Ground Searches & communication from LE: UPDATES

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I, to want to know more about this property and who it belongs to. I don't live in Florida so I can not even guess if it is close to anyone in either side of the family. I did email "J" about it and told him to shoot me an email if he could with an update and his thoughts...hopefully he will report something soon.

I sent him an email as well yesterday requesting more info or an update..I just found it odd that this happened days prior to the search of the Griffis property. Hopefully either you or I will hear something back from him..:)
Since we don't know everything that LE may have, some things we do know now is the reported 1 to 1 1/2 hour verified last seen statement from Tyler St. on the 911 tape. The changing of the story and timeline a few times ( 5 or 6). Not knowing which bed Haleigh slept in until RC (who wasn't there) told her. That she woke up 5 minutes before Ron got home a little before 3 and he didn't get home until 3:25. Totally unable to tell the same story twice and walking out of a police interview qualifies as "them (LE) painting you in a corner" I guess your right. Police had no reason to concentrate or question her. Not to mention we haven't even seen the phone records yet. I guess it was LE's fault for not having a grasp. I'm glad they were so forthcoming, I'm touched. I can go on but I'll stop there for now. Oh the bus and who picked Haleigh up. I know, I'm not supposed to question it.

I cant believe they'd even turn a shovel of dirt considering two well trained cadaver dogs could tell you the same thing. To dig and search only when they got a hit. I'm glad they did search the area because the next thing we'd hear is they didn't search the area.

Well even if they did find something like a body there or 50 miles away they'd have to explain how it got there. I'd still like to think there was a live Haleigh Cummings, people would't be in so much trouble.


This is an interesting statement. Why bring cadaver dogs if you aren't going to rely upon them ?
Hi texasmommy, my I bolded a statement, sometimes we think along the same lines and sometimes you post something that gets my thought process moving along....and that is a good thing. I just wanted to say that I don't think LE ever said that ALL RSO's were cleared. I believe what happened was that Soffenders were interviewed and their homes were searched. I can't find an article that states all the sex offenders in the 5 mile radius were "cleared" I could be wrong though so if you find that somewhere I would love to read it!

Also the fact that you state that a stranger abduction was ruled out bewilders me. Yes it most likely was someone that Haleigh knew. Someone that Haleigh often saw around Green Lane or Tyler Street or such. But that can't automatically lead us to believe that it was someone in the family that did this. The Bards owned the home that Ronald rented, they stated in an interview that they saw Haleigh playing outside and she and her brother ran over often to talk to her while she was hanging clothes on the line. Now that tells me that Haleigh was a happy FRIENDLY child that talked to neighbors. Perhaps not a stranger.....but anyone that had been to the home, or lived near the home should not be ruled out as a potential suspect because, well I look at it like this. My children play outside my home and know all the adults in my cul de sac, and my family all lives in new York! Not one person around here is related to me. My kids see the people who live in this circle everyday. Many times a day. Much more than they see any family members. Now, I know most people spend more time with their family, but if you honestly think about it, don't you think your kids know who are around them?

My point is only I can't rule out anyone, family or neighbors....but especially sex offenders that might have passed by Haleigh and waved to her out the window every single day. 44 in a 5 mile radius to be exact. Yes, Misty is the key, but only cause I think you can't take very good care of a child when you are sleeping or out to have a smoke or sneaked(is that a out.
Thats it!!:)

LOL glad to be of some help elle1919.
I guess I need to state, yes I am suspisious of the Sheffield/Griffis family, but, no I do not know who did it or why and how.
Misty is still on my list and will be until there is a arrest.
I also need to cover my (BUT) statements with IMO.
Back on topic now........
When I stated that the RSO had been ruled out; I meant the RSO in the 5 mile radius, but, can safely say it is unlikely that LE overlooked all others outside that 5 mile radius. You are correct in the fact that any SO in the area would be under the radar and should not be ruled out,but, I would of thought a public awareness effort from LE would of been in the works by now and if it is a SO it is possibly a family member.
You do make a good point about children knowing who is around them, but, would bet my last dollar that it is not a known neighbor that took HaLeigh.
Now your last comment about not being able to take very good care of a child while you are sleeping is a little harsh, we all have to sleep and it is normal to be asleep at night while your children are asleep. I do not find this a crime if it were we all would be locked up.:blowkiss:
IMO misty was asleep and was awoken by something,but, responded (got up out of bed) to late to stop the abduction. I do not believe Misty really understood what was going on until it was to late. IMO
I won't go into my personal comments on Crystal's statement, but how did she "KNOW" nothing would found there? She spoke with great certainty.

