Ground Searches & communication from LE: UPDATES

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:blowkiss: Missed ya, too!

This gave me renewed hope in LE initially. However, if they did give them advanced warning...what good would it do to search there?! What kind of Law enforcement agency calls ahead?! WTH?! :furious:

Does this mean Baker County gave preferrential treatment to the Sheffield/Griffis clan? What else could it mean?

I still have renewed hope in LE. If they gave advanced warning and something was dug up or soil seriously disturbed, it would be apparent. I personally don't feel there was preferrential treatment shown, according to press releases, Marie had asked for the property to be searched. If that was their real reason, I have no idea. I was just so tickled that we were able to see that they really haven't given up on this case. Perhaps others will now be asked to have their property searched. At this point, everyone should be giving permission and cooperating with LE. Whatever it takes to resolve this.
I still have renewed hope in LE. If they gave advanced warning and something was dug up or soil seriously disturbed, it would be apparent. I personally don't feel there was preferrential treatment shown, according to press releases, Marie had asked for the property to be searched. If that was their real reason, I have no idea. I was just so tickled that we were able to see that they really haven't given up on this case. Perhaps others will now be asked to have their property searched. At this point, everyone should be giving permission and cooperating with LE. Whatever it takes to resolve this.

Exactly, whatever it takes to advance this case the families should be doing. If families are not cooperating I want to know about it. Interviews, polygraphs, whatever it takes to work through all the finger pointing. Sure it's uncomfortable but this case isn't about the families, it's about finding Haleigh.
I don't recall the maternal great grandfather's name. I am just delighted they are conducting an all out search on their properties. It would be great if anyone owning the surrounding land would simply give them the green light to search further tho.

I'm also delighted they're searching in Baker County, on Crystal's relative's property. Maybe a thorough search, if it turns up nothing, will put all the nasty rumors to rest once and for all.
I'm also delighted they're searching in Baker County, on Crystal's relative's property. Maybe a thorough search, if it turns up nothing, will put all the nasty rumors to rest once and for all.

That's doubtful, if it isn't one thing it will be another. I hope all the grandmas have consented to polygraphs to advance this case and get through all the mud slinging. Cooperating with LE is essential to moving this case forward.
That's doubtful, if it isn't one thing it will be another. I hope all the grandmas have consented to polygraphs to advance this case and get through all the mud slinging. Cooperating with LE is essential to moving this case forward.


Why would any family member, or friend, do anything other than provide LE with every bit of assistance they ask for in the search for this sweet little girl ? :confused:

At a minimum:

1. Maintain open communcations with LE
2. Provide only honest information to LE
3. Provide ready access to their property for LE to search

As you noted, cooperation with LE is the key to finding Haleigh. Those who truely want her found will be cooperating at every opportunity to do so.
IMO it seems they gave Good Ol' boy curtisies to the Sheffield/Griffis family from the very begining.
I see why this is so frustrating to them. No matter what they do, people find fault. Marie has been asking for the property to be searched. So now it is LE doing the job and giving heads up and it just goes on.... They are helping rule out some of the rumors and eliminating places to search. They are cooperating with LE. I don't think either family took her. Neither motive bans out if you go over it.
IMO it seems they gave Good Ol' boy curtisies to the Sheffield/Griffis family from the very begining.

I am really not wanting to start an argument about this but I can't figure out why someone would feel this way - you have every right to - but I just don't see it. It may seem like they are being extended some curtesy because they are cooperating. That doesn't mean they are any more or less responsible for Haleigh's missing I realize, but they are not hiding.
I see why this is so frustrating to them. No matter what they do, people find fault. Marie has been asking for the property to be searched. So now it is LE doing the job and giving heads up and it just goes on.... They are helping rule out some of the rumors and eliminating places to search. They are cooperating with LE. I don't think either family took her. Neither motive bans out if you go over it.[/QUOTE

The motive is not as easy to understand at this moment because we do not have a confirmed suspect yet.
I can not rule out this side of the family just because their property has been searched 4 1/2 months later and a dead and buried horse was uncovered that they claimed was there. The fact that HaLeigh has not been found yet and LE is now claiming they are now rechecking property (Sheffield/Griffis) they did not thoroughly search from the beginning is a indicator of where they are investigating now.
I guess the key didn't fit the door they have been focused on since the beginning.
I would bet if LE keeps up the searching into the Sheffield and Griffis side they will find the answers.
I am really not wanting to start an argument about this but I can't figure out why someone would feel this way - you have every right to - but I just don't see it. It may seem like they are being extended some curtesy because they are cooperating. That doesn't mean they are any more or less responsible for Haleigh's missing I realize, but they are not hiding.

