Greta - August 18, 2008

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
It may not be back, but Cindy said it smelled like a dead body, LE said it smelled like a dead body, the dogs (2 of them said it smelled like a dead body). If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck,'s a duck.

I know that several of us on right now that are in law or LE that could argue this all night. I personally am not going to argue with you. This is the second thread where you have been rude to me and I want to keep up with the pertinent info.

I have never been rude to you. If you think i have please point it out. I dont call people names, i may disagree but thats my right. And while i think there is dna evidence, its not back yet, i just like keeping it with what we know as fact.
I vote for both! Let Bounty Man get the cell next to her so he can get her to "Crack"... and monitor her.. LOL

But I'm pretty sure toenail polish is considered contraband in Cowboy will have to come up with a new high-pressure tactic!
You know I'm almost convinced that Casey is a COMPLETE IDIOT! She refuses visit after visit with her family, yet she wants to return home... Does she think her life at home would not be monitored?? Why not just stay in jail where she is "safe"...
So is this LEGAL???
dunno - I just know that's how they catch these bad guys down here all the time. There is a strip mall near me and I see the SWAT / DEA teams assmebling there when they are getting ready to raid - I think they use those vans to make sure the ones they want are where they want them before they go in. So don't know if they use the surveillance vans in court once they bust them with the goods.
maybe we can sue in a class action law suit on behalf of all the WS posters for emotional distress.
As much as I hate to see Casey get out, in a way I'm hopeful. I think between Cindy, George and Casey, somebody will blow....

Lee can blow. He knows the truth that's why he has been out of the picture. He knows everything Casey has said has been total BS! Not half truths. Complete stinking to the high heaven BS! Lee what happened to Caylee?
You know I'm almost convinced that Casey is a COMPLETE IDIOT! She refuses visit after visit with her family, yet she wants to return home... Does she think her life at home would not be monitored?? Why not just stay in jail where she is "safe"...

And why does Baez want her out!!!? I agree, she will crack & the FBI will be listening . . .
dunno - I just know that's how they catch these bad guys down here all the time. There is a strip mall near me and I see the SWAT / DEA teams assmebling there when they are getting ready to raid - I think they use those vans to make sure the ones they want are where they want them before they go in. So don't know if they use the surveillance vans in court once they bust them with the goods.

May I ask what state you are in? Are you in Florida??
How convenient would it be IF Casey is released tomorrow and due to the incoming storm there is a power outage???? Thus no electronic monitoring right??? I would think this is a HUGE RED FLAG and bond should be denied!!!!!!!!

Cindy: "Oh da*n the electricity just went. Quick George get the flashlights, while I light candles.

George: "right.......I'll get the flashlights."

Cindy: "Casey, help me light the candles.........Casey......Casey?"
Lee can blow. He knows the truth that's why he has been out of the picture. He knows everything Casey has said has been total BS! Not half truths. Complete stinking to the high heaven BS! Lee what happened to Caylee?

I don't understand why you think that. Didn't you hear him get mad at Cowboy for saying "Your sister did something stupid."?
Heck, this is one case where who cares about the cold hard evidence. I mean, I hate to say it but its very obvious this mother is guilty, guilty, guilty. If she didn't kill her child on purpose or accidentally, then at the very least she allowed this small child to disappear and didn't even have the common decency to report it. She is also guilty, guilty, guilty of being a liar...over and over again. This one fact has kept LE from doing their job.
And what about the satelites
Yep! they use those too. But you all do know that "Big Brother" in Washington has a room where they can hone right in to your license plate or home whenever they want. I had an article way back when about this and it really tells you what Big Brother can do - if they want to. And, believe it or not its the Dept. of Health and Human Services that has this room - go figure - even the reporter in the article talks about why this isn't part of Homeland Security or Dept. of Defense. But it really makes you wonder.
This is the first time that I really realized what he was going to be doing. He will have cameras with him every chance he gets and if he is successful with this, he WILL gain viewers and may even be picked up by a better network for his show. I guess I was naive in thinking that he was just doing this behind the scenes somewhat without cameras in everyone's faces. I knew he was doing it for publicity but until now, I didn't think it would be to this extent. We will be entertained every night on NG and Greta with him and his camera shots of various people and so we will have lots to talk about but it's all at the expense of this little girl, Caylee. What a freakin' mess............

Oooooohhhh sluethmommy you are so right. When they covered the Scott Peterson case, it always felt more like looking for answers and digging and discovering the truth, like we all do here. There was meaning to it and hope for a resolution. This is just out of control. Reminds me of that movie Jim Carey made (can't remember the title), where his life was videotaped for all to see.

You opened my eyes when you stated that he will have cameras with him at every chance. I never even considered that. Oh my ...
Heck, this is one case where who cares about the cold hard evidence. I mean, I hate to say it but its very obvious this mother is guilty, guilty, guilty. If she didn't kill her child on purpose or accidentally, then at the very least she allow this small child to disappear and didn't even have the common decency to report it. She is also guilty, guilty, guilty of being a liar...over and over again. This one fact has kept LE from doing their job.

Someone said that the monitoring does not work that way. It won't 'turn off' if the power goes out.
May I ask what state you are in? Are you in Florida??
Yes I am - born and raised in Fort Lauderdale and I'm an old conch. I've seen things down here that you couldn't imagine.

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