SS IMO the fact that she finally said something about Haleigh in front of a camera is astonishing. I can not help but feel the Sheffields and Griffis are now under the micrscope :clap:
I also agree with many that the expence and manpower where not for the benifit of the Sheffield/Griffis family,but, the benifit of the investigation.
I won't go into my personal comments on Crystal's statement, but how did she "KNOW" nothing would found there? She spoke with great certainty.

SS IMO the fact that she finally said something about Haleigh in front of a camera is astonishing. I can not help but feel the Sheffields and Griffis are now under the micrscope :clap:
I also agree with many that the expence and manpower where not for the benifit of the Sheffield/Griffis family,but, the benifit of the investigation.

Probably in the same manner as you knowing if they came to your yard, they would find nothing: Because she has faith and trusts her family that they did not perpetrate a crime against her daughter and that she herself has done nothing wrong.

For months, I've heard hue and cry about getting a search out at the Griffis place. The search found nothing. The scene was cleared. That makes two (three if you count the other search yesterday as a separate one) places that have been searched and checked off LE's list. Where to next?
Probably in the same manner as you knowing if they came to your yard, they would find nothing: Because she has faith and trusts her family that they did not perpetrate a crime against her daughter and that she herself has done nothing wrong.

For months, I've heard hue and cry about getting a search out at the Griffis place. The search found nothing. The scene was cleared. That makes two (three if you count the other search yesterday as a separate one) places that have been searched and checked off LE's list. Where to next?

so true,I am so thankful that they are actually searching anything,it puts her back into the news.
I suppose it might be because she knows she buried Haleigh somewhere else. But then again, it might be because she's certain that she and her family didn't hide Haleigh and doesn't believe anyone else would have buried her on their property either.

But there's just no way for her to win, is there?
If she's sure that nothing will be found at her home, you appear to think it's suspicious. But if she was uncertain, and scared that something would be found at her home, you'd think it was suspicious too... (and so would I).

Right, good grief, Crystal is the last person that should be suspect. LE cleared her in the beginning. I gather the Cummings family spreading rumors to stir up the fire. Why didn't LE drug test Misty at the time of Haleigh's disappearance?? Did LE ever come up with a reason why the van had a dent in it, the same day Haleigh went missing~ Hello!?!
Probably in the same manner as you knowing if they came to your yard, they would find nothing: Because she has faith and trusts her family that they did not perpetrate a crime against her daughter and that she herself has done nothing wrong.

For months, I've heard hue and cry about getting a search out at the Griffis place. The search found nothing. The scene was cleared. That makes two (three if you count the other search yesterday as a separate one) places that have been searched and checked off LE's list. Where to next?

I wonder how many vehicles, including boats, were searched on the properties?
There are a few more places ( properties) in Baker County that I hope they search.
Early on, I did find some interesting coincidences (Griffis and Sapp) and wonder still if there is a connection.
I have heard they are also looking in a few other states, but, have not found anything to confirm these claims.
Florida's LE and social services in every County and in every nearby state need to be investigating every lead that has came in over the last 5 months. Not just the ones that are directly related but, MIGHT be in some way related.
I keep thinking she will be found alive.
I keep hoping someone, other than those with an intrest to keep her hidden, knows something (or suspects)at this point, and could very well come forward and help solve this case. IMO it will not be much longer until something is revealed and we will have a little more of the TRUTH, and enable us to understand a possible motive and suspects. All OF THIS IS MY OPINION :)

LOL glad to be of some help elle1919.
I guess I need to state, yes I am suspisious of the Sheffield/Griffis family, but, no I do not know who did it or why and how.
Misty is still on my list and will be until there is a arrest.
I also need to cover my (BUT) statements with IMO.
Back on topic now........
When I stated that the RSO had been ruled out; I meant the RSO in the 5 mile radius, but, can safely say it is unlikely that LE overlooked all others outside that 5 mile radius. You are correct in the fact that any SO in the area would be under the radar and should not be ruled out,but, I would of thought a public awareness effort from LE would of been in the works by now and if it is a SO it is possibly a family member.
You do make a good point about children knowing who is around them, but, would bet my last dollar that it is not a known neighbor that took HaLeigh.
Now your last comment about not being able to take very good care of a child while you are sleeping is a little harsh, we all have to sleep and it is normal to be asleep at night while your children are asleep. I do not find this a crime if it were we all would be locked up.:blowkiss:
IMO misty was asleep and was awoken by something,but, responded (got up out of bed) to late to stop the abduction. I do not believe Misty really understood what was going on until it was to late. IMO

