Identified! Greece - LIVING 4 year old, with Roma couple, Oct'13 - #1

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I also wanted to add, there are plenty of US Citizens that are and have committed welfare fraud. There are those who have falsely collected money on tax returns by claiming children who are not theres, or do not live with them. I saw a documentary a yr or so ago about how some families were collecting tens of thousands of dollars by saying example 23 people, mostly children were living in their mobile home. When in reality they were never there. Just saying this claiming children for monetary purposes is not just a ROMA thing, it happens here as well.
I agree with your post, I would also say that I have been to the border of the US and Mexico and there is pandering/begging from the Mexican children and has been going on for yrs and yrs. Does this mean that all those children are abused and should be taken from their parents? I think it is just their culture and it is very hard for those who are not like them to understand. I try very hard to see it from other perspectives as I know we/our culture is not the norm everywhere. I certainly do not condone kidnapping or child/human trafficking at all but I try not to judge someone because of how they are raised and what culture they are raised in.

If they did that in the US, I presume it's very possible these children would be removed from their parents.
They are her family,

The only family she has ever known. Blood and a piece of paper mean nothing to that 6 yr old child ripped away from the only family she's ever known. Put yourself in her shoes.

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Real loving family never forces children to begg (work) for them. I think she is happy not being on the street begging
Noooo! She does not look Scandinavian at all----> she looks Eastern Bloc like Latvian, Chechen, Georgian, or maybe even Polish.

I was going here too.... former Soviet Bloc for sure. I think the BUlgarian connection is what's steering me here, along with her physical features.
If they did that in the US, I presume it's very possible these children would be removed from their parents.

You can not measure every culture in the world by using a USA yardstick or your own personal standard.

FYI many gypsy children in the US do not attend school.

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You can not measure every culture in the world by using a USA yardstick or your own personal standard.

FYI many gypsy children in the US do not attend school.

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I am pretty sure if you live in a country you have to follow its laws. You can't just hide behind a culture and do things that are illegal under the country's laws. I also don't think that the fact that children don't attend school is anything to be admired.
I was going here too.... former Soviet Bloc for sure. I think the BUlgarian connection is what's steering me here, along with her physical features.

She looks much more scandinavian to me than slavic.
They are investigating Bulgarian connection because the "parents" claimed they got her from a Bulgarian couple (at least in one of the versions).
The possibility of a Canadian connection might be unlikely, but not out of the realms of possibility imo.


October 26th, 2011

"TORONTO -- As many as 50 Hungarian Roma a day are filing refugee claims at Pearson airport, putting a strain on airport staff and medical services, according to border services officials.

A record 110 claimants arrived at the airport one night last week, creating a challenge for immigration and security personnel working to process them, officers say.

The Hungarian Roma are a stateless ethnic group that considers the name "Gypsy" derogatory.

Entire Roma families, from babies to grandmothers, are getting off flights and claiming refugee protection at Pearson, alleging they're being persecuted by "skinheads or Neo-Nazis" in their homeland, border officers said.

Frontline officers at Pearson said extra staff had to be called in last week when the 110 claimants landed. Staff worked throughout the night to process them before they were released to shelters or the care of family members.

Officers said many of the refugee seniors and children suffer from health issues and expressed concern they're placing a burden on the health-care system.

Hungarian citizens do not require a visa to travel to Canada and Hungary has been a leading source of refugee claimants in recent years, according to the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB).

Some 2,400 Hungarian refugee claimants were referred to the IRB for hearings in 2009. There were 2,300 in 2010 and about 2,500 from January to September of this year".
Just wondering when the Irwins are going to step forward and say that the girl is NOT Lisa? Makes me crazy,, to allow another agency entertain the idea makes me sad.. Money and time wasted when Irwins knew from the start.
I am pretty sure if you live in a country you have to follow its laws. You can't just hide behind a culture and do things that are illegal under the country's laws. I also don't think that the fact that children don't attend school is anything to be admired.


I think it's truly sad that a good quality free education isn't a world wide practice.

I simply understand it isn't.

IMO what's even more upsetting to me are places where there is free education in place and it's not appreciated or utilized to its fullest extend.

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You can not measure every culture in the world by using a USA yardstick or your own personal standard.

FYI many gypsy children in the US do not attend school.

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It's a human rights yardstick, and it's global. To paraphrase Hillary Clinton: Children's rights are human rights. IMO, justifying child abuse with "culture" is just plain wrong. It's like defending the "culture" behind the 8-year old "bride" who died of internal injuries on her wedding night. JMO. OMO. MOO.
It's a human rights yardstick, and it's global. To paraphrase Hillary Clinton: Children's rights are human rights. IMO, justifying child abuse with "culture" is just plain wrong. It's like defending the "culture" behind the 8-year old "bride" who died of internal injuries on her wedding night. JMO. OMO. MOO.

What abuse are you talking about? begging? If begging is child abuse, then millions of children, all over the world are being abused.

In a perfect world no one would beg and no one would ever be hungry. I don't live in a perfect world. I live in reality.

There is no 8 year old being raped in this thread.

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Real loving family never forces children to begg (work) for them. I think she is happy not being on the street begging

I'd rather see a child dancing in the street than sewing in a sweatshop 12 hours a day in China. But those Chinese kids need to eat too.

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It's a human rights yardstick, and it's global. To paraphrase Hillary Clinton: Children's rights are human rights. IMO, justifying child abuse with "culture" is just plain wrong. It's like defending the "culture" behind the 8-year old "bride" who died of internal injuries on her wedding night. JMO. OMO. MOO.

The first principle of human rights is to recognize your own ethnocentrism
(we all have it) and disengage it when deciding the rights of the rest of the world.

The first principle of human rights is to recognize your own ethnocentrism
(we all have it) and disengage it when deciding the rights of the rest of the world.


:) excellent post! Thank you button wasn't enough:)

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I'd rather see a child dancing in the street than sewing in a sweatshop 12 hours a day in China. But those Chinese kids need to eat too.

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Right and Hillary Clinton and the gang give China preferred trade status. Shows how much she really Cares about those children and the Human rights huh?
What abuse are you talking about? begging? If begging is child abuse, then millions of children, all over the world are being abused.

In a perfect world no one would beg and no one would ever be hungry. I don't live in a perfect world. I live in reality.

There is no 8 year old being raped in this thread.

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I tend to see it as forced labor/slavery for the most part. Don't get me wrong and think that I would have parents arrested or kids taken away because of one time begging. The BBC documentary and some others, and whether Roma or some other culture, typically shows some children are forced to beg for many hours a day while the adult is simply the handler. The BBC documentary also shows how the child is trained/groomed including being hit with a hand or stick if they come back empty handed. I understand needing to eat and such, but I believe this is children being used as beggars is usually mistreatment of children. In some countries, again not Roma, they try to get tourists and such to not give them money because it is only keeping the children in these positions. I also believe society needs to try and help the impoverished - somewhere the two need to meet so that things can change.
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