Greta 8-22

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The moderator of that site identified him due to pics he sent. Then he was put in contact with Greta from that site....and tonite the stories matched up! I'm sure Greta verified it all before putting that on the air.
he sent pictures to identify himself?

okay this is me
she checked him out but didn't say he was Rick right? So I am still lost.

ETA:Why do we have faith in what this guy is saying?

Why do we have faith in unverified psychics but are giving this guy such a hard time? I don't get it?
No way - no how. and definitely NOT YEARS. I have witnessed first hand (poor friend choices over the years) go down in flames (some even 6 feet under now) over drugs. Casey does not show any signs of serious drug addiction - and I mean addiction to many various drugs.

Not if she just got started within the past year or so. She's just 22 y/o.
The rotten teeth, sores, etc come later.

She looks bulimic to me, also... the bulging eyes, the capped teeth.
he sent pictures to identify himself?

okay this is me

Well I'm only speaking from what the mod stated. And he did post pics of himself and his father, along with himself and cindy. I'm not here to argue, I'm just filling u in since the thread here was locked, and Greta's story matched up to his posts.
I truly beg to differ. When the drugs really start flowing - signs are quite obvious and this happens rather quickly once they start flowing. I have seen this - many times with many different people.

There are MANY functional addicts. Most cocaine users are high achievers in the upper income brackets. You would never know they used cocaine if you met them out somewhere. Most never consider they even have a problem until their late 30s.........Heroin is another deceiver when used recreationally for a few years. Ecstasy is used often with no physical results for years.

Unless they are a crack addict, they usually go down slow.
It's funny, Swag, when I posted, I was thinking of "friends" and acquaintances I've known over the years with big drug problems who didn't show outward physical signs for a very long time. Different drugs, maybe?

I'm not saying that she blew all of that money on drugs. I do believe, and have from day one, that Casey and Cindy, maybe dad, too, are AT LEAST on heavy duty prescription psych drugs. And, it's very possible that Casey was mixing those with party drugs.
Rick had said that Casey had never had any mental eval before - and I don't think George or Cindy would be doing Rx drugs. They never really thought anyone had any kind of problem.

I guess I've always been a little keener on behavior and such 'cause I have always been able to pick out a druggie in a heartbeat. If you don't know what you're looking for - you miss it. I just don't think drugs played a BIG part in this. and I really don't think Casey had any kind of serious habit.
I'm embarrassed to say I do know about the current breed of loansharks. Let me state first that I DO NOT BELIEVE any of this applies to Caylee's "disapperance" so consider it O/T except that I am answering the above question. While I think this guy and all his associates are scum and I hate that I even know they exist, I can honestly say that the one thing I believe is that he never would hurt a child. I even threw it up in his face during his "confessional" and he said no one he knew would ever harm the family member of anyone they were after...something to do with their "code". Honor among thieves (and worse) I guess.
Sorry for the length of this post - I will be glad to delete it or move it if requested.
Cut some out to save space

Could Casey have 'sold' Caylee in lieu of her debt. Children bring big buck. I as an infant was sold for 15,000.00 in 1959. Gray market. Mother was the seller. Black market is stolen children. All Mob connected. Won't go into any other details.
...something to do with their "code". Honor among thieves (and worse) I guess. I never heard from this freak again after the jealous LE boyfriend convo, I gave all the information I found out to a real friend in LE then tried my best to forget that I had come so close to something so insane without realizing it sooner!

Sorry for the length of this post - I will be glad to delete it or move it if requested.

I'm back for this one post...have to respond. I KNOW what you mean. I lived in that world. There IS a code. They do not hurt kids. I've hung w/ the baddest Bikers...and gone to their kids birthday are cherished.

That's my 2 cents. Take it for what you will.
Greta would have checked him out. I'm sure she checks her sources out.
There are attorneys at all of the TV networks whose job it is to go over this stuff in advance of air to make sure the parent company isn't exposed to a potential lawsuit.
Why do we have faith in unverified psychics but are giving this guy such a hard time? I don't get it?
I don;t have faith in unverified psychics??!!

I am not opposed to him being who you say . I do find it strange that he would gossip about his family anonymously to Greta at a time like this. If he has important info he should take it to LE and stay off the TV. Just to be a stand up kind of guy.
that's just my opinion.
Correct - greta reported all the stuff we already heard through Rick - Greta only called him "a source" - but I truly believe Greta had to have checked him out before reporting this.

Maybe she is just giving info she read from his posts. I am sure she verified it was him but was there really any new info??? Don't you think if she interviewed him she would have something more than that which we have already known for two days.
i believe wishingtree's point is most of them will NOT involve children
I'm a lurker but I just wanted to throw out there that she could have been using pills like vicodin or oxy's. You can spend a pretty penny real quick and not necessarily look strung out.
And do this ALL the time - like every night or every other night - and not show any signs? No - sorry - just my opinion - but don't think so.
I don;t have faith in unverified psychics??!!

I am not opposed to him being who you say . I do find it strange that he would gossip about his family anonymously to Greta at a time like this. If he has important info he should take it to LE and stay off the TV. Just to be a stand up kind of guy.
that's just my opinion.

But that's what your lasts posts were about. I understand if you feel like he shouldn't be on TV. But that doesn't make him a fraud, IMO>
Cut some out to save space

Could Casey have 'sold' Caylee in lieu of her debt. Children bring big buck. I as an infant was sold for 15,000.00 in 1959. Gray market. Mother was the seller. Black market is stolen children. All Mob connected. Won't go into any other details.
Wow - sorry! Hope you don't mind if I ask? How did you every find out and did you have a normal, happy childhood?
she checked him out but didn't say he was Rick right? So I am still lost.

ETA:Why do we have faith in what this guy is saying?

So, why don't we name the thread "the SOURCE"? As in Greta source, then what Greta presented could be discussed, no? A suggestion...NOW...I'm gone!

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