First I want to say that I am sooo happy that this new search has brought on so much discussion on Haleigh. We needed this! Next, a little off topic to the thread but I just want to say texasmommy, I want to apologize for the statement I made about not being able to be a very good mommy to a child when you are sleeping. I really jumped to a conclusion on that one huh. It brought me back to when my youngest was 5, if you have ever heard me talk about my youngest you know she has severe ADHD and Bipolar mania, I woke in the morning to hear things crashing to the ground in the kitchen and she was up on top of the fridge throwing things to the floor. I know I am a good mommy and bad things and rough moments happen to us all. :)
Right, good grief, Crystal is the last person that should be suspect. LE cleared her in the beginning. I gather the Cummings family spreading rumors to stir up the fire. Why didn't LE drug test Misty at the time of Haleigh's disappearance?? Did LE ever come up with a reason why the van had a dent in it, the same day Haleigh went missing~ Hello!?!

LE did not clear her in the beginning or as of today. No one has been cleared except the AC guy.
Right, good grief, Crystal is the last person that should be suspect. LE cleared her in the beginning. I gather the Cummings family spreading rumors to stir up the fire. Why didn't LE drug test Misty at the time of Haleigh's disappearance?? Did LE ever come up with a reason why the van had a dent in it, the same day Haleigh went missing~ Hello!?!
Crystal has NOT been cleared.
Well it appears that the family property has been cleared. Now that JR is with Mom for six weeks, I wonder what other searches and plans LE has in store?
I agree.What other searches are planned?I do feel they need to be doing alot more searches and hopefully near where haleigh came up missing.Just a little further each way than they checked before.
I agree.What other searches are planned?I do feel they need to be doing alot more searches and hopefully near where haleigh came up missing.Just a little further each way than they checked before.

I am thinking this may be family property search week. Just in another county.
The cos

I wonder if LE had some undercover officers watccching the reactions of not just those on the property but elsewhere in the community? As we have been reading the search stirred up contoversy again between two parents families. I say x off this search and keep moving forward until every nook and granny is turned over in Satsuma. I don't want to live in a police state but some of these cases of children missing need to be thourly investigated even when the interviewing might be unsettleing to some. Walking away or refusing to work alongside trumps any feelings by these adults and by the adolescent in the Cummings home.
Well it appears that the family property has been cleared. Now that JR is with Mom for six weeks, I wonder what other searches and plans LE has in store?
What would the standard summer visitation with Rj have to do with the searches?! Crystal having Rj for scheduled visitation and LE searching for Haleigh are not related, imo.
I dont know if this is the place to post this link, but I found this odd given the fact that they started searching around the Griffis property. I dont know if this is any relation to the family, but please take a look. Mods if this needs to be moved please do cause I am not sure where it belongs but I sure would like some thoughts on it:

Unoccupied trailer destroyed

The home owned by Jordan Gr***** and his wife was unoccupied and no one was injured. A neighbor alerted authorities about 3:15 pm and both the county and city fire departments responded with close to 20 personnel, three engines and two tanker units.

OK, I got an email back today regarding the trailer. Not sure how I should post the reply from J. so I just copied and pasted what he had to say about the trailer. I hope that is OK...if not, Mod's please let me know how I can share this info. Thank You...I also asked him about the truck...will update when I hear back.

From: "Joel A." <>
Re: Your article about the trailer that burned down and the search for Haleigh????
Part of Reply: The stories are not related. The owner of the trailer was Jordan G., but I don't believe he's related to Haleigh's paternal grandmother Marie. Griff's as well as about a dozen other names are VERY common in Baker County. Also, the trailer that burned was a few miles northeast of Marie Griffis' property that was being searched Friday.
What would the standard summer visitation with Rj have to do with the searches?! Crystal having Rj for scheduled visitation and LE searching for Haleigh are not related, imo.

That is your opinion. We might be surprised what LE considers before making a move in the case. JMO
From the Polly Klaas Fundation

They will launch parallel investigations with a focus on the family and move outward. Like concentric ripples in a pond, they will look at family, friends and acquaintances, peripheral contacts, sex offenders registered in the community and finally the most frightening and daunting scenario of all: strangers.

It makes perfect sense to me that that CS's family property is being looked at now, as they started the investigation at "Ground Zero" --- the mobile home --- and are now working their way out.

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