, same thing here
Game on. Back in court and there is a defense objection to introduction of evidence.
I think she still thinks she is going to get away with this.
"Attack the post, NOT the poster," basically. :)

Oh, ok. Thanks. Hopefully, I never do either, lol. :angel:

Hi everyone. I am a new poster. Been reading all the comments since the start of the trial. Anyone who has any sympathy or understanding for Jodi Arias, or even thinks that she had a reason to kill TA is really lacking in common sense. I never agreed with a death penalty, but she is straight up guilty, cold, psychopathic, unremorseful, and scary! So she should get the death penalty and then sit in a cell on death row for years. Life in prison in the general population would be just a walk in the park for her. I don't care, DO NOT CARE, how much of a ladies man they try to make TA out to be, he did not deserve this. No one does!

Welcome fellow Hoosier! We share a state, and an opinion about this case as well. They clearly grow them smart in the midwest, lol. :rocker:
That is the most maddening interview since CA..........OMG I need to be sedated.....how in the hello..........I want to scream and I was not the cop... God love him..I bet he wanted to just poke his eye out with that dang pen she was drawing pictures of her SD card!!!!!!!!!!!! Who freaking does that???

Thank you for letting me vent...DH does not get it,lol.
That makes sense belimom. I had a mental picture of everyone that buys a new vehicle in the USA running around with an active GPS tracker somewhere inside their car and I would be screaming about my rights to privacy if this is true.

Besides if that is true I would have heard of the impact it has made on reducing the number of stolen car and increasing the number of recovered cars.
Remember the detective testified about having told JA things that were not true, as an interrogation strategy/technique. Like, first he told her that the picture card was destroyed and later he told her that in fact it was not destroyed and oh, by the way, here are sexy nude photos of you and Travis, and here is a photo of you murdering Travis. He may have (falsely) told her that he had GPS tracking proof in hopes of finally eliciting her confession.

I haven't been following this case particularly closely; perhaps there is evidence somewhere concerning the rental car having a GPS tracking device but I haven't seen that evidence. And, since defense admitted in opening statements that JA killed TA, whether or not there really was a GPS tracking device on JA's rental car is probably moot at this point.

Always only my own opinions
what are they trying to introduce as evidence? is it more video or something else?
"I'm all for the 10 Commandments, thou shall not kill....but...."

Then the detective cut her off. I wanted to hear what she was gonna say after that "but".

Probably...."but for me, they're just the 10 SUGGESTIONS!":banghead::banghead:
I agree! I'm really enjoying this discussion board courtesy of Websleuths and would hate to see it shut down because of personal attacks.

Back to the case. Does anyone know if this video they are showing is the one where Jodi changes her story and says that 2 other people killed TA?

I think that is the day after this
JA has a tiny pencil. Is that so she can't stab someone????
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