There is no reason to argue. We can speculate all day long about who, why and how, but, will not know the truth till an arrest is made.
IMO LE has indicated that a family member is behind this crime. Have I missed something?
At least this search got Haleigh's name in the news. I am thankful for that.
There is no reason to argue. We can speculate all day long about who, why and how, but, will not know the truth till an arrest is made.
IMO LE has indicated that a family member is behind this crime. Have I missed something?

There is no reason to argue. We can speculate all day long about who, why and how, but, will not know the truth till an arrest is made.
IMO LE has indicated that a family member is behind this crime. Have I missed something?

I was just responding to curtesy being extended to one side of the family, that's what I didn't understand. But that's ok. And you are right, we don't know. I am not so committed to any one family over the other that I hope I can try to see where others are coming from. All day yesterday I was hoping they would find nothing - only because I don't want them to find bones, am hoping for a hidden child somewhere.
No, I don't have it ALL solved, just don't recall LE indicating it was a family member who was involved, even though I believe there was. Of course, that's just my opinion and I'd hate for anyone to think I was stating fact. However, I think you may have missed the part where LE said no one has been cleared. I took that to mean SOs, RSOs, drug-dealing enemies, and assorted family members. But, let me qualify, never once did I think Crystal had anything to do with this.
No, I don't have it ALL solved, just don't recall LE indicating it was a family member who was involved, even though I believe there was. Of course, that's just my opinion and I'd hate for anyone to think I was stating fact. However, I think you may have missed the part where LE said no one has been cleared. I took that to mean SOs, RSOs, drug-dealing enemies, and assorted family members. But, let me qualify, never once did I think Crystal had anything to do with this.

RSO- Ruled out
SO-No warnings to the public. Ruled out.
Stranger- Crime was commited by someone that knew Haleigh. Ruled out.
That leaves the Family.
I do not believe I missed anything.
I do not understand the side taking in a child abduction case.
Someone took this child and untill she is found everybody is a suspect.
By the way I am not ruling out Misty,but, believe that another with in Haleighs Family commited this crime.
RSO- Ruled out
SO-No warnings to the public. Ruled out.
Stranger- Crime was commited by someone that knew Haleigh. Ruled out.
That leaves the Family.
I do not believe I missed anything.
I do not understand the side taking in a child abduction case.
Someone took this child and untill she is found everybody is a suspect.
By the way I am not ruling out Misty,but, believe that another with in Haleighs Family commited this crime.

With out a clear time line you can't rule out RSO, SO that we don't know about, neighbors, family, friends, enemies. You have to know WHEN she was taken to KNOW WHEN these people need an alibi. The last I heard, no one was cleared, just the AC guy.

I will say it again, I don't think Crystal or Ron did this. I really feel both families are victims and deserve some respect until there is evidence that says otherwise.
When you get back to the basics of the case, it all falls back to Misty. I think Crystal and her family are just at the end of a nasty campaign by outside sources, but in their corner is the fact that they have been open and helpful as much as possible... but I seriously doubt that this search will stop those that want to pull Crystal and that family through the mud.

Misty is the key... too much points in her direction for her not to be...
With out a clear time line you can't rule out RSO, SO that we don't know about, neighbors, family, friends, enemies. You have to know WHEN she was taken to KNOW WHEN these people need an alibi. The last I heard, no one was cleared, just the AC guy.

I will say it again, I don't think Crystal or Ron did this. I really feel both families are victims and deserve some respect until there is evidence that says otherwise.
I don't think Ron or Crystal had anything to do with Haleigh being missing either.I do strongly believe Misty is the key.People need to just start talking now.I hope they will continue to do ground searches everywhere.
When you get back to the basics of the case, it all falls back to Misty. I think Crystal and her family are just at the end of a nasty campaign by outside sources, but in their corner is the fact that they have been open and helpful as much as possible... but I seriously doubt that this search will stop those that want to pull Crystal and that family through the mud.

Misty is the key... too much points in her direction for her not to be...

She is the key, because she was in the home with both kids, in the same room. My only question is, was she deeply in sleep that all this happened and she didn't wake, or was she home at all, or was someone in the MH that night and Misty passed out and when she woke, Haleigh was gone?

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